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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 31, Jan - British Papers Falsely Incriminate Bradley Manning

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:38 AM
Subject: CC Issue 31, Jan - British Papers Falsely Incriminate Bradley Manning

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Binu Mathew

British Papers Falsely Incriminate Bradley Manning
By WikiLeaks

The Telegraph this evening ran a story on tomorrow's Wikileaks book by the Guardian editors David Leigh and Luke Harding - just one of several books in a publishing run by Wikileaks' media partners. Among the revelations forthcoming in that volume is the rather stale information that Bradley Manning is alleged to be Wikileaks' anonymous source for Cablegate and the War Log releases

60 Minutes: Putting The BS In CBS
By David Swanson

The value of the "60 Minutes" video is in its potential to inform us about CBS and the corporate media in the United States, of which it is a typical or even above average example. 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft shot six hours of interview with Assange, which "60 Minutes" cut down to snippets for tv viewing. Some decent questions may have been asked. If so, they didn't make the cut

'Mega Protest' Planned In Egypt
By Al Jazeera

Egyptian protesters have called for a massive demonstration on Tuesday in a bid to force out president Hosni Mubarak from power. The so-called April 6 Movement said it plans to have more than a million people on the streets of the capital Cairo, as anti-government sentiment reaches a fever pitch

How Much Longer Can Mubarak Cling On?
By Robert Fisk

Robert Fisk reports from Cairo on the protests that refuse to die

Mohamed ElBaradei: Globalist Pied Piper Of
The Egyptian Revolt
By Paul Joseph Watson

If the Egyptians are successful in toppling Mubarak, only to replace him with ElBaradei, they will have achieved nothing, and the eventual outcome will merely see Egypt remain as a subservient client state of the US military-industrial complex

Why Obama Fears Democracy In Egypt
By Shamus Cooke

Raising Lazarus from the dead would be easier than reviving the Egyptian President. So Obama is on to plan B. And as it turns out, plan B looks a lot like the status-quo, minus a change of face. The new face is a man handpicked by the U.S., Mohamed ElBaradei, a UN bureaucrat who hasn't lived in Egypt in decades and is virtually unknown by the Egyptian people. Placing ElBaradei in power will take behind the scenes political maneuvering combined with military repression, a plan that will collide with the revolutionary demands of the people

Revolutionary Change In Egypt:
Internal or Made in USA?
By Stephen Lendman

Though protesters want Mubarak out, anti-American signs aren't evident or reports of Washington's longstanding pernicious influence. Reform, however, requires ending it. Otherwise, new faces will continue old policies leaving deep-rooted hardships unaddressed

What Corruption And Force Have
Wrought In Egypt
By Chris Hedges

The uprising in Egypt, although united around the nearly universal desire to rid the country of the military dictator Hosni Mubarak, also presages the inevitable shift within the Arab world away from secular regimes toward an embrace of Islamic rule

Middle East At Strategic Crossroads, U.S. As Well
By Nicola Nasser

Any change in the regional status quo would place the Middle East at a strategic crossroads that is not expected to be viewed tolerantly by the U.S. – Israeli alliance, a fact which expectedly would warn of a fierce struggle to come

Will Mubarak's Regime Collapse?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

The Egyptian people ought to be extra careful that their revolution is not hijacked by some opportunists within the armed forces, or by stage-managed actors whose loyalty is more for their foreign masters than to their own people

Game Over Mubarak
By Marwan Asmar

We are yet to see how far this war of wills will go on, but everyone is expecting the fall of a very tough regime that has been holding Egypt hostage by the scruff of the neck and smothering its people. Today many are saying Egyptian have regained their pride of place in the Arab world regardless of what is the final outcome

Ameer Makhoul Jailed For Nine Years
By Stephen Lendman

Palestinian human rights defender and activist Ameer Makhoul was sentenced to nine years in jail on Sunday, 30 January on charges of spying and contact with a foreign agent. Makhoul, who serves as General Director of Ittijah – The Union of Arab Community-Based Associations and Chairman of the Public Committee for the Protection of Political Freedoms, was arrested on 6 May 2010, by the Israeli General Security Service and police

Can The Palestinian Authority Survive?
By Jonathan Cook

Our leaders are negotiating the terms of our imprisonment

Palestine Papers … Uncovering The Well-Known
By Dr. Elias Akleh

Robert Fisk stated in his article "The Palestine Papers are as damning as the Balfour Declaration". This is actually far worse than Balfour Declaration. We would expect Zionist British Balfour to betray Palestinians, but we would not have expected the PA, who claims to struggle for Palestinians' rights and to establish Palestinian state, to betray their own Palestinian brothers

Real Or Imaginary Cuts In The Pentagon Budget?
By Dr. Peter Custers

Pentagon plans, in fact, to spend a robust 553 Billion US Dollars in the year 2011/2012, and that this represents no slimmed budget at all, but a 13 Billion Dollar increase, i.e. 3 percent growth after inflation, over the current military budget. And if one were careful enough to read till the end, one would mark that even this is far from the full story. For the 553 Billion US Dollars do not yet include the yearly allocations for the US's wars in the Middle East

The War - Did We Sacrifice A Million Lives
And A $Trillion Cash Just To Hand Our Jobs
To China? Part III
By Nicholas C. Arguimbau

Our hand-picked governments in Afghanistan and Iraq snub us and befriend China

The War - Did We Sacrifice A Million Lives
And A $Trillion Cash Just To Hand Our Jobs
To China? Part IV
By Nicholas C. Arguimbau

So we have our work cut out for us. We don't have much time, because with the active support of our government and businesses and no significant opposition, China may be able to achieve 100% control of the oil reserves by 2025. We need a government that will not "give away the store," as both parties have become accustomed to doing with impunity

POSCO Project Gets Conditional Nod

The environment ministry Monday gave conditional clearance to South Korean steel major Posco's $12 billion project in Odisha, the biggest foreign direct investment in the country. The MInistry of Environment and forest has taken the stand that the controversial POSCO project can proceed if the Orissa government gives it an assurance that no person in the area satisfies the eligibility conditions under the Forest Rights Act

100 Academics Call For New Mideast Foreign Policy
By Institute for Public Accuracy

Over one hundred academics and other specialists have signed this just-released statement

The Fiery Onslaught On Your Food
While You Pretend To Be Sleeping
By Devinder Sharma

Why can't we resurrect food and agriculture from the destructive controls of the industry? Is it because we are afraid to speak up against wrong? Is it because our mind is in perpetual fear?

RBI Backs Loan Sharks
By Devinder Sharma

For nearly a year and two, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been groping in the dark. It has been frequently raising the repo and reverse repo rate to tighten money supply and giving a false impression to the nation as if it can rein in food inflation. The misguided experiment failed. As Ila Patnaik had suggested in one of her columns, RBI needs to conduct research to know whether its policy recommendations can make any impact on food inflation or not

The Story Of The Accession Of
The Princely State Of Junagarh
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

The story of the integration of the Princely States of India continues to fascinate the researchers and authors who diligently wade though the piles of manuscripts and record books kept in the archives to reconstruct a picture of the bygone era

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