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Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti Devi were living

Friday, March 27, 2009


PART 1 of 2
Deanna Spingola
February 21, 2009
On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg appeared before the U.S. Senate and declared: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”[1] To establish a world government, it is necessary to incrementally eradicate the constitution, bring the U.S. to her knees economically, and shackle the taxpayers to perpetual debt through bailouts and stimulus packages funded by printing billions of dollars of interest and debt-bearing Federal Reserve Notes to drastically devalue the currency in circulation thus impoverishing the taxpayers. The only benefactors are the extant banks, certain corporations and the individuals who concocted the financial disaster.
The colonists issued debt-free script in the 1700s commensurate to the demands of trade and industry. The citizens were self-sufficient and industrious. Incensed over the currency issue, England burdened the colonists with excess taxes to fund Britain’s imperialistic wars. This precipitated the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton, a Rothschild agent, convinced George Washington to allow the Rothschilds to finance the war. In 1791, with a big war debt to be paid, Hamilton set up a central bank, owned by the Rothschilds and other foreigners called the First Bank of the United States with a twenty-year charter.[2]
Congress rejected renewal of the charter and the bank was closed on March 4, 1811. Nathan Rothschild was outraged and asked the British Parliament to declare war to reinstate the bank. The Prime Minister refused and was assassinated on May 11, 1812. Parliament declared war on June 18, 1812. British troops burned the White House and other government buildings including the one that housed the ratification papers for the U.S. constitution. The war increased our national debt from $45 million to $127 million.[3] President Madison proposed the establishment of a second central bank on December 5, 1815 for a twenty year period. It was created by Congress on January 7, 1817. Nicholas Biddle, a Rothschild protégé, became the bank’s president in 1822. President Andrew Jackson refused to renew the charter in 1836, as promised during his presidential campaign.
In opposition to the international bankers, Abraham Lincoln issued debt-free, interest-free greenbacks through the Legal Tender Act of February 25, 1862. This currency funded the Civil War, a horrific, bloody battle that took the lives of over 600,000 souls and was devised to weaken and divide the country. The privately-owned Bank of England planned to impose a gold standard on the United States. Lincoln was soon assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a Rothschild agent. No debt-free or interest-free money has been issued in America since then.
J. P. Morgan & Company was founded in New York City in 1871 as Drexel, Morgan & Company by J. Pierpont Morgan and Philadelphia banker Anthony Drexel, agents for Europeans investing in the United States. Ultimately, they were so well capitalized that they financed much of America’s industrial expansion. By the 1890s, Morgan became an industry consolidator, reorganizing and restructuring the debts of financially troubled railroads – the Northern Pacific, the Erie, the Reading and many other railroads for a total of one-sixth of the track in the U.S. Morgan financed and merged smaller companies to create U.S. Steel, International Harvester and others. A decline in competition results in a concentration of control. In 1904, J. P. Morgan & Company loaned money to finance the Panama Canal, the largest real estate transaction in history. J. P. Morgan & Company became the world’s most powerful investment bank.
J. P. Morgan loaned money to Thomas Edison for his incandescent light research and therefore directed Edison's power generation and distribution plants. Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943), a Serbian who later became a U.S. citizen, was fluent in seven languages. He patented the radio on March 20, 1900, a patent usurped and used by Marconi. Tesla needed the financing that the House of Morgan offered but wishing to retain independence, he resisted the accompanying control. He had witnessed the robber baron’s 1891 aggressive takeover of the struggling Thomson-Houston Company and the Edison Company to form General Electric.[4]
Tesla had also witnessed how Morgan coveted and endangered the autonomy of Westinghouse. Morgan wanted Tesla to sign over his broad spectrum radio patents as security for the loans. Tesla had plans for a directed-energy weapon, not yet patented. Tesla proposed an end to all war. Tesla’s alternating current induction motor could have provided free, world-wide electricity to every human. Undoubtedly, Morgan, making huge profits from energy, wished to conceal that possibility. German born George H. Scherff Sr. served as Tesla’s accountant and assistant. When Tesla died, his vast collection of papers were seized and classified by the banker-obedient government.[5]
By the turn of the century, Americans paid very few taxes, had minimal debt and grew their businesses internally – without bank loans. However, by 1910, there were, throughout the country, a combination of over twenty thousand private banks and national banks, chartered by the federal government, all taking business away from the big New York City banks. Legally, banks were allowed to issue currency or bank notes. Since they operated on a fractional reserve system, they could lend out 90 percent of their deposits. This system is manageable unless demands for cash in the form of checks or depositor withdrawals are greater than their reserve cash. Many of those banks failed in orchestrated financial panics. Those remaining would be coerced to join the Federal Reserve System, soon to be established, where their reserves would be managed and controlled by a small, highly competitive, greedy group.

In the fall of 1910, six influential competitor bankers and one well-connected congressman, Republican Senator Nelson Aldrich, stealthily collaborated at Jekyll Island to plot the establishment of a shared monopoly, the Federal Reserve System. The bankers represented the interests of J. P. Morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, and Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Consequently, legislation was passed to create the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the culmination of decades of plotting by the international bankers. Under the jurisdiction of a board of directors, the U.S. was divided into twelve Federal Reserve Districts. Americans were led to believe that the Fed would eliminate financial catastrophes and stabilize the economy. In reality, the Fed is a cartel that was designed to obliterate competition and increase profits through higher prices and deceptive policies enforced by the government.
J. P. Morgan arranged the financing and purchasing of American supplies for France and Britain during World War I. By the end of that war, J. P. Morgan Bank had handled $3 billion in commercial transactions, netting $3 million in fees, and had arranged over $1.5 billion in credits to become the world’s most influential bank, moving it permanently into the political arena of foreign policy, serving as an extension of the federal government.[6]

In 1901, the U.S. national debt was less than $1 billion. After World War I, the national debt was $25 billion. Between World War I and II, it increased to $49 billion. In 1952, in the midst of the Korean War, under U.N. command, the debt stood at $72 billion. In 1962, the debt was $303 billion which increased to $383 billion by 1970 during the Vietnam War. By 1976, at the end of the Vietnam War, it was $631 billion. During the 1980s and the orchestrated Cold War military buildup, the debt increased substantially. The international bankers funded both the U.S. and the Soviet military buildup. However, all records evidencing congressional acquiescence to the massive banker-funded technological transfer from 1916 forward were classified by Eisenhower’s executive order in 1953.[7] By 1998, the debt was over $5.5 trillion. Now, the national debt is well over $10.8 trillion. This does not include personal indebtedness such as credit cards, car loans or mortgages.
By the 1920s, banks routinely offered low-interest credit to businesses that had previously relied on profits and patience for expansion. Soon, businesses, eager for additional profit accepted the deceptively low-interest loans offered by the banks. Once hooked, businesses became dependant on banks for growth. To maintain perceptions beneficial to their objectives, bankers have always entrenched like-minded minions into influential positions such as newspaper publishers, editors, columnists, university presidents, professors, textbook writers, labor union leaders, filmmakers, and radio and television commentators.
Even after the deliberate New York Panic of 1920-21, America was still industrially strong. Farms provided adequate and toxin-free, un-genetically modified food. Our infrastructure and transportation systems were then modern and efficient and we were technologically advanced compared to the rest of the world. In 1921, U.S. per capita income was $522. In 1925, Winston Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, wanting England to return to world leadership, adjusted the British pound to $4.86 which limited the amount of British goods companies and individuals around the world could afford. Consequently, over the next two years, hundreds of millions of dollars of gold flowed to the U.S. from all over Europe.[8]
Montague Norman of the Bank of England, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, Hjalmer Scacht of the Reichsbank, Benjamin Strong of the Federal Reserve, all privately-owned central banks, and Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury convened in 1927 and agreed to lower U.S. interest rates and the Fed’s discount rate. Additionally, in July, 1927, the directors of the Bank of England, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and the German Reichsbank plotted to move the gold out of the U.S. Allegedly, this helped to generate the depression. By 1928, about $500 million in gold was transferred to Europe, especially Germany, most under the guise of post-war aid.
By 1928, U.S. per capita income grew to $628. Winston Churchill, Benjamin Strong, the New York Federal Reserve chief and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon operated together to ensure that easy money for Wall Street speculation was readily available.
Newspaper and magazine articles promoted stock market speculation claiming that one could make a veritable fortune in a short time for minimum monthly investments. However, there were “special” speculators who owned dozens of accounts in various names which could be traded in enormous blocks. Small investors, never in a position to manipulate the market, suffered the consequences and received the blame for the 1929 crash. Blame for every catastrophe is always placed elsewhere.
Since Woodrow Wilson, the Fed has installed and managed many U.S. presidents. On October 25, 1929, President Herbert Hoover claimed: “The fundamental business of the country is on a sound and prosperous basis.” The crash of October 28-29, 1929 was devised. On November 8, 2002, current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said: “Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.”[9]
In 1929-1930, the banks, purportedly because they were short on gold, would not give loans to U.S. industry and individuals. Yet, three banks, J. P. Morgan & Company, First National Bank of New York and First National Bank of Chicago, had sufficient money to send huge amounts out of the country to the Bank of International Settlements which ultimately built up Nazi Germany. The money supply was deliberately decreased, causing the Great Depression. People defaulted on their loans and the banks repossessed farms, homes and business properties. People lost their savings – everything. The banks benefited. It was an unethical, egregious redistribution of assets. The catastrophic crash was world-wide, creating joblessness, hunger, disintegration of production and national bankruptcies.
On March 7, 1930, Hoover said: “All the evidence indicates that the worst effects of the Crash upon unemployment will have passed during the next sixty days.” He then signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act against the advice of the thousand economists hired by Wall Street manipulators who were most concerned about repayment of their foreign loans. In September 1930, Bernard Baruch, after returning from a visit to Churchill in England, sent a cable affirming Churchill’s views about British world supremacy. On December 11, 1930, New York’s fourth largest bank, Bank of the United States, failed. Its 450,000 depositors had no recourse and no FDIC insurance. Another one thousand banks failed in 1930.[10] Bank failures signal bank consolidation – extant banks consume them.
The entire national debt in 1932 was $19.5 billion. Roosevelt then initiated the New Deal in 1933 by introducing the practice of deficit spending, which was the brain-child of Britain’s John Maynard Keynes, a member of the Illuminati. In 1910, Lenin said: “The surest way to overthrow an established social order is to debauch its currency.” Nine years later, Keynes wrote: “Lenin was certainly right, there is no more positive, or subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency ... The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”[11]

On March 9, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260 which declared that the U.S. was bankrupt. On April 5, 1933, Roosevelt declared a National Emergency and made it illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold. He ordered all gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates to be turned into the Federal Reserve banks by May 1 (the Illuminati was created on May 1, 1776). People would face imprisonment and fines if they refused to relinquish their gold. Further, on June 5, 1933, Congress enacted a joint resolution outlawing all gold clauses in contracts. The Federal Reserve System was not energized until 1933 when the U.S. went off the gold standard which allowed the expansion and devaluation of the money supply. The Federal Reserve collects usury on every bill printed. “Our currency has no value past the confidence of those who use it.”[12]

Gold coinage was withdrawn from circulation, and kept in the form of bullion. The public and the Federal Reserve returned their stocks of gold to the government. The people were paid $20.67 an ounce in Federal Reserve money. The Federal Reserve received Gold Certificates. So the Federal Reserve, owned by some Illuminati families, had control of the country’s gold and could control its price. The stability and responsibility of the government that issues a currency is the primary reason people accept that currency. Obviously, the collapse of that government would render the currency worthless. For part two click below.
Click Here for part -----> 2.
1, Liberty Tree
2, The Ultimate Yellow Brick is GOLD!
3, Financial Background, the Beginning of Monetary control by David Allen Rivera
4, The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge: A Desk Reference for the Curious Mind By The New York Times, Published by Macmillan 2004, pgs. 142-143
5, Tesla, Man Out of Time by Margaret Cheney, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1993, pg. 99, 80, 157-160
6, The Yamato Dynasty, the Secret History of Japan’s Imperial Family by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Broadway Books, New York, 1999, pgs. 116-125
7, National Suicide, Military Aid to the Soviet Union by Antony C. Sutton, Arlington House, New Rochelle, New York, 1973, p. 49
8, The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, 1994, Nanoman Press, pg. 34
9, Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke At the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, November 8, 2002
10, The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, 1994, Nanoman Press, pg. 148-163
11, Gold Reserves Manipulated And Us Economy Destroyed Final Warning: A History Of The New World Order by David Allen Rivera
12, The Reality of the Debt
© 2008 Deanna Spingola - All Rights Reserved

Palestine Think Tank
Khalid Amayreh - Devouring Jerusalem
Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:11 AM PDT

In its increasingly rabid efforts to consolidate control of traditionally Arab-East Jerusalem, Israel this week moved to suppress Palestinian cultural activities associated with the city being declared the capital of Arab culture for 2009.
On 19 March heavily armed paramilitary police violently dispersed a meeting at the Ambassador Hotel in East Jerusalem, confiscating posters, leaflets, placards and computers.
Israeli police also raided schools, social clubs and community centres to foil activities celebrating Arab culture in the occupied city which Israel considers its "united and undivided capital".
Several organisers, including East Jerusalem lawmaker Hatem Abdel-Qader, were arrested on charges of disturbing peace.
Israeli security forces cordoned off East Jerusalem by deploying soldiers at all entrances to the city. They turned back visitors, including several delegations from Arabian Gulf states, including Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
Frustrated by the draconian Israeli measures the Palestinian Authority, the main organiser of the festivities, decided to transfer the main event to Bethlehem, a few kilometres south of Jerusalem. Hundreds of PA officials, foreign dignitaries, religious leaders and diplomats arrived on 21 March to listen to a speech by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
Abbas reasserted his commitment to establishing a viable Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital, on all Palestinian land Israel occupied in 1967.
"We will continue to reject the Israeli policy of Judaising Al-Quds Al-Sharif [Jerusalem]. And we will not hold peace talks with any Israeli government that rejects the two-state solution," said Abbas, alluding to Israeli designate-Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
The Palestinian leader, who recited a few verses of the Quran pertaining to the status of Jerusalem in Islam, pointed out that Jerusalem was the key to peace in the region and the world, saying that peace will not prevail unless and until the Israeli occupation ends completely.
Addressing the Arab-Muslim world, Abbas said: "I urge our Arab and Muslim brothers to come to the rescue of Jerusalem, protect Jerusalem from the act of rape to which the city is being subjected… Jerusalem is being Judaised by force, its Arab identity is being obliterated, its history is being falsified, its people are being oppressed and tormented. Its homes are being demolished. Jerusalem is the beginning and the end, it is the ultimate address of peace. Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine."
Addressing Israel, Abbas said: "Peace can't be made through the building and expansion of settlements, brute force and military insolence. What happened in Gaza recently reflects the Israeli mindset, and with such a mindset, it is clear there can be no peace."
Abbas's desperate but defiant words epitomised the situation across the occupied Palestinian territories but especially in Jerusalem, where Israel is planning to destroy hundreds of Palestinian homes.
The planned destruction of the Silwan neighbourhood in the heart of the city has been described by PA officials as "demographic decapitation".
"They are indulging in ethnic cleansing in broad daylight. They are chasing Palestinians out of their homes. They are trying to decapitate Arab existence in East Jerusalem, step by step, home by home, neighbourhood by neighbourhood, while they continue to lie about their desire for peace," said Rafiq Al-Husseini, a senior aide to Abbas.
Asked by Al-Ahram Weekly what the PA was going to do to prevent Israel from carrying out the wholesale destruction of the Silwan neighbourhood [the goal is to build a park and recreational facilities for Jewish settlers in the surrounding areas], Al-Husseini said the PA would try to mobilise the international community to stop Israeli crimes.
During her recent visit to the occupied territories US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the planned demolitions as "unhelpful" and "incompatible with Israeli commitments under the roadmap".
Israeli officials were unimpressed by Clinton's warnings. Jerusalem's Jewish mayor, Nir Barkat, described her words as "a lot of air", claiming she had been misled by the Palestinians.
Barkat, an extreme right-winger, vowed to destroy Arab homes en masse, saying that "what we do in our capital is none of America's business".
Israeli efforts to obliterate the Arab-Islamic-Christian identity of Jerusalem began immediately after 1967. Four days after seizing the city Israeli army bulldozers razed the Maghariba and Sharaf neighbourhoods. The Palestinian inhabitants of the two neighbourhoods were expelled at gunpoint. Two mosques, two religious schools or Zawiyas and 135 houses were destroyed.
Several months later Israel seized the Harat Al-Maghariba for "public use" and built a large plaza in front of the Buraq — the Wailing or Western — Wall. The heart of Al-Maghariba and the adjacent, smaller Harat Al-Sharaf were both Islamic Waqf (religious endowment) properties dating back to the time of Salaheddin Al-Ayoubi (Saladin).
According to Palestinian sources Israel has demolished as many as 700 homes in the old town alone, forcing many inhabitants to seek shelter outside the boundaries of the city, e.g. in the West Bank.
Since 1967 Israel has confiscated 34 per cent of East Jerusalem for "public benefit" and designated 44 per cent of the occupied Arab town as "green space". Nine per cent of the city was confiscated for the purpose of building settlements, leaving only 13 per cent of the original, built up Arab area, for the Palestinians.
In addition Israel has adopted a number of aggressive measures aimed at forcing the town's Arab inhabitants to leave. These include imposing excessive taxes on real estate, including homes, withholding vital municipal services from Jerusalem's Arabs in order to force them to relocate and denying residency rights to as many as 20,000 Arabs living in the city.
The Israeli authorities have continued to deny Arabs building licences, exacerbating a housing crisis in the Old Town and surrounding Arab neighbourhoods.
The systematic destruction by Israeli municipal authority of "illegally-built" homes pushed thousands of Jerusalemites to the brink of despair.
Adnan Al-Husseini, the nominal Palestinian governor of Jerusalem, described Israeli measures in Jerusalem as a "full fledged demographic war".
"The Israeli goal is very clear. It is to force as many Palestinians as possible to leave the city and sell their property to Jewish interests."
Al-Husseini said Israel was following a variety of tactics to achieve its strategy, including psychological and economic pressure, heavy taxation, physical coercion and harassment and financial incentives to force Arabs to sell their properties. Jerusalemite Arabs were clinging to their city, he said, despite Israeli efforts to curtail Arab demographic growth.
The Palestinian population of Jerusalem has grown extensively since the beginning of the occupation in 1967. Today, the total population of Jerusalem (East and West) is estimated at 720,000, including 475,000 Jews (66 per cent) and 245,000 Arabs (34 per cent).
As many as 260,000 of the Jewish population of the city (54.7 per cent) are living in 34 colonies established in and around East Jerusalem since 1967.
Maali Adomim, Pisgat Zeev, Har Homa and Gush Itzion are among the largest of these settlements.
Israeli demographic experts predict the Palestinian population will make up 40 per cent of the town's total population by the 2020. It is to forestall this possibility that Israel has been making frantic efforts to confiscate more Arab land in order to build Jewish settler units.
According Israeli sources tenders for building more than 25,000 settler units have been issued since the Annapolis conference in 2007.
Earlier this month the Israeli group Peace Now revealed that the Israeli government was planning to build more than 73,000 units in the occupied West Bank, most of them in existing settlements surrounding East Jerusalem.
The group, which monitors settlement expansion in the West Bank, said the new plans would lead to the doubling of the Israeli settler population and scuttle any prospects for the creation of a viable and contiguous Palestinian state.
Among the most dangerous and explosive aspects of Israel's efforts to Judaise East Jerusalem is the ongoing excavation and digging beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest shrine.
According to Waqf officials, digging beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque is seriously undermining the foundations of Islamic shrine and the nearby Dome of the Rock.
Sheikh Mohamed Hussein, head of the Supreme Muslim Council in Jerusalem, warned that it was only a matter of time before a "major disaster" occurred as a result of Israeli diggings in the vicinity of the Haram Al-Sharif (Al-Aqsa Mosque) esplanade. He accused the Israeli authorities of constructing subterranean tunnels beneath Islamic holy places without any consideration for the safety of Islamic shrines. "I can say without the slightest exaggeration that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing the danger of collapse as a result of these excavations."
Islamic Palestinian leader Raed Salah was even more dramatic in voicing his concerns. "The Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing urgent danger. A medium earthquake could cause the collapse of the mosque."
Salah was arrested by Israeli police on Monday, 23 March, charged with "disturbing the peace" and "inciting against Israel".
In recent years the Israeli security authorities have allowed extremist Jews to enter the Haram esplanade and perform Jewish prayers and other rituals.
In 1967 the Israeli army chief rabbi, General Shlomo Goren, tried to convince a commander of the conquering forces, Uzi Narkis, to blow up the mosque "once and for all".
The story was told by Narkis shortly before his death in 1997 and quoted by Avi Shlaim, an Israeli historian, in The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World.
"There was an atmosphere of spiritual elation. Paratroopers were milling around in a daze. Narkis was standing for a moment on his own, deep in thought, when Goren went up to him and said 'Uzi, this is the time to put a hundred kilograms of explosives in the Mosque of Omar and that's it, we'll get rid of it once and for all.' Narkis said 'Rabbi, stop it." Goren then said to him, 'Uzi, you'll enter the history books by virtue of this deed.' Narkis replied, 'I have already recorded my name in the pages of the history of Jerusalem.' Goren walked away without saying another word."
Two weeks later the Israeli occupation army seized the key to one of the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque (the Moroccan Gate).
Numerous efforts by Jewish extremists to destroy the Islamic shrine have been reported over the years.

US Army Confirms Israeli Nukes; Israeli Aid At Stake
Posted: 26 Mar 2009 02:40 PM PDT
The Army has let slip one of the worst-kept secrets in the world — that Israel has the bomb.
Officially, the United States has a policy of “ambiguity” regarding Israel’s nuclear capability. Essentially, it has played a game by which it neither acknowledges nor denies that Israel is a nuclear power.
But a Defense Department study completed last year offers what may be the first time in a unclassified report that Israel is a nuclear power. On page 37 of the U.S. Joint Forces Command report, the Army includes Israel within "a growing arc of nuclear powers running from Israel in the west through an emerging Iran to Pakistan, India, and on to China, North Korea, and Russia in the east."
The single reference is far more than the U.S. usually would state publicly about Israel, even though the world knew Israel to be a nuclear power years before former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu went public with facts on its weapons program in 1986.
Several years later investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published "The Samson Option," detailing Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against Arab states in the event it felt its very existence was threatened. Israel’s nuclear arsenal has been estimated to range from 200 to 400 warheads.
Yet Israel has refused to confirm or deny it’s nuclear capabilities, and the U.S. has gone along with the charade.
As recently as Feb. 9 President Barack Obama ducked the question when asked pointedly by White House correspondent Helen Thomas whether he knew of any country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons. Keeping the blinders on is necessary politically in order to avoid a policy confrontation with Israel.
By law, the U.S. would have to cease providing billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel if it determined the country had a nuclear weapons program. That’s because the so-called Symington Amendment, passed in 1976, bars assistance to countries developing technology for nuclear weapons proliferation.
Given the U.S.’s long history of selective blindness when it comes to Israeli nukes, it’s unlikely that the Joint Operating Environment 2008 report compiled by the Army amount to much more than a minor faux pas.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, in a March 8 article on the report, observed: "It is virtually unheard of for a senior military commander, while in office, to refer to Israel’s nuclear status. In December 2006, during his confirmation hearings as Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates referred to Israel as one of the powers seen by Iran as surrounding it with nuclear weapons. But once in office, Gates refused to repeat this allusion to Israel, noting that when he used it he was 'a private citizen.'"
– Bryant Jordan

LondonJazz interview with Gilad Atzmon and Vineyard of the Saker review of "In Loving Memory of America"
Posted: 26 Mar 2009 04:05 AM PDT
INTERVIEW BY Sebastian Scotney
"Are you a Londoner now?" , I asked Cricklewood resident Gilad Atzmon.
He paused for thought. And for a very brief moment, I imagined I had achieved the impossible and caught him short of an answer.
Atzmon is one of the most articulate, confident and powerful communicators around. Not just as a musician, but also as a fascinating, independent and much-followed thinker on cultural ideas and politics. Somewhere between a public intellectual and a public anti-intellectual. His site Palestine Think Tank gets hundreds of thousands of hits.

But landed with my left-field question he seemed, for a few seconds, genuinely lost for words. The first phrases of his response were short. Ironic yet deadpan.
"Obviously, I'm a foreigner. Big time. I can hardly speak English."
Then gradually, the ideas started to take shape and flow and grow. His natural presence, his emotional force and intensity started to rebuild. Phrases were getting longer, starting to connect.
"You know, I'm not normally very emotionally overwhelmed when I play a gig. But recently I played the Queen Elizabeth Hall for the first time, and I was shaking. Playing music is my job, so I'm asking myself what the f*** is this? Maybe this IS my home town. All these friends have come to see me. People I really like. It was a unique feeling…
"I'd been bitter about London for quite a while. I just didn't like what had happened here in recent years. (I've not seen violence. Where I come from is a violent place.) But London had become a cold, money-oriented city. The embodiment of filthy capitalism. But the news is that we are ALL in deep sh*t now, the money is running out, maybe it was a fantasy all along.
"Everything's getting cheaper again. Musicians try to help each other. Venues are seeking to be helped by musicians. Without a real brotherhood we're not getting very far…
"The BBC has very little good news to give out. Which is why I see a doubling of the audience at my gigs. People prefer to come out and listen to Frank (Harrison, Atzmon's regular pianist) or Gwilym (Simcock) than stay in and hear Jeremy Paxman. Because what we can do is to remind people what beauty is."
The whole experience was like a strong jazz solo. I was being told a story which gathered intensity and heft as it developed.
In the language of Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point, Atzmon is a maven. He spots and interprets and predicts trends. He plays the higher saxophones, alto and soprano, and has that priestly, incantatory power as a player which you get from Coltrane on soprano or Parker on alto. Atzmon has just played his "with strings" project in innovative promoter Christine Allen's inexpensive St Cyprian's series, and they have proved very popular.
So, what's next?
We talked at length about Atzmon's fervent desire to help the victims of brutality in Palestine. Palestine has disappeared from the front pages, and from Paxman's Newsnight. But it is front-of-mind for Atzmon. And he doesn't just talk, he is doing something about it.
Atzmon will be doing a charity gig at the 606 on 30th April as a fundraiser for medical charities working in Palestine. The music and the words which go with it will be a powerful demonstration of one man's committed defence of what he believes in.
Go. Book early. There will be no gig in London this year which stems from a deeper passion than Atzmon's wish to do something about helping the innocent victims of the Israeli invasion.

The passion of a man who now, finally, considers himself to be a Londoner. Which makes me proud to be one too.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In Loving Memory of America
Gilad Atzmon moving tribute for America's greatest heroes
"On an especially cold Jerusalem night I heard Bird playing "April in Paris" on a radio program. I was knocked down. It was by far more organic, poetic, sentimental and yet wilder than anything I had ever heard before. Bird was a fierce libidinal extravaganza of wit and energy. The morning after, I decided to skip school, I rushed to the one and only music shop in Jerusalem. I found the jazz section and bought every album that was on the shelves. It was that moment when I fell in love with jazz, it was that moment when I fell in love in America"
Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon's latest album entitled In Loving Memory of America might well be the best album Gilad has ever recorded (and God knows Gilad recorded plenty of good music in the past). This latest album, however, stand apart from all his previous recordings.
The album is recorded with the Sigamos String Quartet (Ros Stephen and Emil Chakalov on violins, Rachel Robson one the viola and Daisy Vatalaro on the cello). His usual band (keyboard player Frank Harrison, bassist Yaron Stavi and drummer Asaf Sirkis) is also present. This unique combination of a jazz band with a string quartet will immediately reminds jazz fans of another famous jazz album: Charlie "Bird" Parker's "With Strings". Gilad's reference to Bird's album is also shown through several of the pieces also recorded on "With Strings", including the nostalgic and very moving "Everything Happens To Me" which begins Gilad's new album.
"In Loving Memory of America" is not, however, simply a re-recording of Bird's pieces: seven of Gilad's best past compositions are intertwined within Parker's jazz standards. What is amazing is how well these various compositions are blended together. For example, the third track on the album, Gilad's "musiK", is followed by "What Is This Thing Called Love" which is also present on Parker's recording. Gilad's version is, however, very different, slower, far more deliberate and tense, and it eventually "resolves" into Gilad's very moving "Call Me Stupid, Ungrateful, Vicious And Unstable" which begins with an almost Piazzolla-like opening with the strings supporting a lamentful exposition by Gilad's clarinet.
Gilad's use of the strings if far most complex and sophisticated than Parker's. The latter saw them mainly as a support for his instrument, whereas Gilad uses them much more as an interlocutor to his own phrases. Again, the figure of Piazzolla immediately comes to mind.
In fact, while Bird is the obvious reference, Piazzolla is the esoteric figure standing behind much of the lyricism and drama present in Gilad's latest album. Still, hints of this hidden filiation can even be found amongst Gilad's key musicians. Ros Stephen, for example, has played for many years in the tango quartet Tango Siempre. And can you guess who did many of the arrangements of "In Loving Memory of America"? The very same Ros Stephen, of course!
Still, for all the references found in this album, "In Loving Memory of America" is Gilad's album first and foremost. As John McLauglin likes to say, jazz musicians are "Thieves and Poets", and Gilad is not exception. Still, the poetry of Gilad's album is definitely uniquely his. Most importantly, it is Gilad's pain at seeing what the America of his youth has turned into which forms the basso continuo of this unique to this album.
One could ask whether the America of Gilad's youth every existed. I would say that it definitely did, if only in the hearts of those who listened to jazz music - America's beautiful gift to the world -in their youths. Gilad's music is a lament for the loss of this (mostly, but not exclusively, imagined) America, and it is a tribute to all those who share that pain today (one can think of all the jazz musicians who, with Charlie Haden, recorded the album Not In Our Name). Call it a much belated loss of innocence of poets and artists (the "bleeding hearts and artists" as Roger Waters would, no doubt, call them) , if you want, but somebody had to weep for this America the beautiful and jazz musicians did.
Music is probably the most sublime form of art because it allows to directly convey the the listener emotions which very often cannot be expressed in words. In this sense, it is also the most abstract art. The paradox, however, is that music and, in particular, jazz music is - or, at least, should be - also extremely subversive.
Emotions are, after all, probably the most powerful element of one's personality and, therefore, one of the most powerful influences on our thoughts and actions. In the booklet which comes with the album, Gilad writes: I do realise that ‘things have changed’. I do grasp that Jazz is not exactly a form of resistance anymore. It is not even a revolutionary art form. Maybe. Maybe not. But I don't believe that Gilad would ever have been capable of releasing such a powerful album if he did not feel that somebody out there was listening, feeling and understanding. The very fact that he did release this album is therefore an act of revolutionary resistance.
Sometimes, the emotion-idea is given rather directly, like in Gilad's piece "Refuge" which begins with a tension building Middle-Eastern melody which abruptly transforms itself in an African sounding explosion of joy. One could be forgiven for instinctively thinking of the collapse of the Apartheid regime in South Africa and the precedent this sets for the last Apartheid-like regime left on this planet: the "Jewish state" of Israel. Sometimes, the emotion-idea is far more subtle, like in Gilad's "In The Small Hours", but no less powerful.
The entire album feels like a "painful embrace", painful because of the immense sadness it expresses, but an embrace nonetheless, because of the shared love it conveys to its audience. This mixture of seemingly contradictory feelings is yet another feature common to Gilad Atzmon and Astor Piazzolla. I sometimes think of it as "wise sadness" or "peaceful pain". It is this amazing capability for art to sublimate pain - or even agony- and to transform them into energy, beauty and hope.
There is one thing which Parker's and Gilad's albums definitely have in common: being deceptively easy to listen to. These albums need to be carefully listened to many times before they reveal all their nuances and subtleties . This is particularly true of Gilad's album which is, in many ways, a more complex and more multi-layered creation than Bird's more "straightforward" recording.
Two things should, in particular, be mentioned here: the very elegant and sophisticated arrangements and the very minimalist yet absolutely superb playing by Frank Harrison on the piano and, in particular, on the Fender Rhodes (a sound which I regret not hearing more often).
"In Loving Memory of America" is the kind of album which you can listen to for hours and days at a time without ever getting bored or feeling that you got enough of it. It is intoxicating and addictive as only the very best jazz albums ever are.
You can already order the album on Amazon in the UK, at Jazz CDs or, for those living in the USA, pre-order it at CD Universe.
Either way - get the album. It is truly a masterpiece.

cartoon of the day
Posted: 26 Mar 2009 02:55 AM PDT


Azmi Bishara: New US Thinking
Posted: 26 Mar 2009 02:45 AM PDT
Azmi Bishara analyses the direction of Washington's diplomatic offensive across the region


We had thought that the train of events from the Israeli invasion of Lebanon to its invasion of Gaza, the impression these events created in people's minds and the growing disillusionment with forces favouring the current settlement process offered sufficient inspiration and impetus to revise official Arab approaches to that process. However, one remains compelled to wonder just how prepared the forces opposed to this approach are to seize the historic opportunity to put an end to that process, rather than to succumb to the current drive to contain them. After all, the US and its allies in the East and West are haunted by this very spectre — the fear of losing the settlement legacy — for which reason they have been waging a sustained diplomatic assault on the region since the Sharm El-Sheikh conference on the reconstruction of Gaza.
The previous US administration had come to the conclusion that the Palestinian leadership, alone, was incapable of reaching a permanent deal with Israel on Israeli conditions, or of keeping the internal Palestinian situation under control. It therefore encouraged its Arab allies to play a more active and determined role in supporting the current negotiating process, strengthening the PA security agencies and countering the resistance in Palestine and elsewhere. Although the allies did as asked, in Annapolis and later, Washington did not take their interests into account. Instead it drove them into a state of permanent self-defence in the face of their own public opinion. Take, for example, their stance during the war on Lebanon in 2006, their incomprehensible boycott of the Damascus summit in March 2008, their complicity in the siege on Gaza, and their position during the summit on Gaza in Doha. To every season its men and its governments: in these regimes there emerged politicians, intellectuals and media figures of the sort that are ready to take part in the "struggle" to resist the resistance, alongside Israel and the US. Of course, the structure and culture of these regimes and their adherents is totally at odds with the concept of resistance and its corollaries of self-sacrifice and risk. They are not constructed to struggle, whether for themselves or for the US and Israel. This is borne out by the failure of the coup against the national unity government and the elected legislative majority in Gaza and in Beirut in March 2008. It is this difference that distinguishes them, for example, from rightwing Lebanese forces of the past. These were fascist forces engaged in a "struggle" against the Palestinian resistance, sectarian militias prepared not only to fight and commit massacres, like the current anti-resistance forces, but also to die for the sake of a sectarian cause, as did fascist forces in Italy, and in Spain during the Spanish civil war in the 1930s. Such dedication is no more. It has been replaced by a type of commitment that has no compunction when it comes to committing crimes but speaks the language of rent and deference to money and material gain. In the latest phase of dialogue and containment on which the Obama administration has embarked these forces, too, find themselves in crisis.
The new US administration has stated repeatedly that it views the region from a perspective of Israeli security when it comes to Iran and uranium enrichment, as well as to resistance against Israeli occupation. It believes that Israel's right to security is not connected with ending the occupation, that it has the right to be an occupying power and at the same time be safe and that it is the Arabs' duty to sit quietly in their camps, under the conditions of the occupation and the economic boycott, watch the news bulletins on negotiations and rejoice at the Mitchell appointment.
The new administration has also decided that the PA proved itself by keeping the security situation in the West Bank under control during the Gaza crisis. Israel thinks likewise, regarding this as its first real harvest from the Oslo process, a vindication of its earlier claims that Arafat was never serious about security coordination. The nature of the Palestinian leadership has, indeed, changed since the assassination of Arafat. The nature and creed of the PA and the level of coordination of its agencies has changed since Israel stopped being the enemy and became a true partner. In US and Israeli eyes, this type of PA merits support. However, such support stops way short of meeting the demands of the Palestinian people and remains confined to financial and security support, which is what is meant by the term "capacity building".
The new administration in Washington maintains that support for the PA leadership goes hand in hand with weakening the resistance axis. This has conditions:
- Taking the interests of subordinate Arab states into account.
- Holding talks with Iran to convince it to halt uranium refinement activities while seriously hinting at sanctions before resorting to the military option. This requires building an Arab-Israeli front against Iran which, in turn, requires talking with those Arab countries that "fall under Iranian influence" and, perhaps, taking these countries' interests into account to a level worked out beforehand.
- In order to identify the interests of these countries within the framework of a cooperative arrangement against Iran for the sake of Israel and to resolve the Palestinian problem comprehensively a new regional roadmap must be drawn up.
- This regional roadmap would support and fortify the already existing Palestinian "roadmap" but it would be much broader and comprehensive, taking into account the interests of countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria in exchange, obviously, for abandoning Iran, and the resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq (with special consideration paid to the existing reality in Lebanon).
The region can thus expect a new "roadmap" for years to come, whether or not it appears in text form or under this title. This is where Washington's actions are meant to lead us, not to a settlement, permanent or otherwise, or to a withdrawal from the Golan Heights. This is what will keep us occupied for a long time unless something momentous intervenes, such as a resurgence of the resistance or another war.
In order to flesh out the hypothesis outlined above I will turn to a critical discussion of the lecture delivered by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair John Kerry at the Saban Centre of the Brookings Institute on 4 March 2009. Senator Kerry is a former presidential candidate and a leading Democratic Party figure who came out early in favour of Barack Obama. His lecture followed a recent visit to the region, covering Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. By way of introduction, I will say that the new administration in Washington has taken on board the conclusions of the Baker-Hamilton committee, supported by the Defense Secretary Bill Gates, which is precisely why the Obama administration kept him on in this capacity. The US establishment has absorbed everything that needed to be deduced from the failure of the war policy that the Bush-Cheney administration pursued throughout Bush's two terms, which is why that establishment backed Obama. Let us turn now to Kerry's conclusions following his visit to the region.
In his opening remarks Kerry welcomed the election of Obama as an extraordinary chance to signal a new approach to the region because of his pragmatism and "willingness to listen and lead". He pauses to recount the "emotional" impact of the visit, which effects are presented with carefully calculated selectivity. He felt compassion for the suffering of the settlement village of Sderot over the past eight years and also "deeply moved" by the sight of "little Palestinian girls playing in the rubble" where once an American school stood. (I must admit I have a problem with liberals who want to show how fair and even-handed they are. They make the victims look nice when they want to support some of them and a little girl playing in the ruins of a bombarded American school serves the purpose admirably. As for the occupying power, it is taken for granted in their camp that it is the real victim for perpetuity.). He then proceeds to enumerate four causes for hope, in spite of the election of Netanyahu and all the wars. As we shall see, he does not hope for a solution but he is very optimistic about reaching a new "roadmap".
The first cause is a "tectonic shift in Middle East geopolitics".
"The rise of Iran has created an unprecedented willingness among the moderate Arab nations to work with Israel. This re-alignment can help lay the groundwork for progress towards peace."
Otherwise read, strategic cooperation between the Arabs and Israel precedes peace, which begs the question as to why Israel would need to work towards a solution with the Arabs when it is already cooperating strategically with them against a common enemy.
Second, he says, "the Arab Peace Initiative has emerged as the basis on which to build a Regional Road Map that enlists moderate Arab nations to play a more active role in peacemaking".
Third, reiterating what every mid-level Israeli Labour Party activist has said and Olmert himself stated in his farewell interview with Yediot Aharanot of 13 October 2008, Kerry holds that "the outlines of a final status agreement are in fact clearer than ever". In his opinion, the challenge is how to get there and his answer is "to move simultaneously on capacity-building in the West Bank and final status talks". One can fail but notice that as clear as the outlines of a final status agreement are said to be, Kerry does not venture to spell them out. This is largely because to him the road to get there is what counts. Back to the process is everything, the goal nothing. Life is one never ending negotiation.
The fourth cause was the election of Obama. His administration presents an opportunity for "charting a new path that will empower moderates on all sides who have been lacking political cover and losing political ground". This was intended as a criticism of the Bush administration which showed no appreciation for the particular circumstances and interests of the Arab "moderates" and failed to provide them sufficient support, thereby keeping them under constant pressure and in perpetual conflict with their political environment.
Somehow the Arab position has done a 360 degree turn. There was a time when the Arab nationalist position held that to separate the Palestinian cause from its Arab hinterland was to collude with designs against the cause. The cause was, in fact, severed from its greater Arab nationalist dimension in Camp David, and even more so in Oslo; however, the Palestinian leadership was incapable of reaching a solution with Israel. Then suddenly it was realised that the cause would have to be restored to its regional dimensions, not because of pressures from Arab nationalism but because Arab nationalism no longer presented a threat, and also because the official Arab order had long since abandoned any Arab nationalist dimension to the Palestinian cause. Now that is a complete reversal. This is why Kerry can be so confident in his assertion that the Palestinian cause was a regional problem that needed to be handled in a plan that covered other regional influential issues, contrary to the customary tactic of dealing with these issues separately. The approach is possible in Kerry's view because, "Whereas once the Arab world voted unanimously for the three no's — no dialogue with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no peace with Israel — there are now three very different no's which dominate many discussions in the region: no Iranian nukes, no Iranian meddling, and no Iranian hegemony". Then he adds, quite explicitly, that because of this perceived common threat, the moderate Arab states and Israel "are now cooperating in ways that were unimaginable just a couple of years ago".
Kerry goes on to say that the Bush administration drew many red lines that it could not enforce (he was referring to that administration's prohibitions against talking with Iran and Syria, among others). The Obama administration would change that. It would focus on what can be done and leave side issues alone. The regional aim is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear arms. Therefore, without foregoing the military option, we must move beyond the old red lines. According to the senator this entails talking with Iran about mutual interests in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and bringing Iran back into the international fold with recognition of its regional role in exchange for halting uranium refinement activities. There would also be talks with Syria, with the purpose of isolating and weakening Iran and its instruments such as Hezbollah. China and Russia would naturally be asked to help, though Kerry does not spell out how and what the US would have to pay in return. Russia has demands and interests extending from the Baltic in the north to Serbia in the south, and around the Caspian and Black Seas. China has an equally vast scope of interests. Would the US alienate and sacrifice the interests of its other allies in the world in order to please Russia and China, and all this in order to isolate and bring Iran to heel for the sake of Israel? Kerry did not bother following through on the questions his proposals beg.

Kerry supports dialogue with Syria and believes its goals realistic. Syria has negotiated with Israel before, in the face of Tehran's objections, he observes. Of course Syria will try to "play both sides of the fence for as long as it can" but ultimately "I think that President Assad understands that, as a secular Arab country with a Sunni majority population, Syria's long-term interests lie not with Iran but with its Sunni neighbours and the West".
But if this is where Syrian interests lay what has been keeping it from this realisation for so long? Could it be that Kerry had not made it as plain to Damascus as his lesson to it on the Syrian demographic composition? Or could it be that there is a meeting between Syrian national security and the concept of Arab national security that the policies of the US, Israel and their Arab allies helped enhance? That question too is left unanswered. But this is why the US has not opposed the attempt on the part of its Arab allies to embrace Syria and avoid angering it.
However, this is not enough. There are Syrian and Arab demands and interests that the US and Israel lack the flexibility to meet. But Syria apparently will be glad just to talk. It will play the game because it has a political and economic interest in breaking the blockade against it. Of course, there might be some among Syria's ruling elite, though not yet in the highest decision making echelons, who have more to gain from dialogue. Kerry is aware of this, which is why he stressed linking Syria to the Western economy.
"How do we begin?" Kerry asks midway through his speech. The starting point is to encourage the Arabs to adhere to the Arab Peace Initiative which "bold step never received the focus it deserved when the Saudi King Abdallah proposed it in 2002".
He sums up this initiative as essentially based on the formula of land in exchange for Arab recognition and normalisation with Israel. However, like Israel he still gives normalisation precedence over peace. For example, although there is the already existing Quartet "roadmap" for the Palestinian track, there is a need for a "regional roadmap" that will "require a sustained multilateral effort like the one that followed the first Madrid Conference in 1991".
It is odd how everyone likes to recall that burst of activity, even though it brought the Arabs no closer to the solution of their demands. The "moderates" will also, according to Kerry's vision, be expected to pressure Hamas into halting missile fire from Gaza and agreeing to a national unity government that conforms to the Quartet's set conditions. In addition, Egypt has the task of stopping arms smuggling across its borders while Jordan will continue to train PA security agencies.
The only measure that Kerry offers the Arab allies in exchange for everything they are expected to do is to demonstrate "with actions rather than words, that we are serious about Israel freezing settlement activity in the West Bank". At least, for once, there is some recognition that to all previous US administrations the position that settlement activity is an obstacle to peace was, indeed, mere words.
Perhaps the Kerry vision, as presented in his Saban Centre lecture, offers some insight into the current American diplomatic offensive in the region and some of the current Arab reconciliation movements. However, this leads us back to the question we asked at the beginning of this article. What are the supporters of a reconsideration of the entire settlement process doing at this moment? Do they have a strategy to counter the US diplomatic offensive? Until very recently conditions were favourable to them rather than to the pro-settlement process forces.

The Knesset: many parties, one mind

Intransigence, expansionism, racism and warmongering now seem to be the consensus across Israeli politics

 Thursday 26 March 2009
Ehud Barak's move to join Binyamin Netanyahu's coalition and rub shoulders around the cabinet table with arch racist Avigdor Lieberman should not have surprised anybody, but was still met with shocked lamentations from the ranks of the decomposing remnants of the Zionist left. The fact that Tzipi Livni, leader of the opportunistic "central" Kadima party, demonstrated more courage and integrity (for which the long knives in her party have already been drawn against her), is hardly a breathtaking bombshell either for anybody who has been following the careers of the power-obsessed general and the goody-two-shoes girl scout. Many ask themselves what's left of the Israeli left.
The answer to that, as it always has been, is simple. The Israeli left is combined of the following: the diminishing Meretz, a group of liberal Zionists who are torn by the realisation that they will soon have to decide whether they want a Jewish state or a democratic one – if they opt for the former they'll have to waive the liberal tag, while if they choose the latter they'll have to part with the Zionist one; Arab and Jewish Hadash voters who are struggling to hold on to their two-state solution while beginning to realise that it may well be too late for that; and the mainly Arab voters of Balad, whose plain call for a state for all its citizens is heard by most Jewish Israelis as a subversive "antisemitic" plan. Traditionally, the other Arab party, The United Arab List, is also counted with the left, though there's nothing particularly lefty about it. However, since it represents a part of the constituency of the Palestinian-Arab deprived minority, it naturally aligns itself with the cause of Palestinians' rights, both inside Israel proper, and in the context of the West Bank and Gaza.
This whole block, which has just been defined as "the left", is represented now by 14 parliamentary seats out of the 120 seats in the Israeli Knesset. To them one may hesitantly add four out of the 13 representatives of the Labour party in the newly elected Knesset, who are close in their political stance to Meretz. Hence 18 out of 120 is what's left of the Israeli left, and even that only if one is willing to engage in some intellectual gymnastics and expand the notion of "left" way beyond its traditional boundaries.
As for the Labour party, labelling it a traitor for joining a rightwing government involves a certain amount of wishful thinking regarding its true nature to start with. The answer to the question "when has the Labour party transformed?" is "never", when it comes to its patterns of dealing with Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and "in the mid 1980s, just like most Labour parties in the west" when addressing its stance on social and economic issues. On society and economy, it might suffice to say that it was none other than Ofer Eini, the leader of Israel's huge workers union, the Histadrut, who instigated Barak's move to join what will be, in all likelihood, Israel's most radical neoconservative government ever. The Israeli Labour party has long ago abandoned any commitment to social issues; it has joined up with the ruthless new economy and the big money behind it. The few Labour MKs who still bother paying lip service to social equality are all among the four "rebels" mentioned previously. The rest do not even flinch at the idea of hooking up with Netanyahu, who branded himself as the enemy of the workers and the poor in his last tenure as finance minister.
The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is more complicated. Internationally, the Labour party is viewed as a kosher stamp for any Israeli government, promising a less belligerent stance and a bigger willingness to reach a peaceful solution. This rather hollow belief is exactly what makes Barak such a desirable partner for Netanyahu, despite the pathetic size to which his party has just sunk in parliament (13 out of 120 MKs). Netanyahu is well aware that any type of intransigence and pig-headedness, not to mention actual acts of war, would be more digestible for the Obama administration when coming from a government that includes the Labour party.
The fact of the matter is that the Israeli Labour party has supported all the wars Israel has waged, and actually ran and instigated most of them. The two latest gory interventions, in Lebanon in 2006 and in Gaza this year, were both orchestrated by Labour ministers of defence, Amir Peretz and Barak. Paying lip service to the division of Palestine while planning and propagating territorial expansionism and land-grabbing has been the policy of the Labour party ever since the early days of the Zionist movement, sprinkled by sporadic attempts at giving up some of the territory in return for getting rid of as many Palestinian inhabitants as possible from under Israel's control in the process. Labour might have invented this double-tongues policy, but it has now been adopted by all the main powers in Israeli politics, from Kadima to Likud and even the radical mark on the right – Lieberman's Israel Beytenu.
Everybody is chanting the now popular two-state solution slogan, while in effect expanding the settlements, waging war on the Palestinians in Gaza and devising discriminatory policies aimed against the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Considering the fact that the largest party in the emerging default opposition, Kadima, is holding to identical values and political programme to that of the parties in the government, there's no choice but to recognise the painful truth. The intransigence, the expansionism, the racism and the warmongering are not the problem with only one of the big parties in the Israel's politics; at the moment they seem to be the national consensus. The extent to which Barack Obama's new administration will try to bend this consensus remains to be seen. The precedents, however, do not leave much space for hope.

Patrick Mac Manus
Midgaardsgade 13, 3. th.
2200 København / Copenhagen N
+45 22 45 41 78

Foreningen Oprør / Rebellion (Denmark):

G20 Protestors exercising their rights to democracy, use Google Streetview to target the City
Protesters plan to use Google Streetview and the micro-blogging site Twitter to cause mayhem at next week's G20 summit in London.

Protest organisers say the Internet will help them prepare for a series of rallies to coincide with the meeting of world leaders.

The new tactics emerged as the head of Scotland Yard warned of an influx of international extremists.
G20 rabble-rousing professor is suspended ahead of summit
The 66-year-old former member of Labour's extreme left-wing Militant Tendency warned that 'all hell will break loose' if demonstrators meet police aggression.
G20 rioters to hang banker effigies from lampposts as city staff are told to wear disguises
Thousands of City staff told to stay at home next week
Bankers told not to wear suits and 'dress down'
Additional 2,500 police deployed at cost of £10million
'White, blue-eyed bankers have brought world economy to its knees': What the Brazilian President told Gordon Brown

This was a crisis that was fostered and boosted by irrational behaviour of people that are white, blue-eyed, that before the crisis looked like they knew everything about economics,’ he declared.
‘Now they have demonstrated that they don’t know anything about economics.’
Mr Brown watched on uneasily as his host, President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva, launched a bizarre tirade in which he warned that next week’s G20 summit in London would be a ‘spicy’ affair.

President Lula said it was completely unfair that the poorest people in the world were suffering most for the mistakes of wealthy, Western financiers.
We're all guilty in this financial mess, says Alistair Darling
Alistair Darling risks getting on the wrong side of Gordon Brown, who has refused to admit responsibility for the financial crisis
Hospital prepares itself for victims of violence at G20 summit
The Royal London Hospital, which treated many people after the July 2005 bombings, has been designated the frontline centre for casualties.
All police leave has been cancelled in London for the two days surrounding the summit, which will be accompanied by demonstrations by anti-war groups, environmentalists, anti-globalisation activists and anarchists.
The Metropolitan Police said it was concerned at the re-emergence of old faces and the prospect of activists travelling from overseas to join in a week of “unprecedented protest”.

What on earth is Gordon Brown doing in Brazil?
Gordon’s reckless economic policies have done more damage to Britain than the Luftwaffe’s bombs inflicted on the City of London.

And the Great Train Robbers got away with a lot less than his raid on private pension funds.
What the hell is he doing in Rio de Janeiro?


Barclays tax documents: how Matthew Oakeshott told their lordships what we couldn't
Until now, however, the Guardian has been banned from telling you as much. Under the terms of an injunction obtained by Barclays, newspapers have been prevented doing anything to "incite" or even "encourage" viewing a set of documents which appear to detail massive tax avoidance deals by the bank.
And guess what? Barclays are about to ask to be bailed-out also !!!
And they have been avoiding paying taxes!!!
In the past, if anyone robbed a Bank, they went to prison for atleast seven years!


Bank chief Mervyn King refuses to bail out car industry
Minister met governor to request financial aid
• Unions say 1m workers could desert Labour
The Bank of England has ruled out providing billions of pounds of aid to car firms, dealing a blow to the government's promise to support the stricken industry.
The refusal leaves struggling car manufacturers, which have slashed production, laid off thousands of workers and imposed wage cuts because of a collapse in demand, still waiting to receive any significant government support.

No. 1087  25 March 2009  
Tel: 020 7801 2768  

In this newsletter:  


Stop the War's main event at the G20 is the YES WE CAN
demonstration which starts at the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square
at 2.00pm on Wednesday 1 April.

But we have a week of protest coming up at the G20 and NATO  
(details below). It is crucial we make sure the world's  
leaders can't escape the massive opposition to the wars they  
are waging.

For more information on any of these events please contact the
Stop the War office on 020 7801 2768 on or check the  


Stop the War is encouraging its supporters to join this  
demonstration called by the TUC and NGO's calling for Jobs and
action on poverty and the environment.

We will be forming an anti war/solidarity with Palestine  
contingent on the demo. Look for the Jobs Not Bombs banner,  
meet at Temple Tube 10.30 am.


Come and hear elected representatives from the resistance in  
Palestine and Lebanon.

Lebanon’s Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc  
Vice President of the Palestinian Legislative Council
Stop the War Coalition
Vice President (Europe) Cairo Conference  
International Co-Ordinator of the International Union of  
Parliamentarians For Palestine
English Chair of IUPFP

Time: 7pm  
Date: Monday 30th March  
Place: Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London (nearest  
tube, Euston or Euston Square)
Entrance £2

Tears to Laughter, a benefit and launch party for Lowkey's new
single and for the G20 protests. Featuring Faith SFX and  
Shadia Mansour.  
8pm, Vibe Bar, Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, E1 6QL 8pm.  
Contact the Stop the War office on 020 7801 2768 to book your

Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, End the Siege of Gaza,  
Make Jobs not Bombs, Abolish nukes, End Arms Sales to Israel.

Assemble 2pm US Embassy Grosvenor Square.

The demonstration will start by handing in a message to Barack
Obama at the US embassy. We will then march through central  
London at the moment the world leaders' arrive and Obama meets
Gordon Brown at Downing Street.

3.30 RALLY IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE. Speakers include Tony Benn,  
Arthur Scargill, Daud Abdullah from the Muslim Council of  
Britain, anti debt campaigner Susan George, and Keith Sonnet  
from UNISON. Performers include Palestinian singer Reem  
Kolanai and rapper Lowkey.

Details to be announced.


FRIDAY 3 APRIL:  6am Victoria Embankment. Join the coach for  
Strasbourg No To NATO protests. Book online at or by phone on 020 7801 2768

SATURDAY 4 APRIL: NO to NATO International Demonstration,  

SUNDAY 5 APRIL: Strasbourg Counter Conference


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Next vows to shun mass discounting as profits slip 14 per cent
Moss Bros sinks to £9m loss but suit sales rebound
Celtic Tiger tamed as economy collapses
Darling warns banks to reform for good
Jeremy Warner: Inflationary nemesis awaits gilts investment
Credit crisis diary: Roddy stays mum right to the last


Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
26 Mar 2009
All links are here:

US deploys warships as North Korea prepares to launch missile --North Korea informed international agencies of plan to fire missile as satellite test between April 4 and 8 26 Mar 2009 The US has deployed two warships with anti-missile capabilities in the waters off Japan as tensions mount over North Korea's plans to test-fire a long-range ballistic missile capable of striking Alaska. The deployment comes as America, Japan and South Korea threaten North Korea with 'serious consequences' if it proceeds with plans to conduct the missile test in defiance of a 2006 UN resolution.
Obama's Vietnam #1: 'Obama's war' - New troops and new plan By Mike Allen 26 Mar 2009 President Barack Obama plans to commit to sending 4,200 more troops and hundreds more civilians to Afghanistan in a speech at the White House on Friday morning, and also to embrace a new system of benchmarks to measure progress. "He’s gone all in," said an official briefed on the plan. "This is Obama's war. He's pushed all the chips to the center of the table." The 4,200 troops will be trainers to help expand the Afghan army. "We'll see if we ultimately need to go beyond that," the official said. The plan is at the heavier end of the spectrum of possibilities the White House considered, according to several top officials briefed on the plan.
Reports: 4,000 more trainers heading to Afghanistan 26 Mar 2009 President Obama plans to announce a new strategy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan tomorrow, and sources are sharing some of the details with news outlets. These unnamed officials say the president plans to send 4,000 additional trainers to try to bulk up the Afghan army and to give Pakistan more financial aid if it fights Islamist militants along the border. [OMG!!! What happened to the *billions* we have already given to Pakistan in 'financial aid?' See: Taleban tax: allied supply convoys pay their enemies for safe passage: West funding insurgency in Afghanistan with Taleban payoff system --"We estimate that approximately 25 per cent of the money we pay for security to get the fuel in goes into the pockets of the Taleban." 12 Dec 2008 The West is indirectly funding the insurgency in Afghanistan thanks to a system of payoffs to Taleban commanders who charge protection money to allow convoys of military supplies to reach Nato bases in the south of the country. See: Billions in U.S. Aid to Pakistan Wasted, Officials Assert 24 Dec 2007 After the United States has spent more than $5 billion in a largely failed effort to bolster the Pakistani military effort against Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and the Taliban, some American officials now acknowledge that there were too few controls over the money. See: US Senate approves Pakistan aid worth $785m 20 Dec 2007 The US Senate has approved a $785 million assistance package for Pakistan for the fiscal year 2008 as lawmakers passed with a bipartisan 76-17 vote a massive appropriations bill for federal spending on Tuesday night.]
Pakistan set to reap $35 billion windfall from terrorism 26 Mar 2009 Terrorism pays. That may well be the message the United States and its allies send out to the world this week as they line up billions of dollars in aid to Pakistan despite the country’s military and intelligence agencies being implicated by American officials in acts and practice of terrorism.
British Army chief ready to send 2,000 more troops to Afghanistan 27 Mar 2009 The head of the Army is ready to send up to 2,000 extra troops to Afghanistan amid fears that the US-led mission will struggle without significant reinforcements. General Sir Richard Dannatt told The Times yesterday that elements of 12 Mechanised Brigade -- which had been training for deployment to Iraq but were later stood down -- had been "earmarked for Afghanistan".
Obama's Vietnam #2: US general: American forces may not leave key Iraqi cities --The top commander of ground forces in Iraq says that US troops may stay longer than the June deadline in Baquba and Mosul. 27 Mar 2009 The US withdrawal from Iraq is under way. Some troops are preparing to go home and others have pulled back from outposts to bases. But the planned pullback of American soldiers from all Iraqi cities by the end of June will probably not be fully met. In an exclusive interview, the top US ground commander in Iraq says that... Iraqi officials are likely to ask for US help [!] in the key cities of Baquba and Mosul, meaning that American troops may stay there after the deadline for redeployment to major bases. Senior military commanders say US troops will also likely stay on in the southern city of Basra.
Billions wasted in Iraq reconstruction 25 Mar 2009 Between three and five billion dollars have been wasted in US 'reconstruction' work in Iraq since 2003, a US official says. Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction made the remarks before the House Armed Services Committee. He also warned lawmakers that mistakes made in efforts to rebuild Iraq were being repeated in Afghanistan.
Iraq bombing leaves 22 dead 26 Mar 2009 At least 22 civilians were killed and 38 other people were wounded Thursday in a Baghdad car bombing, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said. A parked car bomb blew up near a bus station and a hospital in Shaab, a Shiite neighborhood in northeastern Baghdad. The bombing took place around 12:40 p.m. local time (5:40 a.m. ET). Four women and three children were among the dead. On Wednesday, a roadside bomb near a primary school in northern Iraq [Xe?] killed four female students, the country's Interior Ministry said.
'Mr. Obama's legal team has found itself following many of the Bush administration's counterterrorism policies.' White House to Keep Agencies' Focus on Terrorism 26 Mar 2009 The Obama administration is moving to solidify one of the most significant shifts of resources put into place under President [sic] George W. Bush: the transformation of the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation into agencies where the top priority is counterterrorism rather than conventional law enforcement. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and other Justice Department officials have emphasized that they will not cut resources allocated to national security in the foreseeable future, and the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, told lawmakers on Wednesday that "we have no intention of retreating from preventing a terrorist attack on American soil as our No. 1 priority."
Director of FBI Urges Renewal of Patriot Act --Portions of Law to Expire This Year 26 Mar 2009 FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III urged lawmakers yesterday to renew intelligence-gathering measures in the USA Patriot Act that are set to expire in December, calling them "exceptional" tools to help protect national security. The law, passed shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, created divisions between proponents, who said it was necessary to deter terrorism, and privacy advocates warning that it tramples on Americans' civil liberties.
Muslim Scholar Unwelcome: Obama Lawyer By Muhammed Qasim 25 Mar 2009 Although it has made a break with many of George Bush's controversial, self-declared war on terror policies and has promised to reach out to Muslims, the Obama administration has decided to back a Bush decision to deny one of Europe's leading Muslim intellectuals entry. "Consular decisions are not subject to litigation," Assistant US Attorney David Jones told the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He asked the court to uphold a decision to bar Tariq Ramadan, an Oxford University professor, from entering the country.
'Israel treated its soldiers as guinea pigs' --Experiments carried out in light of what was defined as 'strategic threat of a surprise biological attack facing Israel' 25 Mar 2009 Israel has admitted to developing an anthrax vaccine through a secret research project involving tests on unaware army soldiers. The Israeli Defense Ministry revealed on Wednesday that the vaccine was tested on 716 soldiers while they had not been fully informed about the study, Ynet reported.
Israel admits to testing anthrax vaccine on troops --Cleared for publication: Defense Ministry admits to experimenting on 716 IDF soldiers during secret research project without disclosing full details 25 Mar 2009 Israel has admitted to developing a vaccine against anthrax, fearing it might be used as a bio-weapon by enemy nations [or, Fort Detrick] against civilians, and tested it on IDF soldiers. The story was cleared for publication Wednesday evening by the High Court of Justice. The research project, codenamed "Omer 2," was kept secret for many years.
Report: Anthrax vaccine tests on IDF troops were conducted unethically 25 Mar 2009 The testing of a trial vaccine for Anthrax conducted on IDF soldiers several years ago were managed unethically, according a report approved for release by the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
'The lack of transparency has led to some staggering boondoggles.' Why secretly funded DEA surveillance planes aren't flying 25 Mar 2009 ...The story behind why the DEA sought the three planes, only to become the second federal agency to give them up, illustrates the pitfalls of "black," or classified, budgeting in which Congress approves tens of billions of dollars for intelligence agencies outside the public's view. The twin-engine planes, manufactured by Schweizer Aircraft, likely came out of an even more shadowy funding provision known as "black earmarks," according to government officials with knowledge of the contract. The officials asked to remain anonymous because the planes, known as "Shadowhawks," received funding secretly. Black earmarks receive almost no scrutiny. Even worse, there's little accountability when the technology doesn't work.
Binyam Mohamed: Police are to investigate MI5 over torture allegations 26 Mar 2009 Baroness Scotland QC, the Attorney General, has asked police to investigate MI5 over allegations that they colluded in the torture of British former Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed. Baroness Scotland QC said the evidence included open and closed court judgments of the in the case, transcripts of all evidence given by an MI5 officer known as "Witness B", the Foreign Secretary’s evidence given in secret and material from third parties about the case.
MI5 to be investigated over torture 26 Mar 2009 The British security service MI5 is to undergo a police investigation over its alleged cooperation with the US torture of 'terror' suspects. The investigation is based on complaints made by British resident Binyam Mohamed who has implicated the MI5's intelligence personnel in his ill-treatment while in American detention.
John McCain backs Texas troop request for border --Gov. Rick Perry confers with HS Sect. Janet Napolitano 26 Mar 2009 Pressure is mounting on President Barack Obama to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, with Sen. John McCain adding his support this afternoon. Gov. Rick Perry asked Washington last month for 1,000 National Guard troops, to free up local police and sheriffs, and federal border, immigration and customs personnel. In Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer has also asked for troops.
Clinton Says Mexico Drug Violence Reaches 'Intolerable' Level 26 Mar 2009 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said drug violence in Mexico and border areas of the U.S. has reached an "intolerable" level that demands both countries join forces to fight back.
Somali pirates seize European tankers 26 Mar 2009 Pirates have seized two European-owned tankers with all their 44 crewmembers off the Somali coast, increasing fears of maritime insecurity. Over the past two days, the bandits have successively attacked a Greek-owned chemical tanker and a Norwegian-owned tanker, taking hold of the vessels.
Injured GIs Prefer Combat to Bragg Care 25 Mar 2009 Soldiers in a recovery unit for wounded troops at Fort Bragg told the Secretary of the Army that they feel forgotten by the military and that combat duty would be better than the treatment they get now, according to a memo obtained by the Associated Press. The memo summarized the comments of Soldiers who attended a closed-door meeting last week with Army Secretary Pete Geren. It was held after the service said it would look into complaints of overzealous discipline reported by The Associated Press.
Schwarzenegger Opens California Fairgrounds to Homeless Camp 25 Mar 2009 California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said a make-shift tent city for the homeless that sprang up in the capital city of Sacramento will be shut down and its residents 'allowed' to stay at the state fairgrounds. Schwarzenegger said he ordered the state facility known as Cal-Expo to be used for three months to 'serve' the 125 tent city residents, some of them displaced by the economic recession. The move comes after the Sacramento City Council last night agreed to spend $880,000 to expand homeless programs.
Schwarzenegger to Provide Government Camps For Homeless --Shut down and takeover of "tent cities" stokes fears of internment pretext By Paul Joseph Watson 26 Mar 2009 Plans to shut down tent cities in California and relocate homeless people to government-run facilities have stoked fears that the move could be a pretext for a wider internment of Americans in the event of a total economic collapse. "California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said a make-shift tent city for the homeless that sprang up in the capital city of Sacramento will be shut down and its residents allowed to stay at the state fairgrounds," reports Bloomberg News.
States consider drug tests for welfare recipients 25 Mar 2009 Want government assistance? Just say no to drugs. [Better yet: Just say no to the corpora-terrorist trolls in Congress who perpetuate poverty.] Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing. The effort comes as more Americans turn to these safety nets to ride out the recession. Poverty and civil liberties advocates fear the strategy could backfire, discouraging some people from seeking financial aid and making already desperate situations worse.
US backing for world currency stuns markets 26 Mar 2009 US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner shocked global markets by revealing that Washington is "quite open" to Chinese proposals for the gradual development of a global reserve currency run by the International Monetary Fund. The dollar plunged instantly against the euro, yen, and sterling as the comments flashed across trading screens. David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said the apparent policy shift amounts to an earthquake in geo-finance.
Banks told to step up security after attack 25 Mar 2009 Banks were warned on Wednesday to take security precautions to protect their staff after vandals attacked the Edinburgh home of Sir Fred Goodwin, former chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland. A group claiming responsibility for the attack later e-mailed the Edinburgh Evening News warning of further action.
Commercial real estate loan defaults skyrocket 26 Mar 2009 With loan defaults rising, analysts say the struggling commercial real estate industry is poised to fall into the worst crisis since the last great property bust of the early 1990s. Delinquency rates on loans for hotels, offices, retail and industrial buildings have risen sharply in recent months and are likely to soar through the end of 2010 as companies lay off workers, downsize or shut their doors. [Don't bail them out - occupy their buildings.]

Geithner outlines sweeping increase in financial regulation 26 Mar 2009 Facing an angry public at home and restless allies abroad, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Thursday outlined the broad brushstrokes of one of the most sweeping overhauls of financial regulation in the nation's history. Geithner presented to the House Financial Services Committee the Obama administration's six-point regulatory blueprint for beefing up financial regulation. The plan... seeks to build on existing structures and fill in the gaping regulatory holes exposed by the current global crisis [caused by the GOP].
Let's Stop Wall Street Loan-Sharking By Senator Bernie Sanders 23 Mar 2009 The "Masters of the Universe" on Wall Street – through their greed, recklessness and illegal behavior – have plunged this country into a deep recession causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs, their homes, their savings and their hope for the future. In order to fully understand the cause of this fiasco, I have introduced legislation calling for a thorough investigation of the financial meltdown and the prosecution of those CEOs who broke the law. The culture of greed, fraud and excessive speculation must come to an end.
Pennsylvania voters ready to deny Sen. Specter a sixth term, polls show --In surveys by Quinnipiac University and by Franklin & Marshall College, the senator registers a third or less of Republican support -- a dangerously low level for a well-known incumbent. 26 Mar 2009 Illustrating Sen. Arlen Specter's uncertain political future, two new surveys suggest that Pennsylvania voters are ready to reject him, with a majority of Republicans saying he doesn't deserve reelection.
Venezuela's free heating oil about to flow in Alaska villages 26 Mar 2009 Millions of dollars in free heating fuel will flow through Alaska villages early next month courtesy of a controversial giveaway program paid for by the Venezuelan government. The sooner the better, say many villagers and rural nonprofits who appear more concerned about their towering [US corpora-terrorists'] energy bills than international politics.
CITGO Corpus Christi Refinery Receives 2008 OSPRA Award 26 Mar 2009 The CITGO Corpus Christi Refinery was awarded on Wednesday the Texas General Land Office’s prestigious 2008 Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act (OSPRA) Award. For the first time, the award has been bestowed on the same company for two consecutive years, as a testament to the core values of CITGO and its commitment to environmental stewardship. CITGO employees take very seriously their responsibility to comply with environmental regulations and serve as guardians of our natural resources and environment.
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Previous lead stories:
Pentagon exploring robot killers that can fire on their own --DoD financing studies of self-governing, armed robots that could find and destroy targets on their own 25 Mar 2009 The unmanned bombers that frequently cause unintended civilian casualties in Pakistan are a step toward an even more lethal generation of robotic hunters-killers that operate with limited, if any, human control. The Defense Department is financing studies of autonomous, or self-governing, armed robots that could find and destroy targets on their own. On-board computer programs, not flesh-and-blood people, would decide whether to fire their weapons. [Yeah, but one good hack and they could be re-programmed to fire upon themselves.]
U.S. drone kills at least 7 in Pakistan tribal area 25 Mar 2009 A missile strike believed to have been launched by a U.S. drone aircraft killed at least seven militants civilians, including foreigners, in a tribal region of northwest Pakistan on Wednesday, intelligence officials and Taliban sources said. The strike occurred in Makeen, an area of South Waziristan. [I thought the Pakistanis were using US tax dollars (aka 'aid') to shoot down US drones?]
US Iraq nominee issues Iran warning 26 Mar 2009 Iran remains the "real problem" for Iraq, the US nominee for ambassador to Baghdad has said, pledging to work to ensure Tehran respects Iraqi sovereignty. "The real problem in the region for Iraq is its ancient neighbour, Iran," Christopher Hill told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a confirmation hearing on Wednesday.
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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.

----- Original Message -----
To: Jim Kirwan
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 11:49 AM
Subject: Fw: Wayne Madsen: British calls for nationalization of privatized utilities and tra

WAYNE MADSEN REPORT - Wayne Madsen Report

Paraphrasing Denis Diderot: "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last banker." Banker was originally "priest."

British calls for nationalization of privatized utilities and transport services. Call to nationalize railways.

G20 protesters plan anti-banker protests in London financial district. Former Royal Bank of Scotland chairman's home vandalized by anti-banker activists.

Kyrgyz opposition rally planned for March 27. Anti-government demonstrations to be held throughout Kyrgyzstan.

Red Shirts surround Thai Prime Minister's office. Protesters demand government resign.

Ukrainians protest against U.S. frigate visit. "Yankee go home" greets frigate's call at Sevastopol.

Nationwide rally planned for May 1 in Russia. ITAR-TASS, Mar. 26. "Russia's Federation of Independent Trade Unions (FNPR) said it is not planning sweeping protest actions in the present conditions of world crisis, yet it will call a nationwide rally on May 1. 'The key demands, to be brought forward at the May 1 rally are 'jobs,' 'No to Decrease in Social Guarantees,' and 'Help to People in Crisis Situation,' FNPR leader Mikhail Shmakov told reporters on Wednesday. No URL.

Some twenty protesters hurt at anti-U.S. rally at American embassy in Manila. "Gabriela" group attacked by riot police.


Britain to extradite Russian criminals to Russia. No names revealed on list but Russian-Israeli mafia has turned Britain into a major base of operations.

Netanyahu struck secret deal with Lieberman on construction of Jewish settlements in West Bank. U.S. has opposed construction in sensitive area.


Clinton tries to have Mossad spy expelled from meeting with Netanyahu. Israeli Prime Minister-designate refused heightening discord between Clinton and incoming Likud-dominated regime.

Spitzer's name on prostitution ring report not to be blacked out on FBI report. 60 other names will be redacted showing that the FBI is nothing more than a political enforcement police agency in the mold of the KGB and Gestapo.

Nine indicted in mortgage fraud scam in Chicago area. Mortgages obtained through fake documents.

"Black budget" DEA planes grounded for maintenance problems. Schweizer Aircraft, part of United Technologies, owns grounded anti-drug planes.

FEMA training Missouri National Guardsmen. Guard being trained in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosive Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) response.

Senate investigates former DHS cyber-chief claims about NSA taking over computer security. Rod Beckstrom quit over NSA power grab.

COUNTRY FOCUS OF THE DAY: Palestine. UN official calls Gaza border crossing situation intolerable. Calls on Israelis to lift food and other import restrictions.


In a first, U.S. Army confirms existence of Israeli nuclear weapons.U.S. obligated to cease foreign aid to Israel pursuant to Symington Amendment of 1976.


What trade sanctions? Mardom-Salari (Tehran). Buried news from January 4, 2009. "America's export to Iran has grown more than twice . . . In the last nine months, America's exports to Iran, with 38.222 per cent growth in respect to the same period last year, reached the figure of 413,116,000 dollars and became the 18th country exporting to Iran." No URL.

Israelis bring down Hezbollah web site. Israeli firm Applicure uses Chinese technology to disable web site.

Clandestine radio broadcasting in Madagascar. Radio Netherlands, 22 March. "A station calling itself Radio Mada Internationale (but apparently not connected with the domestic station called Radio Mada that has been on the air since 1995) has begun daily broadcasts on shortwave. The station supports the deposed president Marc Ravalomanana." NO URL.

Netanyahu plans to name Franklin spy handler and ex-Mossad chief Uzi Arad as Israeli national security adviser. Arad is banned from visiting the United States but the Lobby is trying to change that.

NSA wants to move National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) to Fort Meade. Former NCSC Rod Beckstrom cites NSA power grab as reason for his resignation.

Bolivia expels U.S. diplomat. Francisco Martinez, politial officer at US Embassy in La Paz accused of conspiring on behalf of CIA with groups opposed to President Evo Morales government. Obama administration defends U.S. Embassy's actions. Change, Senor Obama?

Pentagon spy nonsense continues under Obama. University of California developing "spy beetle." Everyone get a can of Raid

"The Dogs of War" author Frederick Forsyth just happened to be in Guinea-Bissau the day the President and Army chief were assassinated. Forsyth helped finance a 1973 coup in Equatorial Guinea, that served as a basis for the "The Dogs of War." Forsyth says twin assassination is "garnish on the cake" for his new novel.

Russian retired general says U.S. may have planned satellite collision between Iridium and Russian Cosmos. Says event may have been part of U.S. operation "Orbital Express." WMR was the first to report that the collision may have been part of a covert U.S. operation.

Iran asks INTERPOL to issue arrest warrants for Israeli war criminals. Olmert, Livni, and Barak on list over Gaza atrocities. Others include Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, Commander in Chief of the Israeli Air Force Ido Nehoshtan, Commander of the Gaza war -- Operation Cast Lead -- Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant, Head of Military Intelligence Directorate Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Commander of Battalion 13 in the Golani Brigade Lt. Col. Oren Cohen, Deputy to the Givati Brigade Col. Ron Ashrov,  Commander of the Israel Paratroopers' Brigade in Gaza Col. Hertzi Halevy, Commander of 401st Armored Corps Brigade convoy Col. Yigal Slovik, Commander of the 101st Battalion in the Paratrooper Brigade Lt. Col. Avi Blot, Lt. Col. Yoav Mordechai, who served as a commander of the Golani infantry brigade's 13th Battalion in Gaza, Givati squad commander Col. Tomer Tsiter, and Brigade commander in Battalion 51 Col. Avi Peled.

Peru to buy Israel "Strike" missiles. El Mercurio (Santiago), 23 February 09. Army Chie General Otto Guibovich announces purchase of Israeli and Russian anti-aircraft missiles to replace agng Russian missiles bought in the 1970s.

George Soros buys into AMDOCS. Israeli firm at heart of Israeli surveillance in United States. WMR was one of the first to call Soros and his gang out on their work for the agents of Mossad and the Rothschilds.

Paradigm Stanford Capital Management Core Alternative Fund linked Biden's son and brother linked to Allen Stanford's operations. Hunter and James Biden Paradigm Global Advisors LLC involved with Stanford hedge funds.

French commentator on website Rue89 - 22 Feb. 09 -- Police reinforcements arrived in Guadeloupe "do some Negro-bashing" or "casser du nègre." For the racist and fascist Sarkozy government, bashing blacks and Arabs is the order of the day.

French territorial parliamentary representatives demand from Sarkozy (AFP, 19 Feb. 09): "the president of the republic adopt as a matter of urgency the measures necessary to emerge from the current crisis overseas: an increase in purchasing power and salaries for the least well-off; the fight against the high cost of living." The demand came from parliament members from Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, Reunion, and Wallis and Futuna. No URL available.

Former CIA agent Roger d'Onofrio Ruggiero helped Liberia's Charles Taylor and Sierra Leone rebels smuggle diamond for weapons. Deals involved Libya and Bulgarian company, Kintex.

Anti-capitalist protest in Ireland. 100,000 hit streets of Dublin. Video of protest.

Military officers under investigation for corruption in Iraqi reconstruction contracts. One whistleblower, Dale Stoffel, was assassinated after he passed on information to U.S. investigators. Stoffel, President of Wye Oak Technology Inc. of Alexandria, VA, procured weapons systems from Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Russia and was a mysterious arms dealer [possibly U.S. intelligence].

Shootout at presidential palace in Malabo. Attackers arroived by boat. Possible attempt to free jailed British mercenary Simon Mann

$125 billion fraud scheme in Iraqi contracts unearthed. Scam exceeds Madoff rip-off of $50 billion.  Robert J Stein Jr., US comptroller for south-central Iraq and one of few convicted in fraud scheme, was photographed standing next to "mound of money."

Alison Des Forges, human rights expert on Africa's Great Lakes genocide, and Beverly Eckert, 9/11 "official story" skeptic, killed in crash of commuter jet in Buffalo. The crash was very "convenient" for certain parties. WMR has a report on Des Forges and the current situation in east-central Africa.

The new "Blackwater" is Xe, pronounced "Zee." Blackwater Lodge & Training Center is now U.S. Training Center Inc. Xe or "Z" is more appropriate for this fascist firm. Costa-Gavras' 1969 film "Z" was about the assassination of a left-wing Greek Prime Minister and the government's attempt to cover it up. "Z" and "Blackwater" -- perfect together.

AFRICOM motives exposed. U.S.-backed offensive in Uganda blamed for hundreds of civilian deaths.UN official criticizes operation as AFRICOM commander Gen. Kip Ward and the "girlfriend" of Ugandan dictator Yoweri Museveni, Obama's miniskirt-wearing UN ambassador Susan Rice, defend U.S. military involvement in African strife.


Strikes spread throughout Montenegro. From Vecernje Novosti(Montenegro). On 9 February protesters from a number of Podgorica companies assembled in front of the government building in Podgorica. They were joined by workers' from Bijelo Polje and Niksic. In northern Montenegro over 1,200 workers are staging protests every day. They have not received wages for years and many of them have lost their jobs long ago. URL not available.

Israeli ambassador "finger-wagging" at European leaders. Israeli ambassador to Spain Raphael Schutz says Catalan regional interior minister Joan Saura "crossed red line" in marching against Israeli aggression in Gaza. Schutz says interior minister participated in a "jihadist-style" event where "cries in favour of Hamas" went out.El Pais, 6 February, 2009. URL available in Spanish only. Israeli criticism comes after Israeli complaints about Flemish Regional government minister, and Spanish Socialist Party official

"King of Antigua" under investigation. Texas billionaire Allen Stanford being probed by SEC, IRS, FINRA, and FBI. WMR previously highlighted ties between Stanford, the Bushes, and a Maryland auto dealer and his wife.

Former British soldier commits suicide over Madoff losses. William Foxton, a veteran of British UN humanitarian operations and Sultan of Oman's army, is found in Southampton with single bullet wound to head. CHORUS: . . . and police suspect no foul play.

Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL), appointed by Blagojevich, admits to money conversations with Blagojevich's brother. Info comes from wiretapped phone call. WMR reiterates that US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who was reappointed by Obama and now works for Emanuel machine, is likely using illegal NSA wiretaps.

Financial crisis top "security" threat to U.S.  Dennis Blair responds to "Red Storm Rising." Blair cites possibility of "high levels of violent extremism" in the turmoil of the 1920s and 1930." Red-baiting Mr. Blair?


Chalmers Johnson: America is broke while billions are sucked in by the Pentagon for fantasy wars. Pentagon "delusional" about its importance to America. 

Israeli Defense Ministry officials helped U.S. companies win closed bid Pentagon contracts restricted to U.S. defense contractors. Israelis used sensitive information to help EMC against rivals HP and HDS.

Body of Minot Air Force Base 91st Missile Wing Crew Commander found by Minot police. Capt. Jonathan Bayless was assigned to Minot during August 2007 illegal transfer of nuclear warheads to Louisiana for an operation in the Middle East

U.S. cannot afford 800 military bases worldwide. U.S. has bases in over 130 countries.

Israel's latest surveillance export: Jack Bauer joins Mossad. Ontology "Citer" tracks web habits and movements.

Sources are the life blood of this publication. The editor was arrested by the Alexandria, Virginia police on March 17, 2009, while trying to protect a confidential source relative to the Stanford Financial Group scam. Legal bills have been and will be incurred. In reponse to numerous questions, a Legal Defense Fund has been established.

If you would like to donate to the editor's Legal Defense Fund, an account has been established via PayPal.

NOTE: A continuance has been granted in the editor's court case originally scheduled for March 25, It is now scheduled for May 20.


First, thank you to all those who were kind enough during this severe economic downturn who were thoughtful and generous to donate to the Wayne Madsen Legal Defense Fund set up through Pay Pal.

Second, the initial problem we had with PayPal has been resolved.

And, once again, I want to thank all those who were so generous with their resources in this legal battle against police overreaction and the city of Alexandria's infringement on basic principals of a free press in the United States.



325- (X) HTML - ONE-WORLD GOVT - 20090504-0330   


    Thanks to a good and thorough deseducation over a few centuries, the ordinary U.S. "citizens" can easily be made to swallow the weirdest things:  They just can't think !   For instance the one world government...  a government for the whole world !  The fools believe that with a government for the entire world, there won't be any war any longer,  the whole world will be united, with no longer any division.  Well, that is what people have been told to believe and guess what... they do believe it and they elected Obama as president.  They acclaimed it as if he was the saviour of the world.  Can one be more imbecilic ?  Just a question, mind you, I don't know everything.
    The facts that Obama is a phony,  though a good actor,  illegal, born in Africa and employed by the International Plutocracy did not matter a bit for the 300 million fools.  And so Obama with the help of his great friend George Bush, can continue the destruction of the United States and of the world leading to the elimination of 6.6 billion people:   victims of the stupidity of 300 million "Americans".  Shouldn't a bit of justice be needed at this point ?   Unfortunately, the only justice will be the horrible death of everybody except for the three thousand members of the International Plutocracy.
    So, knowing fully well that the formation of a united world would automatically lead to the end of that world as well as to the further enrichment of the wealthy few... who are and have almost always been the owners and masters of the world, the one-world government will finally appear, starting with the U.S. invasion of Mexico and Canada followed by a final world war.
    There are some doubts as to what will follow.  Here are the four possibilities:
1. Depopulation is completed successfully and only the very wealthy few are left.
2. Depopulation will fail somehow and the International plutocracy is defeated (unlikely)
3. Extra-terrestrial forces more and more active, intervene in a yet unknown manner.
4. An unexpected, unlikely and difficult world revolution saves the world.
    As I have had occasion to tell before,  only a revolution which would thoroughly educate, not just some of the people but everybody, in languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on, only such a revolution could save this sick world. Why is this necessary?  Because the future is full of possibilities and difficulties so that the ignorant, unprincipled people inhabiting the earth today would be totally unable to defend themselves and their defeat and disappearance is guaranteed.
    No, it would not be a sollution though sooner or later, it is going to be suggested that part of the world be of one type while another is quite different.  That kind of solution would be far too easy to manipulate and control by the plutocracy which would create a persistent antagonism between the two sides which could thus exterminate one another.  It is in fact clear that the only way for the world to continue to exist is to let it be divided into 150 to 200 countries, each being too small to attack the rest.
    The main threat in this planet is presently the existence of a country like the United States which, because of its size and because it totally belongs to the International Plutocracy, has the the world's greatest number of (mostly innocent) people in prisons.  Indeed we observe that in the U.S.:
1. The plutocracy has full control of the country.
2. The population is so deseducated that they are unable to free themselves.
3. So they remain the slaves of the wealthy few.
4. While these are free to unite and form the International Plutocracy.
5. Which is gradually gaining total power in the world.
6. A power which is needed and used to depopulate the planet.
7. A depopulation which is having full success so far.
8. With assassinations being done, now by the dozen and later by the million.
    Actually the problem with the human species is that when living alone, people are little saints, when living in a group, they are little devils and when living among thousands, they are satanic animals. . .  as demonstrated by History.       
    While most people tend to be satisfied with small earnings and are therefore harmless, there are always a few, very few, who are eager to make big money.  Nothing wrong with that... except that there are the odd ones... numbering one among thousands, who are so greedy as to want a colossal amount of money: not millions but trillions and quadrillions of dollars. This, not because they need so much money but because they have a very severe mental condition which makes them act that way:  they can't help it, they are money crazy.
    At first, this may seem like just one simple disease:  nothing to it !   Well actually, it is a most deadly disease... deadly that is,  for the others !
    Because what happens is the following, in 15 logical and easy steps:
1. Starting early, the sick individual searches for easy ways to make money.
2. Next, he unconsciously searches for ways to make more and more money.
3. And accumulates more and more money, faster and faster.
4. Being soon  wealthy the person (often male) considers himself better that the others.
5. And engages in politics which increases further the speed of his enrichment.
6. When his wealth reaches a proper level (billions) he becomes above the law.
7. And intensify his enrichment at the same time as he employs murderers.
8. And he reaches the next level:  trillions of dollars.
9. At which point, he joins the International Plutocracy.
10. And considerably increases his wealth and power.
11. So that he makes all laws, pays no taxes and totally controls the government.
12. Because ANYONE who refuses to follow his orders (e.g. Carter) dies within minutes.
13. Next, he wants to own the entire world which becomes his sole properly.
14. But he does not want to have so many slaves around.
15. So then comes the total depopulation of the planet.
    No few people know about all that but they are not stupid, so they shut up and remain alive. In fact just observe how the plutocracy is rarely accused of anything at all and this is easy to understand:  ALL SLAVES MUST SHUT UP AND OBEY THEIR MASTERS OR DIE.  And so, there is no revolution and the plutocracy can continue to own the United States, England and many other countries... and gradually kill their 6.7 billion slaves who are no longer needed.
    Now, the fact is that it is impossible - or almost impossible - for you, ordinary person, to believe all the above and on account of this disbelief, it is all happening juste like that.  Come to think of it, we have to observe that all through history people are committing again and again the same errors:  They are optimists (so-called "positive thinking"), so they refuse to believe the most elementary, logical (though negative) facts and so they pay with their life.  HOWEVER, from now on, this death will be the most horrible White Phosphorus death, now being prepared in the United States for all of you fools who sure enough deserve it (don't forget to cry tears of shame).
    Is the threat then coming from the United States?  Absolutely not because the United States is itself a victim of the plutocracy and this since the very moment of its birth.  Therefore all the people born in that country since the  moment of its creation are slaves and at this point I have to admit that  yes they do behave like perfect slaves. True, a few don't, but they are soon quietly assassinated by "person unknown".
    But then, if the U.S. is not the enemy... WHO IS ?  Unfortunately, as well be quite frank about it. The U.S. is not guilty, the U.K. is not guilty, the plutocracy is not guilty (these are sick animals aren't they!). . . It is the victims who, as is often the case, are 100% guilty of refusing to use their head TO THINK and die FIGHTING instead of dying like animals.  PUNISHMNENT: An eternity in Hell for the victims because they have refused to use their head... the head the Creator had given them free of charge.
    Furthermore, we are facing another giant problem.  For now centuries, the wealthy few have cleverly been cultivating racist ideas which many of the fools have been swallowing hook, bait and sinker.  Notice for instance how the fools have become anti-Black, anti-Moslem, anti-Chinese, anti-anything else... WHY ?  Because all their life they are being misled into racist ideas.  Indeed, racism is all part of the plutocratic system intended to divide their victims and thus make them easier to enslave and slaughter.
    Are extraterrestrials a threat to the continuation of our life on this planet ?  Until now, we thought that they were no threat at all.  Many were even being fed religious propaganda which maintained that we were the only living beings in the universe and we had a tendency to believe that.  But now suddenly, everything is changing !
1. More and more people are observing extraterrestrial space ships.
2. Contacts are happening... some people are disappearing.
3. Astronomical observations indicate that there are MILLIONS of inhabited planets.
4. Due to U.S.M.I.C. pollution, our planet will soon be no longer fit for human life.
5. Thanks to people's inertia, depopulation will become a complete success.
    In view of these five factors, it is impossible to predict exactly what the future will be but one thing is sure:  it won't be funny !                 
   A world revolution, placing ALL members of government under arrest, is very unlikely and as a matter of fact many are those who already now are committing suicide rather than wait to be tortured and murdered.  Because indeed far too few are willing to accomplish the three essential steps to salvation, meaning to study. to think and to take action.
    If the human species was properly educated and trained,  there would be no greed, nor selfishness... nor would there be super wealthy diabolical masters of the world:  evil men who want everything for themselves and death for everybody else.  As the situation is right now, this is the end for all of us: STUPIDITY IS A DEADLY ENEMY. 
    A one world government,  of which the terrorist United States would be the central part, would be a most dreadful thing indeed:  torture and death the world over.  Well since that is what you want, that is what you will get, that is a promise !
1.    Here is from John Churchilly <>, dated June 4th 2008 (09:16) and under the title of "[apfn-1] War-related birth defects in Fallujah".  This will give you an idea of the kind of animals you will be dealing with when the

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