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Zia clarifies his timing of declaration of independence

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Jyoti Basu is dead

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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti Devi were living

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Sep 23 Headlines: JACK WHITE'S 9/11 Photostudies: WTC 6 exploded before WTC collapsed...., evidence DOD faked many photos about Pentagon attack;

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 8:31 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Sep 23 Headlines: JACK WHITE'S 9/11 Photostudies: WTC 6 exploded before WTC collapsed...., evidence DOD faked many photos about Pentagon attack;
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: [] On Behalf Of Alex James
Sent: 23 سبتمبر, 2010 07:08 م
To: Alex James
Subject: [MuslimIntelligencer] TTS Sep 23 Headlines: JACK WHITE'S 9/11 Photostudies: WTC 6 exploded before WTC collapsed...., evidence DOD faked many photos about Pentagon attack;



JACK WHITE'S 9/11 Photostudies: WTC 6 exploded before WTC collapsed...., evidence DOD faked many photos about Pentagon attack;

Long-lasting sensory loss in World Trade Center workers from airborne toxins after 9/11 attacks 

UK Forces' inflict 'horrifying' torture in Iraq 

**** video: "Cover-Up In Oklahoma": (9/11 wasn't the first conspiracy to be covered up by official sources!) 

"Countdown to Zero": Hollywood movie promotes war on Iran 

ON-GOING RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE and video of Mike Maloney on Silver, Gold, and oil 

VIDEO: New 9/11 3-D computer analysis provided by Richard D. Hall sheds light on what hit the Twin Towers 

Invasion of Iraq: Elite Bankers' Dollar Hegemony? 

Clarification on JFK's EO11110 

Tony Blair's sister in law Lauren Booth letter to Tony Blair: The Crusade is yours not theirs 

zionist bankers had Judge Mahoney murdered-He ruled fractional lending is fraud & fiat FRN's are NOT legal tender by US Constitution 

Evidence that a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11 

New Campaign Pay2Play Gameboard / Film: Democracy sold to the highest bidder......" 9/11 Truth Teach in: PNAC ? 911 reasons why 9/11 was an inside job; Blueprint for US Global Military Dictatorship and more....... 

From National Socialism to National Fascism: Democracy for the Few, Michael Parenti: IMF sucking wealth, Gangster Nature of the State...... 

Fake Organized Home Made Protest Exposed: MEDIA admits fake news in this video/Behind the Big News: PROPAGANDA and the CFR 

From Pharisee Watch: Video: Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and The Turning; The Tea Party Delusion 

Will Liberty Continue To Have A Home In America? by Chuck Baldwin, September 22, 2010 

15 Hours to Save Health Freedom: HALT S.3767 and S.510, take action 


Gulf Spill: Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan from which Goldman. Halliburton, Wackenhut, Evergeen, CIA, Rothschild, Corexit, and BP CEO profiteered... 

Israel makes meeting another Arab a crime, locking up Arab political activitists 

Marilyn Monroe: "I'll never have to suck another Jewish cock again!" Marlon Brando 1996 Larry King Live: Jews have slandered every other racial group.....Hollywood is run by Jews...... 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: TTS Sep 22 Headlines: Video of Missile Hitting the Pentagon - please note that the video may be fake

Dick Eastman on 9/11 Truth: The Highest Treason Substantiated 

Richard Gage on Coast to Coast last night (architects and engineers for 9/11 truth) 


History of Wirt Dexter Walker: Russell & Company, CIA: After 9/11, SEC recommended that Stratesec be investigated for insider trading related to the crimes of that day Some People in the American Government Killed Its Own People on 9/11 

Homeland Security Targets Activists 

150,000 Nazi Jews Server in Hitler's Army; The Holocaust, another Inside Job like 9/11 based on mythology 

Government Prepares To Seize Paychecks As Fascist Cancer Explodes 

Shut Up! You're Disturbing the Elite who are tightening their juggernaut on us...... 

State sponsored censorship by Extremist GPS'es: Officials at Grambling State University La., warning students against forwarding certain political e-mails 

Kol Nidre, Zionisms License To Lie - Rev Ted Pike 

SpyChips: RFID 1984 Tracking Your Every Move by Elite Corporations and their Governments 

Yves Engler: Canada Is Zionist Occupied Territory: Canada Colludes in Suppressing Palestinians 

Illuminati working to Destroy David Icke...... 

Devil's HAARP: weather weapons and recent "natural" disasters 

Shannan's new book: Everything They* Ever Told Me Was a Lie 

'9/11 Unveiled' presented to President Ahmadinejad, mailed to President Obama and Attorney General Holder on March 24, 2009, and has since been presented to several US government officials 

MarketWatch: Hatred is killing your profits; new meltdown ahead 



From: Alex James []
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 21 Headlines: Israel's crazies war crimes mongerors;9/11 WTC Detonations Finally Revealed in NIST video released under Freedom of Information Act

FW: [TheTruthSoldiersClub] A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers VIDEOS 

"BuildingWhat?" 9th 9/11 Anniversary Commemorative Video 

VIDEO 9/11 WTC Detonations Finally Revealed in NIST video released under Freedom of Information Act 

Rev. Deborah C. Lindsay denounces Islamophobia 

9/11 Time Discrepancy Oddity: Distress Signals Indicated Planes Crashed Minutes before the WTC attacks 


There are a lot of people that don't really understand how israel operates.


From: Randulf Johan Hansen []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:42 AM
Subject: Israel's crazies


Nur in English zugänglich


I send David Icke all my best wishes for sending me this story.  For those of you who want to send this story on to others, please remember the pictures "get lost" when you try.   I have however enclosed all the pictures.  All you need to do before sending out this email to others is

- first save all the pictures, they are numbered in the sequence they are used in the text.

- set in the pictures in the text


Have a nice day


Randulf Johan Hansen¨




Copyright David Icke, 2009. All Rights Reserved. 

The David Icke Newsletter, March 22nd 2009




Hello all ...

It's all gone a bit quiet in Israel after the unspeakable horrors and mass murder in the Gaza Strip in the early weeks of this year. But much is going on there that we need to know about.

It surrounds a man who makes the term 'hawk' sound like a character from Mary Poppins. Compared with this guy, Dick Van Dyke was a 'hawk'. Direct your gaze a few thousand miles to the right of what is normally considered a political 'hawk' and there before your eyes will be Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu.

He wants to create mayhem in the Middle East - yes, far more even than now - and he is determined to take the treatment of the Palestinian people to still new depths of obscenity and depravity.

That would not be so bad if he was a guy on the sidelines or pontificating down the pub. But this deeply sinister man is now Israel's 'prime minister-designate'. He is seeking to form a coalition government and take office as prime minister at a crucial point in the history of the Illuminati agenda in which the State of Israel is playing a major role.

This week he asked the terrorist, the Israeli president Shimon Peres, for a two-week extension to the period he was given to get a government together. Take all the time you want 'Bibi'. Please don't rush on our account.


Israeli president, Shimon Peres, operative with the terrorist group, Haganah, which, with others like Irgun, bombed Israel into existence in 1948 and became what is now the Israel 'Defence' Force that pepper-bombed Gaza. Like other mass killers, including Henry Kissinger and another Israeli terrorist and prime minister, Menachem Begin, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the recent election, Netanyahu's Likud Party secured one seat less than the Kadima Party, led by Tzipi Livni, Israel's Foreign Minister during the death and destruction in Gaza, but it was believed that Netanyahu had more chance of getting a coalition together to form a government.

It is testament to the extremism of Netanyahu's gathering coalition that even the ice-cold Tzipi Livni, the daughter of a terrorist with the terror group, Irgun, has refused a place in the Netanyahu government because it would be 'too right wing'.

Livni's father, Eitan, was Irgun's chief operations officer, working under Menachem Begin, and was involved in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 that killed 91 people and injured 46.

Tzipi Livni worked for the Rothschild-controlled 'Israeli' murder network, Mossad, from 1980 to 1984 and, of course, she still does because there are no 'former' Mossad agents - including the French president Nicolas Sarkozy.


You might remember Tzipi Livni who was constantly on television during the assault on the people of Gaza as she sought to justify the daily slaughter of the innocent.  She said that the deaths of 1,300 Palestinians, including 400 children, was a normal 'product of circumstance'. She added: 'We had to carry out this operation. I am at peace with the fact that we did it ...'

Well, some people find peace easier than others, clearly. But the point is that this callous lady, with a total disregard for the lives of others, will not serve in a Netanyahu coalition because she says it would be too extreme. If you watch Livni at the end of this article at a press conference during the bombing of Gaza your mind might boggle at how extreme Netanyahu and company must therefore be.

You get the picture, although don't rule out a change of heart by Livni just yet. Oops, I used the word 'heart' in relation to Tzipi Livni, how terribly amiss of me.  A change of 'mind' would be better and far more accurate.


So who is this guy, Netanyahu?

He was born in Tel Aviv in 1949, but emigrated with his family to the United States at the age of 14, studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard before returning to Israel.

His political profile really began when he became Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in the early 1980s. He was later elected to the Rothschild-controlled 'Israeli' parliament, the Knesset, and was prime minister from 1996 to 1999. He's also been a foreign minister and finance minister.

Netanyahu is extremely close to the neoconservative network behind Boy George Bush and in 1996, while he was Israeli prime minister, a key policy document was prepared for him by American Jewish 'neocons' led by the notorious Richard Perle, a Netanyahu 'advisor'. The document called for the removal of Saddam Hussein, indeed that was its 'centrepiece', and Richard Perle was a major architect of the invasion of Iraq that removed Saddam in 2003.  

The document was entitled  A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, and advocated the goal of controlling the Middle East through a policy of what has been called 'right-wing Zionism', not that, from what I have observed, there is really any other kind.

But Netanyahu represents elements of Zionism that make the term 'right-wing' look like a New Age love-in.


Richard Perle - Israel's man (one of so many) who orchestrated the invasion of Iraq. The removal of Saddam Hussein came straight from the pages of the Clean Break document that he authored with other Zionist-Americans for Netanyahu in 1996.

Netanyahu has vowed not to negotiate with the Palestinians over their claims to East Jerusalem; to include vast areas of the Palestinian West Bank as part of Israel; and under no circumstances to allow displaced Palestinians who have lost their homes to Israeli terror since the 1940s to return to their former lands.  

But it is the plan for Iran that offers the greatest threat of a Netanyahu leadership. He has said that his first mission as prime minister would be to 'thwart the Iranian threat' once and for all. '[Iran] will not be armed with a nuclear weapon', Netanyahu has said, adding that his words meant 'everything necessary to make this statement come true'.

The neocons have long been desperate to launch an attack on Iran. With Netanyahu in power they would have their man in charge of Israel's military policy and, with so many Zionist-Americans in key positions in America, they control US policy along with other connecting strands of the Illuminati network

Underpinning and confirming the ultra-extremism of the new Israeli regime is the reported appointment as foreign minister of Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the far-far-right Yisrael Beiteinu ('Israel My Home') party.

(Terms like 'ultra-extremism' and 'far-far right' are necessary because the general every-day policies of Israel are extremist and 'far-right' and the Netanyahu/ Lieberman regime is designed to go even beyond that.)


Avigdor Lieberman

It certainly requires terms like 'ultra-extremism' and 'far-far right' to do justice to Avigdor Lieberman, who apparently has another crazy from his party as deputy foreign minister. Talk about the inmates taking over the asylum.

Lie-berman not only supports, like Netanyahu, the continuing expansion of illegal Israeli 'settlements' on Palestinian land, he actually lives in one. This is the man who said that Israeli-Arab MPs who met with the elected Palestinian 'government', Hamas, should be executed like Nazi collaborators after the Nuremburg trials.

A Lieberman party slogan demands 'No loyalty, no citizenship' and he has called for a law forcing Israel-based Arabs to pledge allegiance to Israel as a Jewish state and commit them to national service.

The Jerusalem Post quoted Lieberman in January as saying that Israel should 'continue to fight Hamas just like the United States did with the Japanese in World War II. Then, too, the occupation of the country was unnecessary'. This was widely interpreted as a reference to the dropping of nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which, obviously, it was.

Lieberman was once head of the office to Netanyahu when he was prime minister and he was deputy prime minister himself in the last Israeli coalition government until he resigned in 2008 because, basically, it wasn't extreme enough.

The Soviet Union-born Lieberman, a former nightclub bouncer (no, really, I'm shocked), is under investigation for fraud, embezzlement and money-laundering (no, really, I'm shocked), but the most important fact about him at the moment is this:

According to mainstream media reports, he is now at the centre of Israel's policy on Iran and its negotiations with the United States on this and other issues. The Jerusalem Post  says it has obtained a draft document confirming that Lieberman will be the representative on the joint American-Israel strategic dialogue committee which makes key decisions for both countries on policies relating to the 'emerging nuclear threat', most notably, it is claimed, from Iran. 

(The fact that Israel, one of the world's most trigger-happy and war-obsessed countries, is currently the only Middle East nation with a nuclear arsenal is never mentioned, of course.)


The Jerusalem Post put the significance of Lieberman's appointment to the committee in this context:

'The committee's work is so sensitive that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert appointed Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, a former IDF chief of General Staff, to head Israel's delegation rather than Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, because she is a novice on military matters.

Israel's foreign minister has not headed the committee for several years ... Israel Beiteinu officials said it was important for Lieberman to head the committee because he wanted a foothold in Israel's diplomatic relationship with the US, even though it is traditionally handled by the prime minister.'

What we are looking at here is ultra-extremists taking control of Israel's domestic, foreign and military policy in the period when the Illuminati and the Rothschilds want to trigger a Third World War, almost certainly out of the Middle East, though there are other options.

What's more we now have Zionist ultra-extremists controlling the United States government, nominally headed by Mr. Teleprompter, Barack Obama. White House policy on Israel, Iran and everything else is dictated through those Zionist front-men, White House Chief Staff, Rahm Emanuel, and White House senior advisor, David Axelrod, who ran Obama's mendacious election campaign.

Emanuel is the son of another Irgun terrorist and, incidentally, his brother, Ari, is agent to the 'rebel' film-maker, Michael Moore, who never mentions the Zionist connection in his documentaries. Axelrod is the man who oversees the writing of Obama's 'speeches' which the 'president' reads parrot-fashion from the teleprompter screens, even down to thanking himself for inviting people to a St Patrick's Day party when someone's else's speech appeared on his screens by mistake.


Axelrod and Emanuel in classic pose.

The 'Obama' administration is awash with other Zionist extremists, including virtually his entire economic team and his self-confessed Zionist vice-president, Joe Biden. The United States has become a Zionist fiefdom like never before (and that's saying something) just at the time when the craziest of the crazies are on the brink of taking over in Israel.

This is seriously not by chance.

It will have the effect domestically in Israel of quickening the policy pursued since the 1940s of removing Palestinians from their own lands. Statements from the first leaders of the Israeli state confirm that the idea has always been to force out the Palestinians and secure what they call the 'Greater Israel'.

A look at the land grabs since 1946 show clearly how advanced this has now become and a Netanyahu/Lieberman regime will push on with this as fast as they can.


Palestinian land in green, Israeli land in white. The sections are for 1946, 1947, up to 1967 and 1999. The Israel land-grab has continued to this day and is about to increase still further.

With Netanyahu and Lieberman in power, the Palestinian nightmare will go on getting ever-worse and there are fundamental implications for the rest of the world, too.

The Illuminati have long planned a Third World War to be triggered out of Israel and the Middle East and current events and personnel in both Israel and the United States have started the time-bomb ticking.

I know that some researchers are saying that the game has changed and the plan is no longer to attack Iran, but to use Iran and the Russians to ignite the desired conflict. They may be right, but I would certainly not rule out the Israel-Iran option to kick it all off before escalating this to other parts of the world, like the US, Europe, Russia and China.


It might be hoped that Netanyahu fails to get his coalition together, but the chances are that he will and, while he and Lieberman may be the worst-case scenario, the alternatives are little consolation to those who want peace and justice in the world.

So while Israel may seem to have gone 'quiet' compared with the headlines of a few weeks ago as they pounded the Gaza Strip, we need to keep our eyes on events there very closely because 'their' events can very quickly becomes 'ours'.

In fact, that's the idea.


Tzipi Livni takes her cold eyes to a US news conference during the bombing of Gaza

Here the daughter of a notorious Irgun terrorist says that civilians had to die to 'fight terrorism'.

And now she says a Netanyahu coalition government would be too right wing!

Click here to watch ...

FW: [TheTruthSoldiersClub] A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers VIDEOS 

"BuildingWhat?" 9th 9/11 Anniversary Commemorative Video 

VIDEO 9/11 WTC Detonations Finally Revealed in NIST video released under Freedom of Information Act 

Rev. Deborah C. Lindsay denounces Islamophobia 

9/11 Time Discrepancy Oddity: Distress Signals Indicated Planes Crashed Minutes before the WTC attacks 

Mainstream Media Boycott for 9/11 Justice 

The Meaning of 9/11 - Justin Raimondo/ however, he misses the point that it was an Israeli Zionist Inside Job 

Free Movies! October 21, 2010, Wayne, PA: Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story": incongruence between American capitalism and democracy 

Mossad-Israeli Connection to 9/11; Odigo instant messages warning of the attack; only 3 out of 4,000 Israelis in WTC; Goldman Sachs forwarned..... 

Satanists Encouraged by Lack of Opposition 

Intelligent Scientists "Expelled" by Illuminati; Masons Rally Behind Porn Queen Judge; Chief Family Court Judge on Bondage Website; Illuminati Persecute Heterosexuals 

The book: PROPAGANDA, by Edward Bernays (1928) : TV Drama, "The Event" - Mass Psychological Manipulation 

Fed Issues More Debt as Gold Rises: Like in Germany in the 1930s, America is run by monopoly capitalists; triumph of the parasites...... 

More 9/11 truth evidence / United Flight 23 on 9-11 / 9/11 mini-Nukes = US/Israeli Gov involvement 


Zionist controlled Canada muzzles its scientists and forces them to promote the hoax of man-made global warming, criminals are running the zoo.... 

Must listen DBS interviews Veteran Gordon Duff exposing zionist cabal helped Apartheid SA to develop nukes, stole 3 of them, sold 1 to North Korea, 2 missing, could be in US..... 

Video: VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL. How to deal with police from 

France TV covers the gulf oil spill: BP buys people's silence 

CBS 60 Minutes: Musharraf reveals Armitage's threat to bomb Pakistan into stone age if they don't work for phony US war on terrorism 

Iraq: Age of Darkness; , Iraqi academics continue to be murdered..mortality rate up 150%...5 million orphans...etc...a devastating balance sheet of facts 

BLM & The Agenda: California: Forestry Service again favoring logging of Giant Sequoia 

Retired NASA Engineer explains why he doesn't believe the official 9/11 report...... 

Frightening Video: American/Canadian Jews swearing allegiance to "THE JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL" sliding into Ethnic Fascism 

GREAT explanation of the FRAUD involved in the mortgage SCAM!!! Where does the fraud begin??? 

9/11 Pentagon by Dick Eastman; Nine years, two wars, over 1 million innocent murdered.......attack evidence of an Israel-led false-flag operation and the public failing to notice 

Video: Gold Dirty the end near for the current monetary system? background battles that are heating up in the bullion world. 

MarketWatch: Middle Class running on the rat race wheel as fast as it can.......about to burn out 

THE VICTIM GAME - IMPERIALISM AND IMPERIAL BARBARISM - Israel denies Gazans access to their own water and land 


Go to - This 30-second ad will appear on TV screens all over New York City. Every $400 raised will allow 10,000 more New Yorkers to see the collapse of Building 7 for the first time.

We all belly-ache about the MSM lack of coverage of 9/11; here is a concrete way to address this problem: donate to NYCCAN's 'Building What?' TV ad for New York.
Obviously, many won't feel able to spare the cash, but to those who can, please do. They are three-quarters to the required $100,000 dollar cost:

The war on Iraq : 5 US presidents, 5 British prime ministers, 30 years of duplicity, and counting...."Out of the mirror they stare, Imperialism's face And the international wrong 

Bollyn 9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War: American servicemen will bear heavy spiritual/psychological burden of having participated in fraudulent criminal war in which they killed innocent people Norman Mineta repeats his 9/11 Truth Testimony about Dick Cheney ordering stand down and other 9/11 Truth interviews 

Former Congresslady Cynthia McKinney: Israel Owns The US Government 

Mossad Paid by US to Spy on American Dissidents 

Former Satanist Bill Schnoebelen: Mormonism Poses An Incredible Threat To Our Freedoms! 

GORDON DUFF: NEW "AL QAEDA" LEADER MAY BE ISRAELI just like those actions on the fake Al Qaeda tapes 

9/11: was it a cruise missile at the Pentagon? and the Rothschild Mafia et al explained......"Abracadabra", the spell of "Anti-semitism"....... 

Corporations Are NOT The People: Corporate Fascists Are Coming For Our Food Supply! Can They Be Stopped 

Dimona -- Isreal's nuclear weapons factory : -- look at all the UN resolutions Israel defies -- More un-handy facts about Isarael ( from­) 

Martin Peretz: editor of New Republic and agent of Israel 


From: Alex James []
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:49 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 19 Headlines: Zionist Israeli Firm Hired To Spy On Americans


Zionist Israeli Firm Hired To Spy On Americans

Marketwatch: Don't get fooled by Ben Bernanke's predictions, they've all been wrong so far..... 

Sunday Video Digest is BACK! WTC Employee Discusses Pre-9/11 Power Downs, WTC 7 Press Conference 9/11/10 

Video: corbett report "the real terrorists of 9/11": political paradigm built on myth of pervasive monolithic terrorist conspiracy 

Danish Scientist: 9/11 World trade center collapse a masterpiece demolition;Cancer Rate In Iraq Fallujah Worse Than Hiroshima;IDF Report Confirming Goldstone's Key Findings Is Suppressed Inside Israel 

Excellent analysis of 9/11 Inside Job from German physician John Schou (+ 30 obvious questions that the media, shamefully, has yet to ask!) 

Why I Didn't Join the Masons, Areas under Masonic control are best avoided and don't move there 

Zionist bankers love anti-Semites because they transform opposition to the NWO into discredited racism 

Marketwatch: Reagan Insider says GOP destroyed US economy and its Warmongering defining human life by 2020 

Globalization In Canada, giving up its sovereignty to the International Banking gangsters....... 

Origins of Masonry, The Kingdom of The Anti-Christ, Dissipation of The Darkside Darkness 


Iraq Veterans Against the War 

Paul Craig Roberts: Now In America (Canada, UK....) Speaking the Truth is a Career-Ending Event;Its better to give to the poor than to the rich.... 

Israel's crazies war crimes mongerors 

World Bank's role in massive land grabbing beyond the smoke and mirrors, pushing people off their land around the World 

Constantine's Christianity, union of church and state, true Christianity's ethical/spiritual standards were sacrificed and torture instiutionalized 

Violent Crime Declined As Gun Sales Climbed in 2009 Thursday, September 16, 2010 

available from The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians [Paperback] 

SuperSearch engine for 9/11 Truth 

20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Every Seven Americans; Illuminati Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy - Introduction Trailer 



How many people have been killed by Imperial Roman Papal orders? here's a few of them....... 

Victor Ostrovsky on Mossad - By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War, The Contrasting Media Treatment of Israeli Crimes and Death Threats 

Dismantle Palestinian Authority and deprive Israel of its ccomplice to genocide 





From: Alex James []
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 8:44 PM
Subject: TTS Sep 18 Headlines: Must Watch: Star Trek Episode parallel to staged 9/11 fake war on terror by alien force: Spock: "It is by design that we fight. We seem to be pawns"


This video explains the Feudal Elites' deception quite well


EXOMATRlXTV | April 10, 2010

credits to:


Nonprofits & Activism

Screening of a new 9/11 truth film, National Security Alert 

Lebanese Intel links mossad/9/11 

Ex-US Marine Ken O Keefe on Press TV "Mossad did 9/11" 

Architects/Engineers for 9-11 Truth reveal controlled demolition evidence at National Press Club, Washignton 


Gulf residents showing more toxicity.100,000s: UNBELIEVABLE FISHKILL in Lousiana -- ALL TYPES, EVEN MAMMALS,TEARS: Dealer says load of crab "contaminated with oil" 

Video: Deprogramming NWO Slaves, Shadow Elite Fear Us Accessing Our True Potential infopowerment 

Video: Michael Jackson eXposing Sony Conspiracy? & NWO Bilderberger Thomas Daniel aka Tommy Mottola? 

Marketwatch: Harry Schultz "sudden hyperinflation" 

Blackwater conducting false flag terror attacks in Pakistan (a la Iraq) 

Congressman: BP "Openly Blackmailing the American Government" -=- "oil coming in all over the place" - "Fresh, new oil" RED, LUMPY, and NOT DISPERSED -=- 

FW: [TheTruthSoldiersClub] Shamus Cooke: How Corporations Own the US Congress 

Blackwater is also the Intel Arm of Monsanto, Disney, etc. 

Must Read: The Bankers own the Earth through their legalized counterfeiting operations 

American Historical Documents..DOWNLOAD PDFS and Pictures HERE 

US-Observer News Alert: "Legalized Corporate Tax $cam" by Michael Minns (in insurance corporations) 

how integral Fox News has become in modern Republican politics 

"Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing" Newt Gingrich to speak at FRC Action's Romanist, Ecumenical, 2010 Values Voter Summit, Sept. 17-19, Washington DC 

Lawrence Davidson explains phenomenon of Pamela Geller, an Islamophobe who has mobilized hate-mongers against American Muslims 





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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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