26. Forest Policy/Tribal Rights
• All agencies responsible for forest management, including the Forest Development
Corporations should associate the tribal people in protection, regeneration and
development of forests as well as to provide gainful employment to people living in
and around the forests. The following measures need to be taken - i) to confer
heritable but inalienable rights on tribals cultivating lands in forest villages as per
Government decision in 1984; ii) enforcement of guidelines/circulars on purchase of
MFP from Panchayats/Gram Sabhas and market reforms; iii) removal of restriction on
tribals' rights of access, collection of forest produce - clearly define their rights in JFM
and community forestry schemes; iv) involve tribal panchayats in processing of MFP
to give them benefit of added value; and v) collection of forest and public lands of
forest produce to be enhanced; and vi) no displacement from sanctuaries and
national parks.
27. Intellectual Property Rights
• There is an urgent need to provide legal and institutional framework for
recognizing and acknowledging the Intellectual Property Rights of tribals to such
resources and knowledge, by limiting the rights of corporate/other agencies to access
and exploit this resource base and according these communities legal recognition and
protection of their ownership rights over such bio-diversity and indigenous knowledge
and means of utilization consistent with it under any legal and institutional
arrangements brought into force in the country as a result of international treaties and
obligations. Various measures need to be identified most urgently to give effect to this
intent in view of the fast depleting bio-diversity, large scale bio-privacy and seduction of
tribal people by commercial agencies for exploitation of their traditional knowledge.
28.73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution and its Extension to Scheduled
• Necessary legislations to give effect to the provisions of the Panchayats
(Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act of 1996 need to be enacted by the
concerned State Governments to ensure effective participation of tribals in the
process of planning, implementing and monitoring various developmental
measures/programmes, besides ensuring the accountability of public functionaries for
their actions.
• The Panchayat Raj (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act of 1996 already bestowed
upon certain rights on the Village/Gram Panchayats and Gram Sabhas. The
provisions of this Act should be implemented by all the State Governments and
release of plan funds every year to the State Government by the Planning
Commission should be made contingent upon the State certifying that they are
implementing the provision of PESA 1996. Unless it is insisted upon, the provisions
of PESA - an effective legislation both in sense and spirit will only remain on Paper.
29. Crimes/Atrocities Against STs
• There should be effective enforcement of Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the
other two Special Legislations viz., Protection of Civil Rights (PCR) Act of
1955; and SC & ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act,1989 and also other relevant
laws through appropriate institutional arrangements to curb the ever
increasing crimes/atrocities against STs. Also special efforts need to be made to
extend both timely and adequate financial relief as compensation/ rehabilitation to
ST victims and legal aid where necessary to defend their interests.
E. Voluntary Action & Voluntary Organizations
• The Voluntary Organizations will have to realize that they being the facilitators and
their primary task is to locate and develop the local leadership till it becomes capable
of handling the community’s affairs. They are also expected to promote both
Voluntary action in the far-flung inaccessible areas, as they are the medium to reach
the unreached and also develop and experiment alternative project models to match
the local people and their needs.
• Voluntary Organizations should be encouraged in the functional areas of
afforestation, watershed development, education, women and children, awareness
generation, health, nutrition, environment, human rights, employment generation,
techno-vocational training, promotion of cooperatives, culture and sports,
strengthening traditional, panchayats and social values to assist counter militancy
and promote national integration etc.
• No doubt, Voluntary Organizations have an important role in promoting
empowerment of tribals. However, the same should be subjected to the following
safeguards - i) rigorous screening of Voluntary Organizations working in tribal areas
to ensure that those with good track record, experience, aptitude and commitment
are selected; ii) promote voluntary organizations of tribals themselves through
training and organization; iii) strict monitoring of the Voluntary Organizations working
in tribal areas to see whether their work is benefiting tribals by laying down progress
indicators for this purpose; iv) developing mechanisms of accountability of Voluntary
Organizations in tribal areas empowering the community and Panchayat for this role;
vi) decentralized system of selection of Voluntary Organizations, disbursal of funds
and monitoring; vii) identifying critical activities in which NGO involvement should be
encouraged; and viii) develop mechanisms for managing Voluntary Organizations
run programmes and assets built with government funds, if financial assistance is
stopped to NGO on account of unsatisfactory work etc.
F. Tribals Sub Plan-Flow of funds
• Flow to the Tribal Sub Plan out of State Plan should be atleast equal to the
Scheduled Tribe population percentage in the State/Union Territory. It should be
mandatory for the State Governments to create an exclusive budget head to be
operated by the Tribal Welfare Department of the State Governments. In States
where single line administration of ITDAs is in vogue e.g. the State of Andhra
Pradesh, this will ensure complete non-divertabibility of funds provided under the
separate demand head. In States where the schemes/ projects continue to be
implemented by the line Departments, funds will be released by the Tribal Welfare
Department for activities based on demands generated from the grass root level and
their execution/monitoring will ensure not only proper utilization, but also effective
monitoring by the Tribal Welfare department.
• Similarly, with regard to Central Ministries/Departments, a separate budget head in
Tribal Sub Plan component should be created and the scheme to be operated in the
Tribal Sub Plan areas thereof should be financed in prior consultation with the
Ministry of Tribal Affairs. This is the only way to ensure that all
Departments/Ministries not only earmark the TSP component but also utilize it for the
purpose, which would benefit the triabal communities. Presently, their reflection of
TSP in their plan document is notional. It is also recommended that those of the
Ministries/Departments who are not in a position to execute the schemes under the
TSP and spend the budgeted amount should be made to surrender the unspent
balance to a separate TSP pool on the pattern of North East non-lapsable pool,
which will be created under the aegis of the Planning Commission with the Ministry of
Tribal Affairs as the nodal agency to utilize the same for priority schemes in other
• Special Central Assistance to TSP and grants under Article 275(i) should be released
as an additive to the State Government efforts.
Allocation of Plan Resources for the Tribal Affairs Sector (referred to as Tribal
Development in the past), although not very substantial in terms of size and percentage to
the total Public Sector Outlay, yet the same has been progressively increasing from Plan to
Plan in terms of actual amount especially during the last two developmental decades. As
could be seen from the data given below, the outlay of 1157.67 crore with Fifth Plan (1974-
79) has been raised to Rs. 32,087.26 crore in the Ninth Plan (1997-2002), which is almost
an increase of 27 times. It is amply evident in the following Table that the introduction of TSP
in the Fifth Plan has given a good fillip to the meagre outlays for STs. This proves that the
allocation of resources for the Tribal Affairs has been responding to the demands of the
emerging needs of the Scheduled Tribes as is evident from the data given below :
Plan Allocations for Tribal Affairs (1969-2002)
(Rs. in crores)
Plan Period Total Plan
Outlay for
Tribal Affairs
(Col. 3 to 2)
Fourth Plan (1969-74)
Fifth Plan (1974-79)
Sixth Plan (1980-85)
Seventh Plan (1985-90)
Eighth Plan (1992-97)
Ninth Plan (1997-2002)
* Also includes flow of TSP (Central+States), SCA to TSP and GIA under Article
275(1) of Constitution.
Source: Indian Planning Experience - A Statistical Profile, Planning Commission +
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Taking into consideration the expansion of the On-going Programmes and the New
Starts in the Tenth Plan, the Working Group on Empowering the Scheduled Tribes has
recommended a total outlay of Rs. 10470.00 crore against the Ninth Plan Outlay of
Rs.3174.13 crore and the likely expenditure of Rs.3311.04 crore. The outlay recommended
by the Working Group is more than 3.3 times than that of the Ninth Plan outlay, recording a
substantial increase in respect of the SCA to TSP and GIA under Article 275(1), as shown
below :
Outlay and Expenditure for Welfare and Development of STs during the Ninth Plan
(1997-2002) & Proposed Outlay for the Tenth Plan (2002-07)
(Rs. in Crores)
Ninth Plan
Tenth Plan (2002-07)
Outlays Likely
Outlay as
n-ded by
the W.G.
increase over
Ninth Plan
(Col.4 to
d by the
increase over
Ninth Plan
(Col.6 to
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Sch. Tribes
I. Ongoing
II. SCA to
III. GIA under
• Exclude the outlay and expenditure incurred on the common schemes for SCs & STs
viz., PMS, Coaching and Allied Scheme for SC/ST Students, Book Bank Scheme for
SC/ST Students, Upgradation of Merit of SC/ST Students and NSFDC for the year
1997-98 to 1999-2000 as these were common schemes under the M/SJ&E
Note : The proposed allocation for the Tenth Five Year Plan for the Tribal Development
Sector will be Rs.5720.00 crore, in accordance with the instructions of the P.C. to
raise the outlay of Annual Plan for the last eyar of the Ninth Plan (2002-02) by 5-1/2
Thus, the Steering Committee, as could be seen from above (Col.6), projected a total
requirement of Rs.6995.78 crores in the Tenth Plan for the Tribal Affairs Sector as against
the Working Group’s recommendation of Rs.1407 crore. This shows an increase of 229.9%
over and above the Ninth Plan outlay of Rs.3174.13 crore.
No. H-11013/3/2000-BC
Government of India
Planning Commission
(BC & TD Division)
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Dated : December, 2000.
Sub : Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) – Setting up of a Steering Committee on the
`Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes’.
In the context of the formulation of the Tenth Five year Plan (2002-2007), it has
been decided to set up a Steering Committee on the Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes
with the following Composition:
1. Dr. D.N. Tewari
Planning Commission
New Delhi – (110 001). Chairperson
2. Secretary
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi-(110 001). Member
3. Secretary
Department of Elementary
Education & Literacy
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
4. Secretary
Department of Secondary Education
& Higher Education
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
5. Secretary
Department of Health
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
6. Secretary
Department of Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
7. I.G. Forests & Special Secretary
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Paryavaran Bhavan
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - (110 003). Member
8. Secretary
Ministry of Labour
Shram Shakti Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
9. Secretary
Deptt. of Rural Development
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
10. Secretary
Department of Agriculture &
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
11. Secretary
Ministry of Social Justice &
Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
12. Secretary
Department of Women and
Child Development
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
13. Secretary
Department of Indian System of Medicine
& Homeopathy
Red Cross Building
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
14. Director General
P.O. New Forest,
Government of Uttranchal
Dehradun – (248006) Member
15. Special Secretary
Department of Tribal Development
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad – (500 022). Member
16. Commissioner & Secretary
Department of Welfare of Plain Tribals &
Backward Classes (WPTBC)
Govt. of Assam
Assam Secretariat
Dispur – (781 006). Member
17. Pr. Secretary
Tribal, Harijan & Backward
Classes Welfare
Govt. of Chhattisgarh
Raipur. Member
18. Secretary,
Department of Tribal Development
Govt. of Jharkhand
Ranchi Member
19. Secretary,
Department of Tribal Welfare
Dehradun Member
20. Prof. P.K. Nayak
Department of Harijan & Adivasi Training
& Research Institute
Government of Orissa
Bhubaneswar -(751007). Member
21. Shri K. Pradhani
Village : Patraput, Via - Mangra
Navarangpur Distt.,
Orissa. Member
22. Dr. B.D. Sharma
11A, Nagli Rajapur,
East Nizamuddin
New Delhi – (110 013). Member
23. Dr. Bhupinder Singh
Ex-Special Commissioner for STs
Sector –C, Pocket-8/8680,
Vasant Kunj
New Delhi. Member
24. Prof. V. Xaxa
Head Department of Sociology
Delhi School of Economics
Delhi University
Delhi. Member
25. Prof. Mrinal Miri
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong - (793 014). Member
26. Shri H. S. Saksena
Consultant (TD)
Ethnographic & Folk Culture Society
L-II/31, Sector B, Aliganj
Lucknow - (226 024). Member
27. Shri S. Chatterjee
Rama Krishna Mission
Narain Pur, Bastar
Madhya Pradesh – (464 661). Member
28. Chairman
Akil Bhartiya Adivasi
Vikas Parishad,
15, Canning Lane,
New Delhi. Member
29. Shri B.L. Gaur
Vice President
Bhartiya Adimjati
Sevak Sangh
Dr. Ambedkar Marg (Link Road)
New Delhi – (110 055). Member
30. Representative
Banbasi Sewa Samithi
AT / P.O.-Balliguda
P.O. Bhanjpur (762103)
Kandhamal Dist
Orissa Member
31. Representative
Society for Rural Industrialisation
146, H.B. Road ,Lalpur
Ranchi - (834 001)
Bihar Member
32. Dr. Kaushal Kumar
General Secretary, Utthan
18-A, Auckland Road
Allahabad. Member
33. Prof. Surendra Kumar
Professor of Chemical Engineering
Deptt. of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Uttar Pradesh Member
34. Prof. Brij Gopal
Jawahar Lal Nehru University
New Delhi Member
35. Smt. T.K. Sarojini
Adviser (BC)
Planning Commission
New Delhi- (110 001). Member-Secretary
2. The Terms of Reference of the Steering Committee will be as follows :
i) to review the existing approach, strategies and priorities; the on-going
policies and programmes for empowering Scheduled Tribes (STs) during
the Ninth Five Year Plan; and suggest if and wherever necessary,
alternative strategies, priorities, policies and programmes to accelerate the
empowering process;
ii) to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of `Tribal Sub-Plan’
strategy for STs and suggest specific measures and mechanisms to ensure
that the `population – proportion’ funds flow from the other development
sectors both at the Central and State levels and the Special Central
Assistance (SCA) to TSP is utilized effectively ;
iii) to assess the impact of the on-going economic reforms and progressive
globalisation / liberalization of economy on the socio-economic conditions
of the Tribals, especially their economy and suggest effective strategies to
cope up with the situation;
iv) to review the effectiveness of the existing legislations relating to STs and
their enforcement and suggest corrective measures;
v) to review the effectiveness of the existing Institutional Arrangements for
implementation of policies and programmes relating to welfare, protection
and development of STs and suggest improvements, if necessary;
vi) to assess the role of NGOs and the status of devolution of powers and
resources to Panchayati Raj Institutions / Local Traditional Tribal Councils
and Local Self Government Bodies as per the 73rd and 74th Constitutional
Amendments of 1993 and 1996 and suggest specific measures for their
effective involvement in the planning process ; and
vii) to suggest an approach and necessary strategies, priorities, policies, and
programmes along with physical and financial targets in pursuing the
commitment of Empowering the Scheduled Tribes during the Tenth Five
Year Plan (2002-07) ;
viii) to suggest programmes under JFM, Forest Villages, shifting cultivations
3. The Chairman of the Steering Committee, if necessary, may constitute Sub-Groups
on any specific area / problem and also co-opt additional Members.
4. The Steering Committee shall submit its Report positively by 31, May 2001.
5. The expenditure on TA/DA in connection with the meetings of the Steering
Committee will be borne by the parent Department / Ministry Organization to which the
officers belong. Non-official members will be entitled to TA / DA as admissible to Grade-I
Officers of the Government of India and this will be paid by the Planning Commission.
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn).
To :
Chairman and all Members of the Steering Committee.
Copy to:-
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC & Admn.)
6. Adviser (SD&WP)
7. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch
8. Guard File
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn)
No. H-11013/3/2000-BC
Government of India
Planning Commission
( BC & TD Division )
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated 16 January, 2001.
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) – Setting up of a Steering Committee on the
‘Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes’
In continuation of Planning Commission’s O.M. of even number dated 8-12-2000, on
the subject cited above, the following inclusion of new Members/change of address may be
New Members
1. Shri S.S. Boparai, K.C.
Pr. Adviser,
Planning Commission,
Yojana Bhavan,
New Delhi-(110001)
2. Secretary
National Commission for SCs & STs
5th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market
New Delhi – (110 003)
3. Dr. Ram Dayal Munda
(Former Vice-Chancellor)
Deptt. of Regional Language
Ranchi University
Morbadi Campus
Ranchi – (834001)
4. Dr. A.M. Kurup
Consultant (TD)
550, Gandhipuram
Sree Kariyam
Trivandrum – (695017)
5. Shri R.L. Java
No. 1 Rajnagar Society
Behind Gujarat Electricity Board
Abota Stadium Road
6. Shri G.P. Bharal
Expert (BCW)
113, Masjid Moth
Behind South Extension Part II
New Delhi – (110049)
Change of Addresses
1. S. No. 12 - the address may be read as : Dr. B.D. Sharma
P.O. Dilimili, Distt. Baster,
Raipur, Chattisgarh.
2. S.No. 29 – the address may be read as : Shri B.L. Gaur
Rajasthan Adimjati Sevak Sangh,
Ajmer Road, Sodhala (Rajasthan),
( T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Chairman and all Members of the Steering Committee
Copy to
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member (DNT)
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC&Admn.)
6. Adviser(SD&WP)
7. PS to Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
8. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch.
9. Guard File.
( T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
No. M-11013/3/2000-BC
Government of India
Planning Commission
( BC & TD Division )
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated : 23 April, 2001.
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) - Setting up of a Steering Committee on the
‘Empowerment of the Scheduled Tribes’
In continuation of Planning Commission’s O.M. of even number dated 8-12-2000, on
the subject cited above, the following inclusion of Members may be noted :
New Members
1. Dr. J.N. Sekhari
Hony. Controller of Programmes
for the North East
DAV College, Managing Committee,
III-C/46, Nehru Nagar,
Ghaziabad, U.P.
Tel. No. 91-4796065
( T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Chairman and all Members of the Steering Committee.
Copy to
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member (DNT)
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC&Admn.)
6. Adviser(SD&WP)
7. PS to Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
8. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch.
9. Guard File.
( T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Government of India
Planning Commission
(BC & TD Division)
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Dated : December, 2000.
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) - Setting up of a Working Group on
`Empowering the Scheduled Tribes’.
In the context of the formulation of the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07), the
Chairman of the Steering Committee on the Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes has decided
to set up a Working Group on `Empowering the Scheduled Tribes’. The Composition of
the Working Group is as follows :
1. Dr. Ram Dayal Munda
(Former Vice-Chancellor)
Deptt. of Regional Language
Ranchi University
Morbadi Campus
Ranchi - (834 001). Chairperson
2. Representative
National Commission for SCs and STs
5th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market
New Delhi –(110003). Member
3. Representative
Department of Indian System of
Medicine and Homeopathy
Red Cross Building
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
4. Representative
Department of Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
5. Representative
Department of Elementary
Education & Literacy
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
6. Representative
Department of Secondary
Education & Higher Education
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
7. Representative
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Paryavaran Bhavan
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi -(110 003). Member
8. Representative
Ministry of Labour
Shram Shakti Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Member
9. Representative
Deptt. of Rural Development
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
10. Representative
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi -(110 001). Member
11. Representative
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi - (110 001). Member
12. Representative
Department of Women and Child Development
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi -( 110 001). Member
13. Representative
BC & TD Division
Planning Commission
New Delhi – (110001). Member
14. Director General
Anthropological Survey of India
West Block, 2-Wing, 6th Floor,
R.K. Puram
New Delhi – (110 066). Member
15. Pr. Secretary
Deptt. of Tribal Development
Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal – (560 001). Member
16. Secretary
Department of SC & ST Welfare
Govt. of Jharkhand
Ranchi. Member
17. Secretary
Deptt. of Tribal Development
Govt. of Uttaranchal
Dehradun-(248006) Member
18. Secretary
Deptt. of Tribal Development
Govt. of Chattisgarh
Raipur. Member
19. Secretary
Deptt. of Tribal Development
Govt. of Rajasthan
Civil Secretariat,
Jaipur - (302 001). Member
20. Managing Director
National SC/ST Finance
& Development Corporation
Plot No. 8, Balaji Estate
Guru Ravi Das Marg, Kalka Ji
New Delhi – (110 019). Member
21. Director
Tribal Research Institute
Assam. Member
22. Dr. L.K. Mahapatra
(Former Vice-Chancellor)
Sahid Nagar,
Utkal University
Bhubaneshwar. Member
23. Dr. N. Mohan Rao
Ex-Director (TRI)
C /o A.P. Tribal Research Institute
Masab Tank
Hyderabad. Member
24. Prof. G. Prakash Reddy
Head, Department of Anthropology
S.V. University, Tirupathi
Andhra Pradesh Member
25. Dr. (Ms.) Neeti Mohanti
Jigyanshu Tribal Research Centre
J-21, Hauz Khas
New Delhi – (110 066). Member
26. Representative
Rama Krishna Mission
Rama Krishna Beach
Visakhapatnam – (753 003). Member
27. Representative
Akhil Bhartiya Aadivasi
Vikas Parishad
15, Canning Lane
New Delhi. Member
28. Shri M. Shankar Rao
Jana Chetana
Srikakulam Dist.
Andhra Pradesh Member
29. Dr. Hari Mohan Mathur
(Retd. Chief Sec. Rajasthan)
C-95, Jaganpath Marg
Jaipur – 300 001. Member
30. Joint Secretary
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Shastri Bhavan
New Delhi – (110 001). Convener
2. The Terms of Reference of the Working Group will be as follows :
i) to review the existing approach, strategies, priorities; the on-going policies and
programmes and their implementation for the welfare, development and
empowerment of Scheduled Tribes (STs) and suggest rationalization
minimization of the on-going programmes and effective inter-sectoral
ii) to identify neglected areas and groups; gaps, weaknesses and bottlenecks in the
implementation; and take note of the persisting and emerging problems /
situations related to welfare, protection, development and empowerment of STs
in the changing scenario and suggest necessary interventions;
iii) to review the progress of the implementation of the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) to
ensure flow of `population - proportionate’ funds from other developmental
sectors to STs and utilization of Special Central Assistance (SCA) to TSP and
the GIA under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution and suggest necessary
measures to improve their effectiveness;
iv) to review the implementation of the existing legislations related to STs and
mechanisms for their enforcement and suggest corrective measures ;
v) to review the functioning of the existing Institutional Arrangements, both at the
Central, State and Project levels for implementation of policies and programmes
for empowering STs with a special reference to ITDPs and suggest measures to
make them more effective ;
vi) to review and assess the involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions /Local Self
Government Bodies and NGOs in the implementation of the programmes for
empowering STs and suggest specific measures for their effective involvement
in the planning process; and
vii) to review the physical and financial achievements in relation to the targets fixed
under various programmes for STs during the Ninth Plan and project
programme-wise requirements, both physical and financial for Empowering the
Scheduled Tribes during the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07).
viii) To suggest programmes under JFM, shifting cultivation & development as first
village etc.
3. The Chairman of the Working Group, if necessary, may constitute Sub-Groups on
any specific area / problem and also co-opt additional Members.
4. The Working Group shall submit its Report positively by 28 February, 2001.
5. The expenditure on TA/DA in connection with the meetings of the Working Group
will be borne by the parent Department / Ministry Organization to which the officers belong.
Non-official members will be entitled to TA / DA as admissible to Grade-I Officers of the
Government of India and this will be paid by the Planning Commission.
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn).
To :
Chairman and all Members of the Working Group.
Copy to:-
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC & Admn.)
6. Adviser (SD&WP)
7. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch
8. Guard File
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn).
Government of India
Planning Commission
(BC & TD Division)
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated : 13 February, 2001
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) - Setting up of a Working Group on `Empowering
the Scheduled Tribes’.
In continuation of Planning Commission’s O.M of even number dated 8 December,
2000 on the subject cited above, the following changes in Para 5 may be noted :
Para 5 may be read as :
The expenditure on TA/DA in connection with the meetings of the Working
Group and its Sub-Groups will be borne by the parent Department /
Ministry/ Organization to which the officers belong to. Non-official members
will be entitled to TA / DA as admissible to Grade-I Officers of the
Government of India and the same will be paid by the Ministry of Tribal
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn).
To :
Chairman and all Members of the Working Group.
Copy to:-
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member P
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC & Admn.)
6. Adviser (SD&WP)
7. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch
8. Guard File
(T. R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn).
No. H-11013/8/2000-BC
Government of India
Planning Commission
(BC & TD Division)
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 15 January, 2001
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) - Setting up of Sub-Groups of the Steering
Committee on `Empowerment of the Scheduled Tribes'.
In continuation of the Planning Commission's O.M. No. H-11013/3/2000-BC, dated 8
December, 2000 on the subject cited above and to inform that the Steering Committee in its
first Meeting held on 2 January, 2001 has decided to set up 5 Sub-Groups with the following
Composition and Terms of Reference:
Policies and
Legislations relating
to Protection,
and Development
of STs
Implementation of
the strategies of
TSP and SCA to
TSP and other
measures for STs
Terms of Reference
To review the existing
policies and legislative
measures; identify the
gaps and to suggest
necessary measures
for Empowering
To have a critical
review of the
implementation of the
strategies of TSP and
SCA to TSP and
suggest measures for
its effective
1. Dr. Bhupinder Singh (Chairperson)
2. Representative, M/ Tribal Affairs (Member)
3. Representative, M/ Social Justice
& Empowerment (Member)
4. Spl. Secy & I.G. Forests,
M/Environment & Forests (Member)
5. Shri H.S. Saksena
Consultant, Ethnographic &
Folk Culture Society (Member)
6. Secretary, D/Tribal Development,
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh (Member)
7. Shri B.L. Gaur, Bhartiya
Adimjati Sewak Sangh (Member)
8. Shri Ravi Bebba Pragada
Executive Director - 'SAMATHA'
1249/A, D.No. 62, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad, A.P. (Member)
1. Dr. B.D. Sharma (Chairperson)
2. Representative, M/Tribal Affairs (Member)
3. Representative, M/Social Justice
& Empowerment (Member)
4. Representative, Deptt. of
Rural Development (Member)
5. Pr. Secretary, D/Tribal
Development, Govt. of
Madhya Pradesh,Bhopal (Member)
Development of
Forest Villages and
the Tribals living
therein and the
problems related to
shifting cultivation.
Economic Develop-
ment of STs
through the
mechanisms avail-
able within STspecific
and STrelated
and Development
(including Forest
Tribal Health with
a special focus on
the utilization of
indigenous medicines/
plants in the tribal
To review the existing
conditions of the Forest
Villages and the
conditions of the
Tribals living therein
and suggest a definite
Programme of Action
for improving their
To review the
functioning of various
ST-specific and STrelated
Finance and
Development Corpora
-tions such as
To make an
assessment of the
magnitude of the
health problems of
Tribals/Tribal areas
and suggest measures
for promotion,
processing and mktg.
of indigenous
plants and also to
develop a special
category of health
workers for the tribal
6. Dr. A.M. Kurup
Consultant, Environment
Resources Research Centre
Thiruvanthapuram. (Member)
7. Shri S.Chatterjee, R.K. Mission
Narainpur, Bastar, Chattisgarh (Member)
1. Shri. R.P.S. Katwal,
DG, ICFRE (Chairperson)
2. Representative of the
M/Agriculture (Member)
3. Representative, M/Environment
& Forests (Member)
5. Representative, M/Tribal Affairs (Member)
5. Shri Shekhar Dutt, Pr. Secretary(TD)
Govt. of M.P, Bhopal (Member)
6. Representative, Banbasi Sewa
Samiti, PO - Balliguda (Bhanjpur)
Kandhamal Distt., Orissa (Member)
1. Secretary, M/Tribal Affairs
2. Managing Director, NCDC (Member)
3. Managing Director, NSFDC, (Member)
4. Managing Director, TRIFED, (Member)
5. Managing Directors of State Tribal
Development Corporations of AP,
MP and Orissa (Members)
6. Managing Director, MFP
Federation (Member)
7. Managing Director,
Forest Dev. Corporation (Member)
8. Managing Director, MARKFED,
Gujarat (Member)
1. Secretary, Deptt. of
ISM&H, Govt. of India (Chairperson)
2. Representative, D/Health (Member)
3. Representative, D/Family
Welfare (Member)
4. Representative of
M/Environment & Forests (Member)
5. Dr. Kaushal Kumar
General Secretary, Uttahan,
Allahabad (Member)
6. Representative of Forest
Corporation, U.P. (Member)
2. The Chairpersons of the above-mentioned 5 Sub-Groups are requested to coordinate
with the Members of their Groups, organize meetings and prepare the report for submission to
the Steering Committee positively by 28.2.2001. In the case of those Chairpersons, who are
outside the Government, will be provided with necessary secretarial and meeting facilities by
the Planning Commission.
3. The expenditure on TA/DA of the Government Officials for attending the meetings of
the above-mentioned 5 Sub-Groups of the `Steering Committee on the Empowerment of the
Scheduled Tribes' will be borne by their respective Ministries/Departments, State Governments
and Centre/State-affiliated Organizations. The Non-Official Members will be entitled to
TA/DA as Grade I Officers of the Government of India, and will be paid by the Planning
(T.R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Tel.: 3714078
All Chairpersons and Members of the Sub-Groups of the Steering Committee.
Copy to:
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Additional Adviser (PC&Admn.)
6. Adviser (SD&WP)
7. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch
8. Guard File
9. PS to Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
(T.R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Government of India
Planning Commission
(BC & TD Division)
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 26 March, 2001
Sub: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007) - Setting up of Steering Committee Sub-Group on
`Role of NGOs in Tribal Development’.
In continuation of the Planning Commission's O.M. No. H-11013/3/2000-BC, dated 8
December, 2000 on the subject cited above and to inform that the Steering Committee in its First
Meeting held on 2 January, 2001 has decided to set up the following Sub-Group with the
Composition and Terms of Reference as given below :
Role of NGOs in
Terms of Reference
To review the role/
functioning of NGOs
in tribal development
and suggest steps/
measures towards their
effective involvement.
1. Shri B.L. Gaur (Chairperson)
2. Shri P.P. Shrivastav
Adviser (BAJSS)
Adya Katyani Mandir
Shakti Peeth
Chhatarpur, Mehrauli
New Delhi
3. Shri N.C. Hembrun
Bhartiya Adimjati Sewak Sangh
Qtr. No. 15/1, V-A
Unit-II, Ashok Nagar
Bhubaneshwar – 751009
4. Shri Shyam Manohar
Gen. Secretary
Bhartiya Adimjati Sewak Sangh
Thakar Bapa Smarak Sadan
Link Road
New Delhi – 110055.
2. The Chairperson of the above-mentioned Sub-Group is requested to coordinate with
the Members of their Groups, organize meeting and prepare the report for submission to the
Steering Committee positively by 15.4.2001.
3. The expenditure on TA/DA of the Government Officials for attending the meetings of
the above-mentioned Sub-Group of the `Steering Committee on the Empowerment of the
Scheduled Tribes' will be borne by their respective Ministries/Departments, State
Governments and Centre/State-affiliated Organizations. The Non-Official Members will be
entitled to TA/DA as Grade I Officers of the Government of India, and will be paid by the
Planning Commission.
(T.R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
All Chairpersons and Members of the Sub-Groups of the Steering Committee.
Copy to:
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Additional Adviser (PC&Admn.)
6. Adviser (SD&WP)
7. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch
8. Guard File
9. PS to Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
(T.R. Meena)
Deputy Secretary(Admn.)
No. H-11013/8/2000-BC
Government of India
Planning Commission
( BC & TD Division )
Yojana Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated : 15 February, 2001.
Sub: Setting up of Sub-Group on Policies and Legislations relating to Protection and
Development of STs under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Bhupender Singh.
In continuation of Planning Commission’s O.M. of even number dated 15-1-2001, on
the subject cited above, the following inclusion of new Members may be noted :
New Members
1. Prof. B.N. Das
National Commission for Backward Classes
2. Dr. B.N. Sahay
Ex-Adviser (SD & WP)
Planning Commission
( T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
Chairman and all Members of the Steering Committee.
Copy to
1. PS to Deputy Chairman
2. PS to Member (DNT)
3. PS to Secretary
4. All Heads of Divisions
5. Addl. Adviser (PC&Admn.)
6. Adviser(SD&WP)
7. PS to Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
8. Administration I Branch / Accounts I Branch.
9. Guard File.
(T.R. Meena )
Deputy Secretary (Admn.)
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