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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
People Living with Diarrhea
KORAPUT: Bade Muduli in her twenties was screaming with pain in thelabor room of the CHC at Dasmantpur block head quarter just beforeNaveen Patnaik , the Chief Minister of Orissa visited the hospitaltoday . She was alone and no one was there to console her as her solehope , her husband, Bade Muduli was admitted in the other ward forthe last one week for suffering from severe diarrhea . The doctorsattending diarrhea patients in the hospital were seen helpless infinding a place which could be safe and healthy for the new bornchild .None of the safety measures needed to be taken for a new bornchild was not available anywhere in the hospital . The entirehospital was packed with patients .Even the smell of bleaching powder sprayed fresh in and outside thehospital had failed to cover the pungent smell generating from theailing patients . Kamlu Khosla of Dasmantpur village has come backagain today seeking treatment . He had received drips from more than40 saline bottles in a week's time before he was discharged yesterday.But back at home the condition got worse forcing his grandson TunaKhosla to bring him back to the hospital today . Similar is thecondition with Sindei Saunta , the ten year old girl from Chandanputi village who had to be brought back to the hospital again after beingtreated in the hospital .Rama Saunta , an elderly person from Kandhabedapadar was sitting underthe tree in the hospital premises along with many other villagersattending the patients suffering from diarrhea . It was not a goodtime for Rama and other people in his village as three persons haddied on Sunday in his village and he had come with another patient ."There is no work, food or good source of drinking water for us inthe village" he said .Naveen Patnaik talked to the patients , doctors and the officials fromthe district administration. He was told by the doctors that 2200people were affected in the 61 villages from 15 GPs in the block outof which 52 patients had died of diarrhea in the last 3 months with32 patients dying in August alone. However in contrary to theofficial figures Taraprasad Bahinipati carrying a list of dead persons claimed that there were 122 deaths in the block and the situation wasworsening every other moment . With more than 80% of the tube wells in the block being defunct people were forced to drink contaminatedwater from the streams . Adding to this lack of work in the villagesthere was acute shortage of food with the people leading to theconsumption of non consumable leafs and bulbs . Without bringing anintegral solution to these factors no single effort will be futile ,he argued . Rabinarayan Nanda , MLA of Jeypore and Jayaram Pangi, MLAof Pottangi also shared their observation .After listening to them and interacting with the patients the CMannounced that compensation will be paid to the families of the dead ,work opportunities will be created under NREGA in every village andefforts would be geared up to fill all the vacancies in the district .He also directed the officials to make sure that medicines reached thepatients and the source of drinking water in the villages getdisinfected with immediate effect .Even though he did not visit any village in Dasamantpur block he hadbeen to Talajhari village near Kasipur block in Rayagada district and urged the people there to drink boiled water and have cooked foodin their meal . Before leaving for the state capital he had expressedhis satisfaction that things were being brought under control in boththe diarrhea affected blocks . Duryadhona Majhi , the health ministeralso had accompanied him .(EOM)
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Happy Climax.
KORAPUT: He promised to offer a new life after serving a sentence of 15 years in the jail on murder charges when the doors of the district jail at Koraput were stretched open for Madkami Kosa and Rupdhar Jani on the eve of Independence Day this year . The two prisoners had been sentenced for life time on murder charges and after serving for 15 years in the jail they were released under pre mature release under 14 years rule , D.N.Panda , the jail superintendent said .
However it would not have been so special if it would not have been the release of Madkami Kosa . It was a tearful farewell for him from the jail . The jail mates including the staff members would miss his active presence as he was a friend to everyone in the jail , Mr.Panda said . Madkami who was a rich tribal farmer from Koya community in Malkangiri district had been jailed with the charges that he had murdered a person during a conflict .
Everyone who had come across him could sense the richness in his feeling for the welfare of the others . He was eager to spare items with the fellow prisoners even from those purchased for him out of his incentive amount from time to time during his tenure in the jail for the last 15 years . He had the possession of at least 40 Acres of patta land at Poteru , his native village near Maniakonda in Malkangiri district . This too was useful for the prisoners . He had sent two jobless youth to his village to work in the field and other avenues in his control after their release from the jail. He had adopted two children earlier when their parents had died and these two youth were two more , he said with a smile .
His heart was filled with pride while dictating the name of his village . He was an illiterate just like many other tribal people in his community when he had reached the jail 15 years back . But thanks to the authorities in the jail , he was able to read newspapers , books and write letters to his family members , he added .
He was happy with his tenure in the jail . “It was no different from my own home and everyone here is a family member” – were his words of praise while he walked out of the jail gate holding the hands of Rupdhar Jani another old prisoner who was also released under the same rule . Rupdhar from Chotpakna village in Jharigaon block of Nowrangpur district had lost his family members one after the other while he was serving the sentence for the last 15 years on the charges of murdering his wife . There was no one left in his village now . He did not know what to do after his release . But thanks to Madkami , he has a new life now . He too joined steps with Madkami marching ahead on the road leading towards Poteru in Malkangiri district . Mr.Panda, the superintendent and all others in the jail had words of praise on the climax .
However it would not have been so special if it would not have been the release of Madkami Kosa . It was a tearful farewell for him from the jail . The jail mates including the staff members would miss his active presence as he was a friend to everyone in the jail , Mr.Panda said . Madkami who was a rich tribal farmer from Koya community in Malkangiri district had been jailed with the charges that he had murdered a person during a conflict .
Everyone who had come across him could sense the richness in his feeling for the welfare of the others . He was eager to spare items with the fellow prisoners even from those purchased for him out of his incentive amount from time to time during his tenure in the jail for the last 15 years . He had the possession of at least 40 Acres of patta land at Poteru , his native village near Maniakonda in Malkangiri district . This too was useful for the prisoners . He had sent two jobless youth to his village to work in the field and other avenues in his control after their release from the jail. He had adopted two children earlier when their parents had died and these two youth were two more , he said with a smile .
His heart was filled with pride while dictating the name of his village . He was an illiterate just like many other tribal people in his community when he had reached the jail 15 years back . But thanks to the authorities in the jail , he was able to read newspapers , books and write letters to his family members , he added .
He was happy with his tenure in the jail . “It was no different from my own home and everyone here is a family member” – were his words of praise while he walked out of the jail gate holding the hands of Rupdhar Jani another old prisoner who was also released under the same rule . Rupdhar from Chotpakna village in Jharigaon block of Nowrangpur district had lost his family members one after the other while he was serving the sentence for the last 15 years on the charges of murdering his wife . There was no one left in his village now . He did not know what to do after his release . But thanks to Madkami , he has a new life now . He too joined steps with Madkami marching ahead on the road leading towards Poteru in Malkangiri district . Mr.Panda, the superintendent and all others in the jail had words of praise on the climax .
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Response on Switching power to a single person
jag'jit sahu said...
yes, in my mind this is a good descision taken,we know how much our govt. employees r drowned in corruption.When these powers were scattered ,bribery mooted.I think by this step the above nasty giant will be little bit contrilled.jag'jit.
August 16, 2007 8:30 AM
gayatri said...
definately not,if one person is enveted with altimate powers ,then it will be misutilised.gayatri,saints school,koraput.
Letter of Thanks!
thank you friends for your response . Please encourage others to put their views too .
with regards
yes, in my mind this is a good descision taken,we know how much our govt. employees r drowned in corruption.When these powers were scattered ,bribery mooted.I think by this step the above nasty giant will be little bit contrilled.jag'jit.
August 16, 2007 8:30 AM
gayatri said...
definately not,if one person is enveted with altimate powers ,then it will be misutilised.gayatri,saints school,koraput.
Letter of Thanks!
thank you friends for your response . Please encourage others to put their views too .
with regards
Powers in a single hand!
Friends! Good Morning. You might have gone through the latest development in transfering power into the hands of District Collector . Evrything has been placed with one person to decide . Departments like Health, Drugs, Forest and the latest being electricity need his approval for moving ahead . is it a healthy trend? Could we discuss, Please.
With regards
With regards
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Independence Day Celebrated
61st independence Day was celebrated today in the district head quarter in the presence of the minister Surya narayan patro . Nothing new . Some speech on the state's development and promise of a new aluminium plant in Koraput region . people had discussion among themselves on the alternative ways to observe the day rather than going in the traditional way . Children had to stand all the way .Do you have some suggestion on how to celebrate with joy rather than with pain .Please pen your thoughts .
with regards
with regards
Freedom Movement in Koraput district
The people of Orissa lost their independence from the sixteenth century, but could not fully express their dissatisfaction against the aliens throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Only when a foreign trading company began to rule through exploitation and oppressed them socio psychologically the people wake up from their slumber and began to raise their first decades of the 19th century. Rising of voices in the forms of resistance, protest, rebellion, dharana, hartals etc. against the authorities were to be treated as freedom struggle of the people.
Orissa has a very high concentration of tribal population in the country. A notable feature of freedom movement in Orissa was the participation of tribal people. Tribals provided the backbone of the resistance movement against British authority in Orissa as well as in other parts of India.
The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. Koraput district of Orissa has played a significant role. In the beginning, the people were not very much aware of the objectives of the movement. A drive to enroll primary members to the National Congress was undertaken in 1929 as the first step to popularize the congress movement.
Only after the formation of Orissa as a part separate state in 1936. The freedom struggle gained momentum in Koraput district. More and more people joined the congress and the programmes of the congress reached the interior parts of Koraput district. The congress workers moved to different parts of Koraput to spread the message of khadi and to influence the people to take part in the programmes of the congress. Radhakrushna Biswasray of Koraput was a prominent congress leader at that time. On the advice of Gopabandhu Choudhury, Radhakrushna Biswasray resigned from government service and joined in the national movement. During the salt movement in 1930, many people joined in the movement and courted arrest under his leadership.
Orissa became a separate state in 1936 and Koraput was made a district thereof. Since that time the congress programmes were followed and implemented on an extensive scale because of the strong organizational leadership of Radhakrushna Biswasray. Radhakrushna Biswasray, Radhamohan Sahu and Sadasiva Tripathy played a significant role in Koraput district. Laxman Naik and other tribal leaders have also played significant role to popularize the congress. Laxman Naik was a true patriot and freedom lover. This made him the president of the primary congress committee of his native place Tentuligumma.
Congress committee at Koraput:-
For the first time, Koraput district congress committee started functioning under the presidentship of Radhakrushna Biswasray. Radhakrushna Sahu was the secretary of the district congress committee. There were various committee constituted at Koraput district such as;
I. Nabarangpur congress committee:- The members of the committee were Laxmi chandra Das, Anaji Rao, Mahammed Baji, Harekrushna Majhi and Madhav Pradhan.
II. Kotpad congress committee:- The members of the committee were Biswanath Mahapatra, Kapil Patro, Gopal Pattnail, Damburu Majhi and Sadasiva Tripathy.
III. Umerkote congress committee:- The members of the committee were Rabi Singh Majhi, Balaram Kalar, Sarabu Gauda and Guru Gauda.
IV. Digasalpa congress committee:- The members of the committee were Ananda Behera, Balaram Naik and Santha Dishari.
V. Nandaput congress committee:- The members of the committee were Bhagban Khemundi, Gangadhara Jhola, Madhu Sethi, Keshav Naik and Gopi Krishani.
VI. Dabugaon congress committee:- The members of the committee were Sonu Majhi, Sunadhar Majhi and Raidhar Jani.
VII. Gunupur congress committee:- The members of the committee were Prahallad Panigrahi, Bhagaban Senapati, Biswanath Pattanaik and Surinarayan.
VIII. Jeypore congress committee:- The members of the committee were Radhakrushna Biswasray, Radhamohan Sahu, Nilakanth Patra, Damodar Santa and Krushna Santa.
There are so many congress committee in the district.
Congress training Centre:-
Constructive work palyed an important role in the Gandhian strategy of the Indian National Movement. It was primarily organized around the promotion of Khadi, spinning and village industries, National education, struggle against untouchability and social uplift of the Harijans and Tribals and boycott of foreign cloth and liquor. In December 1937, a training camp was inaugurated at Nuaput near Jeypore by a senior congress leader Gopabandhu Choudhury. Arrangements had been made to impart training to some 350 congress workers belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Various programmes were prepared for the physical and mental development of the workers. Acharya Harihar Das, Godabarish Mishra and Gokulananda Mohanty visited Nuaput, stayed there and supervised the training programmes on the request of Gopabandhuy Chudhury. Laxman Naik also attended the training camp. These trained workers became the chief coordinators between the Orissa congress and the residence of Koraput. By October 1938, the congress had as man y as 50048 persons enrolled as primary members. In entire Orissa, the Koraput district occupied the second position in this matter.
Sir John Sustin Hawak was the first governor of Orissa province. A tour was fixed by Hawak to Koraput district. The tour of Hawak was very much affected the poor tribal people because the British officials forcibly collected money and other useful things from the poor tribals.
Congress raised their voice against this injustice; meetings were organized by the congress to give justice to the tribals.
The Quit India Movement in Orissa developed in vehemence towards the later part of August 1942. This revolution took a very remarkable form in the Koraput district. On 2nd August, 1942, the district Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of civil disobedience under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi. But the government declared the congress an unlawful organisation and arrested all leaders as a result of which the popular outburst in the district directed towards violence. Due to arrest of congress leaders in the district, several movements were rised. They are Umerkote and Raighar movement, Gunupur movement, Padwa Movement, Nandapur Movement, Nabarangpur Movement, Jeypore firing and Malkangiri movement.
The impact of National Movement stirred the tribals in various parts of Koraput and generated patriotic sentiments in their mind. In the history of India's freedom movement, Laxman Naik occupies a very distinguished place. He was among the few tribal leaders in the country to organise the tribal people for making revolts against the Biritish empire against the various forms of exploitation. On 21st day of August 1942, Laxman Naik took the leadership to heist congress tricolour flag on the Mathili Police Station. During this time, police had started lathi charge among crowd. Laxman Naik was hit by a police on his face and was lying in a small drain in front of Police Station. According to government Report, five persons were killed and 17 injured in the police firing. In this incident the forest guard G. Ramaya was found dead. Laxman Naik was falsely accused of beating the forest guard to death. Laxman Naik was arrested and sentence to Koraput district Jail and thereafter sent to Berhampur Jail from 16.11.1942 to 28.03.1943. Due to lack of proper conduct of the case the punishment was confirmed. Laxman Naik was not worried for this punishment and said "I know Swaraj will definitely come, but I feel sorry that I shall not be able to see Swaraj". On 29th March, 1943 at about 5:30 A.M. Laxman Naik was hanged to death in Berhampur Central Jail. All these serving life sentences were released in 1946. But Laxman Naik sacrificed his life for the freedom of his country. Next to Mathili firing, Papadahandi firing is a mementoes event in the history of National freedom Movement at Koraput district. The unforgettable massacre at Papadahandi by the British Government had a wide ranging repercussion in the freedom of Koraput district. The modern historians have truly compared this Papadahandi massacre with the Jalliawalabagh masscore. The patriotism of Adivasis of the Koraput, the fighting spirit of the congress workers and the fearless leadership of the district leaders will be remembered for ever. Our country achieved independence and tri-colour flag was unfurled on government building on 15th August, 1947.
(Gopinath Pradhan)
COATS, D.N.K Road,Koraput
Orissa has a very high concentration of tribal population in the country. A notable feature of freedom movement in Orissa was the participation of tribal people. Tribals provided the backbone of the resistance movement against British authority in Orissa as well as in other parts of India.
The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. Koraput district of Orissa has played a significant role. In the beginning, the people were not very much aware of the objectives of the movement. A drive to enroll primary members to the National Congress was undertaken in 1929 as the first step to popularize the congress movement.
Only after the formation of Orissa as a part separate state in 1936. The freedom struggle gained momentum in Koraput district. More and more people joined the congress and the programmes of the congress reached the interior parts of Koraput district. The congress workers moved to different parts of Koraput to spread the message of khadi and to influence the people to take part in the programmes of the congress. Radhakrushna Biswasray of Koraput was a prominent congress leader at that time. On the advice of Gopabandhu Choudhury, Radhakrushna Biswasray resigned from government service and joined in the national movement. During the salt movement in 1930, many people joined in the movement and courted arrest under his leadership.
Orissa became a separate state in 1936 and Koraput was made a district thereof. Since that time the congress programmes were followed and implemented on an extensive scale because of the strong organizational leadership of Radhakrushna Biswasray. Radhakrushna Biswasray, Radhamohan Sahu and Sadasiva Tripathy played a significant role in Koraput district. Laxman Naik and other tribal leaders have also played significant role to popularize the congress. Laxman Naik was a true patriot and freedom lover. This made him the president of the primary congress committee of his native place Tentuligumma.
Congress committee at Koraput:-
For the first time, Koraput district congress committee started functioning under the presidentship of Radhakrushna Biswasray. Radhakrushna Sahu was the secretary of the district congress committee. There were various committee constituted at Koraput district such as;
I. Nabarangpur congress committee:- The members of the committee were Laxmi chandra Das, Anaji Rao, Mahammed Baji, Harekrushna Majhi and Madhav Pradhan.
II. Kotpad congress committee:- The members of the committee were Biswanath Mahapatra, Kapil Patro, Gopal Pattnail, Damburu Majhi and Sadasiva Tripathy.
III. Umerkote congress committee:- The members of the committee were Rabi Singh Majhi, Balaram Kalar, Sarabu Gauda and Guru Gauda.
IV. Digasalpa congress committee:- The members of the committee were Ananda Behera, Balaram Naik and Santha Dishari.
V. Nandaput congress committee:- The members of the committee were Bhagban Khemundi, Gangadhara Jhola, Madhu Sethi, Keshav Naik and Gopi Krishani.
VI. Dabugaon congress committee:- The members of the committee were Sonu Majhi, Sunadhar Majhi and Raidhar Jani.
VII. Gunupur congress committee:- The members of the committee were Prahallad Panigrahi, Bhagaban Senapati, Biswanath Pattanaik and Surinarayan.
VIII. Jeypore congress committee:- The members of the committee were Radhakrushna Biswasray, Radhamohan Sahu, Nilakanth Patra, Damodar Santa and Krushna Santa.
There are so many congress committee in the district.
Congress training Centre:-
Constructive work palyed an important role in the Gandhian strategy of the Indian National Movement. It was primarily organized around the promotion of Khadi, spinning and village industries, National education, struggle against untouchability and social uplift of the Harijans and Tribals and boycott of foreign cloth and liquor. In December 1937, a training camp was inaugurated at Nuaput near Jeypore by a senior congress leader Gopabandhu Choudhury. Arrangements had been made to impart training to some 350 congress workers belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Various programmes were prepared for the physical and mental development of the workers. Acharya Harihar Das, Godabarish Mishra and Gokulananda Mohanty visited Nuaput, stayed there and supervised the training programmes on the request of Gopabandhuy Chudhury. Laxman Naik also attended the training camp. These trained workers became the chief coordinators between the Orissa congress and the residence of Koraput. By October 1938, the congress had as man y as 50048 persons enrolled as primary members. In entire Orissa, the Koraput district occupied the second position in this matter.
Sir John Sustin Hawak was the first governor of Orissa province. A tour was fixed by Hawak to Koraput district. The tour of Hawak was very much affected the poor tribal people because the British officials forcibly collected money and other useful things from the poor tribals.
Congress raised their voice against this injustice; meetings were organized by the congress to give justice to the tribals.
The Quit India Movement in Orissa developed in vehemence towards the later part of August 1942. This revolution took a very remarkable form in the Koraput district. On 2nd August, 1942, the district Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of civil disobedience under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi. But the government declared the congress an unlawful organisation and arrested all leaders as a result of which the popular outburst in the district directed towards violence. Due to arrest of congress leaders in the district, several movements were rised. They are Umerkote and Raighar movement, Gunupur movement, Padwa Movement, Nandapur Movement, Nabarangpur Movement, Jeypore firing and Malkangiri movement.
The impact of National Movement stirred the tribals in various parts of Koraput and generated patriotic sentiments in their mind. In the history of India's freedom movement, Laxman Naik occupies a very distinguished place. He was among the few tribal leaders in the country to organise the tribal people for making revolts against the Biritish empire against the various forms of exploitation. On 21st day of August 1942, Laxman Naik took the leadership to heist congress tricolour flag on the Mathili Police Station. During this time, police had started lathi charge among crowd. Laxman Naik was hit by a police on his face and was lying in a small drain in front of Police Station. According to government Report, five persons were killed and 17 injured in the police firing. In this incident the forest guard G. Ramaya was found dead. Laxman Naik was falsely accused of beating the forest guard to death. Laxman Naik was arrested and sentence to Koraput district Jail and thereafter sent to Berhampur Jail from 16.11.1942 to 28.03.1943. Due to lack of proper conduct of the case the punishment was confirmed. Laxman Naik was not worried for this punishment and said "I know Swaraj will definitely come, but I feel sorry that I shall not be able to see Swaraj". On 29th March, 1943 at about 5:30 A.M. Laxman Naik was hanged to death in Berhampur Central Jail. All these serving life sentences were released in 1946. But Laxman Naik sacrificed his life for the freedom of his country. Next to Mathili firing, Papadahandi firing is a mementoes event in the history of National freedom Movement at Koraput district. The unforgettable massacre at Papadahandi by the British Government had a wide ranging repercussion in the freedom of Koraput district. The modern historians have truly compared this Papadahandi massacre with the Jalliawalabagh masscore. The patriotism of Adivasis of the Koraput, the fighting spirit of the congress workers and the fearless leadership of the district leaders will be remembered for ever. Our country achieved independence and tri-colour flag was unfurled on government building on 15th August, 1947.
(Gopinath Pradhan)
COATS, D.N.K Road,Koraput
Here is the Independence
Namaskar&Good Morning. Wishing you a Happy Independence Day. While celebrating ourindependence I have tried to compile the story of Independencestruggle in Koraput district . It was a moment of Glory to learn thatthe inhabitants of this region too had a remarkable contribution tothe freedom movement. This gives additional strength in us. Pleaseread the article . Here it goes:
The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom –loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. This was evident from the great intensity of their involvement in the freedom movement even though their sporadic attempts against the British authorities by violent upsurge was crushed by the combined efforts of British and the local chief. Undeterred with the oppression the tribal people had built fresh challenges for the British authorities with continuous rebellion in the region against their interference into the socio-religious and economic life issues of the tribal communities , N.K.Rajguru , Lecturer in DAV College of Koraput and a historian of repute said .
Referring to R.C.S Bell’s Gazzetteer of Koraput district Mr.Rajguru further said that it was only in 1768 that the first entry of British into the hill country of Jeypore had occurred when Vikram Deo , king of Jeypore kingdom had refuted the claim of Viziaram Raju the then Raja of Vizianagaram over Jeypore territory . Vikram Deo had sent his agent Jagannath Patro to Vizianagaram to get support from the British authorities . But Madras government acknowledging the Jagir of Viziaram Raju over Jeypore kingdom had sent a body of troupes to Jeypore to suppress the rising opposition in the region making their first attempt to assert their authority . In 1773 Vikram Deo assembled a strong force in the Rayagada valley and made arrangements for a reinforcement of 2000 Maratha Horses . Even though British troupe under the leadership of Captain Richard Mathews took possession of Rayagada and then captured Jeypore Fort in 1775 , he had acknowledged in his letter to the government regarding the brave fight back from local tribal communities that he had to encounter while passing through the difficult passes of Narayanpatna .
However the real rising of tribal people against the British rule had begun in 1864 with an outbreak of Saora tribe inhabiting the mountain country between Gunupur and Badakimedi . It was occasioned by the improper arrest of the Headman of Puttasingi by an Inspector of Police . Although it had originated as a local affair , it took a serious turn as the entire Saora tribe rose in arms against the Government, he added. Five Saora leaders were hanged at the foot of the Ghats and nine were transported for life while stationing a strong police guard in the Saora hills . This was the first ever hanging by British in the region , he said .
But the tribal people rose back once again in 1942 when the National Movement of India had gained momentum under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi . The local Congress leaders came forward to bring the district into line with the current political movement of India . While the movement initiated by Chakara Bisoyee from Bhanjanagar had roused the Kondhs in Rayagada& Phulbani region from one side of the district , the Women movement led by Jambuvati Devi of Barpali and Harijan Movement by Bihari Ram of Jharsuguda had its impact on the tribal people of koraput district reaching through Kalahandi region from the other side , he said .
The August Revolution of 1942 took a very remarkable form in the district. The District Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of Civil Disobedience . The movement took the turn of mob fury against the British Raj . Police stations at Dasamantapur, Laxmipur and Mathili were attacked . A big crowd of about 2000 persons under the leadership of Lakshmana Naiko of Tentuligumma proceeded to Mathili where they had a public meeting at the weekly market place about half a mile from the police station . Lakshmana Naiko exhorted the people to establish people’s Raj and not to co-operate with the British Government . He was arrested and sentenced to death . At least six persons had died on the spot as the police went all out for a lathi charge on the crowd , he added . While this was happening near Malkangiri on the other side of the district at least 19 freedom fighters had died at Papadahandi near Nowrangpur .
The magnitude of the revolution could be ascertained from the gazetteer written by R.C.S. Bell , the first Collector of Koraput , 25 persons had died in firing , 2 persons including a boy of 4 years had died in lathi charge , 50 died inside the jail and 32 persons were to undergo transportation for life in the district during the revolution.
The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom –loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. This was evident from the great intensity of their involvement in the freedom movement even though their sporadic attempts against the British authorities by violent upsurge was crushed by the combined efforts of British and the local chief. Undeterred with the oppression the tribal people had built fresh challenges for the British authorities with continuous rebellion in the region against their interference into the socio-religious and economic life issues of the tribal communities , N.K.Rajguru , Lecturer in DAV College of Koraput and a historian of repute said .
Referring to R.C.S Bell’s Gazzetteer of Koraput district Mr.Rajguru further said that it was only in 1768 that the first entry of British into the hill country of Jeypore had occurred when Vikram Deo , king of Jeypore kingdom had refuted the claim of Viziaram Raju the then Raja of Vizianagaram over Jeypore territory . Vikram Deo had sent his agent Jagannath Patro to Vizianagaram to get support from the British authorities . But Madras government acknowledging the Jagir of Viziaram Raju over Jeypore kingdom had sent a body of troupes to Jeypore to suppress the rising opposition in the region making their first attempt to assert their authority . In 1773 Vikram Deo assembled a strong force in the Rayagada valley and made arrangements for a reinforcement of 2000 Maratha Horses . Even though British troupe under the leadership of Captain Richard Mathews took possession of Rayagada and then captured Jeypore Fort in 1775 , he had acknowledged in his letter to the government regarding the brave fight back from local tribal communities that he had to encounter while passing through the difficult passes of Narayanpatna .
However the real rising of tribal people against the British rule had begun in 1864 with an outbreak of Saora tribe inhabiting the mountain country between Gunupur and Badakimedi . It was occasioned by the improper arrest of the Headman of Puttasingi by an Inspector of Police . Although it had originated as a local affair , it took a serious turn as the entire Saora tribe rose in arms against the Government, he added. Five Saora leaders were hanged at the foot of the Ghats and nine were transported for life while stationing a strong police guard in the Saora hills . This was the first ever hanging by British in the region , he said .
But the tribal people rose back once again in 1942 when the National Movement of India had gained momentum under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi . The local Congress leaders came forward to bring the district into line with the current political movement of India . While the movement initiated by Chakara Bisoyee from Bhanjanagar had roused the Kondhs in Rayagada& Phulbani region from one side of the district , the Women movement led by Jambuvati Devi of Barpali and Harijan Movement by Bihari Ram of Jharsuguda had its impact on the tribal people of koraput district reaching through Kalahandi region from the other side , he said .
The August Revolution of 1942 took a very remarkable form in the district. The District Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of Civil Disobedience . The movement took the turn of mob fury against the British Raj . Police stations at Dasamantapur, Laxmipur and Mathili were attacked . A big crowd of about 2000 persons under the leadership of Lakshmana Naiko of Tentuligumma proceeded to Mathili where they had a public meeting at the weekly market place about half a mile from the police station . Lakshmana Naiko exhorted the people to establish people’s Raj and not to co-operate with the British Government . He was arrested and sentenced to death . At least six persons had died on the spot as the police went all out for a lathi charge on the crowd , he added . While this was happening near Malkangiri on the other side of the district at least 19 freedom fighters had died at Papadahandi near Nowrangpur .
The magnitude of the revolution could be ascertained from the gazetteer written by R.C.S. Bell , the first Collector of Koraput , 25 persons had died in firing , 2 persons including a boy of 4 years had died in lathi charge , 50 died inside the jail and 32 persons were to undergo transportation for life in the district during the revolution.
They Fought For Our Independence
KORAPUT:The tribal people of Koraput are by nature freedom –loving and do not like the idea of subjugation. This was evident from the great intensity of their involvement in the freedom movement even though their sporadic attempts against the British authorities by violent upsurge was crushed by the combined efforts of British and the local chief. Undeterred with the oppression the tribal people had built fresh challenges for the British authorities with continuous rebellion in the region against their interference into the socio-religious and economic life issues of the tribal communities , N.K.Rajguru , Lecturer in DAV College of Koraput and a historian of repute said .
Referring to R.C.S Bell’s Gazzetteer of Koraput district Mr.Rajguru further said that it was only in 1768 that the first entry of British into the hill country of Jeypore had occurred when Vikram Deo , king of Jeypore kingdom had refuted the claim of Viziaram Raju the then Raja of Vizianagaram over Jeypore territory . Vikram Deo had sent his agent Jagannath Patro to Vizianagaram to get support from the British authorities . But Madras government acknowledging the Jagir of Viziaram Raju over Jeypore kingdom had sent a body of troupes to Jeypore to suppress the rising opposition in the region making their first attempt to assert their authority . In 1773 Vikram Deo assembled a strong force in the Rayagada valley and made arrangements for a reinforcement of 2000 Maratha Horses . Even though British troupe under the leadership of Captain Richard Mathews took possession of Rayagada and then captured Jeypore Fort in 1775 , he had acknowledged in his letter to the government regarding the brave fight back from local tribal communities that he had to encounter while passing through the difficult passes of Narayanpatna .
However the real rising of tribal people against the British rule had begun in 1864 with an outbreak of Saora tribe inhabiting the mountain country between Gunupur and Badakimedi . It was occasioned by the improper arrest of the Headman of Puttasingi by an Inspector of Police . Although it had originated as a local affair , it took a serious turn as the entire Saora tribe rose in arms against the Government, he added. Five Saora leaders were hanged at the foot of the Ghats and nine were transported for life while stationing a strong police guard in the Saora hills . This was the first ever hanging by British in the region , he said .
But the tribal people rose back once again in 1942 when the National Movement of India had gained momentum under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi . The local Congress leaders came forward to bring the district into line with the current political movement of India . While the movement initiated by Chakara Bisoyee from Bhanjanagar had roused the Kondhs in Rayagada& Phulbani region from one side of the district , the Women movement led by Jambuvati Devi of Barpali and Harijan Movement by Bihari Ram of Jharsuguda had its impact on the tribal people of koraput district reaching through Kalahandi region from the other side , he said .
The August Revolution of 1942 took a very remarkable form in the district. The District Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of Civil Disobedience . The movement took the turn of mob fury against the British Raj . Police stations at Dasamantapur, Laxmipur and Mathili were attacked . A big crowd of about 2000 persons under the leadership of Lakshmana Naiko of Tentuligumma proceeded to Mathili where they had a public meeting at the weekly market place about half a mile from the police station . Lakshmana Naiko exhorted the people to establish people’s Raj and not to co-operate with the British Government . He was arrested and sentenced to death . At least six persons had died on the spot as the police went all out for a lathi charge on the crowd , he added . While this was happening near Malkangiri on the other side of the district at least 19 freedom fighters had died at Papadahandi near Nowrangpur .
The magnitude of the revolution could be ascertained from the gazetteer written by R.C.S. Bell , the first Collector of Koraput , 25 persons had died in firing , 2 persons including a boy of 4 years had died in lathi charge , 50 died inside the jail and 32 persons were to undergo transportation for life in the district during the revolution.
Referring to R.C.S Bell’s Gazzetteer of Koraput district Mr.Rajguru further said that it was only in 1768 that the first entry of British into the hill country of Jeypore had occurred when Vikram Deo , king of Jeypore kingdom had refuted the claim of Viziaram Raju the then Raja of Vizianagaram over Jeypore territory . Vikram Deo had sent his agent Jagannath Patro to Vizianagaram to get support from the British authorities . But Madras government acknowledging the Jagir of Viziaram Raju over Jeypore kingdom had sent a body of troupes to Jeypore to suppress the rising opposition in the region making their first attempt to assert their authority . In 1773 Vikram Deo assembled a strong force in the Rayagada valley and made arrangements for a reinforcement of 2000 Maratha Horses . Even though British troupe under the leadership of Captain Richard Mathews took possession of Rayagada and then captured Jeypore Fort in 1775 , he had acknowledged in his letter to the government regarding the brave fight back from local tribal communities that he had to encounter while passing through the difficult passes of Narayanpatna .
However the real rising of tribal people against the British rule had begun in 1864 with an outbreak of Saora tribe inhabiting the mountain country between Gunupur and Badakimedi . It was occasioned by the improper arrest of the Headman of Puttasingi by an Inspector of Police . Although it had originated as a local affair , it took a serious turn as the entire Saora tribe rose in arms against the Government, he added. Five Saora leaders were hanged at the foot of the Ghats and nine were transported for life while stationing a strong police guard in the Saora hills . This was the first ever hanging by British in the region , he said .
But the tribal people rose back once again in 1942 when the National Movement of India had gained momentum under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi . The local Congress leaders came forward to bring the district into line with the current political movement of India . While the movement initiated by Chakara Bisoyee from Bhanjanagar had roused the Kondhs in Rayagada& Phulbani region from one side of the district , the Women movement led by Jambuvati Devi of Barpali and Harijan Movement by Bihari Ram of Jharsuguda had its impact on the tribal people of koraput district reaching through Kalahandi region from the other side , he said .
The August Revolution of 1942 took a very remarkable form in the district. The District Congress Committee met in full session and decided to start a movement in the lines of Civil Disobedience . The movement took the turn of mob fury against the British Raj . Police stations at Dasamantapur, Laxmipur and Mathili were attacked . A big crowd of about 2000 persons under the leadership of Lakshmana Naiko of Tentuligumma proceeded to Mathili where they had a public meeting at the weekly market place about half a mile from the police station . Lakshmana Naiko exhorted the people to establish people’s Raj and not to co-operate with the British Government . He was arrested and sentenced to death . At least six persons had died on the spot as the police went all out for a lathi charge on the crowd , he added . While this was happening near Malkangiri on the other side of the district at least 19 freedom fighters had died at Papadahandi near Nowrangpur .
The magnitude of the revolution could be ascertained from the gazetteer written by R.C.S. Bell , the first Collector of Koraput , 25 persons had died in firing , 2 persons including a boy of 4 years had died in lathi charge , 50 died inside the jail and 32 persons were to undergo transportation for life in the district during the revolution.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Independence Day Celebration
Firends! Greetings . The 60th independence Day celebration at Koraput will have Suryanarayan Patro, Minister for Power&Energy as the chief guest . Children from various schools in the town will join the marchpast at police parade ground .Despite of rains people would be there like previous year . If you could also atytend it would be great!
with regards
with regards
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Quiz Programme at Koraput
KORAPUT: Open Quiz among the children of Koraput town was organized by People’s Group for Children’s Development (PGCD) and the district administration at Sahid Laxman Nayak Bhavan in Koraput today . The quiz was held by dividing the children into 10 groups on the basis of their respective classes . Prizes will be given to two children from each class at Police Parade ground on Wednesday while celebrating the 60th Independence day . A total of 326 children from various schools in the town participated in the programme
QUIZ Results-2007 August
People’s Group for Children’s Development
District Administration, Koraput On 12th August-2007
First. Prayag Samal - SSBM
Second Bighnaraj Behera - SAPSK
First Chinmay Bhuyan - SSBM
Second Lingaraj Himrika - KV
First Ila Senapati - SSBM
Second Snigdha Mahapatro - SAPSK
First Piyush Priyabrat - SAPSK
Second Saswat Panda - KV
First. Deepali Panigrahy - KV
Sercond. Subhasree Padhi - SSBM
First. Shivani Parida - KV
Second Chinmayee
Priyadarshini - KV
First Soumyaranjan
Sahu - Police ME School
Second Bikash Kumar
Arasada - JELC ME School
First Gouripada Sahu - SSBM
Second Soubhagyaranjan
Mishra - SSBM
First Omkarnath Mishra- KV
Second Swaroop Patnaik - KV
First Sameeran Sadangi - SSBM
Second Swaraj Mishra - SAPSK
Note: The prizes will be given at Police Parade Ground on 15th August 2007.
With regards
People’s Group for Children’s Development
District Administration, Koraput On 12th August-2007
First. Prayag Samal - SSBM
Second Bighnaraj Behera - SAPSK
First Chinmay Bhuyan - SSBM
Second Lingaraj Himrika - KV
First Ila Senapati - SSBM
Second Snigdha Mahapatro - SAPSK
First Piyush Priyabrat - SAPSK
Second Saswat Panda - KV
First. Deepali Panigrahy - KV
Sercond. Subhasree Padhi - SSBM
First. Shivani Parida - KV
Second Chinmayee
Priyadarshini - KV
First Soumyaranjan
Sahu - Police ME School
Second Bikash Kumar
Arasada - JELC ME School
First Gouripada Sahu - SSBM
Second Soubhagyaranjan
Mishra - SSBM
First Omkarnath Mishra- KV
Second Swaroop Patnaik - KV
First Sameeran Sadangi - SSBM
Second Swaraj Mishra - SAPSK
Note: The prizes will be given at Police Parade Ground on 15th August 2007.
With regards
Hope For Chitrakars-The Hindu
Friends! here is an article published in The Hindu on the artist community of Jeypore. Happy Reading.
Date:12/08/2007 URL:
Other States - Orissa Hope for ‘Chitrakars’
Ch. Santakar
Boy to carry forward the tradition
KORAPUT: Gajapati Mahapatra, 12-year-old grand son of Kumari Mahapatra of Jeypore, is all set to become the torch-bearer of a rich tradition and culture that is being carried forward by the Chitrakar community of Jeypore for generations. Kumari Mahapatra in her eighties is well known for her paintings especially in the field of Pattachitra paintings. She has been instrumental in giving a new look to the three Lords -- Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra -- every year during Anasara period that is observed in the temple after Debasnana Purnima.
The brush offers its prayer by painting the three idols and it was the grace of the Lords that she was given the opportunity since her childhood, she says while painting a picture in her house in the New Colony of Jeypore. However, for her fading vision coming with her age, most of the professional work has been shifted to her eldest son Manohar who was also instrumental in changing the shape of the eyes of the three Lords at Jeypore from round to oval shape in 1983.Divine art form
This family is one among the 65 Chitrakar families who had been settled in Jeypore since time immemorial even though their origin was rooted to Parlakhemundi region, says Mr. Manohar. These Chitrakars were invited by the then kings of Jeypore kingdom and since then they have not looked back.
The community of artists has found its life in making the dress, mask and other ornaments used in the tribal dances and plays apart from engaging themselves in Pattachitra paintings. Pattachitra, the divine art form which is seen only in the coastal region of the State, is being practised with great successes and acceptance even in the tribal dominated district of Koraput, he says. But the demand for this art form among art lovers has gone down following the passion towards the modern art and paintings.
Adding to it, the number of tribal dance and play shows in the district is also not encouraging which has caused more problems effecting their livelihood support. The art form requires a patient wait for costumers and a majority in the community is not in a position to make a living with the art. Many of them have shifted to other profession and his family too depends mostly on the cement works rather than on the art, says Manohar.
However, experiments to present the fine art with fresh designs has appealed many modern art lovers too and has given a hope for the future, he says. His son Gajapati is undergoing training from the family members.
© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu
Date:12/08/2007 URL:
Other States - Orissa Hope for ‘Chitrakars’
Ch. Santakar
Boy to carry forward the tradition
KORAPUT: Gajapati Mahapatra, 12-year-old grand son of Kumari Mahapatra of Jeypore, is all set to become the torch-bearer of a rich tradition and culture that is being carried forward by the Chitrakar community of Jeypore for generations. Kumari Mahapatra in her eighties is well known for her paintings especially in the field of Pattachitra paintings. She has been instrumental in giving a new look to the three Lords -- Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra -- every year during Anasara period that is observed in the temple after Debasnana Purnima.
The brush offers its prayer by painting the three idols and it was the grace of the Lords that she was given the opportunity since her childhood, she says while painting a picture in her house in the New Colony of Jeypore. However, for her fading vision coming with her age, most of the professional work has been shifted to her eldest son Manohar who was also instrumental in changing the shape of the eyes of the three Lords at Jeypore from round to oval shape in 1983.Divine art form
This family is one among the 65 Chitrakar families who had been settled in Jeypore since time immemorial even though their origin was rooted to Parlakhemundi region, says Mr. Manohar. These Chitrakars were invited by the then kings of Jeypore kingdom and since then they have not looked back.
The community of artists has found its life in making the dress, mask and other ornaments used in the tribal dances and plays apart from engaging themselves in Pattachitra paintings. Pattachitra, the divine art form which is seen only in the coastal region of the State, is being practised with great successes and acceptance even in the tribal dominated district of Koraput, he says. But the demand for this art form among art lovers has gone down following the passion towards the modern art and paintings.
Adding to it, the number of tribal dance and play shows in the district is also not encouraging which has caused more problems effecting their livelihood support. The art form requires a patient wait for costumers and a majority in the community is not in a position to make a living with the art. Many of them have shifted to other profession and his family too depends mostly on the cement works rather than on the art, says Manohar.
However, experiments to present the fine art with fresh designs has appealed many modern art lovers too and has given a hope for the future, he says. His son Gajapati is undergoing training from the family members.
© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sunday's Engagement
1. INDEPENDENCE DAY QUIZ for the children : in Sahid Laxman Nayak Bhavan , Koraput by 10 am .
2. SriAurobindo Mahila pathachakra Sammilani: in SriAurobindo Bhavan, Koraput from 10 am onwards.
2. SriAurobindo Mahila pathachakra Sammilani: in SriAurobindo Bhavan, Koraput from 10 am onwards.
Girls found missing from School
Hi! Friends. Today I learnt and was also going through the news published in newspapers on how two girls had left the school last saturday and were still missing . The girls are students of StdIX in the residential school for girls at Podagad near Koraput . The school is managed by the H&TW department and is equipped with responsible teachers . The girls go out to bathe in the nearby stream even if they have bathrooms in the school . This probably has given the scope for the escape . This incidence must have influenced badly on the rest of the children . Could the school administration be more careful in taking care of the situation . How do you put it?
Poverty in Dasamantpur
: Life in Dasamantpur block and especially in Lulla panchayat has been filled with hardship for the inaccessibility to the basic amenities and the facilities of the government. People have been dying of diarrhea in the last two months . Death of Raju Saunta , Milai Muduli and Budu Muduli with diarrhea in Kudalabal village under the panchayat in the last seven days has added more concern for the district administration . A team of doctors had rushed to the spot and have blamed the poor hygienic condition and consumption of mango kernel by the villagers for the death . but even after administering drugs the problem would not be solved without carrying out an integrated approach , Dhanapati Nayak , Sarapanch of the Panchayat said .There is no work to do in the panchayat , food has been scarce and medical aid remained to be a dream for the region .
There is no work available for the most of the villages in the panchayat even under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act( NREGA) .Only a few villages like Panjaraput , Ghantraguda and Mitikarli are the fortunate ones to have some work out of the 22 villages in the panchayat under the scheme, he said. The possibility of going out for working was also difficult for the people as the panchayat has been almost cut off from the main land of Koraput . Public transport was not available even up to the panchayat headquarter , leave alone the villages . Moreover the only other connection to the block head quarter had also been washed off in the last floods .People need to walk at least 10 Kilometers to catch any public transport , he added .
Forced by the inadequate measures to provide them with work , the poor tribal inhabitants depend largely on working in someone else’s field near their villages. They receive either two glasses of ragi or Rs.15/- for a work of 10 hours in a day which was far from sufficiency for anyone’s need , Suamani Muduli , a widow from Ambiliamba village who had lost his family members of diarrhea recently , said . However this opportunity to work has also been sized for the heavy rains for the last two months . People have barely anything to eat and this had forced them to add mango kernel , wild mushrooms and ghurudi leaves in their diet , she added.
The inaccessibility to the basic amenities like food , clean water and health services has led people to die every alternate day in the region ,Dhanapati , the sarpanch said . When contacted Balakrushna Sahu, the district collector of Koraput said that efforts were on to spread the scope of work under NREGA in the panchayat . Patches of land near the villages will be selected shortly to undertake Cashew plantation in large scale . This could provide more work for people and generate a sustainable income for the communities, he hoped.
There is no work available for the most of the villages in the panchayat even under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act( NREGA) .Only a few villages like Panjaraput , Ghantraguda and Mitikarli are the fortunate ones to have some work out of the 22 villages in the panchayat under the scheme, he said. The possibility of going out for working was also difficult for the people as the panchayat has been almost cut off from the main land of Koraput . Public transport was not available even up to the panchayat headquarter , leave alone the villages . Moreover the only other connection to the block head quarter had also been washed off in the last floods .People need to walk at least 10 Kilometers to catch any public transport , he added .
Forced by the inadequate measures to provide them with work , the poor tribal inhabitants depend largely on working in someone else’s field near their villages. They receive either two glasses of ragi or Rs.15/- for a work of 10 hours in a day which was far from sufficiency for anyone’s need , Suamani Muduli , a widow from Ambiliamba village who had lost his family members of diarrhea recently , said . However this opportunity to work has also been sized for the heavy rains for the last two months . People have barely anything to eat and this had forced them to add mango kernel , wild mushrooms and ghurudi leaves in their diet , she added.
The inaccessibility to the basic amenities like food , clean water and health services has led people to die every alternate day in the region ,Dhanapati , the sarpanch said . When contacted Balakrushna Sahu, the district collector of Koraput said that efforts were on to spread the scope of work under NREGA in the panchayat . Patches of land near the villages will be selected shortly to undertake Cashew plantation in large scale . This could provide more work for people and generate a sustainable income for the communities, he hoped.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thank you! BIMAL babu.....
Bimal babu , thank you very much for the inputs and good wishes . Please encourage more friends to talk in the blog .
Response from a friend on Vegetarian Village .
Bimal said...
Dear Santakar,(1) The 'Pengu Paraja' would be witten as 'Pengo Paraja'. Paraja is also written as Paroja. But we should not entertain many spellings without proper check up.(2) it is unbelievable that a village community is vegetarian. It is matter of inspection.Thank you for your investigative journalism. I want to see your name with the group membered by P. Sainath, Kuldip Nayar, Dillip Cherien etc in future. (Here i am not sure regarding the spelling of Nayar.)BIMAL PRASADOrissa, India, AsiaCell +91 9937353293
August 7, 2007 5:35 AM
Dear Santakar,(1) The 'Pengu Paraja' would be witten as 'Pengo Paraja'. Paraja is also written as Paroja. But we should not entertain many spellings without proper check up.(2) it is unbelievable that a village community is vegetarian. It is matter of inspection.Thank you for your investigative journalism. I want to see your name with the group membered by P. Sainath, Kuldip Nayar, Dillip Cherien etc in future. (Here i am not sure regarding the spelling of Nayar.)BIMAL PRASADOrissa, India, AsiaCell +91 9937353293
August 7, 2007 5:35 AM
Freedom Movement in Koraput-2
A cash award of one thousand was declared by the government onRabi Singh, Harischandra Gauntia, Siva Majhi,Balaram Sethia, Buti, Ghasiram Panka and Sanu Majhi. So the gandas, nayaks and chalans, who worked for the police came intoaction and set a programme how to capture those freedom fighters. Mention may be made on Matili Firing of 21st August 1942 in whichLinga Bhumia and Nakula Madakamisacrificed their lives and a number of deaths occurred at Papadahandi also on 24th August1942 due to police firing. These two inglorious activities of the police had cast a deep influence on Rabi Singh. He was reallyshocked to listen the news and decided to emerge from his hidden place in order to console the Papadahandi people. As it wasdifficult to escape the notice of police, he preferred to go there in the guise of a woman.So, finally he and Pasur Nayak dressed as wife and husband started from Saraguda to visitPapadahandi. Crossing Baunsabedha,Dumarda, Karagaon, and spending the night in Siva Majhi's house at Jamguda, they proceededtowards Papadahandi. He returned back to Pilbasini village listening the news that insearch of him police was encamped in Sunadhar Nayak's residence at Karaki. He was refused asylum by Bata Pujari of Pilbasinivillage, who was also a Congress worker. Then he proceeded to Panjiaguda where he organized a meeting in the house of chalanPanja Mudi. He was advised by Panjia Mudi not to proceed to Papadahandi. So he returnedback from Panjiaguda and reached Saraguda escaping tactfully the vigilant eyes of the police.Here he got the information how police, with the help of Sukchand Panka and Jaga Pujari had tortured his family members and forcibly took away all sorts of agricultural andpastoral wealth from his house. After two or three days, i.e., on 12th September 1942 hereturned back to his own village, where his father suggested him to migrate to some otherplace leaving the ancestral abode. Rabi Singh consoled his father and other members of thevillage not to take such steps.Rabi Singh decided to inform the Circle Inspector Benudhar Gadanayak, a man of rareliberal and considerate character about the heinous activities of Sub-Inspector TrilochanMisra. Benudhar Gadanayak advised him to submit a report under the signature of his grandfather, which should be attested bywitnesses. The extreme poverty of his family compelled him to work as a labourer in Bombay-Nagpur railway line. Simultaneously,he worked for the Congress. Once again, he was caught by Sukchand Panka while driving his cart and was brought to Bhamini villagewhere he was tortured severely. Next day he was brought to Umarkot for trial. A trial was made for him and Baga Pujari in which both of them admitted their involvement in Congress activities and organization of meetings in theirhouses. So he was imprisoned. But after twomonths he was released.It was on 15th August 1947, Rabi Singh hoisted the national flag of free India at Umarkot with an eloquent speech addressing ahuge gathering that, "Brothers ! We got the freedom amidst extreme sufferings and sacrifices. Man like Baga Pujari and LaxmanNaik are no more with us to enjoy this golden moment. Hatapahari, bethi and gadam are now abolished. We are for the nation and thenation is for us. Brothers ! We should take an oath that we must speak the truth, we shouldnot be jealous of others; we should be brave and bold and live without fear; we mustendeavour to maintain the prestige of ournation. We, all are the children of this nation. Bharat Mata ki Jay." History of India's freedom struggle owes a lot to Rabi Singh. He is the inspiring zealand a rare example of how the strong determination and self-confidence imbued withunselfish attitude could overcome all sorts of adversities that come on his progressive as obstacles.
gayatri,saints' school,putariput,kotaput.
August 9, 2007 1:28 AM
A cash award of one thousand was declared by the government onRabi Singh, Harischandra Gauntia, Siva Majhi,Balaram Sethia, Buti, Ghasiram Panka and Sanu Majhi. So the gandas, nayaks and chalans, who worked for the police came intoaction and set a programme how to capture those freedom fighters. Mention may be made on Matili Firing of 21st August 1942 in whichLinga Bhumia and Nakula Madakamisacrificed their lives and a number of deaths occurred at Papadahandi also on 24th August1942 due to police firing. These two inglorious activities of the police had cast a deep influence on Rabi Singh. He was reallyshocked to listen the news and decided to emerge from his hidden place in order to console the Papadahandi people. As it wasdifficult to escape the notice of police, he preferred to go there in the guise of a woman.So, finally he and Pasur Nayak dressed as wife and husband started from Saraguda to visitPapadahandi. Crossing Baunsabedha,Dumarda, Karagaon, and spending the night in Siva Majhi's house at Jamguda, they proceededtowards Papadahandi. He returned back to Pilbasini village listening the news that insearch of him police was encamped in Sunadhar Nayak's residence at Karaki. He was refused asylum by Bata Pujari of Pilbasinivillage, who was also a Congress worker. Then he proceeded to Panjiaguda where he organized a meeting in the house of chalanPanja Mudi. He was advised by Panjia Mudi not to proceed to Papadahandi. So he returnedback from Panjiaguda and reached Saraguda escaping tactfully the vigilant eyes of the police.Here he got the information how police, with the help of Sukchand Panka and Jaga Pujari had tortured his family members and forcibly took away all sorts of agricultural andpastoral wealth from his house. After two or three days, i.e., on 12th September 1942 hereturned back to his own village, where his father suggested him to migrate to some otherplace leaving the ancestral abode. Rabi Singh consoled his father and other members of thevillage not to take such steps.Rabi Singh decided to inform the Circle Inspector Benudhar Gadanayak, a man of rareliberal and considerate character about the heinous activities of Sub-Inspector TrilochanMisra. Benudhar Gadanayak advised him to submit a report under the signature of his grandfather, which should be attested bywitnesses. The extreme poverty of his family compelled him to work as a labourer in Bombay-Nagpur railway line. Simultaneously,he worked for the Congress. Once again, he was caught by Sukchand Panka while driving his cart and was brought to Bhamini villagewhere he was tortured severely. Next day he was brought to Umarkot for trial. A trial was made for him and Baga Pujari in which both of them admitted their involvement in Congress activities and organization of meetings in theirhouses. So he was imprisoned. But after twomonths he was released.It was on 15th August 1947, Rabi Singh hoisted the national flag of free India at Umarkot with an eloquent speech addressing ahuge gathering that, "Brothers ! We got the freedom amidst extreme sufferings and sacrifices. Man like Baga Pujari and LaxmanNaik are no more with us to enjoy this golden moment. Hatapahari, bethi and gadam are now abolished. We are for the nation and thenation is for us. Brothers ! We should take an oath that we must speak the truth, we shouldnot be jealous of others; we should be brave and bold and live without fear; we mustendeavour to maintain the prestige of ournation. We, all are the children of this nation. Bharat Mata ki Jay." History of India's freedom struggle owes a lot to Rabi Singh. He is the inspiring zealand a rare example of how the strong determination and self-confidence imbued withunselfish attitude could overcome all sorts of adversities that come on his progressive as obstacles.
gayatri,saints' school,putariput,kotaput.
August 9, 2007 1:28 AM
Freedom Movement in Koraput-1
jag'jit sahu said...
Shaheed Laxman NayakLaxman Nayak, a folk-hero of Orissa and a cult-figure among its tribals, was born on 22nd November, 1899 in Tentuliguma village of Koraput district and his father padlam Nayal was a tribal chieftain and 'Mustadar' under 'Jeypore Samasthanam' in the then Madras Presidency.The local administration worked as an ant of the British Government. The tribals under this administration were treated like children of a lesser God and where subjected top inhuman torture and perform eve by pretty revenue officials, forest guides and police constables.lawman Kayak organised the trebles against exploitation by the officials of Jeypore Samasthanamand its British masters successfully. This broughthim recognition as a potential tribal leader and the National Congress admitted Laxman nayak into its fold. During the course of his training in Naupuri training centre for Congress workers, Laxman Nayak had the opportunity to meet and interact with several Zonal and State level leaders an and get a chance to broaden his horizons. This taining inculcated in him a spirit for Nationalism and indoctrinated him with the Gandhian principles of truth, nonviolence and peaceful non-cooperation with the British Government. He carried a Charkha, with the message of adult education and abstinence form alcohol to every tribal household of his area and brought about a total change in the rural scenario. He became the Chef de Mission in the Congress campaign ion the Malkangiri Sub-division during the first ever election 1936.Howerver, greater things were in store for him. Responding to the call of Mahatma Gandhi, laxman Nayak led a procession on 21st August 1942 an demonstrated peacefully in front of Mythili Police Station . But the police fired at the demonstrators indiscriminately.which claimed forty lives and more than two hundred were injured. But the administration further falsely implicated Lawman Kayak in a case of murder and the death sentence was pronounced on him on 13th November, 1942.He was hanged to death on 29th March 1943 in Berharmpur Jail.Nayak in Oriya means chief of atribe, a leader and a hero. Laxman Nayak was all these andmuch more. form jag'jit prasad sahu
August 7, 2007 2:47 AM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Freedom movement
Friends! Could we write some thing on the contribution of Koraput district in the Freedom movement !
With regards
With regards
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Vegetarian Community
Friends! this is an item published in The Hindu . Let's read and think for a while.
with regards
Date:02/08/2007 URL:
Other States - Orissa Adhering to a saintly advice
KORAPUT: Villagers of Buchiaguda in the remote area of Nowrangpur district are not only vegetarian but also non-alcoholics, thanks to the advice given by a saint.
Belonging to a community called Pengu Paraja, the villagers are traditionally dependent on hunting and consuming animal food.
But, a saint named Kharia Deb Bhotra, who had stayed there some 50 years ago, advised them to stay away from liquor and consume only vegetables.
“Not only did he preach so but also put it into practice, which has a lasting impression on the villagers,” says Bhagavan Jani, a villager in his 60s.
Since then, no one in the community residing in the village has ever crossed the line. Kitchen garden
Every household has a kitchen garden where vegetable are grown. Cows too are reared, says Ganapati Jani, a villager who owns two cows. “There are instances of persons consuming liquor outside the village. But, they are required to pay a fine of Rs. 21 and take an oath not to repeat the act,” he adds.
Relatives visiting the village are also greeted with a glass of milk or tea rather than the traditional home-made liquor, says another villagers Dambu Jani.
Their adherence to the saintly advice has a positive impact on them. Besides maintaining good health, there have been no instances of quarrels needing police intervention. The situation in the neighbouring villages presents a contrasting picture.
Not just that, all the villagers regularly say prayers in the evening, creating a holy ambience to the the new generation, says Uddhav Jani, an elderly man in the village.
© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu
with regards
Date:02/08/2007 URL:
Other States - Orissa Adhering to a saintly advice
KORAPUT: Villagers of Buchiaguda in the remote area of Nowrangpur district are not only vegetarian but also non-alcoholics, thanks to the advice given by a saint.
Belonging to a community called Pengu Paraja, the villagers are traditionally dependent on hunting and consuming animal food.
But, a saint named Kharia Deb Bhotra, who had stayed there some 50 years ago, advised them to stay away from liquor and consume only vegetables.
“Not only did he preach so but also put it into practice, which has a lasting impression on the villagers,” says Bhagavan Jani, a villager in his 60s.
Since then, no one in the community residing in the village has ever crossed the line. Kitchen garden
Every household has a kitchen garden where vegetable are grown. Cows too are reared, says Ganapati Jani, a villager who owns two cows. “There are instances of persons consuming liquor outside the village. But, they are required to pay a fine of Rs. 21 and take an oath not to repeat the act,” he adds.
Relatives visiting the village are also greeted with a glass of milk or tea rather than the traditional home-made liquor, says another villagers Dambu Jani.
Their adherence to the saintly advice has a positive impact on them. Besides maintaining good health, there have been no instances of quarrels needing police intervention. The situation in the neighbouring villages presents a contrasting picture.
Not just that, all the villagers regularly say prayers in the evening, creating a holy ambience to the the new generation, says Uddhav Jani, an elderly man in the village.
© Copyright 2000 - 2006 The Hindu
Congratulations! Jagjit. But please encourage more friends to put their views so that everyone could be heard. Keep on blogging.
with regards
with regards
Response on the Highway.
"That's our national highway!"
jag'jit sahu said...
No doubt this is a clear case of negligence of administrative aouthority of koraput.I think in their mind they have"people of koraput are dumb enough not to point out theire failure in their duty". Which is not actually true, these things are to be brought to the daylight. Then only the aouthority will be doing some thing good.If we count honestly we'll find only two to three dustbin in this town which are the dumbwitnesses of pure corruption.I think now the time has come to unite and make koraput truly clean and green.
August 1, 2007 8:26 AM
jag'jit sahu said...
No doubt this is a clear case of negligence of administrative aouthority of koraput.I think in their mind they have"people of koraput are dumb enough not to point out theire failure in their duty". Which is not actually true, these things are to be brought to the daylight. Then only the aouthority will be doing some thing good.If we count honestly we'll find only two to three dustbin in this town which are the dumbwitnesses of pure corruption.I think now the time has come to unite and make koraput truly clean and green.
August 1, 2007 8:26 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
That's our national highway!
Hi, Friends! Good Evening . Hope you are fine . Today I was going to Jeypore and found the national highway to be very bad . Why is it so ? Could you put more thought into it? Lets discuss on the condition of national highways in Orissa .
With regards
With regards
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- Tribute Paid To Martyrs at Koraput.
- NALCO at Damanjodi in Night
- Info:23rd July-2008
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About Me
- Chelapila Santakar
- Koraput, Orissa, India
- Koraputonline is a space made available for the people to interact and enrich others and vice-versa. Koraput, here denotes the undivided koraput district comprising of Koraput, Rayagada , Malkangiri and Nowrangpur districts . These districts have a common base with common culture and tradition . We invite people to place their observations on the day to day events , culture, tradition , strengths , challenges of these districts. People could write their imagination through articles , poems , drawing and photographs . They would be placed without disturbing their essence provided the item is free from vulgar words , antinational thought or communal words. Lets make it a healthy platform for all ages to interact . This is an opportunity to share our thoughts for bringing a change . Lets participate effectively. We can send the items in other languages in Pdf format or by scanning . The items could be sent to With regards Ch.Santakar Koraput
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