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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 12 July - Countdown To $100 Oil: A Date With History? ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:10 PM
Subject: CC News Letter, 12 July - Countdown To $100 Oil: A Date With History? ‎

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 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

 Countdown To $100 Oil: A Date With History?
 By Euan Mearns

On two past occasions, the average annual oil price has hit $100 per barrel and this has been followed by recession. At time of writing (7th July) the annual average for Brent was $95.4, on course to breach $100 some time in September. Will history repeat itself? Or has the global economy grown immune to high energy prices?

Partition Of Sudan Prepares Way For Further Conflicts
 By Susan Garth

Despite the celebrations and Obama's soothing words, there are major question still unresolved. The line of the border between the two Sudans has still not been agreed; the Abyei region remains a matter of dispute; and the division of oil revenues, which are vital to survival of both countries, is still undecided

The Power -- And Limits -- Of Social Movements
 By Robert Jensen

Dissidents not only have to be willing to tell the truth about the delusions of the dominant culture, but make sure we don't fall into delusions of our own

Palestinian People Power: Could It Be
 A Game-Changer?
 By Alan Hart

Though it would further isolate Israel and America, I don't think a UN General Assembly resolution recognizing a Palestinian state in 1967 borders would change the facts on the ground. But if a vote in the General Assembly was taken against the background of the demonstration of Palestinian people power as outlined above, that could be a game-changer

Playing With Political Fire
 By Brenda Heard

 In the very hours of forbidding the passage of the aid flotilla to Gaza, the financially strapped Greek government welcomed the approval of an €8.7 billion aid payment from the European Union. With Israel's position as an EU-groupie, even the Associated Press couldn't resist smirking at Greece's underlying 'incentive to cozy up to its rich Mediterranean neighbor'

Israel's Knesset Passes Boycott Prohibition Bill
 By Stephen Lendman

Israel's "controversial 'Boycott Bill' is expected to come up for its second and third (Knesset) votes" today, despite Netanyahu earlier wanting it delayed, expected criticism from Knesset Legal Advisor Eyal Yinon, and opponents holding a protest press conference

Sensationalism In America's Media
 By Stephen Lendman

America's dominant media, especially television, produce a daily diet of fiction portrayed as fact in their role as de facto thought-control gatekeepers, substituting managed and junk food food news for the real kind

From Cheerleader To Enemy Of The State
 By William T. Hathaway

"From Cheerleader to Enemy of the State" is a chapter from RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War, which presents the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists from the USA, Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan

Liberalism vs Identity Politics In "X-Men: First Class"
 By Karthick RM

A political reading of "X-Men: First Class"

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Palash Biswas
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