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Dr.BR Ambedkar

Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti Devi were living

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Roma's final bail on the last case granted

Dear Friends, 
We are glad to inform all comrades and friends that Roma has been granted  final bail on the last case today by the court of Additional District Judge, Sonbhadra. For the last two weeks we have been awaiting for this judgment.  The prosecution was creating all sorts of delaying tactics to block the bail since they exhausted all their arguments in proving their lies and false apprehensions.We have been actually fighting against the state administrations rather than the district administration only.It is a remarkable achievement for our defense lawyers team to get all the bails in 11 cases with serious charges from the trial court itself. Our lawyers and comrades are now busy in finalizing the bail documents (sureties) so that it can go for scrutiny by today's court hour. Hopefully, the scrutiny work will be completed by tomorrow and final release warrant can be sent to Mirzapur Jail by tomorrow evening. Then Roma can come out from Jail day after (5th Sept') morning and would leave for Delhi straightway. Police has been trying to put some new charges to block her release since granting of her final bail became imminent after the 24th August bail order on main cases. So, it will not be advisable for her to stay back in Sonbhadra at present. Her return to Sonbhadra will have to be planned meticulously. That we can discuss after she rejoins us. At this happy moment after these straining and agonizing  65 days we would  like to express our sincere gratitude to all known and unknown friend and comrades who tirelessly worked for the release of our very beloved three women comrades. Now we have to  work with a new zeal to get our four community leaders from Kanhar Dam areas released. Their bail applications are now in Allahabad H.C. We can not have our real celebration before they come out. Now let us hope Roma will be out in a few days to join her comrades and friends and of course her ailing mother. Long live the victory of Working People's Struggle! Inquilab Zindabad !
In solidarity,

Ashok choudhary


In solidarity, 
Sanjeev Kumar

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