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Zia clarifies his timing of declaration of independence

What Mujib Said

Jyoti Basu is dead

Dr.BR Ambedkar

Memories of Another day

Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti Devi were living

Saturday, March 7, 2009


06 March 2009
Tel: 020 7278 6694  


The anti war movement will be marching from the US embassy on
Wednesday 1 April, the day Barack Obama and the other world  
leaders arrive in London for the G20 Summit.

The march will be in support of Gaza and against the  
occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and for the abolition of  
nuclear weapons. It will assemble at 2 pm at the US Embassy,  
Grosvenor Square, London.

Our message will be: YES WE CAN end the siege of Gaza and free
Palestine, get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, abolish
all nukes, create jobs not bombs and stop arming Israel.

We are calling for the biggest possible mobilisation for this
national demonstration. We are asking all local Stop the War  
groups to book transport for the day.

We will also be protesting at the G20 summit at the Excel  
Centre in East London on Thursday 2 April at 11 am

For flyers, posters and other publicity phone the Coalition  
office on 0207278 6694 or e-mail us at


Of Reality & Responsibility
Jim Kirwan
In Washington there is a move to create a “truth commission,” supposedly to get to the bottom of what went wrong over the last eight years. That might work for a nation without established laws, or a constitution that has clearly defined parameters for Treason and for flagrantly criminal behavior; but it is insufficient for what has happened to the United States.
The constitution and the government of the United States has been stolen, and replaced by private-foreign entities, that have no such provisions, because they do not allow the public any voice in their actions; much less the right to challenge anything which they have done. This is especially true for the crimes committed over the past eight years and for these treacheries that began with J. Edgar Ashcroft: The first openly criminal Attorney General in these last eight years of deception and lies that were underwritten and created by the Cheney-Bush Dictatorship. 
This much has been made abundantly clear by the congressional need to focus on ‘what went wrong,’ but which seeks to continue to disregard any prosecutable crimes that might be uncovered in their overview that has also sought to absolve themselves of any blame for the horrors that were created by the Dictatorship which was created and condoned in 2000, and confirmed in 2002. (1)
This could not have happened if the crime of the decision taken by the US Supreme Court had not happened on 12-12-2000.
In creating this madness, each additional crime was built upon the crimes that went before. These were crimes that went nearly unchallenged by a traumatized public that did not choose to question anything which the traitors first created and then claimed as “facts.” The most perfect of these were the super-flawed attacks on 911 that over seventy-five percent of the population now finally have come to believe, were definitely “an inside job.”
To insure that their Treason’s were secure from investigations or challenges, the government began a huge effort to intimidate and isolate their critics with a series of Draconian seizures and denials of guaranteed rights in the US Constitution—based upon a lamely crafted “License to Kill” which the congress illegally bestowed upon the office of what they called the Commander-in-Chief. The truth was that the congress surrendered their powers’ to check and oversee the president, in what the Dictator had termed “a time of war.” There was a war, but it was not the one on Afghanistan or Iraq: It was the Cheney-Bush War-Upon-America that required these new illegally created powers, in order to guarantee, that this nation would lose everything in the end: And they almost succeeded. They were only stopped by millions of individuals that fought them at every turn, from locations the world over, wherever free men and women took up the mantle of responsibility, and the need for consequences, in the face of overwhelming criminal-force.
With the admission yesterday, of Patrick Leahey’s committee, that ‘the truth must come out,’ the stage is set for the acceptance of this “Confirmation” that has vindicated the millions that have been fighting this takeover from the beginning. In brief the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were right all along—there was a conspiracy: But it was not the critics of the administration that were the crazies: It was all those supposedly main-stream politicians the world over, that were in on this first massive series of crimes in our already blood-drenched twenty-first century.
In the last few days the inheritors of the Dictatorship have launched a wide-ranging road-show to feed the various horrors which their predecessors; including many in Obama’s cabinet, that were more than instrumental in creating the impossible situations that millions of Americans are now facing. It seems we have summit-level emergencies now, almost every day—but the pace and problems at issue in this box of band-aids, is hopelessly insufficient to do anything more than buy the current traitors just a little more time, to finish what they’re still trying to pull off—to end of our way of life.
What can we do at this late stage? For the answer to this question we have to look inside ourselves, beyond the horrifying but fleeting distractions, that this administration, in concert with the previous two, have laid before us like field after field of cluster-bombs, to stop the real investigations that must happen: If any of this is to be brought to the clear and absolute conclusions that responsibility requires, by creating the very real and lifelong consequences that must be decided on—before we can even begin to move forward on any front.
This is true; because virtually all of the causes for every part of what we face today come directly from these massive insider-crimes that we failed to prosecute for the last five decades. The money, the health-care that we still don’t have, even our corrupted and crime-ridden civil society, along with our self-serving and criminally illegal foreign-policies on all fronts: All of it can be traced back to the ‘Money, Greed & Illicit Power that has always lain beneath everything that was done and undone by the three braches of this government to the people of this nation, and by extension to the wider-world as well. This is not easy, but then having one’s freedom and control over our own lives can get very messy—if those most deeply affected are not motivated to resist whenever and wherever Tyranny calls—this is a universal problem.
To solve this we must look to the things that all people have in common, beginning with life & death: Because it is Life and Death that connects us all, to everything. We can no more ‘stop death’ than we can deny the depth of the crimes that we have allowed others to commit in our names. If we want to be able to live our lives, then we have to face what we have done to ourselves by remaining silent for decades!
Many believe that this problem will end badly because it is inevitable: Nothing is inevitable, and the outcome of this attack upon us all, is still not yet written in stone, despite the many millions we have allowed to die: Because we chose not to see, to hear, or to know the depths of what our greed and complicity have brought home to the people of this nation.
If we come together we can interrupt the seeming ‘inevitability’ but only if we unite to close the gaping wounds that we have allowed these Outlaws to inflict upon our self-absorbed world. This process must begin with real investigations—investigations that have real consequences—and not through some feel-good and contrived ‘truth commission,’ that is nothing more than a toothless farce that will vanish from the public memory as quickly as it has so-recently been formed.
If there is to be a future then life must continue, and no actual life can exist upon the diet of lies and deceptions that we’ve all been feeding on for the past few decades. We must end the continuing cover-up of everything that happened after the Supreme Court illegally awarded the presidency to the Cheney-Bush-Dictatorship that led directly to the Treason of 911 and all that followed from the mass-murders of that day.
There can be no “reality’ without actual reconciliation: and beyond that there can be no change at all without real and lasting consequences for all the lies that hid the crimes that have gone before. The truth must be set free if there is to be “life” again in this country or the world.
Many believed that the government would never ‘confirm’ that they have lied or tortured or especially that they have tried to steal this country, the constitution, and our way of life. But that’s exactly the basis for these half-measures of Leahey’s “truth-commissions,” as strange as that might seem. It’s never enough to say that ‘incorrect decisions were made:’ Just as it’s not enough to say that ‘policies were misguided.’ TREASON was committed, mass-murder and Genocides along with war-crimes have been committed; this country has been taken hostage by the Zionists, whether we were being blackmailed or whether we went willingly makes little difference.
We must deal with the facts as they are today—the United States of America is no longer the property of its citizens, and we no longer have a constitutional government—we need to come together and find a solution to these crimes that have been committed against us all. Use the free 800-numbers and deluge the Leahey committee with demands for actual reality. Tell the committee that unless they adhere to the US Constitution and take that god-damned gold-fringe of corporate ownership off the US flags in congress and in the hearings - then they will join those on the indicted lists.
 1) Open Letter to Congress – 2002 


Liquefying the Melting Pot
Jim Kirwan
Much has been made of the current impasse over multiculturalism. This term grew out of the natural result of Reaganomics: Twisted US immigration policies opened the floodgates over the border with Mexico to directly profit Reagan's cronies that owned many different kinds of businesses here (in direct violation of US immigration policies), in order to enrich those ‘special’ US businessmen and women, at the expense of the sovereignty of the United States. This "policy" is just one of the insidious tendrils of the cancer that is killing US independence in the New World Orders’ War upon the United States.
The roots of this treachery go way back - and this disease has only accelerated since its initial introduction. In the arts especially - this focus on "other cultures" at the expense of American arts and views has never been interrupted since the 1980 selection of Ronald Reagan. Here's an article that explains this incursion in detail, written in 2004.
Those stealth policies are what lies beneath US policy throughout the Middle-East today, in which all other cultures must be sublimated or destroyed, just as the actual American culture was - in order to create a single culture built upon MONEY, GREED & POWER - that speaks only 'English.'
This new video has emerged that shows exactly how this new policy is being enforced inside Iraq. What is shown is an American asshole lecturing Iraqi police (in English) about what "they" need to do for their country (while all of Iraq has been occupied by criminal-American brute force - irrespective of the religious or national forces that are part of the defeated (but still very active) nation we created unilaterally: by means of our illegal invasion of that country. The American 'officer,' who is nothing but another street-thug, fails to notice the irony that he does not speak the language of those he has come to send to their deaths - supposedly in the name of the IRAQI nation that he and his American mercenaries have illegally created by their own actions, through the murder of more than a million Iraqi civilians and the displacement more than two million more Iraqi's: Not to mention the severely injured, maimed and damaged that also exceeds another two million. What crime did these 6 and a half to 7 million people commit to deserve what happened to them? Their only real crime was to live in the nation that was theirs until Bush 41 decided to take it over, back in 1991. (1)
It seems that the world has overlooked the fact that nations and cultures were created to serve their own populations and not to serve some completely irresponsible outside force – whenever it suits these privatized thugs to just take over the nations of other people (just to steal or destroy whatever those 'others' might have once had under existing laws) - which these international Outlaws constantly flaunt.
In Europe and the US, the policies of the Illuminati have made great strides in addicting global populations to cheap labor, which thereby guarantees that addicts can continue to get their particular "fixes," and the price for those toys and habits are ultimately their own sovereignty: because the NWO & the Illuminati are really the only beneficiaries of these divisive racial & religious wars which have been instituted, as soon as the old local wages and economies are destroyed.
However, here is an additional issue that clarifies the more basic lie at the core of everything that the US has done since 1991.
“73,846 U.S. TROOPS DEAD;
George Walker Bush has presided over the worst deliberately skewed reporting of the deaths and injuries to conceal the facts.
Department of Veteran's Affairs, in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has released the truth because they need the American People to know our military is literally, destroyed. They cannot release these horrific numbers via the chain of command because they are under orders to conceal the truth at all costs, so they let slip a report which now cannot be "un-slipped."
Here are the facts and a link to the government source to prove these facts:
More Gulf War Veterans have died than Vietnam Veterans.
The Department of Veterans Affairs, May 2007, Gulf War Veterans Information System reports the following:
Total U.S. Military Gulf War Deaths: 73,846
- Deaths amongst Deployed: 17,847
- Deaths amongst Non-Deployed: 55,999
Total "Undiagnosed Illness" (UDX) claims: 14,874
Total number of disability claims filed: 1,620,906
- Disability Claims amongst Deployed: 407,911
- Disability Claims amongst Non-Deployed: 1,212,995
Percentage of combat troops that filed Disability Claims 36%
Soldiers, by nature, typically don't complain. In other words, the real impact of those who are disabled from the US invasions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other Nations, is not fully reflected in the official Veterans Affairs numbers. When soldiers are sent to murder women and children they tend to never be able to live normal lives there after.
How come the government numbers of 3,777 as of 9/7/7 are so low? The answer is simple, the government does not want the 73,000 dead to be compared to the 55,000 U.S. soldiers killed in Vietnam Iraq = Vietnam. What the government is doing is only counting the soldiers that die in action before they can get them into a helicopter or ambulance. Any soldier who is shot but they get into a helicopter before he dies is not counted.
[This is what was behind the secrecy of the deaths of US soldiers, returned from Iraq—which had nothing to do with privacy and everything to do with preventing US media from counting bodies]
73,000 dead amongst the U.S. soldiers for this scale operation using weapons of mass destruction is not high - we expect the great majority of U.S. soldiers who took part in the invasion of Iraq to die of uranium poisoning, which can take decades to kill.
From a victors’ perspective, above any major war in history, The Gulf War has taken the severest toll on soldiers.
More than 1,820 tons of radio active nuclear waste uranium were exploded into Iraq alone in the form of armor piercing rounds and bunker busters, representing the world’s worst man made ecological disaster ever. 64 kg of uranium were used in the Hiroshima bomb. The U.S. Iraq Nuclear Holocaust represents far more than fourteen thousand Hiroshima's. The nuclear waste the U.S. has exploded into the Middle East will continue killing for billions of years and can wipe out more than a third of life on earth. Gulf War Veterans who have ingested the uranium will continue to die off over a number of years.
So far more than one million people have been slaughtered in the illegal invasion of Iraqi by the U.S. Birth defects are up 600% in Iraq - the same will apply to U.S. Veterans.
Statistics and evidence published by the government and mainstream media in no way reflect the extreme gravity of the situation.
Those working for the government and media must wake up and take responsibility for immediately reversing this U.S. Holocaust. Understanding who is manipulating all of us is critical for all of us.
For those of you who doubt the veracity of this story, who naively believe it can't be true because if it were true, you would have heard it from the government or from the main stream media, can see the proof yourselves directly from the United States Department of Veteran's Affairs web site -Source:
This story is 100% accurate. 100% true. 100% verifiable.
NOTE: [Many such links have been removed from the web]
*** exposing the hidden truth for further educational research only ***
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have

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