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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fwd: Fw: CIA organised fake vaccine drive to get DNA in Abbottabad 11 Jul 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: William Gladys <>
Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:33 PM
Subject: Fw: CIA organised fake vaccine drive to get DNA in Abbottabad 11 Jul 2011

----- Original Message -----
From: CLG_News
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 11:36 PM
Subject: CIA organised fake vaccine drive to get DNA in Abbottabad 11 Jul 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
11 Jul 2011
All links are here:

CIA organised fake vaccine drive to get DNA in Abbottabad --Senior Pakistani doctor who organised vaccine programme in Abbottabad arrested by ISI for working with US agents --In March health workers administered vaccine in poor neighbourhood on edge of Abbottabad called Nawa Sher 11 Jul 2011 The CIA organised a fake vaccination programme in the town where it believed Osama bin Laden [who died in December 2001] was hiding in an elaborate attempt to obtain DNA from the 'fugitive' al-Qaida leader's family, a Guardian investigation has found. As part of extensive preparations for the raid that killed Bin Laden in May, CIA agents recruited a senior Pakistani doctor to organise the vaccine drive in Abbottabad, even starting the "project" in a poorer part of town to make it look more authentic, according to Pakistani and US officials and local residents. [Oh-but-another reason to *run* when USociopaths approach bearing mercury-laden, squalene-filled vaccines. --LRP]
Soldiers told not to shoot Taliban bomb layers 08 Jul 2011 British soldiers who spot Taliban fighters planting roadside bombs are told not to shoot them because they do not pose an immediate threat, the Ministry of Defence has admitted. They are instead being ordered to just observe insurgents and record their position to reduce the risk of civilian casualties. The controversial policy emerged at an inquest into the death of Sgt Peter Rayner, a soldier from the 2nd Batallion The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment who was killed in October last year by an improvised explosive device as he led a patrol in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. [Soldiers were told not to shoot them because they are NOT Taliban, but rather--as CLG has asserted from the get-go--Blackwater terrorists/USociopaths planting bombs to justify/perpetuate the 'war on terror.' --LRP]
Seven US-led troops die in Afghan war 10 Jul 2011 At least Seven US-led foreign forces have lost their lives across Afghanistan over the past 24 hours amid rising attacks against foreign forces in the country. NATO says two of its servicemen were killed in a bomb and a militant attack in the south, while a third soldier was killed in the east on Sunday. The US-led military alliance did not release the nationalities of the deceased soldiers. On Saturday, four foreign soldiers, including two Americans, were killed in separate attacks.
Afghans hold anti-US demonstration 11 Jul 2011 Afghans chant slogans against Pakistani army during a rally in Jalalabad on Monday. Hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Afghanistan's eastern city of Jalalabad to protest the US occupation as well as Pakistan's cross-border attacks. About 500 demonstrators chanted anti-Pakistan and anti-US slogans and called for an immediate end to attacks on their villages.
US drone attack kills 10 in Pakistan 11 Jul 2011 A non-UN-sanctioned US airstrike has killed at least ten people and wounded several others in Pakistan's troubled tribal belt, officials say. Local security officials say the missiles fired from a US drone targeted a compound near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, a Press TV correspondent reported. The death toll is expected to rise as some of the injured are said to be in critical condition.
Rockets hit Baghdad Green Zone as Panetta visits 11 Jul 2011 Three rockets slammed into Baghdad's heavily-fortified Green Zone on Monday, wounding a woman and her children, officials said, as US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta began the second day of a visit to press Iraqi leaders on security. [Gee, looks like the horse is out of the barn on that one.] "Three rockets landed in the Green Zone at 7:30 am (04:30 GMT), and wounded a woman and her three children," the official said, adding the missiles were launched from the Shiite district of Zafraniyah in southern Baghdad.
US soldier killed in southern Iraq 10 Jul 2011 A US military statement says an American soldier has been killed in southern Iraq as the new US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has arrived in Baghdad. The soldier was killed on Sunday, bringing to three the number of American soldiers killed this month. In June, 14 US soldiers were killed, making it the most fatal month in three years for the US forces in Iraq, AFP reported.
90,000 Military Email Accounts Leaked in Latest #AntiSec Attack 11 Jul 2011 In latest tweet by AnonymousIRC, Hackers leak 90,000 military email accounts from Booz Allen Hamilton, a massive American consulting firm, for #AntiSec. Anonymous calls it "Military Meltdown Monday: Mangling Booz Allen Hamilton". The leak includes 90,000 logins of military personnel--including personnel from US CENTCOM, SOCOM, the Marine Corps, various Air Force facilities, Homeland Security, State Department staff, and what looks like private sector contractors. [Awesome!]
Syrians protest US, French meddling --'Syrians demonstrated peacefully in front of the French embassy but they were faced with bullets' - witness 11 Jul 2011 Syrian protesters have gathered outside the US and French embassies in the capital, Damascus, damaging the buildings, witnesses and officials say. Witnesses say anti-US demonstrators broke into the American diplomatic compound and smashed windows on Monday to protest against US interference in their country's internal affairs. Syrian protesters also gathered outside the French embassy in Damascus, where security guards fired warning shots to drive back protesters.
'Flytilla' activists go on hunger strike 11 Jul 2011 International activists have gone on hunger strike in two Israeli detention centers after being arrested by the Tel Aviv regime for attempting to enter occupied Palestinian territories. Dozens of "Welcome to Palestine" activist went on hunger strike on Monday in protest against their incarceration under stringent conditions in Israeli jail, a Press TV correspondent reported. The strike comes three days after Israeli forces arrested them at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport.
Using social media sites, Israel blocks airborne protest, questions dozens --Israel compiled blacklist of more than 300 names; asked airlines to keep those on list off flights to Israel --310 activists who managed to land in Tel Aviv were detained for questioning. 08 Jul 2011 Aided by Facebook, Israel on Friday prevented scores of pro-Palestinian activists from boarding Tel Aviv-bound flights in Europe, questioned dozens more upon arrival at its main airport and denied entry to 69, disrupting their attempts to reach the West Bank on a solidarity mission with the Palestinians. Israel had tracked the activists on social media sites, compiled a blacklist of more than 300 names and asked airlines to keep those on the list off flights to Israel.
NORAD intercepts 3 planes in 2 days at Obama retreat 10 Jul 2011 US fighter jets have intercepted three small planes in separate incidents this weekend over Camp David, the US presidential retreat, the North American Aerospace Defense Command has said. Two F-15E fighter jets scrambled to intercept a Cessna 182 aircraft on Sunday morning, said the bi-national US and Canadian command, which is responsible for the air defense of North America and responding to unknown or unauthorized air activity. It was forced to depart the area and landed at nearby Carroll County Regional Airport, said officials, without giving additional details or whether the incident in Maryland represented a threat.
Threatening sticker forces diversion of plane to O'Hare 10 Jul 2011 A United Airlines flight en route to Frankfurt, Germany, was diverted to O'Hare International Airport early this morning after crew members found a sticker with a threatening message in a lavatory on the plane, an airline spokesman said. Flight 926 from San Francisco landed about 1 a.m. in Chicago, where it was searched and cleared to continue safely to Germany, according to the spokesman.
Two People In Custody For Millennium Park Bomb Scare --'The amount of police and fire manpower that responded was tremendous.' 10 Jul 2011 Two people are in custody after a bomb scare at Millennium Park in Chicago. Chicago Police received a call at 5:36 pm Saturday about a device found on top of the Park Cafe Restaurant at Millennium Park. Police started to evacuate the restaurant and the surrounding area immediately. Madison to Randolph to Michigan was cordoned off so no one could get through on foot or by vehicle. The Police Bomb and Arson Unit was called in along with the Chicago Fire Department. The fire department called a Level 1 Hazardous Material Response, after finding the suspicious object.
Man charged in 'role-playing event' that caused evacuation --Fire Dept. called Level 1 Hazmat and sent 55 people and 20 pieces of equipment 09 Jul 2011 (Chicago) Charges have been filed after part of Millennium Park was evacuated on a crowded Saturday night as police investigated a suspicious package that authorities said appeared to be part of a game. Emmett DeFrisco, 18, was charged with one count of disorderly conduct, according to police News Affairs Officer Michael Sullivan. "Bomb and Arson responded and conducted their investigation, determining that the suspicious package was in fact comprised of two bricks," a police statement issued late Saturday said.
Pupils making false allegations may face criminal prosecution 11 Jul 2011 (UK) Pupils who make malicious accusations against their teachers could face criminal prosecution under new guidance on school discipline issued by the Government. The new guidance tells headteachers they have the right to exclude either temporarily or permanently any pupil who makes a false allegation. In extreme cases, it adds, they should inform the police if they believe a criminal offence has been committed.
Japan fears nuclear clean-up will take decades 09 Jul 2011 The Japanese prime minister has predicted it will take well over ten years to decommission the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. In the first government announcement since the March 11 disaster, Prime Minister Naoto Kan told members of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan on Saturday that the entire clean-up would require a long time-frame. He said with three reactors suffering meltdowns, it would take over ten years to control the situation. He also warned it would take several decades until the accident is finally settled.
Obama says he's 'bent over backwards' to get deal with GOP --Obama emphasized his willingness to take on Democrats in the talks. [That's because Obama *is* a Republican.] 11 Jul 2011 President Obama said Monday that he has "bent over backwards" to bring both sides together on a deficit deal. In a news conference, Obama aligned himself with Republican House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and suggested he would still try to convince congressional leaders to agree to a $4 trillion deficit-reduction package when talks resume at the White House at 2 p.m. Monday. Obama said he and Boehner were going to have "a sales blow job" in order to persuade both sides to reach an agreement on a big deficit-reduction package totaling as much as $4 trillion.
'Obama: I'm prepared to take significant heat from my own party.' 11 Jul 2011 I'm sure you are, Fraudster! 11 Jul 2011 See: "Hope-and-Change," A Hoax By Michael Rectenwald and Lori Price, 27 May 2010. Barack Obama is a closeted GOP/Wall Street troll. During the media conference, Obusha was joking about raising the retirement age for Social Security recipients. This is why we protest. Seize DC!. SEIZE DC! will begin on September 10, 2011, at noon, until finished.
Sanders Warns of Devastating Cuts in Social Security 09 Jul 2011 Social Security cuts under consideration by the White House in deficit-reduction talks would drive 245,000 people into poverty and lower widows' benefits $1,200 a year by 2050, according to Social Security Administration calculations provided to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Changing the way inflation is measured to determine Social Security benefits is one option on the table in high-stakes budget negotiations that resume Sunday at the White House. "The result would be devastating cuts for millions of American seniors and people with disabilities," said Sanders.
EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks Italy 10 Jul 2011 European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet will attend the meeting along with Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the region's finance ministers, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Olli Rehn, the economic and monetary affairs commissioner, three official sources told Reuters.
News Corp. Shares Slide as BSkyB Bid Faces Delay 11 Jul 2011 News Corp.'s 7.8 billion-pound ($12.4 billion) bid for British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc faces a review by the top U.K. competition authority that will take at least six months as a probe into phone hacking widens. Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. declined $1.27, or 7.6 percent, to $15.48 in Nasdaq Stock Market trading at 4 p.m. New York time, the biggest drop since April 2009. BSkyB fell 4.6 percent to 715.5 pence in London.
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