Mumbai Attacks Expose
Mossad - CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India and Pakistan !
(Copyright-free E-Book)
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam, Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Explanation of Terms Used in This E-Book |
Chapter I : Zionist Plan to Enslave the World |
Chapter II : Zionist Mossad-CIA Created Terrorist Muslim Organizations |
Chapter III : Mossad-CIA is Disrupting and Balkanizing Pakistan ! |
Chapter IV : Mossad-CIA Disrupting India Through their Arya Brahminist Agents / Supporters ! |
Chapter V : Mumbai Attacks only Benefit Mossad, CIA and Arya Brahminists ! |
Chapter VI : Mumbai Attacks Raise Many Questions ! |
Chapter VII : Impending More Sinister Mossad-CIA False flag Operations ? |
Chapter VIII : Mossad-CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India Through Arya-Brahminists ! |
Chapter IX : Process of Balkanizing India Through Arya-Brahminists |
Chapter X : Intended Mossad-CIA Controlled Splinters of India ! |
Chapter XI : What Masses Must Do ? |
This copyright-free E-Book is a synthesis of material that we downloaded from internet and information collected from various periodicals and books. The E-Book aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.
We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this E-Book in their native language either in full or in parts (booklets) and sell it at the price of their own choice as this E-book like our every published literature is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.
We also request websites to post this E-Book as one of their web page. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the E-book on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this E-Book as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail. --- Sheetal Markam
Explanation of Terms Used in This E-Book
Important :- Whle citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
8) Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
Chapter I
Zionist Plan to Enslave the World
Zionist Illuminati consisting of Satan worshipping 13 families have been Disrupting, Balkanizing and Enslaving their Rival Countries through the Mossad and CIA to meet their economic gains. Zionist Illuminati control the world economy and benefit from self devised conflicts between nations while helping and indebting both the warring sides. (For details search internet on Illuminati) CIA-Mossad-MI6 and ISI are one in terms of their aim of One World Fascist police state which is determined to carry out an organized Global Depopulation Agenda on indigenous masses to wipe out large portion of indigenous population and transform the remaining people into a subhuman race to be ruled by Zionist-Arya-Brahminsts.
American strategists favor fracturing and weakening the national unity of Islamic states to benefit illuminati. They want to splinter countries on ethnic lines and to control them by puppet regimes. This would enable the US to secure its oil supplies and micromanage a fragmented Muslim world. Iraq is already going through this process. A strategy of balkanizing the entire Middle East is being implemented. One of the main targets is Iran.
It is not merely the Middle East that is the target, but Central Asia, specifically for its geographical relationship to China, Russia and India.
Destabilizing and ultimately breaking Nuclear Pakistan up into several countries or regions will naturally spread chaos and destabilization into neighboring India, Afghanistan, China and Iran. This also follows in line with Anglo-American strategies in destabilizing the Central European region, specifically the former Yugoslavia, and more recently, Georgia, to target Russia.
Zionist Mossad-CIA Infiltration in India |
CIA and Mossad have penetrated Indian secret services. |
India under the iron-grip of Israel-American Military bases ! |
Mossad-CIA Infiltration in Pakistan |
Zionist Mossad-CIA Infiltration in India
Following is the brief of report posted on wikipedia website on RAW, the intelligence agency of India ( Research and Analysis Wing) :- The primary mission of RAW includes aggressive intelligence collection via espionage, psychological warfare, subversion and sabotage. RAW has a dedicated section which spies against enemies and have intelligence collection organizations. Diplomatic missions provide an ideal cover and RAW centers in a target country are generally located on the embassy premises. RAW operatives find good covers in {Indian} multinational organizations. Non-governmental organizations and cultural programmers are also popular screens to shield RAW activities. International media centers can easily absorb RAW operatives and provide freedom of movement. RAW maintains active collaboration with other secret services in various countries. Its contacts with FSB of Russia, KHAD, the Afghan agency, Israel's Mossad, the CIA and MI6 have been well-known, a common interest being Pakistan's nuclear programmed. In 2006, Indian magazine Outlook reported that although India has a Muslim minority numbering 140 million, there was not one single high level Muslim officer in RAW. Reuters quoted anonymous sources as saying there were some Muslims in RAW, but they were mostly field officers. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW operatives actively search for local recruits and operatives. Separatist tendencies and ethnic or sectarian sensitivities are also allegedly used as grounds for manipulation. Armed forces and Paramilitary personnel remain a primary target for enrolment. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
The RAW's Bangladesh operation began in early 1970 by sowing discord among the disgruntled population of East Pakistan, suffering repression by the Pakistani political establishment. This led to the creation of Mukti Bahini and under its cover RAW operatives infiltrated into East Pakistan for guerrilla operations, blowing up Pakistani assets to damage the operational mobility of their troops. RAW emerged as a formidable intelligence agency after this success. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW's another operation was amalgamation of Sikkim which is bordered by Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and West Bengal in the Eastern Himalayas. Sikkim was ruled by a Maharaja. The Indian Government had recognized the title of Chogyal (Dharma Raja) for the Maharaja of Sikkim. In 1972 RAW was authorized to install a pro-Indian democratic government there. In less than three years, on April 26, 1975 Sikkim became the 22nd State of the Indian Union. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
Operation Cactus was another RAW's mission. In November 1988, the People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Elam (PLOTE), composed of about 200 Tamil secessionist rebels, invaded Maldives. At the request of the president of Maldives, Indian armed forces, with assistance from RAW, launched a military campaign. The Indian paratroopers landed at Hulule. The operation, labeled Operation Cactus, also involved the Indian Navy. Swift operation by the military and precise intelligence information quelled the insurgency. RAW started training the LTTE to keep a check on Sri Lanka, which had helped Pakistan in the Indo-Pak War by allowing Pakistani ships to refuel at Sri Lankan ports. Latter LTTE created lot of problems and complications and then Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi was forced to send Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) to restore normalcy in the region. The disastrous mission of Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) was blamed by many on the lack of coordination between the IPKF and RAW. Its most disastrous manifestation was the heliborne assault on LTTE HQ in the Jaffna University campus in the opening stages of Operation Pawan. The site was chosen without any consultation with the RAW. The dropping paratroopers became easy targets for the LTTE. The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi is also blamed as a fallout of the failed RAW operation in Sri Lanka. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
In Tamilnadu assembly Congress leader Peter Alphonso said that Rajeev Gandhi had given a bullet-proof jacket to LTTE chief Prabhakaran after India-Shri-Lanka agreement in 1987. (Bhaskar, 13 November 2008)
RAW had given training to LTTE to check Shri Lanka. This caused problems. Indian government was severely criticized. This happened as a result of non coordination between Indian Peace keeping forces and RAW. It is alleged that the failure of RAW operations was responsible for the murder of Rajeev Gandhi. (Bhaskar, 15 June 2007)
Myanmar had always been a worrisome point for Indian intelligence. India sought to promote democracy and install friendly governments in the region. To these ends, RAW cultivated Burmese rebel groups and pro-democracy coalitions, especially the Kachin Independence Army (KIA). India allowed KIA to carry a limited trade in jade and precious stones using Indian territory and even supplied them weapons. It is further alleged that KIA chief Maran Brangsein met the RAW chief in Delhi twice. However when KIA became the main source of training and weapons for all northeastern rebel groups, RAW initiated an operation, code named Operation Leech, to assassinate the leaders of the Burmese rebels as an example to other groups. Six top rebel leaders, including military wing chief of National Unity Party of Arakans (NUPA), Khaing Raza, were shot dead and 34 Arakanese guerrillas were arrested and charged with gunrunning. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
Kahuta is the site of the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL), Pakistan's main nuclear weapons laboratory as well as an emerging center for long-range missile development. The primary Pakistani fissile-material production facility is located at Kahuta, employing gas centrifuge enrichment technology to produce Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). RAW agents claim that in early 1978, they were on the verge of obtaining the plans and blueprint for Kahuta Research Laboratories that was built to counter the Pokhran atomic blast, but the then Indian Prime Minister Morarji Desai refused to sanction the US$10,000 demanded by the RAW agent. In the mid 1980s RAW set up two covert groups, Counterintelligence Team- X(CIT-X) and Counterintelligence Team- J(CIT-J), the first directed at Pakistan and the second at Khalistani groups. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
In 2001, RAW had played a key role in the massacre of nine members of the Royal family of Nepal, when the former King tried to drift away from Indian hold. ( RAW’s invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
RAW also conducted Operation Chanakya in the disputed Kashmir region to infiltrate various ISI-backed Kashmiri terrorist groups. RAW operatives infiltrated the area, collected military intelligence, and provided evidence about ISI's involvement in training and funding Kashmiri terrorist groups. RAW was successful in unearthing the links between the ISI and the terrorist groups, and in infiltrating and neutralizing the militancy. RAW is also credited for creating a split in Hizbul. Operation Chanakya also marked the creation of pro-Indian groups in Kashmir like the Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen, Musleem Mujahideen etc. These counter-insurgencies consist of ex-militants and relatives of those slain in the conflict. ( Research and Analysis Wing) By 1996 RAW had built a 25 bed military hospital at the Farkhor Air Base, this airport was used by Aviation Research Centre, the reconnaissance arm of RAW, to repair and operate Northern Alliance's aerial support. India also supplied the Northern Alliance high altitude warfare equipment worth around $8-10 million. A handful of Indian defense advisers who reportedly included an officer in the rank of Brigadier, were based in Tajikistan to advise the Northern Alliance in operations against the Taliban. RAW was the first intelligence agency to determine the extent of Kunduz airlift. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
Pakistani government claims that dissent among the Balochis, tribes in the North-West Frontier Province, Waziristan, Northern Areas and rural Sindhi population is due to RAW's interventions. Pakistan also claims that RAW has established its training camps in Afghanistan in collaboration with the Northern Alliance in a bid to destabilize the region, as a retaliation for Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir. It is also claimed by Pakistani authorities that approximately 600 ferraris (Baloch tribal dissidents) and members of Islamic Emirate of Waziristan were trained to handle explosives and use sophisticated weapons in these camps. Pakistan has long complained of India-engineered terrorism on its soil. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
RAW's role in the war on terror may led by America increase as US intelligence sees RAW as a more reliable ally than Pakistani intelligence. ( Research and Analysis Wing)
CIA and Mossad have penetrated Indian secret services.
RAW was penetrated by the CIA in the 1980s when the head of its office in Chennai was allegedly found to have been passing on to the CIA Xerox copies of sensitive documents regarding its operations in Sri Lanka in return of sexual and financial favors. A senior IPS officer, who was in the line of succession as the DIB, was found to be having a close personal and clandestine relationship with a woman CIA officer in the US embassy in New Delhi. The IB was penetrated by the CIA at a very senior level at its headquarters in the 1990s.
RAW officer Ravinder Singh had fled America using fake passport via Nepal. He was spying for America. CBI officers alleged that in spite of repeated requests RAW did not provide them asked details of the assets and property of Ravinder Singh. (Bhaskar 7 March 2008) CIA did not want Rabinder Singh to fall into the hands of RAW interrogators at any cost. It was apparently worried that he might tell them something that could be very damaging to the CIA. He must have helped the CIA in recruiting moles well-placed in RAW or other departments who have access to sensitive and valuable intelligence.
In the regime of prime minister Narsingh Rao secret information of his office used to reach to America. Jaswant Singh did not name the officer who used to supply these information. He only mentioned that this officer is neither in service now nor he is in India. Ex Prime minister Chandrashekhar revealed that report of world bank was not shown to him for 7 months however it was circulated among 13 pro-world bank persons. (Bhaskar, 26 July 2006) During Rajeev Gandhi Regime case of Kumar Narayan where secret information were leaked had become famous. (Bhaskar, 27 July 2006)
According to daily Nav-Bharat leaking secret security information has been continuous at big scale by officers occupying highest positions. Last year navy war room information were stolen. In this theft wing commander S.L. Surve, Commander Vijendra Rana, Captain Kashyap Kumar, and V. K. Jha was dismissed from their service. There was considerable delay in war room leakage case and the culprits were able to flee out of country. Matter is also being investigated for commission in Scorpion submarines. Another big case involving lieutenant general D. Sumanwar who is accused of lobbying for American companies and developing special friendship with America is being investigated. Sources say that he along with Indian defense attaché in America is sent on forced leaves. (Nav-Bharat, 8 September 2006) Delhi police arrested retired brigadier Ujwal Dasgupta of computer department of RAW for supplying secret information to America and for being and American spy. Earlier police has already arrested system analyst of National Security Council S. S. Paul for spying for America. Also police had arrested Mukesh Saini of RAW for spying for America. (Times of India, 22 July 2006)
After the spy racket being run in secretariat of National security Parishad was revealed secret service has prohibited their employees to use mobiles having Bluetooth and camera facilities as well as use of pen drives and other such electronic equipments. From the head quarter computers CD /DVD writers are also removed. IB is investigating leakage of secret documents to America by its counterpart secret service NSCS. (Lokmat Samachar, 5 July 2006)
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister said that the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis by all disguised and secret plans.
The top people in the Indian security service (RAW) are said to be working for Mossad the spy agency of Israel. "The inner circle of the Indian RAW .. were on the Mossad payroll." (Mossad in Sri Lanka Wake Up From Your Slumber)
Mossad is nickname of "the Institute for Intelligence and Special Task" (ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim) Mossad is especially interested in Pakistan, Iran, and middle east. Mossad has 1500 regular employees who conduct terrorist activities with the help of Jews and their supporters throughout the world. ( - Mossad, Mossad Coming soon to a town near you!) Jews of different countries visit Israel. Israel is also a destination for religious tourism for the Indian Jews. Mossad is famous for using Jews in the world in accomplishing its Zionist satanic ambitions and in its operations. "Sayanim (Hebrew: "helpers") is a term used to describe Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad. This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering, yet Sayanim are only paid for their expenses. No official number is known, but estimates put the number of Sayanim in the thousands. The existence of this large body of volunteers is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies"
{Like Arya-Brahmins} Jews in India not only consider them upper castes, but they are most dominant and economically very strong community in India. The Jews in Kerala were the business community of Kerala. The ruler Sri Parkaran Iravi Vanmar gave to the head of the Jewish community Joseph Rabban the village of Anjuvannam and pronounced him the Prince of this village. According to the Cochin Jews the ‘princely rights’ (written on copper plates and therefore called Copper Plates) were given to them in 379 A. D. They had aristocratic rights, such as use of elephants and sedans. They even had servants whose job was to announce their coming to the streets so that the low castes could move away from their way. In the sixteenth century White Jews from Spain and Portugal came to Kerala. The Kochi Jews, concentrated mostly in the old "Jew Town," were completely integrated into local culture, speaking Malayalam and taking local names while preserving their knowledge of Hebrew and contacts with Southwest Asia.
The early Christians of India are said to be the converts from Judaism. The clearest evidence for their view is found in the Aramaic language (language of the Iraqi Jews and of some Iraqis even today) once spoken by the Kerala Christians and used even today in the prayer books of Syrian Christian community of Kerala. Thus their is a clear link between Jews and Syrian Christians who consider themselves high caste Brahmins and practice caste system in Christianity.
The Sassoon family, or "the Rothschilds of the East," played a major role in the industrialization of Bombay. Jews had three of its mayors, professors in its university and producers and stars for its film industry. The famous Haffkine Institute in Mumbai was named after Mr. Haffkine. The Sassoons, after whom the Sassoon docks, the Sassoon Hospital, and two of Mumbai's well known sites - the Jacob Circle and Flora Fountain have been named. They have a Jewish Chief of the Navy. In the Indian Army, Jews have reached very high posts. Bombay had several Jewish newspapers (in Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, Marathi and English), a Jewish publishing industry, Zionist and community organizations. The Sassoons built two beautiful synagogues to serve the Baghdadi community: Maghen David (1863) in Byculla and Kenesseth Eliyahu (1883) in Fort, both of which usually manage to obtain a Shabbat minyan today. By 1950 there were nearly 20,000 Jews in Bombay, but immigration to Israel, America, Britain, Australia and Canada have drastically reduced those numbers.
The leadership of Calcutta Jewry was held by the Cohen and Ezra families, the latter ranking among the city's most prominent industrial and commercial houses. The Calcutta community was founded by Shalom Obaidah ha-Kohen (1762-1836), who arrived there from Surat in 1798. Jewish trading outposts -- often including a prayer hall and a cemetery -- sprang up in his footsteps from Lucknow to Darjeeling. The Baghdadis even helped some high caste Hindus to convert to Judaism.
Calcutta has had Jewish schools, a religious court, a matza board, charitable and burial associations, a Jewish hospital, several newspapers, a publisher since 1840 and Zionist groups. Calcutta has had three Jewish sheriffs, and Jews have provided Bengal's first female attorney, several scholars, journalists, writers, musicians and sportsmen. Lt.-Gen. Jack Frederick Ralph Jacob commanded Indian forces on the eastern front during the 1971 war which led to the establishment of Bangladesh. General Jacobs, now the Governor of Goa, supervised the surrender of the Pakistani Army in the Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. The Chief of the Naval Staff was also a Jew. Maj. Gen. Samson was awarded the Padma Bhushan. Before the Second World War there were 3,800 Jews in Calcutta, a number which grew to more than 5,000 with the influx of Jewish refugees from Rangoon.
Cartoonist Abu Abraham is Jewish. The late famous Hindi film actor David, and the late "Sulochana" (Ruby Meyers) of Indian Silent Films, and the actress / dancer Helen, director-producer Ezra Mir, the actors Miss Rose and Ramola (Rachel Hayam Cohen), as well as the prizefighter-turned-actor Aaron Joshua, Poet Nissim Ezekiel, was Jewish. Nissim Ezekiel was a professor at Mumbai University. Esther David is a very popular novelist and so is Anita Desai. Some Jews also write in Marathi. Dr. Erulkar was the personal physician and friend of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Dr. Erulkar's daughter is currently the 1st lady of Cyprus, married to the President of Cyprus. Another prominent Indian Jew is Dr. Jerusha Jhirad, who was given the title of Padma Shri by the Government of India. (Late) Mrs. Hannah Sen, President of All, India Women's Conference and was also the first lady director, Lady Irwin College for Women, Delhi. (Late) Mr. Ezra Kolet did pioneering work in the shipping industry. Mr. J M Benjamin, was Chief Architect to the Government of India and former secretary, Delhi Urban Arts Commission.
In this way Jews in India are very powerful community. Arya-Brahmins of India have developed very strong affinity with them as they consider Arya-Brahmins as Jews or vice versa, indicating one and the same ethnic community.
The ensuing interaction with Indian officials led to India establishing embassy level relations with Israel in 1992. The decision was taken by a Congress prime minister P V Narasimha Rao.
P. V. Narsingha Rao's close associate Chandraswami who is said to have worked for Rao is labeled as having Mossad-CIA connections :-
Justice Jain who investigated the conspiracy to assassinate Gandhi came across evidence that one suspect known as Chandraswami had links with the CIA and Mossad, and through them with the LTTE. Justice Jain 'has linked Chandraswami with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in which arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi, several terrorist groups, and intelligence outfits like the CIA and Mossad had accounts. 'The money in it was used for terrorist operations and political assassinations. The commission quotes evidence of former cabinet secretary Zafar Saiffullah who said Chandraswami had links with Mossad and CIA, and that the government had received intercepts of wireless communication between Israel and Jaffna which established Chandra swami's involvement. (
The central topic of the dialogues between the Indians and the Israeli delegation was the mutual problem of Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism in both countries, and how India and Israel can join forces to defeat this enemy. The world's first Jewish-Hindu interfaith leadership summit, spearheaded by Hindu organizations in India and Jewish organizations in Israel, as well as the American Jewish Committee, was held in New Delhi on February 2007. The chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger, was actively involved in the dialogue, together with Swami Dayanand Saraswati. They stated that "The Jewish and Hindu communities are committed to the ancient traditions of Judaism and Hindu dharma respectively, and have both, in their own ways, gone through the painful experiences of persecution, oppression and destruction.
Hindu extremist websites gloat about the need to work together with Israel to target Muslims in South Asia... Israel has also been suspected of involvement in the incitement of virulent anti-Muslim activities in India. Faisal Kutty, a writer from Kerala state noted that a meeting took place, shrouded in secrecy between BJP high officials and Israeli officials preceding a completely uncharacteristic violent communal anti-Muslim riot in the normally peaceful and harmonious state of Kerala in 1992. Faisal Kutty also notes that the first serious communal clash between Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus and Muslims occurred shortly after the opening of an Israeli interests section in the U.S. Embassy in Colombo...These suspicions cannot be unfounded because of similar reports about Israeli agents wandering in Kashmir.
A Rediff story in 2003 revealed that the Indian intelligence agency RAW had clandestine links with the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency. The Pakistanis eventually started to suspect intelligence relations between India and Israel resulting in a threat to Pakistani security. When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties, Pakistan suspected they were disguised Israeli army officers there to help Indian security forces.
Israel knows that the Hindus are the dominant group, at least numbers wise, in the whole Middle East. In UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait they are very strong businessmen and hold strategic positions in many institutions. In Medina of Saudi Arabia, the best hotel closest to the Prophet's mosque is owned by a Hindu — the Oberoi. These Hindus are a very effective third column in these Gulf States providing a wealth of information and ready for subversive action when required.
Mossad and Sabak, reveal that the arrangements he has made for joint Indo-Israel espionage operations in key areas of the Muslim world would make the Indian embassies in these Muslim countries the eyes and ears of the worldwide cloak-and-dagger Israeli spy network. Under the euphemism of "counter-terrorism", India is allowing Israel to establish a huge spy establishment in India which will, unearth and monitor "Islamic fundamentalist' and "individuals' and 'groups' for elimination by extra judicial process or by cold-blooded murder and kidnapping. "The Israelis were interested in having access to the secret reports of Indian undercover RAW diplomats from certain Muslim countries of special interest to Israel especially Pakistan, Libya and Iran. India is apparently willing to grant access to Israeli agents to the Indian Home Ministry's Central Intelligence Processing Unit (CIPU) in New Delhi. This was recently set up under Advani's direction with Israeli and US help. A handpicked RAW officer, trusted by Advani, heads this unit. Israel wants full access to its information data. The Indian government has already allowed access to it by American intelligence agencies now working with the Indian government on so-called anti-terrorist assignments." "Israel has several teams now in Kashmir training Indian counter-insurgency forces to fight the dozen separatist guerrilla groups operating in the Indian-controlled sector of the disputed state. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
It was during Vajpayee's time, that the visits to Israel and consequently the relations and contacts of Sangh Parivar Dharma Gurus and Hindutva leaders with Israel increased manifold. Of all, the most studied is the February 2007 visit to Delhi of the delegation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders. The delegation was headed by Israel's Chief Rabbi, Yonah Metzger. In this delegation, Jewish religious leaders from Israelis well as others rabbis from Belgium and Spain too were included. In India, the Israel Jewish religious delegation met important Hindutva leaders, which included especially the RSS Chief K. S. Sudharshan, President of VHP, Ashok Singhal, VHP leader Vishnu Hari Dalmia. Lal Krishna Advani had arranged a dinner for the visiting Israeli Jewish religious leaders' delegation and others included in the delegation, at his own residence. After the meeting of the Sadhus and Jewish leaders, both delegations had issued a common manifesto. Jewish Rabbis expressed grave concern over the details of the terrorist attacks allegedly carried out by Muslims. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA/Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
BJP has built close security ties with the U.S. and Israel under the guise of "fighting terrorism." It is certain that this is a step towards turning India into a "security" state as both the U.S. and Israel will provide technological support in terms of arms, intelligence and who knows what else. Organizations like the Bajrang Dal, a Hindutva group who burned to death an elderly Australian missionary and his children, also find inspiration and who knows what else in Zionist Israel. On several occasions, the cadres and their leaders mention Israel and the Mossad as their inspiration. Asked what he did at the camp, an activist whispers, "I am from the secret service of Bajrang Dal. Israel's Mossad is my inspiration. I can't tell you more.'' (
In Muslim India magazine on its page 239 gave an article "Who is Rohit Vyas Maan and what is ?" written by Vishal Rawal of Pune. According to this article which is also available on , and Sanghparivar has some terrorist secret organizations that work underground. The militants of these secret terrorist organizations work among the various organizations of Sangh-Parivar without revealing their true identity and are active in pogroms like Muslim pogrom of Gujarat. is one of such secret terrorist organizations of Sangh Parivar which work within Bajarang Dal and Vishva Hindu Parishad and also is related to banned organizations such as terrorist Kakh and Kahan movement. The 23 year old chemical engineer Rohit Vyas Maan who is son of American businessman family belongs to one of the founder members of this terrorist organization. Time to time he stays at Delhi, Mumbai and in America. Rohit Vyas Maan and work for the sole intention to establish fascist Hindu-Rashtra by whatever means. The members of this organization call themselves soldiers of Hindutva. They have their website hinduunity soldiers of hindutva hot topics. Vishal Raval wrote that Rohit Vyas Maan, Raj Malhotra, Sanjay Shah, and Amrendra are some of the big responsible leaders of in Mumbai. Some of their militants are active in Kuwait. They are 500 members who do not disclose the name of their organization and call themselves merely soldiers or soldiers of Hindutva and declare their aim to establish Brahmin-Rajya in India through violence. Rohit Vyas Maan collects big amount from the NRIs of America and Britain. A large portion of this amount is spent in buying bombs, explosives and guns and they are supplied to Bajrang Dal etc fascist organizations of India. The significance of this article become very much obvious considering that from the godown of Manish Thakur at Nagla Bandar (Thane) explosive worth 100 bomb blasts was seized. According to police these explosives were similar to which were used in the explosion of Ghatkopar bomb blasts on 2 December 2002. Is Manish Thakur related to ? Are absconding Manish Thakur and Rohit Vyas Maan closely related ? Their whereabouts are unknown. Whenever there is any terrorist act committed why the organizations of Sangh Parivar call general strike ? Is it to give opportunity for the perpetrators / terrorists to escape, just like Manish Thakur has escaped ? because the police instead of searching these terrorists are compelled to involve in the arrangements for strike. (Manjrul Haq Ansari, New Yerkheda Kamptee, Nagpur)
The Zionist website is famous for its poisonous propaganda against Islam and Christianity and provoking violence against them. Because of this this website was to banned. But Kahane extremist Zionist group and its related organizations came in support of this website Kahane group is related to terrorist activities in America and Israel. The websites and use the same server located in Israel for their websites. Both the websites compete each other in poisonous propaganda and invoking violence against Islam and Muslims. They recognize each other as friendly websites. Leaders of Bajrang Dal and other organizations of Sangh Parivar not only advocate strong Hindu-Jew unity {read Brahmin-Jew unity} but openly declare Mossad as their inspiration and ideal. When one Bajarang Dal worker Sharma was asked what he learned in camp ? he replied in a whispering tone that "I am related to secret service of Bajarang Dal. Israel and Mossad is my inspiration and ideal. I can not tell more than this." The Bajrang Dal trainees consider Israel's terrorist activities against Muslims as their ideal. Considering the history of Israel to train the terrorist organizations of various countries and helping them with money, explosives and weapons, and Bajarang Dal members declaring Mossad of Israel as their inspiration and ideal one does not fail to ask that Israel is also providing Bajarang Dal training, money and ammunitions ? (Ghadar, Volume 5: Number 2, July 21 2002.;; Zionism, Hindutva, and Mickey Mouse Imperialism by Raja Harish Swamy Raja Harish Swamy works for Wesleyan University)
The articles of Mr. Atri in website reveal plan of fascist Arya-Brahminist organizations to establish their Manuist-zionist rule by weakening and destroying indigenous masses through devised riots pogroms and looting with the help of selfish indigenous Bibhishans and Hanumans. We give a brief outline of their plan below :- Guns are the best weapons for Hindus in present situation to make Muslims helpless devoid of any resources. Let us come forward bravely with full determination to finish the wolves of Islam and Christianity. (Should we Hindus combat with Islam / Christianity) Mullas, Maulavis, Mufti, Qazi, and different preachers of Islam are greese monkeys. If we kill these 10,000 greese monkeys the Islam will not last even for a weak. Therefore is not it more civilized and better to exterminate 10,000 greese monkeys than exterminating 140 million (14 crore) Muslims ? (Mullahs, Maulavis, Muftis and Qazis). We must drive out all Muslims of India to Kharista without any slightest hesitation. We must make preparations and keep our groups ready to exterminate the greese monkeys. These groups should remain alert 24 hours and should be able to act within a minute. They must have ready with them the list of names and addresses of greese monkeys to be exterminated. Using these lists we shall be able to exterminate maximum number of greese monkeys. With such measures Islam will be extinguished from India in a surprising speed. We need not make propaganda about the existence of our exterminating groups. (Can "Basackward-pyramid of Islam and Christianity" be dismantled ?) The Hindus of the world should unite their minds in a common thread and raising their guns should drive out Muslims out of India. No Muslim in India should have means of livelihood. No Hindu should employ any Muslim no matter how cheaply he is available. We must be watchful to see whether any Hindu is employing any Muslim. Names of such Hindus should be written in black list and RSS, Vishva Hindu Parishad, Bajarang Dal, Arya Samaj, Shiv Sena, Hindu Mahasabha etc. Hindu organizations should drag such Hindu-traitors on ground and beat them severely. His procession on donkey should be taken out and children should shout slogans such as "Hindu Traitor Bachcha Hai Hai, Muslim Bachcha Hai hai" so that he does not dare to employ any Muslim in his service. Muslims should be terrified for their very existence. Every Hindu should become exterminator of Muslims and make Muslims realize that they have no livelihood in India and India is burning hell for them if they want to remain Muslims. (Sulla Destruction Machine) Then Muslims will have only three alternatives :- 1) die with hunger, 2) flee to Pakistan and 3) become a Hindu. Not even one percent will go to Pakistan. More than 99% will become Hindu. Only those Muslims should be given employment who secretly get themselves converted to Hinduism {and work for fascist Arya-Brahminist organizations and Mossad}. We must continue boycott of Muslims and secretly converting them. Boycott of Muslims is going very well in Gujarat. But why it is not happening in other states ? Why ??? The Hindus of rest of country must join the boycott of Muslims sincerely. and make the life of Muslims a burning hell. We must strike them hardest and should leave no alternative for them other than becoming Hindu. (1. The Boycott Technique. 2. Boycott Bomb, The liberty shield of the Hindu) The Hindus must have courage to implement in India the measures implemented by Bulgarian government in 1980. The few of these measures are as under :- 1) Bulgarian government in an order banned all Muslim names and compelled Muslims to take Christian names. As a result, all Muslim names in Bulgaria vanished. 2) Bulgarian government banned completely the use of Turkish language on radio, newspapers, documents and other papers. Persons using Turkish language were severely punished. As a result Turkish language completely vanished from Bulgaria. 3) Government banned and seized the copies of Koran 4) Praying Namaz in mosques were banned. As a result mosque remained merely buildings which had the status of illegal mosques. 5) Muslims were banned from cladding any Turkish / Muslim dress or following custom or tradition related to Turkish culture. 6) Muslim schools were banned. 7) Circumcision tradition of Muslim children was banned and it was checked time to time whether the person has circumcised ? Persons circumcising were severely punished. 8) Millions of Muslims from their majority area were shifted and were forced to live in Christian dominated area as minority. Applying these measures Muslims in Bulgaria vanished. The suppression movement that Bulgarian government carried out was known as Bulgarian National Revival Movement (BNRM). Government crushed brutally every resistance that was offered by Muslims of Bulgaria. Only 300 were killed. In beginning Muslims all over the world demonstrated against these measures in large number. They also lodged their complaint in United Nations. But Bulgarian government remaining unmoved continued its repressive measures. Now the whole matter has become forgotten part of the history. These tested and effective measures of Bulgaria can be implemented in India by a hardcore Hindu government only. They can be implemented only if BJP comes to power. (A tested, tried and proven technique by S.P. Attri,
Congress and fake communist parties of India are run by Arya-Brahmins. Therefore, they are inseparable hidden members of Sangh-Parivar. Therefore with mutually agreed conspiracy they are implementing above agenda very calmly and quietly wherever and wherever it is possible.
According to 5 year report of American foreign ministry on international religious liberty, it is clearly mentioned that Hindutva {read Brahminism} is being institutionalized in India slowly but continuously. Things related to Hindu religion and culture are being given preference over the other religions and their cultures. (Bhaskar, 20 December 2003)
Brahmin chief minister of Tamilnadu Jayalalitha had passed anti religious conversion bill by force in November 2002. After that Gujarat government passed more stringent anti-conversion bill. In the bill passed in Tamilnadu, person has to inform magistrate regarding his conversion. In Gujarat it is obligatory to obtain permission of district collector to change one's religion. Madhya Pradesh government has two laws to prevent religious conversion. (Dalito Par Badhate Hamle ka Munh Tod Jawab Do, p. 21, New Vistas Publication) Karnataka government has taken action against Muslim employees growing beard. One Muslim police officer was compelled to retire for growing beard. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 May 2003) At government, administration and social level a mentality is being cultivated that being a Muslim means being a terrorist. According to this very mentality the measures used in Bulgaria are being used against the Muslims of India.
The international executive president of Vishva Hindu Parishad Mr. Ashok Singhal threatened Muslims to come on right track {read get converted} or be ready to live in refugee camps like camps in Gujarat. (Nav-Bharat, 26 June 2002, Lokmat Samachar, 1 July 2002)
One can not deny the involvement of Israel in assisting in every way to provoke suppression and massacres of Muslims of India as Israel have been doing it in other countries.
In American embassy of Colombo "Israel interest Section" was formed. After that the first communal riot in the history of Shrilanka between Muslims and Hindus of Shri Lanka erupted. Shri Lankan government latter on closed this "Israel interest Section" When some elderly BJP leaders before coming to power had visited America, they participated in several secret meetings with Jewish organizations like AIPAC. Why the BJP leaders insist on arranging secret meetings with Jewish leaders in America ? Kerala was known as a peaceful state. But in 1992 anti-Muslim riots happened in Kerala. Before these riots erupted the secret meeting between BJP leaders and Israel officers had taken place.
Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janjagriti Samiti is busy in spreading Brahminist terrorist ideology from Melbourne to New Jercy. They have several Ashrams where their preaching take place. Their one Ashram is in Goa and one in Panvel near Mumbai. ( Quietly, hardline Hindu outfits build a network across Maharashtra, Goa Mon, Jun 23 03:10 AM)
According to an article of Indian express, 23 June 2008, in addition to their branches in India they also run their branches in New Jercy, Brisben, Melbourne, Dubai and in many other places. In their spiritual practice it is essential to destroy the evil doers {read enemies of Brahmanism} physically and mentally. For this purpose they have formed Dharma Sena (Army of Religion). The trainees of Dharma Sena receive training in guns and other weapons. They do not have formal membership. The photograph of Mr. Jayant Athwale, the founder of Hindu Janjagriti Samiti and Sanatan Sanstha, is given in military uniform. In this photograph he is making a very emotionally strong appeal to the trainees to become terrorists against Naxalites who are enemy of Brahmin Rule. Sanatan Sanstha has given the periodical chart of coming events which is as under. 1) Year 1997-99 a period for developing firm determination in the minds of people to destroy evil-doers physically and mentally as a part of their spiritual practice. 2) Year 2000-2006 period for destroying evil doers physically, mentally and spiritually. In their books related to self-defense use of guns and other weapons is taught. ( June 23, 2008 A New Source of Terror? Herald, Panjim, 22 June 2008)
Urdu news papers have been repeatedly pointing out that Israel's secret services are also involved in the terrorists activities being executed in India in the name of Muslims. These secret services have been providing training to Brahminist fascist forces in Israel. Brahminist organizations have been sending their members to Israel to get training in agriculture. But instead of training in agriculture they have been given training disruptive activities. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008 and Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008)
Secret Service sources disclosed that at the invitation of Israeli Jewish religious leaders, a delegation of Hindutva leaders had visited Israel this year. In this, some leaders of Sangh Parivar too were included. According to high official, the way America's secret service, CIA and Israel's secret agency, Mossad, are infiltrating in Central Asian and South Asian countries, it is giving strength to the suspicions that in such delegations, members of foreign intelligence get included and through interaction and infiltration, secret operations are carried out. Those organizations that organize and support such visits and meetings, may or may not be aware of the secret mission of foreign agencies, the truth can come out only on investigations. For this reason, the national agencies are now concentrating on investigation of Sangh Parivar and its connections with Israeli lobby and Mossad. The way ATS has arrested Hindutva extremists belonging to Sangh Parivar, in connection with Malegaon bomb blast, facts have emerged of international networking and support to Hindutva radicals.
The growing strength of Hinduists and Sangh Parivar organizations and the increasing violence through these organizations against Muslims, Christians, and minorities in Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka and other states are alarming. Therefore, enquiries and investigation of relations between Jewish and Hindutva religious leaders from Israel and India are being severely felt and is being analyzed. India's internal and external intelligence agencies have got busy trying to figure out if some big international conspiracy is being hatched behind the activities of hardliner extremists of Sangh Parivar. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA/Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
The officials of the national intelligence agencies have categorically stated that American secret service agency, CIA together with Israel's secret organization Mossad, has carried out several secret operation all over Asia. It has exposed that Hindutvadis have got support and motivation from Israeli secret agency and they helped Mossad's operations against the Arab and Muslim countries in the past. (Rashtriya Sahara, Urdu Daily, Mumbai 2 Stories connecting CIA / Mossad with extremists one day before attack)
The Mossad agents mainly come from high technology area. After their retirement they enter into professions in areas such as information technology, computers, communications etc which provide services in I.T. solutions, software engineering, computers and electrical engineering, Computers and electronic hardware, and communication. They usually open company into this area with the help of some big personality or an influential non government organization. ( - Mossad, Mossad Coming soon to a town near you!) It must be kept in mind that large number of Arya-Brahminists are working in information technology and computer sector. Following news is very significant and meaningful considering the above fact.
Warcha area Vishva Hindu Parishad president Kamlesh Kayla has said that VHP will give its members training in spying to find out antisocial and terrorist elements in society. He said that VHP workers will be assaigned work of find out antisocial elements and spy over suspicious persons. (Bhasksr, 11 December 2008) Does not this clearly indicate the intention of Mossad to get its spy network widened and get its work done through fascist organizations like VHP ?
Arya-Brahmin industrialists also want Mossad to develop its network in India. Top industrialists from Karnataka met with Mr. Yediyurappa, the Chief Minister of the state recently. The delegation was led by Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw of the 'Biocon' fame and Infosys CFO Mohandas Pai. The Biocon CEO suggested creating a well-equipped crack anti-terrorist squad in Karnataka. The possibilities of getting them trained by Israeli secret service Mossad should be explored, she said. ((DNA, Sunday, November 30, 2008 01:51 IST) Welcome Mossad ! By Subhash Gatade 24 December, 2008
India under the iron-grip of Israel-American Military bases !
Mossad-CIA are trying to cause chaos in several neighboring countries and covertly inflame subversive activities in India, Russia and China to weaken them.
The Zionist plan is to destabilize and dismantle India with their subversive covert operations as they are doing with the Middle East and Central Asia, in order to redraw borders to suit geopolitical imperial ambitions. During cold war India and Israel officially pretended rivals of each other. Arya-Brahminists riding government of India have been playing in the hands of Mossad-CIA to ensure Arya-Brahminist position as agent-rulers holding higher jobs in an impending Satanist Zionist state. Arya-Brahminists riding the Government of India implemented Zionist plan to balkanize Pakistan and created Bangla Desh from east Pakistan. The fall of the Soviet Union generated a solid open strategic alliance between them. India also launched a military satellite capable of spying Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China for Israel through its Indian Space Research Organization.
In year 2000, Israeli submarines reportedly conducted test launches of cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in the waters of the Indian Ocean, off the Sri Lanka coast. It would be advantageous to the Israeli Navy to establish a logistical infrastructure in the Indian Ocean with the cooperation of the Indian Navy, since the Mediterranean has a dominant Arab and European presence that is hostile to the Israeli navy in varying degrees. American Jewish Committee announced it would soon be opening an office in New Delhi.
In India there is already a great presence of foreign military forces. America and Israel do not miss any opportunity to increase their forces in India. Time to time military, Naval and Air force exercises are conducted to insure pro-Zionist military presence. In the name of war against terrorism and curbing Naxalite violence, foreign military presence is continuously increased. They put pressure on Indian government to approve their proposed increased military and intelligence presence. Foreign military and intelligence persons always find their presence in several counter terrorism schools. Many of these schools even train Shrilankan army commandos. In the wake of Mumbai attacks the pressure is further increased.
Israeli intelligence unit is conducting the field security surveillance course in Pune for Indian Army Military Intelligence sleuths. Course has been designed to look at methods of intelligence gathering in insurgency-affected areas. This is part of the ongoing defense cooperation between India and Israel. The Israeli experts have been drawn from the external (Mossad) as well as internal (Shin Bet) intelligence agencies. Indian Military Intelligence is to pick up tips on gathering human intelligence as well as receive training on technical intelligence using recently procured Israeli surveillance equipment. ( Israel's Mossad all set to slip into India by SAIKAT DATTA February 28, 2004)
Under the proposed agreement, the IDF of Israel would send highly-trained commandos to train Indian soldiers in counter terror tactics, urban warfare and fighting in guerrilla settings. ( Israel Likely to Train Indian Counter Terror Special Forces Dated 14/9/2008)
"The most important meeting the Indian Home Minister Advani had during his three-day Israeli tour on June 13-16 was with the top brass of Israel's intelligence agencies in Tel Aviv. Heading the Israeli team was the powerful chief of Israeli police, Yehuda Wilk, with the heads of the Israeli intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, and military officials dealing with Israel's punitive and espionage operations against Arabs in Israel, Palestine and neighboring states such as Lebanon and Syria. Senior officials from the Israeli Foreign Office and the defense and home ministries attended this meeting. Israeli experts in bomb detection were also present. "Mr. Advani's large team included India's highest level spymasters such as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. Shyamal Dutta, the Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation, Mr. R K Raghvan, the head of the Indian Border Security Force, Mr. E M Ram Mohan, Indian Home Ministry's powerful Secretary K Pande who oversees the work of the infamous Indian spy agency, RAW, and liaises with the Indian Foreign Office in respect of undercover RAW agents working in Indian embassies abroad, and a senior officer of India's military intelligence agency, equivalent of Pakistan ISI. Advani recalled that India had voted in favor of a US-sponsored motion in the UN for rescinding a UN resolution that equated Zionism with racism. "The Indians gave the Israelis a long shopping list of spying, torture and surveillance equipment such as: 1) electronic fencing of sensitive sites, 2) laser systems, 3) short-range rockets, 4) eagle-eyed long distance snipers, 5) observation blimps, giant shields, 6) night vision devices, 7) unmanned aircraft, 8) special protective dress and gear for security personnel, 9) cross border snipping devices and gadgets, 10) training and deployment of spies and the special gear for them, 11) use of computers and Internet for espionage and disinformation, code breaking, tailing of enemy agents and their elimination, 12) nuclear espionage, 13) purloining state secrets of hostile countries and pooling them for the good of India and Israel and their mutual friends. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
A Memorandum of Understanding, signed by ISRO and Israel's space agency, provides for cooperation in multiple areas of space science and technology. The latest Israeli Radar Satellite, Tecsar, was launched by India on 22 January, 2008. India's space agency launched an advanced Israeli reconnaissance satellite capable of taking images through cloud cover or at night, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) said. Israeli satellite launched from a pad in southern Andhra Pradesh can be used to spy on Iran. (
There were speculations in the media that the Indian nuclear test of May 1998 was actually done to test the Israeli nuclear technology, as there are no testing grounds available in the Israeli territory. APJ Abdul Kalam, head of India’s nuclear program, had visited Israel twice in 1996 and in 1997. There were also reports that Israel spy satellite was providing India with intelligence on Pakistan and Israel was allowed by India to undertake missions on Indian territory (probably Kashmir) to monitor points of interest. Israeli setting up of its naval bases in Indian Ocean along with India and US will seriously aggravate the chances of Pakistan to preserve its life line along Indian Ocean and put its fragile security situation in fix. ( Growing Israel India Nexus From: Muhammad Javed Iqbal)
India and Israel secretly planned to hit nuclear facility in Kahuta near Islamabad in 1983-84 but backed off when the CIA tipped off Pakistan’s then president Gen Zia ul Haq. The authors highlighted India’s intelligence links with Israel at the time when the two countries did not have any diplomatic contact. India put its plans on hold after Dr Raja Ramanna, the then director of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, was warned by the then Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Munir Ahmed Khan in Vienna in the autumn of 1983 that Islamabad would attack Trombay if its facilities in Kahuta were hit. ( ‘Israel planned to hit Kahuta from India’s Jamnagar base’) In a startling revelation, the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi, Mark Sofer, has said that his country had assisted India in 'turning around' the situation during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan. He also disclosed that Indo-Israeli defense ties would go beyond mere selling-buying of arms. 'We do have a defense relationship with India, which is no secret. What is secret is what the defense relationship is ? And with all due respect, the secret part will remain secret,' he said in the interview to Outlook weekly magazine. (
The Times of India, Friday 22 September 2000 reports that A high-level team of Israeli counter-terrorism experts is now touring Jammu and Kashmir and several other states in India at the invitation of Home Minister Lal Krishna Advani to make an assessment of New Delhi's security needs, high-level government sources said. The Israeli team, headed by Eli Katzir of the Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit of the Prime Minister's Office, includes a senior Israel Police commander and Israeli military intelligence officials. The team will prepare a "feasibility study" of Indian security needs and assess the areas in which Israel can offer assistance to New Delhi in tackling the activities of insurgent and terrorist groups. "The Indian Express" reports that Israeli intelligence experts will conduct an advanced course for Indian Army Intelligence Corps personnel. "The Indian Express" claims that Mossad and General Security Services experts will arrive in India this week, "to conduct the first field security. ( "The Indian Express": Mossad to train Indian Army Intelligence Corps. Publication: Asia Africa Intelligence Wire Publication Date: 02-MAR-04)
Dalit voice rightly published a news titled "Jews of India" giving Kashmir to Jews ? (Dalit Voice, 1-15 October 2007)
An Israeli media suggested that Tel Aviv might help India carry out covert operations inside Pakistan in retaliation for the Mumbai attacks. India has asked for Israeli assistance in cross-border attacks against "Pakistanis" inside Pakistan, reported Debka which is believed to have ties with intelligence and military sources. ( Israel to help India against Pakistan 10 Dec 2008) According to Congress government, in spite of revelation of bribe of Rs. 1160 Crores in Barak missile deal Congress government will not put Israel companies in black list because of security reasons. Defense officers said that India-Israel defense relations are so deep and wide that any action against these companies will be against the security of nation. The same Congress government had put South African arms company Denel in black list and stopped all business transaction with them. (Times of India, 13 October 2006) such is the stronghold of Israel over India.
Afghanistan have massive military strategic position against China, Russia and India. Already there is a large Anglo-American NATO force bases. Indian Express of June 9, published the following story based on a PTI report: "The US, which has lined up several joint military exercises with Indian armed forces, is interested in establishing access to military bases in India Carbaugh Jr., who advises US industry and policy makers, says' American military officers are candid in their plans to eventually seek access to Indian bases and military infrastructure'".
A report has recently declared that it has a copy of a classified US Defense Department Report. According to the report US wants ‘access to Indian bases and military infrastructure’. United States Air Force specifically desires ‘the establishment of airbases in India’. Senior members of the Indian government already know of this plan. The process of arming the ‘Baseworld’ ensures a steep and steady profit margin for the US military-industrial complex, popularly known as the ‘arms lobby’. (The Ascent Of F 16 S Chattopadhyay)
A classified report commissioned by the United States Department of Defense, states that the "American military officers are candid in their plans to eventually seek access to Indian bases and military infrastructure. India's strategic location in the centre of Asia makes India particularly attractive to the US military," the report says. An American Colonel says, "The US Navy wants a relatively neutral territory on the opposite side of the world that can provide ports and support for operations in the Middle East. India not only has a good infrastructure, the Indian Navy has proved that it can fix and fuel US ships. Over time, port visits must become a natural event. India is a viable player in supporting all naval missions, including escorting and responding to regional crises. In the same vein, the US Air Force would like the Indians to be able to grant them access to bases and landing rights during operations, such as counter-terrorism and heavy airlift support." It is significant that during the 1991 Gulf War-I, India provided refueling facility to US warplanes. And during Operation Enduring Freedom, several US warships used Indian facilities for rest and recuperation. As part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Indian naval ships provided escorts to merchant vessels from North Arabian Sea till Strait of Malacca in the most active cooperation with US navy in history. It is not just access to bases and ports that the US military hopes to get in India, but also training facilities on Indian territory. ( Americas Next Target: Indian military bases Rediff: 04/22/03)
According to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, President Bush is set on "strengthening and broadening the relationship with India which goes beyond security, proliferation or regional issues." (quoted in The Hindu of 15-5-2002 India's big power ambition By Afzaal Mahmood)). India's Defense and Foreign Minister Mr. Jaswant Singh has said that India is open to the idea of offering Indian Military Bases for being used by the American Armed Forces. (Hindutva News Analysis - Indian Military Bases for the American Armed Forces)
The Kalaikunda airbase is in West Bengal, a state governed by so called anti-imperialist left government. Which is now the flying-pad of US F16 fighter jets. Is the day very far off when a US military base is formally opened in India? Can we call Kalaikunda a potential US airbase ? US military presence can only mean the servitude of India is not something that they are concerned about. It can be safely assumed that these bases, once formally established, will function as imperial outposts for watching China and colonizing the whole of Asia. Wherever US army goes, rape and prostitution flourishes. The day before joint Indo-US exercises began at Kalaikunda on November 7, newspapers reported angry protests in Philippines outside US bases over the sexual assault of a Philippino woman by American soldiers. This not a unique incident as the histories of Korea and Vietnam demonstrate. (The Ascent Of F 16 S Chattopadhyay)
The US wants India to be converted into a military base to facilitate refueling for its planes and recreation for the soldiers engaged in Iraq war, CPI(M) politburo member and Rajya Sabha MP Brinda Karat said. ( US wants to convert India into a military base: CPM Agencies Posted: Aug 01, 2008 at 1433 hrs IST) America also wants to encircle India is obvious from the following news :- The United States is planning to set up military bases in Nepal to target China and India, claimed Maoist rebels. ( US seeking Nepal military bases to target China: Maoists)
America seems to behave as if India is his colony is apparent from following news :- According to article written by Kuldeep Nair Anita Uddaiyya, a 47 year woman living in fishermen colony of Mumbai had seen terrorists reaching the shore who had attacked several places in Mumbai. She told that 'white men had carried her to America in an aircraft for investigation. She was kept there for two days and was returned to Mumbai by air craft. She was instructed by them to tell that she had gone to Satara. it is obvious that this was a secret mission which was known to higher authority. American secret Service FBI is famous for such secret activities. But why Anita was carried to America when FBI has every facility of ultra-modern equipments of investigation in India itself ? This makes it clear that FBI has every freedom in India. Is the incidence of Anita is lone one ? There could be several such instances. It is not the question of number but of sovereignty of country. Did America gave India same facility {of carrying their citizens to India for investigation} ? This incidence has no relation with "Pratyavaran" Treaty. It is related to extra constitutional authority which America is showing throughout the world. Previously when it was read that Pakistan handed over his citizens to America for investigation. Number goes over 500 citizens. It was thought that A weak country like Pakistan who can not stand on its feet and is weak democratically and financially can not resist American pressure. But should we too surrender the sovereignty of our institutes to the Americans ? If we behave like a dependent nation, then no small countries would receive any relief. It seems that we are being dragged into the orbit path of American influence. America-India nuclear treaty is responsible for this. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 January 2009) Anita Uddaiya a fisherwomen was the first person to see the terrorists who had stepped on the shore of sea at 8.30 PM of 26 November 2008. She had objected their going from the route that was uncommon. On this they had threatened her to matter her own business. On this she thought that they might have come regarding some film shooting. (Bhaskar, 4 january 2009)
Mossad-CIA Infiltration in Pakistan
Pakistan is at a strategic crossroads bordering onto the Middle East, Central Asia and the former Soviet republics and within proximity of China’s Western frontier therefore Mossad-CIA made Pakistan a geopolitical hub for their military and covert intelligence operations.
Journalist and author George Crile’s book, Charlie Wilson’s War (Grove Press, NY, 2003) tells of how Mossad actually used Charlie Wilson to penetrate the CIA’s Afghan campaign, and thereby the ISI and the Pakistani government at all levels. Wilson’s appointment to the House Appropriations Committee and a strategic alliance with CIA veteran Gust Avrakotos ignited the covert actions that enabled Mossad to infiltrate the ISI. (
Wilson had a close relationship with the Israeli embassy’s congressional liaison officer, Zvi Rafiah a highly placed Mossad agent. Zvi Rafiah was involved in spying and collecting strategic information from the US for Israel. Wilson became obsessed with funding and controlling the CIA’s Afghan jihad against the Soviets, not for the sake of Jihad, but for the purpose of infiltrating the ISI and reaching the inner-most power circles in Pakistan. Wilson’s other objective was the promotion and sale of Israeli weapons. Wilson specially built the famous anti-helicopter missile system designed by the Israelis for the Mujahideen. The latest radar systems for Pakistan’s F-16 fighter planes which was denied by the United States was sold to General Zia of Pakistan by Israelis in addition to tanks and other weapons systems to use in the Afghan war. Wilson remained an intermediary in all these deals. ( General Zia even agreed to keep details of the arms deals with Israel hidden from the United States. During 1992 and 1995, Israeli and Pakistani diplomats met secretly in Washington on many occasions. (
The Israel-Pakistan connection was crucial for infiltrating the ISI and providing Israeli intelligence with a very secure footing inside Pakistan’s intelligence agency. Benazir Bhutto also intensified the ISI’s liaison with Mossad in 1993, and she too cultivated American Jewish lobby. Benazir is said to have had a secret meeting in New York with a senior Israeli emissary, who flew to the U.S. during her visit to Washington, DC in 1995 for talks with Clinton. Pervez Musharraf has been a keen advocate of Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. ( Benazir Bhutto wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. High ups in Pakistan's military believed that Benazir Bhutto had connections with RAW-Mossad and General Pervez Musharraf himself declared her as "security risk" before his referendum campaign. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
After Musharraf overthrew Nawaz Sharif’s government, the ISI-Mossad relationship deepened. Pakistan passed intelligence about the Gulf States and the nuclear ambitions of Iran and Libya, whose programs Pakistani scientists had helped to build. Israel provided everything, from training for Pakistani leaders’ security guards, to intelligence on India, with whom it has enjoyed full diplomatic relations since 1992. The deepening relationship has not only paved the way for Musharraf’s approval of his foreign minister’s handshake with Israel, his "chance" encounter with Ariel Sharon on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in September, and an address to the American Jewish Congress.
The ISI has long been referred to as Pakistan’s "secret government" or "shadow state." It’s long-standing ties and reliance upon American and British intelligence have not let up, therefore actions taken by the ISI should be viewed in the context of being a Central Asian outpost of Anglo-American covert intelligence operations. The ISI acts as a Central Asian base of operations for the CIA and British Intelligence to carry out Anglo-American imperial aims of destabilization of Central Asia, India and the Middle East through the Muslim terrorist organizations they themselves have created.
Chapter II
Zionist Mossad-CIA Created Terrorist Muslim Organizations
Mossad-CIA controlled Muslim organizations ! |
False flag Terrorism of Mossad-CIA-M15 Masters |
Mossad-CIA controlled Muslim organizations !
There is a solid record of evidence pointing to role by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, in providing financing and tactical support for the very "Muslim extremists" presumed to be Israel’s worst enemies. The truth is that Muslim extremists have proven useful tools in advancing Israel’s own geopolitical agenda. Israel and its Mossad believe that Israel’s survival lies in its military strength and that "this strength arises from the need to answer the constant threat of war," the Israeli hard-liners fear that any peace with any Arab state could weaken Israel and bring about its demise. In that vein, Ostrovsky writes: Supporting the radical elements of Muslim fundamentalism sat well with the Mossad’s general plan for the region. In his follow-up book, The Other Side of Deception, ex-Mossad figure Victor Ostrovsky unveils the disturbing fact that the Mossad had a secret history of supporting radical Islamic groups for its own purposes. Even columnist Jack Anderson, a devoted news conduit for the Israeli lobby, has bragged of Israel’s skill : He wrote that Israelis are also skillful at exploiting Arab rivalries and turning Arab against Arab. The Kurdish tribes, for example, inhabit the mountains of northern Iraq. Every month, a secret Israeli envoy slips into the mountains from the Iranian side to deliver $ 50,000 to Kurdish leader Mulla Mustafa al Barzani. The subsidy insures Kurdish hostility against Iraq, whose government is militantly anti-Israel. Anderson added that "two well-placed intelligence sources" had explained that this meant that it was in Israel’s interests to "divide and conquer" by setting various Palestinian factions against one another. This would then help destabilize all of the Arab and Islamic regimes in the Middle East. Anderson then stated flat out that the sources said: "Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal’s group." British journalist Patrick Seale, an acknowledged authority on the Middle East, devoted an entire book, entitled Abu Nidal : A Gun for Hire, outlining and documenting his thesis that Nidal was largely a surrogate for the Mossad all along. (Israel’s Secret Agenda: Funding Arab Terrorism By Michael Collins Piper's_Secret_Agenda.html)
Not only US-directed agents infiltrate existing terrorist groups and provoke them into action; the Pentagon itself creates its own terrorist groups and death squads. After establishing their terrorist credentials through various crimes, these American-run groups will then be able to ally with and ultimately undermine existing terrorist groups. ( Two Mossad cells of six Egyptian and Yemeni born Jews trained at a secret base in Israel’s Negev Desert with the intention of penetrating the Al-Qaeda network were revealed. (
America’s covert war in Afghanistan, using Pakistan as a launch pad, was initiated during the Carter administration prior to the Soviet invasion. The ISI operating virtually as an affiliate of the CIA, played a central role in channeling support to Islamic paramilitary groups in Afghanistan and in Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union.
The Madrassas in Pakistan, financed by Saudi charities, were set up with US support. The camps became virtual universities for future Islamic radicalism. Acting on behalf of the CIA, the ISI was involved in recruitment and training of Mujahideen. Guerilla training under CIA-ISI auspices included targeted assassinations and car bomb attacks. From 1982 to 1992, some 35,000 Muslims from 43 Islamic countries were recruited to fight in the Afghan jihad. Beginning around 1982, Pakistani army trucks carried CIA weapons from Karachi and often returned with heroin from Haq’s Afghanistan. They were protected from police search by ISI papers.
The history of the drug trade in Central Asia is related to the CIA’s covert operations. Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war, there was no local production of heroin. Alfred McCoy’s study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA operation in Afghanistan, the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world’s top heroin producer. Under CIA and Pakistani protection, Pakistan military and Afghan resistance opened heroin labs on the Afghan and Pakistani border. Once the heroin left these labs in Pakistan’s northwest frontier, the Sicilian Mafia imported the drugs into the U.S., where they captured sixty percent of the U.S. heroin market. Sixty percent of the U.S. heroin supply came indirectly from a CIA operation.
The Taliban government which came to power in 1996 implemented in 2000-2001 an Opium eradication program. In 2001 prior to the US-led invasion, opium production under the Taliban eradication program declined by more than 90 percent.
One of the major objectives of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was to restore the drug trade. Because Afghan drug trade was used to finance the various insurgencies designed by Mossad and CIA throughout the world. Many Islamic fundamentalist organizations in the Middle East and Central Asia, were directly or indirectly the product of US covert support and financing, often channeled through foundations from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Since the US led invasion, opium production increased 33 fold. In Taliban regime it was only 185 tons. After US occupation it went to 6100 tons in 2006. Cultivated areas have increased 21 fold since the 2001 US-led invasion. In 2007, Afghanistan supplied 93% of the global supply of heroin. (Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 6 January 2006)
The stated purpose of US counter-terrorism is to provide covert support as well as training to Liberation Armies ultimately with a view to destabilizing sovereign Muslim governments.
The ISI supported the wars in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia throughout the 1990s, by training and sending militant Islamists into the regions to sow chaos and exacerbate ethnic tensions, leading to the break-up of Yugoslavia. All this was done with the tacit approval, support and complicity of British and American intelligence. The ISI also supported terrorist groups in Chechnya. It was revealed by the London Telegraph in 2007 that the US, through the CIA, was funding and arming terrorist organizations to "sow chaos" inside Iran. ABC News reported just over a month later that the terrorist group was a Pakistani militant group named Jundullah, which is based in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan, just across the border from Iran. US funds this group, the funding is indirect, as it travels through Pakistan’s ISI. ( Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network by Andrew G. Marshall)
According to John Loftus, a former Justice Department prosecutor, Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza, as well as the suspected mastermind of the London bombings Haroon Aswat, were all recruited by MI6 in the mid-1990s to draft up British Muslims to fight in Kosovo. American and French security sources have already corroborated the revelation. ( Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network by Andrew G. Marshall)
The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. In Kosovo, the training of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the 1990s had been entrusted to a private mercenary company, Military Professional Resources Inc (MPRI), on contract to the Pentagon. The Baluchstan Liberation Army (BLA) bears a canny resemblance to Kosovo’s Kossovo Liberation Army (KLA), which was financed by the drug trade and supported by the CIA and Germany’s Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND) ( Pakistan is on the road to Balkanization by A. H. Amin December 5, 2005)
In March 1985, President Ronald Reagan issued National Security Decision Directive 166 (NSDD 166), which authorized stepped-up covert military aid to the Mujahideen and support to religious indoctrination. The project to establish "a pan-Islamic Caliphate" is part of a carefully devised intelligence operation. The covert support provided to "Islamic extremist groups" is part of an imperial agenda. It purports to weaken and eventually destroy secular and civilian governmental institutions, while also contributing to vilifying Islam. It is an instrument of colonization which seeks to undermine sovereign nation-states and transform countries into territories. The imposition of The Sharia in Pakistan and the promotion of "radical Islam" was a deliberate US policy. Missions from the Wahhabi sect of conservative Islam in Saudi Arabia were put in charge of running the CIA sponsored madrassas in Northern Pakistan. United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan school children with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation. The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system’s core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books.
U.S. counterinsurgency experts worked closely with the Pakistan’s ISI in organizing Mujahideen groups and in planning operations inside Afghanistan. U.S. brought men and material from around the Arab world and beyond. The most hardened and ideologically dedicated men were sought because they would be best fighters. Advertisements paid from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering inducements and motivations to join the Jihad. (Pervez Hoodbhoy, Afghanistan and the Genesis of the Global Jihad, Peace Research, 1 May 2005) They laid conceptual groundwork of US covert support to Islamic parties and organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bush’s Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also involved in setting the groundwork for CIA covert operations. Richard Gates, Colin Powell and Richard Armitage, among others, were also involved in the Iran-Contra operation.
Under NSDD 166, the procurement of US weapons to the Islamic insurgents increased from 10,000 tons of arms and ammunition in 1983 to 65,000 tons annually by 1987. "In addition to arms, training, extensive military equipment including military satellite maps and state-of-the-art communications equipment" (University Wire, 7 May 2002).
Appearance of independence is crucial and is an integral part of the covert intelligence operation. Mujahideen motivated by nationalism and religious fervor were unaware that they were fighting the Soviet Army on behalf of Uncle Sam. There were contacts only at the upper levels of the intelligence hierarchy. (Michel Chossudovsky, America’s War on Terrorism, Chapter 2).CIA covert support to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan operated indirectly through the Pakistani ISI. Washington was careful not to reveal the ultimate objective of destroying the Soviet Union through jihad.
One of our Muslim friends was happy and proud that a Christian priest belonging to a western country converting to Islam was staying in the Mosque of their area unaware of the possibility that he could have been planted by Mossad-CIA for their evil designs. Such planted persons observe who are selfish persons ready to sell themselves and who are committed to people and to Islam. Their names are reported to headquarter so that through their agents / organizations selfish persons are bought to perform immoral activities including spying while honest youths committed to Islam are misguided in the name of Islam so that their actions always prove detrimental to Muslims as well as to Islam.
The various fundamentalist and paramilitary groups involved in US sponsored "terrorist" activities are "intelligence assets". Their designated function is to perform their role as credible "enemies of America". The Islamic groups created by the Mossad-CIA are also intended to rally public support in Muslim countries. The underlying objective is to create divisions within national societies throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, while also triggering sectarian strife within Islam, ultimately with a view to curbing the development of a broad based secular mass resistance, which would challenge US imperial ambitions.
Outside enemy is also an essential part of war propaganda required to galvanize Western public opinion. Without an enemy, a war cannot be fought. US needed to fabricate an enemy, to justify its various military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia. The fabrication and vilification of the enemy are required to justify military action. The existence of an outside enemy sustains the illusion that the "war on terrorism" is real. It justifies military intervention based on the right to self defense. It upholds the illusion of a conflict of civilizations. The underlying purpose ultimately is to conceal the real economic and strategic objectives behind the broader Middle East Central Asian war.
The basic truth is that "Al-Qaida" never existed. Al-Qaida is a manufactured enemy who was created by the Bush Administration in order to have an excuse to wage a war for the control of the world’s oil resources. Al-Qaida is a fake name, an imaginary illusion, a deceptive fraud, a fictitious hoax and a fraudulent scam of the unlawful war of terror, which is still being cunningly and clandestinely supported and promoted by the CIA, Mossad, SIS, RAW, ISI and the Corrupt Mercenary Media to frame, blame, defame, harm and kill Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Afghans, Arabs, Muslims and other innocent people by falsely and maliciously labeling them terrorists.
Did an American even hear the words Al-Qaida before 9-11 ? Al Qaeda, was a data bank of volunteers who had enlisted to fight in the Afghan jihad. That data base was initially held by Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden, America’s bogyman, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of the US sponsored Afghan jihad. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training camp. During the Reagan administration, Osama was put in charge of raising money for the Islamic brigades. Numerous charities and foundations were created. The operation was coordinated by Saudi intelligence, headed by Prince Turki al-Faisal, in close liaison with the CIA. The money derived from the various charities were used to finance the recruitment of Mujahieen volunteers.
Al-Qaeda in its present shape is a CIA/Mossad backed intelligence outfit. Al-Qaeda has morphed into a global terrorist ideology which is primarily targeting Muslim lands only and has no role in freedom struggles of Kashmir, Taliban, Iraq or Palestine. (EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008) Like Nidal’s efforts to divide the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause, Bin Laden’s activities seem to have a congruence of interests with those of Israel, although this is something that the major media has not been ready to acknowledge. Bin Laden has never attacked an Israeli or Jewish target. The Washington Post pointed out on Sept. 30 that Bin Laden’s primary goal is bolstering "a destabilizing brand of Islamic fundamentalism in Middle East and Central Asia regimes." (Israel’s Secret Agenda: Funding Arab Terrorism By Michael Collins Piper
Al-Qaeda is an ideal asset for foreign secret services intending to create unrest within Pakistan. Their role in fighting inside Afghanistan is minimal as they are primarily targeting Pakistan with the intention of taking over and creating enough mayhem to invite an Iraq-styled invasion. These fanatics are the real brain behind violence in Pakistan today and are drawing support from all hostile secret services like Mossad, RAW and Khad. (EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008)
US has been devising a huge, ideologically destructive enemy that kills more of its own people than its claimed enemies. This is exactly what Al Qaida seem to be doing if you simply count the casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq and more recently in Pakistan and helps the US to achieve two key objectives : -
1) Weaken the governments in the region by causing bloodshed and chaos and in the process also give the US forces to continue their stay as well as decimate the population as people will either die or flee as in Afghanistan and Iraq which will make a takeover by the US smooth and easy for subsequent exploitation of both the resources such as oil, gas and every thing. By the same token, it will also give the US the control of strategic geographic locations. Obama said he would consider sending American troops into northeast Pakistan if he became President. The reason he gave is that the Pakistani government has little control over that area and thus it has become a new sanctuary for terror training camps.
2) To contain both India and China. First, remember there are huge Muslim populations in both India and China. Some of them with deep separatist tendencies that simply require a bit of stoking an fanning and proper secret backing such as Kashmir in India and XinXiang province in China. Pakistan has borders with both these troubled regions of US's two greatest economic rivals and that's partly the reason that Pakistan will be crucial if such a plan is on the anvil for the US authorities.
We can already find stuff in the news of growing militant terrorist attacks inside the India, in Kashmir and also growing separatist activities in XinXiang province of China which are all clearly drawing support from somewhere big.
US is playing a double game with Pakistan. If Pakistan withdraws from its sworn alliance with the US, then the Talibanization will simply get on the fast track. The militants will continue to receive the high tech weaponry and support from the US and soon they will be walking over Islamabad and take over the control.
Pakistan will first experience denuclearization in the wake of growing insecurity in the country followed by Talibanization which will be followed by large scale bloodshed, chaos and disappearance of central governance in exactly the same fashion as it happened in Afghanistan, which is also an informal kind of balkanization as there will be no functioning government in the country. The formal balkanization will take place afterwards as the US takes control of various strategic regions such as Baluchistan in the south west a resource-rich vast province bordering Iran and also sitting at the edge of Persian Gulf; Capture of the northern areas bordering China will help the US to create both chaos by covertly supporting the separatists and militants in XinXiang province as well as rule out any possibility of China ever having direct access to the warm waters of the Gulf and Middle Eastern markets which it may have if Pakistan continues to provide it access to its new Gawadar port in Baluchistan province.
Many have argued that Benzir was actually assassinated through a US conspiracy because it suspected that she was likely to betray the US after coming to power and giving China a thoroughfare through Pakistan landscape to Persian Gulf to reach the middle eastern markets. Some experts have also said that this precisely was the fear from the ex-President and General Pervez Musharaf who was also eliminated with a plan and with an excuse that he failed to act against the growing terrorism effectively or was playing a double game with the US.
There will be growing chaos, bloodshed, breakaway regions, militancy and above all, most certainly greater US presence in the region in the days to come. Obama is determined to follow orders of his Zionist masters.
False flag Terrorism of Mossad-CIA-M15 Masters
It is by now well known that many, if not all, intelligence agencies around the world are involved, at one level or another, with so-called "black operations", or just "black ops". Such activities are denied by any and all agencies, as well as their governments. A black operation may be small, as in joining a demonstration to smash windows and overturn cars (giving the demonstrators a bad name), or large, as in staging a fake disaster or attack, then blaming a third party ("false flag" operation).
Mossad prides itself on deep infiltration & penetration into every ‘Muslim’ militant group in the world. All of the Mossad-engineered ‘terrorist’ attacks benefit the Jews since it galvanizes the Western world into making Israel’s enemies their own - and gives Israel a free hand in dealing with the Palestinians.
The Mossad, is known to recruit Shia Muslims to penetrate Islamic radical networks. On 12th January Indian intelligence officials in Calcutta detained 11 foreign nationals for interrogation on the suspicion of being hijackers. They were Tabliqis (Islamic preachers) and had planned to attend an Islamic convention near Dhaka, but Bangladesh refused them visa. Indian intelligence officials say that they were Israeli nationals from the West Bank, have been on Tabligh in India for two months. The pressure exerted on India by Israel for the release of the men, and in the hurry with which they were flown back suggested an aborted operation’. It appeared that they were on a mission to Bangladesh. ( Investigation: Did Mossad attempt to infiltrate Islamic radical outfits in south Asia? by Subir Bhaumik The Week February 6, 2000)
Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said that Israel had set up the mock cell in order to justify attacks in Palestinian areas. [BBC News - 12/8/2002] We have USA posing as Alqueda : The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah. But Adam Pearlmen is his REAL name ! Adam is the grandson of the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993, much as AIPAC has been caught up in the more recent spy scandal. ( British SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgents The two British operatives, arrested by Basra police and later freed by a British military operation, were identified by the BBC as "members of the SAS elite special forces" (
They were disguised by wigs and Arab dress. Iraqi sources reported that the Iraqi police were watching the two, and when they tried to approach them they shot two policemen and tried to escape the scene. The Iraqi police chased and captured them, to discover large amount of explosives planted in the car, which apparently was planned to be remotely detonated in the busy market of Basra. The SAS involvement in Iraq was discovered on the 30th of January 2005 when an RAF Hercules plane crashed near Baghdad killing then British servicemen after dropping off fifty SAS members north of Baghdad to fight Iraqi guerillas. ( Fake Al Qaeda)
Iraqi police recently caught two terrorists with a car full of explosives. The drivers of the explosive-laden car were not members of an insurgency group — they were British Special Forces. Two members of the British Armed forces disguised as Arab civilians killed a member of the Iraqi police while evading capture. It is a clear instance of a foreign power attempting to fabricate a terrorist attack. Why else would the soldiers be dressed as Arabs if not to frame them? Why have a car laden with explosives if you don't plan to use them for destructive purposes ? When the people of Basra rightfully refused to turn the murderers over to the British government, as per Coalition "mandate," they sent their own men. Their rescuers were British soldiers driving British tanks. They drove right up to the walls of the jail, break through them and brave petroleum bombs and burning clothes to rescue their comrades. 150 other prisoners break free in the ensuing melee. It took place in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. Iraq is headed towards civil war, and this operation was meant to accelerate the process by killing people and blaming others. Nothing more, nothing less. There have been a number of insurgent bombings in Iraq. Who really is responsible for the bloodshed and destruction? Who benefits from that ? Certainly not the Iraqis — they already believe most suicide bombings are done by the United States to prompt religious war. Several articles have already turned the story against the angry Iraqis who fought the British tanks as they demolished the jail wall, painting them as aggressive Shia militia. ( Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend By Matt Hutaff, Sep 20, 2005)
Here is a list of methods for staging a suicide attack :-
Since the target audience is mainly the western media, you merely plant the explosion and, at the appropriate time, press the electronic trigger. Then you simply describe the explosion (via your military contacts) as a "suicide bombing." Since the reporters are all embedded, they will arrive only when the military takes them. They will see the blood and body parts of course, they will take a few photos, perhaps even talk to one or two selected witnesses. They will then return to the base by jeep or APC with yet another suicide bomber story in the can.
Following techniques are used by agencies too stage a fake suicide attack.
1) Give a young person an "important package" to deliver, along with a large amount of cash as a delivery fee. On his arrival at the delivery point, press the electronic trigger that sets off the explosives in the package.
2) Prepare a car or truck with explosives, place a cadaver next to the explosives, drive the vehicle to the place where the explosion is to occur, leave the vehicle, walk to a safe distance, then press the electronic trigger.
3) Strap explosives to a cadaver, place it in a large cardboard box or other screening contrivance, drive it to the planned explosion point, unload the item as though making a delivery and let it sit there until most people have forgotten about it, then press the electronic trigger.
4) Strap explosives to a person who is so heavily drugged that he/she has no idea what you are doing and can barely stand up. Drive the person to a crowded venue, let him / her out of the vehicle, then drive quickly off and press the electronic trigger.
5) Locate a clinically depressed (suicidal) person who has no particular commitment to Islam, but who hates the target group. Then facilitate the bombing by adding the right drug, if necessary. The operation then proceeds as above, but with the full cooperation of the bomber. Simply press the electronic trigger.
6) Haul someone over for a license or other traffic violation and impound their vehicle while they pursue legal paperwork. Plant explosives under the back seat. When the owner of the vehicle returns to claim his car, direct him to a particular police station for final clearance. The charge is detonated as the driver passes the target area. We have good information that this last method, basically a combination of methods 1 and 2, is in actual use. ( HOW TO FAKE A TERRORIST CAMPAIGN Report from the S.P.I.N.E. Panel)
Chapter III
Mossad-CIA is Disrupting and Balkanizing Pakistan !
Zionist Israel Greatest Enemy of Pakistan |
Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline will make these countries self Reliant |
Zionists want Puppet Government In Pakistan |
Zionists want Puppet Government In Pakistan |
Mossad-CIA plan of Greater Balochistan |
Zionist Israel Greatest Enemy of Pakistan
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister said : "The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. "This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.
David Kilcullen, a former counterinsurgency adviser to the State Department, said. In fact, some civilian elements of the government are American allies; some military elements are American enemies. The US is uncomfortable because Pakistan’s army controls the nukes and remains an important player in the country’s political dispensation. The US fears that Pakistan army might eventually cause the balance of war to tilt in Taliban’s favor, which NATO forces have no chance of winning in any event, and drive out the US and Indian lackeys currently governing Kabul. Therefore to Zionist Israel, US and India, a weaker military in Pakistan confined to Punjab and perhaps Sindh, devoid of an effective intelligence agency and without nuclear fangs, is essential.
Zionist Israel wants more direct forms of US interference, including an expanded US military presence inside Pakistan. The US has several military bases in Pakistan. It controls the country’s air space. US Special Forces expand their presence in Pakistan to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units (William Arkin, Washington Post, December 2007). Concurrently, to justify its counterterrorism program, US is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists.
US agenda for Pakistan is similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consists in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government. The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline will make these countries self Reliant
Zionists fear that Iran-Pakistan-India Gas pipeline can make Iran, Pakistan and India self-reliant. The huge 2,775-kilometer pipeline project will transfer 60 million cubic meters of natural gas per day from Iran to Pakistan and India. IPI gas pipeline is quite crucial for New Delhi as after signing of the agreement, 60 million standard cubic meters per day of gas is expected to be supplied in phase-I, which will be shared equally between India and Pakistan. New Delhi is being influenced by US to quit the project. Iran and Pakistan initiated a Gas Sales Purchase Agreement earlier this year while Indian and Pakistani officials announced they had resolved almost all bilateral issues, including transit fee which saw New Delhi boycotting IPI pipeline talks for about a year. A breakthrough in the talks in April 2008 occurred when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Pakistan and India. (
The Iran-India pipeline corridor passes through Balochistan. Violence in Baluchistan will help the US to prevent oil and gas supply to India.
Balochistan also possesses a deep sea port largely financed by China located at Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea, not far from the Straits of Hormuz where 30 % of the world's daily oil supply moves by ship or pipeline. (Asia, 29 December 2007) China also showed interest in joining Pak-Iran gas pipeline project transiting through Balochistan. China’s presence in Gawadar would bring it right up to the Indian Ocean, a sensitive spot both for Indians and Americans – the former seeing this as a threat to its control of the ocean.
Beijing and Islamabad cannot neglect their common defense when their adversaries are following a covert strategy. During the visit of Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari to Beijing, Pakistan and China on October 15 signed eleven agreements to enhance bilateral cooperation in diverse sectors including energy, telecommunication, trade, and space technology. China also agreed to supply two nuclear reactors to Pakistan. China will also be able to use the Karakoram Highway and ports of Gwadar (which links Central Asia) and Karachi for transporting its goods to the Middle East and Africa. ( RAW’s invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
Therefore India-Iran gas pipeline is main obstacle in Zionist America-Israel's Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and enslave India, Pakistan and whole Muslim world to capture their resources. Therefore, Zionist America-Israel is committed to foil Iran-Pakistan-India Gas pipeline to come into existence by subversive violence in Pakistan, Iran and India.
General Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s former Army Chief, notes in an article that India and the US have signed the Strategic Partnership Deal the declared objective of which is "to contain and curb the rising military and economic power of China and the increasing threat of Islamic extremism in the region". This deal has led to the creation of a joint espionage network of CIA, Mosad, MI-6, Raw and others in Afghanistan, which are engaged in activities aimed at destabilizing Pakistan, Iran, China, Russia and other Central Asian states.
According to Pakistan media for last several years a wicked axis of Mossad, CIA and RAW are aiding and fuelling Balochistani separatists, causing trouble in Karachi, and turmoil in North West Frontier Province. ( Wicked CIA-RAW-Mossad axis against Islamabad: Pak media)
One of the important roles of RAW is to thwart Sino-Pak strategic relations. In this connection, fast-growing economic power of China coupled with her rising strategic relationship with the Third World has irked the eyes of Americans and Indians. Owing to this jealousy, support of the US to India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council and US-India nuclear agreement are part of the American desire to make India a major power to counterbalance China in Asia. On April 18, 2008, Pak Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi openly claimed that "some external forces were trying to weaken Pak-China strategic ties by creating misunderstandings". Interference in the internal affairs of neighboring states through RAW’s invisible warriors to extend Indian regional hegemony continues unabated. ( RAW’s invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
One of the greatest abilities of Mossad is that it can mobilize US resources anywhere to protect Israeli interests. Pakistan has already allowed US forces to use its soil, air and intelligence. Mossad works out a scenario and push the American troops to do what the Mossad would like to do in Pakistan. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
Zionists want Puppet Government In Pakistan
When war is expensive a Trojan Horse is the economical and easier option. Usually men with little political clout, a minority ethnic status, avaricious, conceited, sons settled in the USA, and with little connection with Islam or the real aspirations of a Muslim are chosen as Trojan horses. USA successfully applied this strategy in the Islamic world. The first Trojan Horse of note was Sadaat who delivered the most fatal stab wound in the back of the Muslim world. Another deadly Trojan Horse was the Shah of Iran. Post 9/11 era is an era of Trojan Horses in the Muslim world. ( Pakistan is on the road to Balkanization by A. H. Amin December 5, 2005)
In Pakistan, it did not matter who voted in ‘elections’. It was the CIA which did the nominating. CIA brought PPP government and Zardari as president.
U.S. wanted Islamabad to perform 1) The corrupt and weak government leading to zero governance and pro-US decision making. 2) To bring Pakistan under IMF regime. 3) Recognition of Israel. Already plans are underway. 4) Support to sub-nationalists leading to dismemberment. 5) Use of pliant and supportive media to create chaos and confusion. 6) The CIA’s direct war against Pakistan in tribal areas to create terrorism. 7) Pakistan’s nuke weapons and missile program to be neutralized and taken out. 8) Reduce the need for large standing army for Pakistan. U.S. strategy is obvious – Pakistan should only have a glorified police force to fight the Taliban militants and does not need a large standing army.
An IMF economic package, which included currency devaluation and drastic austerity measures, was imposed on Pakistan in 1999. Pakistan's external debt is of the order of $40 billion. The IMF's package was conditional upon the selling off most profitable State owned enterprises (including the oil and gas facilities in Balochistan) at rock bottom prices to foreign capital. Musharaf's Finance Minister was chosen by Wall Street, which is not an unusual practice. The military rulers appointed at Wall Street's behest, a vice-president of Citigroup, Shaukat Aziz, who at the time was head of CityGroup's Global Private Banking. (See, 30 October 1999). CityGroup is among the largest commercial foreign banking institutions in Pakistan.
These covert operation, including the organization of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia’s federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions. The US and NATO sponsored "civil war" launched in mid-1991 consisted in coveting Islamic groups as well as channeling covert support to separatist paramilitary armies in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia.
The pressure is intense on the PPP government from the international monetary institutions to sign the deals but they are scared of the internal backlash. IMF is a death warrant for Pakistan on the terms they are offering. Zardari is in a hurry to sign it but is not confident enough of his survival after that.
Zionist Disruptive Activities in Pakistan
In fact, the "economic mismanagement" and chaos is the outcome of IMF-World Bank prescriptions, which invariably trigger hyperinflation and precipitate indebted countries into extreme poverty. Pakistan has been subjected to the same deadly IMF "economic medicine" as Yugoslavia. It is by no means accidental that the 2005 National Intelligence Council-CIA report had predicted a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan resulting in political break-up and balkanization. Overt operation, including the organization of military coups, are often synchronized with the imposition of IMF-World Bank macro-economic reforms. In this regard, Yugoslavia's federal fiscal structure collapsed in 1990 leading to mass poverty and heightened ethnic and social divisions.
Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav-like fate" for Pakistan "in a decade with the country raven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Balochistan." (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is stated to become a "failed state" by 2015, "as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanization and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons". (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005)
Mossad and its allies are engineering terrorist disruptive activities in Pakistan unabatedly.
Pakistan has seen serious Shia-Sunni sectarian violence. Almost 77% of Pakistan's population is Sunni, and another 20% are Shia. Shia minority forms the second largest Shia population of any country, larger than the Shia majority in Iraq. In the last two decades, as many as 4,000 people are estimated to have died in sectarian fighting in Pakistan. Woman and children were kidnapped and gunmen even executed out-of-towners who were staying at a local hotel. On March 2, 2004, at least 42 persons were killed and more than 100 wounded when a procession of the Shia Muslims was attacked by rival Sunni extremists at Liaquat Bazaar in Quetta. Separately, on October 7, 2004, a car bomb killed 40 members of an extremist Sunni organization in Multan.300 people died during 2006. ( / Sectarian violence in Pakistan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) From the summer of 2007 to late 2008, more than 1,500 people were killed in suicide and other attacks on civilians. It is estimated that more than 4,000 people have died in Pakistan in the past 25 years due to sectarian strife.
In year 2007 alone there were 3,448 casualties from more than 1,500 attacks and clashes, according to a report form the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies. The security forces have borne much of the brunt of the violence with 232 soldiers, 163 paramilitary troops and 71 police officers killed last year. ( Timeline: Pakistan under attack)
Two bomb blasts killed at least 21 people and wounded 74 in Rawalpindi. One of the explosions was caused by a bomb hidden on a bus carrying government employees. There were few details available concerning a second bomb that exploded in Rawalpindi at about the same time. Police and hospital officials said the combined death toll was 21 along with 74 hurt. At least 49 people were killed in bomb attacks across the country on July 19 alone. ( On 24 November an explosion in Peshawar’s Hashtnagri area on Monday left nine people injured. Blast took place outside an Imam Bargah on Hussainia Street. (
ISLAMABAD, March 4, 2008 (AFP) - A double suicide bombing at a top naval college in Lahore, Pakistan's second biggest city, on Tuesday was the latest in a wave of attacks against security forces and other targets this year. The attack killed five people. Bhutto is killed in a bomb attack after a rally in Rawalpindi. More than 20 others are killed in the attack. Here is a list of major attacks since the start of 2008 :-
January 7: A suicide bomber blows up his explosives-laden car near a Pakistan army base in the troubled northwestern valley of Swat, wounding a soldier.
January 10: Sixteen police and four civilians are killed in a suicide bomb attack on a group of police outside the high court in Lahore.
January 14: Ten people are killed in a bomb attack at a crowded street market in Karachi, one of three blasts across Pakistan on the same night. The other two explosions caused no fatalities.
January 15: A suicide bomber blows himself up outside a Pakistani paramilitary post in the Mohmand tribal district, causing no casualties.
January 17: A young suicide attacker blows himself up at a packed Shiite Muslim mosque in the northwestern city of Peshawar, killing eight people and wounding 20.
January 23: One man is killed and another injured when a suicide bomber blows himself up near a check post in the Khyber tribal area bordering Afghanistan.
February 1: A suicide car bomber kills seven troops at a check post in the tribal zone of North Waziristan, near the site of a US missile strike earlier in the week that killed a top Al-Qaeda commander.
February 4: A suicide bomber rams a motorcycle into a bus carrying army medical staff in Rawalpindi, killing at least five people and injuring 25.
February 9: A suicide bomber blows himself up at an opposition election rally in the town of Charsadda in northwestern Pakistan, killing 25 people.
February 11: A suicide bomb targeting an independent election candidate kills at least nine other people in the tribal region of North Waziristan.
February 16: A suicide car bomber strikes a rally by slain former premier Benazir Bhutto's party in the northwestern tribal town of Parachinar, killing 37 people and wounding 93.
Hours later, another suicide attacker detonates an explosives-laden vehicle outside an army media centre, killing two civilians.
February 22: A roadside bomb rips through cars carrying wedding guests in Swat, killing at least 14 people.
February 25: A suicide bomber kills army surgeon general Lieutenant General Mushtaq Baig and seven other people in Rawalpindi.
February 29: Forty-four people are killed by a suicide bomber in Mingora, the main town in Swat, during the funeral of three policemen killed by roadside bomb earlier in the day.
March 1: A suicide bomber kills two people after ramming his vehicle into a security vehicle in the Bajaur tribal region.
March 2: A teenaged suicide bomber kills 43 at a meeting of anti-militant tribal elders in the northwestern district of Darra Adam Khel.
March 4: Two suicide bombers attack the Pakistan Naval War College in Lahore, killing five people and wounding 19.
( Pakistan - Security Timeline of major attacks in Pakistan in 2008 Source : AFP 04.03.2008)
March 11 - Two suicide car bombers strike, killing 24 people, most of them in an attack on a government security office in Lahore.
March 15 - A bomb attack at an Italian restaurant in Islamabad, a favorite hangout for foreigners, kills a Turkish woman and wounds several others, including four FBI agents. (TIMELINE: Major bomb attacks in Pakistan Mon Jun 2, 2008)
According to an Arya-Brahmanist writer A divided Pakistan, a bleeding Pakistan, a Pakistan ever on the verge of collapse without actually collapsing—-that should be our objective. An effective strategy against Pakistan must :- 1) recognize the many competing interest in Pakistan {to be manipulated} 2) it must pit one competing interest against the other 3) never pose a common threat to unify them 4) seek to isolate the State agencies from the Non-State actors 5) seek to insulate Chinese interests from the fate of individual groups 6) deprive the competing interests the shield of Nuclear Deterrence without directly threatening the nukes 7) it has to precipitate a crisis within Pakistan 8) it must raise serious doubts about the safety of Pakistan’s Nukes within the competing interests to the point where they don't trust each other but are also scared for their safety 9) it must culminate in governing interests within Pakistan calling for external intervention to ensure their very survival 10) the external intervention is conditional on the grounds of protecting various interests 11) the external intervention becomes semi-permanent to become the basis for balkanization and containment Denuclearizing Pakistan. Capt. Bharat Verma (Editor, Indian Defense Review) writes : …With Pakistan on the brink of collapse due to massive internal as well as international contradictions, it is matter of time before it ceases to exist. At the same time, it is prudent to extend moral support to the people of Tibet ( A strategic response to terror - "Balkanization" of Pakistan?)
Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that RAW and Mossad have created "four new agencies" to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
There have been about 1000 terror attacks on Pakistan. The Afghan RAM, the Israeli Mossad and the KGB also used to bomb Pakistan. The current headquarters of the BLA is in Tel Aviv. Some of the bombings in Pakistan have been the work of RAW affiliates or surrogates, while most bombings have either been conduced by RAW agents, or other intelligence agencies of India. Pakistan is not the only country that has faced Indian attacks. ( RAW and Mossad: The Rediff expose on Indian spooks Posted on August 6, 2008 by ishakhan)
Any bombing atrocity of conceivable benefit to the US in its War on Terror also known as its War for Oil and Hegemony. The leading Pakistani newspaper the Pakistan Daily has reported evidence of a US involvement in the Marriott Hotel bombing atrocity in Islamabad in which over 60 people were killed (see "What was mysterious activity going on in the Marriott Hotel Islamabad by US Marines?": ). Pakistan's civilian and military leadership escaped the bombing when a dinner scheduled to take place at the Marriott was moved to the prime minister's official residence at the last moment. ( Hotel Bombing Complicates Pakistan's Fight Against Terrorism By Abubakar Siddique)
Nearly 2,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives to terrorism in year 2008 alone, including 1,400 civilians and 600 security personnel ranging in rank from ordinary soldier to three-star general. There have been more than 600 terrorism- related incidents in Pakistan this year. Six hundred Pakistani militants have been killed by the Pakistani military, ISI and PPP in recent attacks, hundreds by Pakistani F-16 jet strikes in the last two months."
Mossad-CIA plan of Greater Balochistan
Pakistan has an estimated 25.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves of which 19 trillion are located in Balochistan. Pakistan had proven oil reserves of 300 million barrels, most of which are located in Balochistan. Balochistan oil reserves are estimated to be six trillion barrels of oil reserves both on-shore and off-shore (Environment News Service, 27 October 2006)
America want to create "Greater Balochistan" by integrating Baloch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and Southern tip of Afghanistan thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Military scholar Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters suggests that Pakistan should be broken up, leading to the formation of a separate country. Proposed fragmentation would reduce Pakistani territory to approximately 50% of its present land area. Pakistan would also loose a large part of its coastline on the Arabian Sea. All this in an effort to restrict Chinese access to energy and herd energy resources towards Israel, the Mediterranean and Europe. Whatever happening in NWFP and Baluchistan is part of this BIG game! ( 22, 2008...11:59 am Neocon Plans for Pakistan Exposed!)
There have been many secessionists movements within Pakistan, the most significant of which is the Balochistan liberation movement. The movement gained momentum after the 1971 when then-East Pakistan successfully attained independence from Pakistan. The Balochistan Liberation Army is currently active in its efforts to achieve independence by employing guerrilla attacks on both civilian and military targets. (
Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) emerged shortly after the 1999 military coup. It has no tangible links to the Baloch resistance movement, which developed since the late 1940s. The US is using Balochi nationalism for staging an insurgency inside Iran's Sistan-Balochistan province. So called 'war on terror' in Afghanistan gives a useful political backdrop for the ascendancy of Balochi militancy. British intelligence is allegedly providing covert support to Balochistan separatists which from the outset have been repressed by Pakistan’s military. In the current geopolitical context, the separatist movement is in the process of being hijacked by foreign powers. ( The Destabilization of Pakistan by Michel Chossudovsky) The dominant role of the Pakistan military and intelligence has been scrapped in favor of political breakup and balkanization.
The Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, was peaceful before the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. In June 2006, Pakistan’s Senate Committee on Defense accused British intelligence of abetting the insurgency in the province bordering Iran Balochistan. (Press Trust of India, 9 August 2006). Ten British MPs were involved in a closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defense regarding the alleged support of Britain’s Secret Service to Baloch separatists. There are reports of CIA and Mossad support to Baloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan. ( March 4, 2008) It appears that Britain and the US are supporting both sides. The US is providing American F-16 jets to the Pakistani military, which are being used to bomb Baloch villages in Balochistan. Meanwhile, British alleged covert support to the separatist movement contributes to weakening the central government. ( The Destabilization of Pakistan by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)
Dissidents from Pakistan are being trained at Sarobi and Kandahar for missions inside NWFP, whereas bases at Lashkargah and Nawah are being used to train dissidents from Balochistan in support of the so called Balochistan Liberation Army.
India’s military and intelligence has been penetrated. The US have allowed India to set up military training camps in Afghanistan, and they are training, arming and financing rebels who are being sent to Pakistan to destabilize the government. The MOSSAD, Hamid Karzai and India are fuelling ethnic insurgency in South West Pakistan where China is building a strategic port. In addition, with her nuclear and military deals with the US and the launching of an Israeli satellite as the MOSSAD increases its control of India. Remember, it was India which financed and armed East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to breakaway from then West Pakistan. ( Attack – India and the Axis of Evil Friday December 12, 2008 (1641 PST))
At present, New Delhi is reported to have established more than 200 foreign offices and training camps in Afghanistan where RAW’s intelligence officials, with the help of Khad and tactical support of CIA, are doing their utmost to weaken Pakistan by sending weapons to the separatist elements in Balochistan, and particularly to the insurgents of Fata regions. It has used propaganda, political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements to foment subversion and terrorism to weaken these states in consonance with Indian regional ambitions". However, application of these nefarious designs vary from country to country as RAW’s incursion in the following countries proves. In Wakhan, a religious madrassah of the Indian Muslim clerics is functioning under the patronage of RAW and Mossad. Recruits are mostly from Central Asia, bordering Afghanistan. Thus, more than 20,000 ideologically motivated terrorists are intermittently being infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. These miscreants also conducted a number of suicide attacks and bomb blasts in Pakistan, killing a number of innocent persons and personnel of the security forces. In Kurram they are also actively involved in the sectarian conflict. ( RAW’s invisible warriors by Sajjad Shaukat)
During the July 12 meetings Pakistani officers wanted to know when America would get interested in tracking down the terrorists responsible for hundreds of suicide bombings in Pakistan and those playing havoc with natural resources in Balochistan while sitting in Kabul and Delhi. Pakistan want United States, India and Afghanistan to refrain from supporting Pakistani terrorists. ( US told not to back terrorism against Pakistan By Kamran Khan) During the meetings, the US officials were asked why the CIA-run Predators and the US military did not swing into action when they were provided the exact location of tribal leader Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s enemy number one and the mastermind of almost every suicide operation against the Pakistan Army and the ISI since June 2006 (US accused of backing terrorism in Pakistan Indo-Asian News Service Islamabad, August 05, 2008)
Deadly attacks by US drones and troops inside Pakistan’s tribal territory, reportedly with the tacit consent of the Zardari Government, could draw a wedge between Pakistan and its independent tribes, who are angry at Pakistan’s inability to protect them. ( Pakistan’s Balkanization Shahid R. Siddiqi Foreign Policy Journal Saturday, Dec 13, 2008)
In tribal areas, the U.S. game was well exposed and discussed within Pakistani security establishment. The visiting U.S. officials were seriously confronted even by an embarrassed Prime Minister over the drone attacks on loyalist tribes while the enemies of the State like TTP of Baitullah Mehsud were not being attacked by the CIA drones. The U.S. attacks have seriously exposed the PPP government. All these attacks are being done under tacit approval from the PPP government and the parliament was forbidden to discuss any policy matters or to pass any law barring cooperation with the Americans. But still, PPP wants U.S. to go slow or don’t get caught in the act.
The PPP government is under severe pressure to respond to the U.S. attacks. Parliament did not take any decision. Army has been forced to hold its fire. But the tribes are now getting impatient and some response is demanded from the PPP government. Parliament had passed a weak resolution but the government is too weak and corrupt even to implement this basic condemnation.
Frustrated by the frequent guided missile attacks, the tribal elders asked the government to give a tit-for-tat response to stop US spy planes’ intrusions into Pakistani territory. Speaking at a joint press conference in Miramshah, elders representing major clans of North Waziristan Agency demanded of the government to implement parliament’s unanimously passed resolution in letter and sprit and halt incursion of the Nato planes.
There is a rapidly deteriorating situation in FATA region, in the wake of frequent US missile attacks and Pakistan's military operations. The Global Trends 2025 report by Thomas Fingar, suggests that Pakistan may become much smaller. ( A comparison of the situation that existed in East Pakistan in December 1971 with what is happening today in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) exposes several worrying similarities between the two. When hostilities broke out, the first action of the Bengali soldiers in the EBR and EPR units was to exterminate their West Pakistani officers and assume control of the weapons and equipment available in their units. From here on, neutralizing other pro-West Pakistan entities and joining hands with the invading Indian Army and the local militants from the Mukti Bahini was basically just a logical progression of events. The specter of the native-dominated Frontier Corps undertaking similar action in FATA is a frightening possibility.
Map of greater Pashtunistan already distributed by ANP, the ruling party in NWFP. Simultaneously, the sub-nationalist ANP, which is the ruling party in NWFP and coalition partner of PPP have openly come out to demand greater Pashtunistan or dismemberment of Pakistan on ethnic lines. The huge 40 feet hoardings on main roads in NWFP are clear indications that a massive sinister game is in operation. The hoarding shows "greater Afghanistan" taking areas of FATA and NWFP as part of it and saying that Pashtuns are one.
Pakistan is being encircled from all sides and even its old friend China is being lured by the Indians. India is working to isolate Islamabad. But the most serious nexus is what appears to be a joint India-Israel platform against Pakistan. This nexus is now becoming a major threat for Pakistan. The Indian game plan to launch insurgencies from Afghanistan is now seriously irritating Pakistan. Pakistani Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Nisar A. Memon has said that India should close down its so-called information centers in Afghanistan because their involvement in acts of terrorism in Pakistan cannot be ruled out. Addressing a press conference during a brief visit to Quetta, he said that terrorism had come into Pakistan through the Afghan channel and India had opened around a dozen information centers close to the Pakistani border without any justification. If India wanted to improve relations with Pakistan it should close down these so-called information centers, the minister said. (EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Secret Services Creating Unrest Inside Pakistan Sarfaraz Ahmed Sun, 19 Oct 2008)
Allegedly, the CIA is preparing the world for a possible US attack on Pakistan by steps such as : -
1) The assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December 2007 to create political chaos 2) The toppling of Musharraf in August 2008 with the same intention 3) The attack against the Islamabad Marriott in September 2008 And various other Gladio-style terror attacks within Pakistan to create insecurity among masses, 4) The Mumbai Attacks of 26 November 2008 to device Indian attack on Pakistan and create a new battlefield badly needed by the White House. (
Henry Kissinger has revealed what Obama is going to try to do to bring about bring about a New World Order. 1) "The alternative to a new international order is chaos." In other words, join the New World Order or you will suffer from false flag operations and the undermining of your economies. 2) "The extraordinary impact of the President-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order." In other words: we Zionists and fascists have chosen Obama as our puppet. 3) "The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution." The New World Order means world government. You will be ruled from Washington or Jerusalem. 4) "The role of China in a new world order is crucial. "Each side of the Pacific needs the cooperation of the other in addressing the consequences of the financial crisis…"The Sino-American relationship needs to be taken to a new level." China has a lot of money in its reserves. They had better hand it over to us. ( Obama’s New World Order plans revealed)
According to a report America has increased the vigilance of nuclear installations of Pakistan and posted their some of its officers. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 March 2009)
Chapter IV
Mossad-CIA Disrupting India Through their Arya Brahminist Agents / Supporters !
Arya-Brahminists have been training their cadres in bomb-making ! |
Arya-Brahminists Stock-piled explosives for Terrorist activities ! |
Arya-Brahminist Terrorists Use Name of Anti-state Militant Organizations ! |
Web of Arya-Brahminist Terrorist Organizations Exposed ! |
Arya-Brahminists have been training their cadres in bomb-making !
The ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh claimed that he has evidences of RSS and Seva Bharati are imparting training of preparing bombs to its cadres. These evidences are statements of the RSS cadres arrested. In their statements RSS cadres admitted that they had planted bomb in a program in Bhopal. Rajeev Mishra who prepared bombs is a resident of Satna and works in a factory at Mahu. He was arrested by police. Police also recovered bombs from the farm house. Digvijay Singh said that Rajeev Mishra may also be involved in the bombs seized by police at Bhopal railway station. He alleged that RSS is busy in spreading communal violence in Madhya Pradesh. As evidence Digvijay Singh mentioned statement of Kalu accused in Nimach bomb-blast. Kalu had admitted that he is the worker of Seva Bharati and they were preparing bomb in the office of Seva-Bharati when the blast occurred. (Nav-Bharat,11, 12 September 2003; Lokmat Samachar 16 September 2003)
In new revelations linked to the Malegaon case, Rakesh Dhawade, a key accused in the blast case has confessed that two professors - one from a leading college in Pune - were involved in providing training for two earlier blasts which also involved Arya-Brahminist extremist groups. In his statement to the Jalna police, Dhawade said, "Dr Sharad Kunte, a botany professor in Pune's famous Wadia college, coordinated a 10-day training camp in which people were taught how to assemble bombs." The training camp was held in 2003 at Akanksha resort near Sinhagad Fort. At the same camp, a man called Professor Deo trained a batch of 7-10 people in making pipe bombs. Dhawade was also present at the camp and admitted to providing materials to assemble bombs. He even admitted to providing logistical support including transport, food and clothing for the camp. He was paid for his services by Professor Kunte. The Pune ATS has questioned Professor Kunte for his alleged role but not made any arrests so far. (
According to police, among the bombs set at Vashi and Thane theatres at least one bomb was prepared in the Panvel Ashram of Sanatan Sanstha. In April 2006, 2 terrorists of Bajrang Dal had died in the home of a famous RSS leader of Nanded in a bomb blast that occurred while preparing bombs. ( June 23, 2008 A New Source of Terror? Herald, Panjim, 22 June 2008)
Blast in Kanpur occurred on Janmastami (birth day of god Krishna) when Bhupendra and Rajeev Mishra were preparing bomb in a private hotel. Both of them died on the spot. Obviously they intended to plant these bombs during some religious celebration. Vishva Hindu Parishad leader Awadh Bihari Dubey admitted that the Bhupendra and Rajeev Mishra were members of Bajrang Dal. According to U.P. police chief S.N. Singh lead oxide, potassium nitrate, pin timer, battery etc. in short everything needed to make bombs were found there. He told that the seized explosive were enough to make severe devastation. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 September 2008) In a private hostel of Kanpur where in a powerful blast two Bajrang Dal workers had died, the owner of this hostel is leader of Bajarang Dal. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Two RSS activists were killed while making crude bombs in Cheruvanchery on Monday morning. One of those killed, K Pradeepan, was awaiting verdict in another blast case in which a girl was injured. The bomb workshop was adjacent to a temple. The accident occurred when the victims tried to shift the bombs to another place. At least two buckets full of bombs went off simultaneously, causing a powerful blast that shook nearby houses. The victims’ bodies were severely maimed. Pradeepan’s body was fished out of a nearby well. "RSS is solely responsible for the accident. The state leadership of the RSS and BJP are trying to instigate violence in Kannur once again," CPI(M) district secretary P Sasi said. ( RSS CAUGHT AGAIN & AGAIN- NOW WITH BOMBS 2 RSS men killed while making bombs Tuesday, November 11, 2008 DNA NEWS THIRUVANANTHAPURAM)
In year 1992 there was an explosion and two workers of Vishva Hindu Parishad were died and two were injured while making bomb. In year 2002 a bomb exploded in a temple and RSS men were caught. They had admitted that they had been preparing bombs. In Shyampur, Sihore of Madhya Pradesh from one RSS worker ready to use bombs and materials to prepare bomb was seized. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Many military schools are also opened for this very training purpose.
Bhonsala military school was formed by Hindu Mahasabha leader B.S. Munje in year 1937 in Nashik. (Lokmat Sachar, 5 November 2008) Bhonsala military school is tuned into the RSS thoughts. The director of this military school is appointed by RSS. The two ex army officers of Bhonsala military school and principal Sahailesh Raikar and Rajan Gaidhani were brought to Mumbai for questioning. In this school during years 2001 to 2003 training camps were organized for activists of Arya-Brahminist organizations. Merchant navy officer Sanat Kumar Bhate and senior officer of IB was present. The two youths who received training in this camp had tried to make bomb in Nanded. Retired Major Prabhakar Kulkarni and major Ramesh Upadhyaya from Pune army are arrested in connection with helping in Malegaon bomb blasts. Retired major Ramesh Upadhyaya is president of Pune Abhinav Bharat organization, has very old relations with Bajrang Dal and was president of their ex army men's cell. Major Upadhyaya is active in ex servicemen unit of BJP. It is alleged that Major Upadhyaya and others gave training of how to make bomb blasts using RDX. ATS also arrested one lieutenant colonel posted at Pachmadhi of Madhya Pradesh. He allegedly gave training to Arya-Brahminist terrorists. Shailesh Raikar the principal of Bhonsala military school and its clerk Rajan Gaidhani was also arrested in Jabalpur. The direct role of Prabhakar Kulkarni, retired major Ramesh Upadhyaya, Samir Kulkarni in Malegaon bomb blasts have become known. S.S. Raikar told police that he was related to colonel Prasad Purohit of army. Colonel Prasad Purohit is already arrested by police. Raikar's younger brother was working till recently in Mumbai police. The plans of terrorist bomb-blasts in Malegaon and other places were decided in the military school and Arya-Brahmin terrorists discussed every conspiracy there. It is suspected that the conspiracy of Malegaon bomb blasts must have decided in the Bhosala military school. (Samrat, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28 October 2008 and 1, 2 November 2008; Mahanayak, 26, 29 October and 1, 2, November 2008) The RSS leaders time to time visited these military schools and observed their progress. According to news in Lokmat Samachar, RSS leaders inspected Bhonsala military school and called this school the realization of the dreams of Munje and Ghatate (Lokmat Samachar, 26 July 2004).
The Malegaon investigations have also thrown up links to the Army. The focus is now on serving Army personnel, who worked with Lt Colonel Srikant Purohit, one of the main accused in the blast case. Sources have told NDTV that the ATS is questioning one Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) and two NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers). Three of them had worked with Lt Col Purohit during his stint in Deolali, near Nashik. The ATS would have preferred questioning them in their own premises but the Army wants it to be done at the Army Cantonment in Mumbai since no official request has been received from the ATS. (
From initial probe with ex army officer Prasad Purohit it is being indicated that he contacted Arya-Brahminist terrorists when he was working in an officer in army's contact unit in year 2005-06. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar, 7 November 2008) Army officer lieutenant colonel Shrikant Purohit is accused of transferring heavy amount to Ajay Rahirkar through Hawala. Police told court that Purohit had sent SMS to ex army officer Ramesh Upadhyaya that we are on the target of ATS. (Lokmat Samachar, Mahanayak, 6 November 2008)
Bajrang Dal have been arranging camps all over India to train their cadres in traditional weapons and in fire arms in the name of resisting terrorism and pretending patriotism. Retired Military personnel used to impart training to them. The actual purpose of this training is to fool the youths in the name of Hindutva and patriotism and 1) to spread hatred and engineer riots against Muslims through out the country, 2) to capture booths during elections, 3) to crush people's movements against Arya-Brahmin exploiters, 4) to crush ruthlessly any resistance offered by indigenous masses in establishing Arya-Brahmin rule based on Manusmriti.
In road march in Bhopal RSS cadres marched with weapons such as swords, tridents, including pistols and other fire arms. RSS cadres also fired in air. In this road march Ministers and other leaders also participated. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 January 2005)
In Bihar there are dozens of private armies organized by Arya-Brahmin landlords to maintain their exploitation system and feudal rule over the indigenous masses. Few of them are Kunwar Sena, Bhumi Sena, Kisan Sangh, Sunlight Sena, Loric Sena, Savarna liberation front, Ranvir Sena and many others. In Kaimur region Kaimur Sena has came into existence. Ranvir Sena has most sophisticated weapons with it. (Lokmat Samachar, 28 April, 22 September 2002) Tandav Sena which is more dangerous army than Ranvir sena has come into existence on 18 March 2004 in the leadership of Punnu Sharma. The spokesman of Tandav Sena told that they have A.K. 47, Stein guns, rifles, Mousers, revolvers and hand grenades in plenty that they can resist police force continuously for 24 hours. He also reported that Tandav Sena is supported by many leaders and MLA of BJP and JDU. (Pratham Pravakta, 1 May 2004)
Arya-Brahminists Stock-piled explosives for Terrorist activities !
Hindustan Times published a news on 18 September 2006 that from the house of old scrap dealer Shankar Shelke of Ahmednagar 195 Kg. of RDX was seized on 2 September 2006. After this seizure Shankar Shelke absconded in a mysterious way and his dead body was found on 10th September. Police declared his death as case of suicide. The servant of Shankar Shelke Shankar Gaikawad's whereabouts are unknown. The forensic test of this RDX and further investigation indicated needle towards army. Army is present in large number in Ahmednagar and the soldiers are given training in explosives. Is Shankar Shelke killed in order to hide the mystery of RDX seizure ? Communal riots had irrupted on 25 October in Malegaon in which 24 mosques were blown down by bomb blasts. The present bomb blasts of Malegaon in year 2006 could be another ring of the same chain. (Bahujan Sanghrsha, 30 October 2006 and 15 November 2006)
Police raided the house of BJP leader Ashok Kushwaha at Sunoniya village of Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh. and seized large quantity of explosives and illegal things. Among them are one hundred detonators, 3.5 Kg. Gelatin, two drilling machines, and many equipments to run explosives. Ashok Kushwaha absconded during the raid. (Nav-Bharat, 13 May 2008) In a farm of Parmanand Motwani at Village Kanheri-Aranda road near Akola police seized jeep full of gelatin rods. The owner of the farm who is resident of Sindhi Camp is absconding. (Lokmat Samachar, 22 September 2008) In the area of Gorakhpur police station near fourth bridge in the godown of Heloid Chemicals which belonged to Archana Bhatnagar a business women and president of Mava, police seized light machine gun and stock of carbine cartridges. Police arrested Archana Bhatnagar and five workers of her factory. These cartridges are being used by army. (Bhaskar, August 2008)
From the house of Gulabsingh in Riva Madhya Pradesh 235 Kg. of RDX was seized. Gulabsingh mysteriously absconded and could not be traced till this date. In a house of Deg village of Rajastan, 27 people died and more that 12 houses were destroyed in blast that occurred when the stored explosives caught fire. Either no investigation was made or matter was simply closed. The incident of Deg was blamed as mistake of cracker trader which is absolutely suspicious because when in cracker market of Uttaranchal fire was caught on the day of Diwali only one person died though hundreds of people were present in the market. On the other hand in Deg 27 persons were killed. Did the house in Deg had several times more fire crackers than were in the cracker market of Uttaranchal ? Without any doubt it must be explosive stored for terrorist activities. (Lokmat Samachar, 3 November 2008)
While the treads of Malegaon bomb-blast are reaching to Gujarat, the Gujrat ATS has seized 12 quintal of Ammonium Nitrate from Hasmukh Patel of Deshpur village of Bharuch district. ATS has arrested him and interrogating him. (Mahanayak, 8 February 2009)
Arya-Brahminist Terrorists Use Name of Anti-state Militant Organizations !
Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations have been exploding bombs in the name of Muslim organizations in full cooperation of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI. Fascist Arya-Brahminists as well as ISI are slaves of Mossad-CIA therefore many times they work together under Mossad-CIA direction. These disruptive activities aim to create immense panic and sense of insecurity among the people so that Arya-Brahminists riding the Indian government are successful in passing new draconian bills in the name of national security and wipe out every remnant of Indian democracy and human rights and covert India into a fascist police state.
Charge sheet of Col Purohit reveal disclosures which clearly establish links between Arya-Brahminist radicals and Israeli Mossad to take control of Indian federation. (
Arya-Brahminists in communal riots have been killing indigenous Muslims in the hands of fanatic indigenous non-Muslims. In the same way it is very easy for Arya-Brahminist agents to carry out terrorist activities beneficial to Arya-Brahmins through emotional Muslim youths in the name of Islam. It is fairly easy to entrap 15 odd Muslim youth annually out of a population of 15 crores, by showing them CD's of Gujarat and Ayodhya and by emotionally drawing them to "avenge" the oppression and exploitation of Muslims. Intelligence agents in the garb of Muslim clergy have been known to indulge in this activity, whilst informers like Safdar Nagori have also helped in this process. The terrorist group would have no clue to the larger plot and would only be a pawn in the entire episode in which they would be given to believe that they were serving the cause of Islam by waging Jihad against Hindu India.
All the terrorist attacks where mainly non-Brahmins and Muslims are killed or injured were certainly the acts of Arya-Brahminist terrorists. The Khalistani or Kashmiri militants in Punjab and Kashmir had never attacked Bahujans. On the contrary, they had stopped the buses and let non-Brahmin travelers go and killed upper caste Arya-Brahmins. Many of these incidences are reported in newspapers. Only Arya-Brahmins have been fleeing from Kashmir. Then suddenly what happened that the militants started killing poor non-Brahmins instead of killing ruling high-caste exploiter class ? Many parties and organizations have accused that the terrorist organizations run by Indian government and secret services of government have been killing non-Brahmins in the name of Muslim militants.
It was found that many Arya-Brahmins have been working in so called Muslim militant organizations. 1) In Kashmir Dr. Pandita is accused that she along with pundit Dilip Kumar had given shelter to militant in her home. She also helped them financially and worked as a messenger for the militants. She also carried armaments from one place to other for them. 2) According to police superintendent S. P. Singh, Shyamlal and Kripal Singh are terrorists of Hijbul Mujahidin and Sanjay is terrorist of Lashkar E Toeba. 3) In 2001 in an encounter at Chattar lane of Doda district, seven terrorists were killed along with Kuldeep Singh. Kuldeep Singh's elder brother Randeep Singh is commander of Hijbul Mujahidin of Doda district. 4) Police arrested one famous Hindu smuggler who was involved in attack on Raghunath Mandir of Jammu in year 2002. (The Hindu terrorists By I.K. Shukla The Milli Gazette (online edition); September 26, 2005)
Media person Vineet Narayan alleged that BJP is alone responsible for the growth of terrorism in India. In year 1993 he had submitted evidences before supreme court regarding economical aid coming from Dubai-London for Hijbul Mujahidin and had demanded faithful inquiry into this matter of national treachery. Because many big leaders of BJP were involved in this scam hence BJP and its affiliated organizations had opposed Vineet Narayan continuously and with fraudulent propaganda in India and abroad. They played an important role in suppressing the inquiry. BJP law minister Arun Jetli had also opposed him. The officers who had full knowledge of economical resources of Hijbul Mujahidin and in spite of that suppressed the inquiry BJP government instead of framing them under corruption, national treachery and negligence in duty not only gave them premature promotion but also honored them with President's medal. In spite of this BJP is shouting against terrorism which is a cruel joke. (Nav Bharat, 23 December 2002)
Crime branch of Mumbai police exposed a group supplying money to Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations and arrested their six persons. Police recovered 68 Lac Rupee from them. According to joint police commissioner Dr. Satyapal Singh among them the main accused is Mahesh Narasia Patel and from him a Kalishkov assault rifle was seized last year. He is being carried to Ahmedabad. Other arrested members of the group are Chandrakant Narsidas Patel, Natwarbhai Jasanbhai Patel, Jyotiramkrishna Dongar, Shankar Vike and Murali Gopichand Pilley. These accused are given conditional bail. Singh denied that these accused received money from any neighboring country. But this is certain that they used to receive money from abroad which they used to supply to these terrorist organizations. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 January 2004) Does not this news makes it clear that 1) they were financed by Mossad-CIA to help the fake Muslim terrorist organizations. 2) these persons belonged to some fascist Arya-Brahminist terrorist organization 3) Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations have tie with Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations hence instead of being arrested in POTA, TADA etc black laws they even got bail immediately ?
A stunning report stated that Indresh Kumar a senior RSS operative in Nepal received Rs 3 Crore from the ISI, was known to Togadia, Purohit and Vaidya the ex-RSS chief. This till date has not been denied by the RSS. This hints of a collusion between the ISI and the RSS at certain mutually beneficial levels and should come as no surprise and needs further investigation. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
According to the confession statement of Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande, given before police, Dayanand told that when he went to Pune and meet RSS leader Shyam Apte. In this meeting Shyam Apte had alleged that RSS general secretary Mohan Bhagwant and another RSS leader Indresh who is a leader of Muslim unit of RSS had received money fron ISI of Pakistan. (Lokmat Samachar, 19 February 2009)
Does not above examples make it clear that Lashkar E Toeba etc. Muslim terrorist organizations and Arya-Brahminist organizations are working for accomplishment of Arya-Brahminist Zionist interests because their main string-pullers are Mossad-CIA-M15 secret services of Israel, America and England ? That is why their every terrorist action benefit Zionist, American and Arya-Brahmin interest.
From following examples it becomes clear that the Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations are committing terrorist activities in the name of Muslims :- The person who sent death threat E-mail to Bal Thakare on 5th of August calling himself Faiyyaj Faruqi turned to be Adarsha Sinha (age 34). Delhi Police arrested him on 21 August from Gajiabad. Latter on Maharashtra police brought him to Mumbai for further investigations. Earlier Thane Police had arrested Suresh Shetti for giving death-threat to Bal Thakare on Arcut website. Just few minutes before Ahmedabad blasts took place, the E-mail which was sent giving information of impending Ahmedabad blasts was sent from the computer of American citizen Hewood. Hewood escaped and fled to America but Deepak Pande was caught. From Ludhiyana he had sent threat of more bomb blasts after the Ahmedabad blasts had occurred. The person who threatened to blow supreme court turned to be a lady named Rosa devi. Person threatening to blow Mahakali Temple of Ujjain was turned to be Sevak Ram. Person threatening to blow Bikaner railway station turned to be RPF constable Sitaram. Kaushik Biswas was arrested in connection with blast threats in Kolkata. Prakash Arora of Mandsore was arrested for sending fax threatening to blast the Rath-Yatra procession of Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh. No Muslim was found involved in above instances, but Muslims were blamed for above threats and terrorist activities because all the threats were given using Muslim names. Some of them had used green color in their message. The surprising thing is that police declared many of them mad. For others it was told that the threats were given for the sake of fun. Madhnanku Das was arrested from the premises of Faizabad court. At least since four years the threatening E-mails had been sent after the blasts. Since year 2004 at least 2 dozen blasts have occurred. But in nun of the incident is fully investigated. No truth is so far revealed. (Lokmat Samachar, 1 September 2008)
On 18 February, bomb-blasts were made near Divana railway station in Haryana. According to investigations, the suitcase which was used belonged to a person from Indore of Madhya Pradesh state. But the investigations were not carried further. In bomb-blasts made in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala etc states gave evidences of involvement of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. In spite of that it is being claimed that Malegaon bomb-blast accused are not related to these terrorist incidences. This is surprising because Malegaon bomb-blast accused are part of the all India Arya-Brahminist terrorist network. The information given by newly appointed ATS chief Raghuvanshi in a press conference benefit both the BJP and Congress. (Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
There were blasts in Kanpur of Uttar Pradesh when two youths of Bajrang Dal Mr. Rajeev Sharma and Bhupendra Singh were making bombs. Both of them died. BSP government of UP did not investigate the matter because it is said that two Brahmin ministers of BSP governments put pressure on police not to investigate the matter and no arrest of religious leaders related to Bajarang Dal and this incident be made. Because of the same Brahmin ministers UP police is not giving cooperation to ATS. (Mahanayak, 13 November 2008)
This proves that though these Brahmin ministers belong to BSP but in fact, by their mind and heart they belong to Sangh-Parivar. They are committed to support terrorists of Sangh-parivar organizations by every means. Thousands of such Pushyamitra Shrungs are in the leadership and in rank and files of BSP.
Active worker of Vishva Hindu Parishad Mr. Ajay Gupta with his 8-10 cadres threw four petrol bombs on Akashwani radio station transformers but only two exploded. This radio station is located in Muslim majority area. Transformer was saved but 2 motorcycles parked there caught fire and property of 30,000/- were destroyed. If aim had been accurate then entire radio station would have caught by fire. While running away after throwing these bombs the mobile of Ajay Gupta fell down and another conspiracy of RSS and Vishva Hindu Parishad to start Hindu-Muslim riots and call Muslims as antinational exposed. (Nav-Bharat, 3 March 2002)
The Nau Nagar police arrested 9 terrorists in Bagalkot. The arrested also included Nagaraj Holi Basappa, Personal Secretary of Pramod Mutalik, National President of Shri Ram Sena. Mr. Raghavendra Auraadkar, IGP, Northern Range, while addressing the media in the press conference informed that the accused were involved in Hubli court Bomb Blast case in May 2008. They were also involved in crimes like murder, kidnapping and looting etc. Live bombs, gun powder, lethal weapons, a motorbike, gold, silver and Rs 11.08 Lakhs was seized from them. The IGP revealed the identity of the arrested gang members. They were Ramesh Pawar (24); Basavaraj Diggi (22); Manjunath Binjawadagi (19); Deepak Govindakar (28); Lingaraj Jalgar (24) - all from Bagalkot; Basavaraj Rugi (20) of Honakuppi village in Gokak taluk; Hanamant Sainasakali (22), and Channabasappa Hunasagi (35) of Indi taluk in Bijapur; Nagaraj Jambagi (24), a resident of Heggur Plot in Bilagi taluk. While mentioning a few of their crimes the IGP said that they were charged with an attempt to murder by Ramesh Jaarkiholi, MLA, Gokak apart from the other murder charges. They had kidnapped a boy from Dharwad on 17th of October, 2008. They are also involved in the theft of many bikes. He notified that they had planted bombs at the Hubli court premises on the 10th of May, 2008. Their main intention was to target some police officials and their rival gang members. They triggered the bomb to warn the SIMI activists as they were scheduled to be produced in the Hubli court on 12th of May, 2008. The bomb exploded on the 10th of May which was a second Saturday. He disclosed that these were the same terrorists who had planted bombs near a bridge at Seegihalli near Dharwad on the National Highway 4; this blast was done to target prominent people. This major tragedy was averted as the bombs were washed away due to the rains. Sources claimed that the arrested were affiliated to a Hindu organization called Shri Ram Sena. The sources further alleged that three of the terrorists previously belonged to Bajrang dal and have now joined Shri Ram Sena. The bomb blast in Hubli occurred during the Assembly election time. The BJP came into power in the Karnataka assembly as they pleaded for votes by making an agenda out of this terror attack. A few days after the blasts an organization had also alleged that the blast was a result of BJP's handiwork. A few minutes after the blast in the court premises, a section of media blamed the SIMI and the Lashkar e Taiba groups as this was their routine job after every blast. The police had charged the Muslim students for the bomb blast who were already in their custody for the cases of bike robbery. After the blasts, a section of media along with the police cooked up stories, created theories for holding charges against them. A similar episode repeated in Malegaon case, Nanded and Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast with different Muslim characters as accused. These innocent Muslims were brutally tortured by the police but later their links from the blast was refused. The Sangh Parivar has always made special efforts to divide people based on their religion and creed. It seems that they have achieved their goals with the help of these bomb blasts. Irrespective of whosoever being the culprits, a section of media is always engaged in alleging the innocent Muslims as terrorists. The media has played a major role in setting the stereotypes and linking every terror attack with Muslims. Innocent Muslims are arrested, ruthlessly tortured, produced in courts; their reputations are maligned in every possible way and are finally released as the charges against them are proved false. This is their punishment for being guiltless. ( 9 Hindu terrorists arrested for Hubli court bomb blast S.O. News service, Monday, 12 January 2009)
Tiruveli range Police I.G.P. Kannappan arrested S. Ravi Pandian (age 42), cable TV operator S. Kumar (age 28), auto driver V. Narayan Sharma (age 26) who are the active workers of RSS affiliated organization Hindu Munnani for planting bombs on 24 January in the RSS office of Tenkasi and in new bus station of Tenkasi of Tamilnadu to blame Muslims and erupt communal violence. In bus station bomb was kept in an auto-rickshaw. These bombs exploded. On 5 February four more activists Balamurugan (age 20), S. Velumurugan (age 18), A. Murugan (age 24) and Masanam (age 20) were arrested for assisting Pandian in bomb-making and helping to plant bombs in RSS office and new bus stand. According to daily Hindu, police recovered many bombs and detonators from them. Investigations revealed that the sole intention of these blasts was to blame Muslims and erupt communal violence in Tenkasi so that Brahminist fascist organizations benefit in elections from this communal conflict and polarization. In fact, Sangh-Parivar organizations were badly defeated in elections hence they wanted to convert Tenkasi into another Koimbtore. The significant fact is that at that time it was tenth anniversary of Koimbtore blasts. Then president of Arya-Brahminist congress Mr. Sitaram Kesari had also accused RSS for his involvement in Koimtore bomb blasts. According to the report of M. H. Javaraiyya in Tirunevel police has informed that the explosives used in Tenkasi are like those explosives used in Mecca Mosque of Hyderabad. In the light of this information it had become essential for CBI that it should have investigated Mecca Mosque blasts and blasts executed in different part of India investigating involvement of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. But CBI did not do that.
It has become now known publicly that CBI completely ignored the statement of one witness who had explained the conspiracy of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations to accomplish bomb-blasts all over India. Same conspiracy led to bomb blasts in year 2003 in Jalna and in year 2004 in Parbhani. (Mahanayak, 18 November 2008) According to Mahanayak, Since the time of Nanded bomb-blasts in year 2006 enough time is spent but CBI in spite of revelations of involvement of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations suppressed investigations at the instructions of Congress government. One accused mentioned that Congress government had given Arya-Brahmin terrorist complete immunity from any action against them. What was the intention of Congress government in saving terrorist organizations of Sangh-Parivar ? (Mahanayak, 19 November 2008) Does not this makes it clear that core leadership of Congress is part of Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations ?
Mumbai high court ordered CBI to inquire into the unnecessary police firing in Hari Mosque on 10th January in year 1993. In this firing seven persons were killed and several were injured. Shrikrisna commission also had said that the firing was unnecessary. In spite of that state government had declared team of police officers responsible for firing innocent and not guilty. (Lokmat Samachar, 19 December 2008)
According to Gaffar Shakir, Malegaon people told that police not only knew very well the Arya-Brahmanist terrorists who had committed blasts on 4 September but was itself involved in it. On Friday Namaz the police arrangement is increased. But on the day of bomb blast the police arrangement was removed. Two Muslim home guards were posted on that day. Somebody had told road construction workers working near Mushavat square that they should not come for work on that day. People had informed police that they had seen some suspicious person near big Muslim graveyard. Shiv-sainik Raju's name was especially told. Police latter on had also told that a dead body found at Mushavat square had a fake beard. Similarly Irfan Ahmed was severely tortured by police to force him admit his involvement in blasts. Latter on he was given an offer of Rupees five lacs to admit his involvement in the blast. Thus whole matter make the role of police very suspicious. (Bahujan Sangharsh, 30 October 2006 and 15 November 2006)
Not even two months were completed for bomb-blasts in Mumbai trains, bomb blasts in Malegaon were made in similar fashion. In these 4 bomb blasts made in Malegaon 38 persons died and 300 were injured. Malegaon police was informed about this impending terrorist attack and was instructed that the beggars should be kept away from the mosque and grave yard because they could be terrorists in the garb of beggars. Neither the beggars were kept away from the mosque and from the Muslim graveyard nor any person was questioned. As a result at least one blast was made by one beggar or he died while making the blast because when his mutilated body was being removed, his fake beard had fallen on the ground. Here it is important to recall that in Nanded bomb blasts which had occurred while making bombs by RSS and Bajrang Dal terrorists in their house Muslim dresses and fake beards were seized by police. This is also important that the body of beggar died in Malegaon blast disappeared from the hospital. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 September 2006) In Nanded in April 2006 two RSS-Bahrang Dal activists had died while making bombs. Police had seized maps of mosques of the cities, Muslim dresses and fake beards. Police inquiry revealed that they were involved in terrorist activities in Parbhani, Jalna, Purna etc. and Muslims were attacked mysteriously at Friday Namaz. In the same city another blast had occurred in February 2007 in similar fashion and two were died. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
In Modasa of Gujrat on 29 September 2008 bomb blasts were made in which one Muslim was died and several were injured. ATS claimed Arya-Brahmin terrorists in this attack and said that they have collected enough evidences in this regard. A muslin sticker was fixed on the motorcycle which was used in bomb blasts to blame the terrorist act on Muslims. (Samrat, 24 October 2008) If we take the example of Jaipur blast, police had caught a person named Vijay immediately after the blasts. Vijay had told police about his lady corroborator {was she Sadhvi Pradnya Thakur ?} in the blast who was responsible for the blast. But nobody knows what happened to Vijay. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
On December 1990 Suresh Baghel of Mathura was caught near Babri Mosque with powerful bombs. He had admitted before police officers that he had come to blowout Babri mosque with these bombs. His case lasted for 18 years and on 7th June 2008 Faizabad court sentenced him five year jail term. But Manu media blocked this news. On Amranath issue on 6 April in Bhopal and in year 2007 in Mumbai at the occasion of Ganesh immersion procession two Hindus were caught with the bombs. If they had been successful in exploding bombs whole country would have come under the grip of communal violence. This case was also suppressed. On 2 August 2008 in Faizabad court one Sadhu named Nanku Das was arrested with 3 live bombs. He had came in a car of a lawyer. Police called these bombs "Sutali bombs". Both the police and Manu media tried to suppress the incidence. (Haqdar, 17 October 2008)
Except year 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, no result of any other bomb blast investigation have come out because security agencies of India consider Muslim terrorists responsible for these terrorist attacks and have been deliberately ignoring Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. Police use to release sketches of alleged terrorists and then withdrawing them. The sketches which were released by police regarding Jaipur bomb blast case withdrew them without offering any reason and released new sketches. Not only that police unendingly has been arresting and inhumanly torturing Muslim youths. If the masses vouched strongly for innocence of arrested youths and reacted sharply at every level then police released these youths after threatening them that they will not reveal the torture committed on them in police custody. If the masses fail to react at every level then the arrested innocent youths remain behind bars in jail unendingly. (Politicization of terror, Tarique Anwar on 19 June 2008 - 8:06pm.
In case of the terrorists belonging to Sanatan Sanstha, police had even refused to impose MCOCA saying that their terrorist activities are not result of organized terrorist group. However one senior ATS officer said that the way the whole planning were made and coordinated this can not be the work of few. It can only be the work of an organization {Sanatan Sanstha}. In this way police tried to use different criteria for Arya-Brahminist terrorists. If the arrested had been Muslims what would have been the role of police ?
The kind of discipline these Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations have and the way their cadres are dedicated to their organizations, it will be a mockery to think that members of these organizations acted on their own behalf and their leaders did not know anything of their terrorist activities or they did not give them order to commit these terrorist acts. Neither the police imposed any of their black anti-people laws nor opposed bail motions of the Arya-Brahmin terrorists. Therefore it is highly possible that these terrorist cases as a result of lack of interest of police will also be forgotten. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008) Malegaon bomb-blast accused had refuted Indian constitution and declared war against India. It is surprising that in spite of such horrible offence these terrorists are not framed under 121 clause of Indian penal code which is framed against persons waging war against India. (Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
Even the role of Manu-media was different. Manumedia did not pay much attention to the terrorist activities of Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha. If this had been done by Muslims, Manumedia would have shouted in full chorus unabatedly blaming and accusing Muslim Terrorism day and night. Manumedia have been very reluctant in declaring Arya-Brahminist organizations engineering Muslim massacres as terrorists and used to throw the blame on emotionally charged mob committing such massacres. When Bal Thakare openly declares his intention to create troops of suicide bombers and praise bomb blasts committed by Arya-Brahminist terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha, the whole Manumedia is unmoved. Manumedia do not call Thakare terrorist not even made it an issue. Neither state government nor the central government impose any clause of their anti-people black laws. If the same statements had been given by any Muslim the reaction of Manumedia, police and governments would have been entirely opposite. ( Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008) Shri Ramsena has also declared its intention to impart arm training to its cadres and form suicide troops. (Bhaskar, 31 January 2009)
Similarly in Kanpur where the bomb had exploded that house belonged to a photographer. From his house live hand grenades, timer etc. were seized but police that had surpassed limits of its cruelty in Azamgarh on Muslims did nothing in Kanpur. In Maharaulli of Delhi motor cyclists ran away after throwing bag containing bombs. One child died and several injured but nothing happened. Neither the motorcyclists were traced nor the motorcycle was traced. (Lokmat Samachar, 3 November 2008)
Bajrang Dal had even taken responsibility of blast in Samjhouta express implemented on 19 February. In this blast 67 persons were killed. In the letter of Bajarang Dal Maulana Mehmood Madani was threatened to stop supporting backward classes or prepare for worse consequences. (Dalit Voice, 1-15 April 2007) In spite of having plenty of evidences against Bajarang Dal that it is involved in bomb making neither any action is taken against it nor any inquiry is initiated. Not even its activities are discussed in newspapers. (Secular Citizens Forum and PUCL Nagpur, Nanded Bomb Blasts, 2006)
Ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh had demanded ban on RSS, Bajrang Dal and other such fascist Sangh-parivar organizations in a press conference organized on 23 April 2008. He said they prepare bombs, and impart training in weapons. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
ULFA alleged that RSS was behind the deadly October 30 blasts in Assam and ethnic violence in Bodo Territorial Administered Districts (BTAD). The blast claimed 85 lives while 55 people died in the ethnic violence in BTAD areas. In an e-mail statement, ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa further alleged that Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarmah was an agent of RSS and was blaming ULFA to cover up his involvement in the blasts. Rajkhowa claimed the ULFA has enough evidence to prove RSS’s involvement in the October 30 blasts in four towns of Assam, including Guwahati. "A few months ago, the ULFA in its mouthpiece Freedom had mentioned about the secret directive sent by RSS to carry out blasts in different parts of the country but the state government took no steps in this direction," he said. Moreover, the recent blasts in different parts of the country and the subsequent arrests have also proved that RSS and BJP are involved in blasts in states ruled by non-BJP governments, Rajkhowa alleged. He said that ULFA has never targeted indigenous Assamese population and has no links with jehadi or any other religious fundamentalist organization. (
Ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh alleged that whenever BJP is in trouble bomb blasts are made. To remove public attention from the case of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh bomb blasts were made in Assam. When Tahalaka sting operation discussions troubled BJP, before the Tahlaka matter be discussed in parliament, an attack occurred on parliament. Before previous elections in Karnataka on the day of first Phase election bomb blasts were made in Hubli. Two days prior to second phase of voting bomb blast was made in Jaipur. (Mahanayak, 4 November 2008, Press Trust of India Tuesday, November 11, 2008, (Guwahati)
Web of Arya-Brahminist Terrorist organizations Exposed !
In the Theatres of Thane and Washi of Maharashtra Sanatan Sanstha terrorists made bomb blasts on 4 June 2008. In these blasts 7 persons were injured. Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested bombers Ramesh Hanumant Gadkari (Age 50), Mangesh Dinkar Nikam (age 34), Vikram Bhave (age 26), Santosh Sitaram Angre (age 26) and Dr. Hemant Chalke who are full time workers of Sanatan Sanstha and live in the Ashram of Sanatan Sanstha. Earlier Nikam had made a bomb blast in the house of a family of Ratnagiri who had embraced Christianity. The family members were severely stabbed. In spite of his terrorist act, Nikam had received bail and court proceeding were going against him. (Terror’s new face, Herald, Panjim, 19 June 2008) They were also involved in the bomb blasts in the theatre at Panvel where film Jodha Akbar was being released in February. In previous Diwali they had planted bombs outside the Mosque / Dargah at Pen Highway. They gave police important and vital information. On the basis of information given by Vikram Bhave and Mangesh Nikam, police raided three places two of which in Pen and one in Satara and recovered Gelatin rods, detonators, electronic circuits, any remote controls and batteries.
On 29 September motor cycles found at Malegaon and Modasa belonged to the activists of Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad. Six persons were killed in these blasts while over 150 persons were injured. (Lokmat Samachar, 24 October 2008)
On 29 September 2008 on the eve of Id in Malegaon bomb blasts were made. In this connection Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur (age 38), Shyamlal Sahu (age 42), Shuvnarayan Singh (age 36) were arrested. (Nav-Bharat and Lokmat Samachar 25 October 2008; Samrat 25, 27 and 28 October 2008) Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur planned and executed Malegaon bomb blasts. The motorcycle used in blast belonged to Sadhvi Pradnya Singh. Shivnarayan Singh is an electrician by profession. But he is expert in bomb-making. He set bomb in the motorcycle of Sadhvi Prdnya Singh Thakur. The chassis number of motorcycle was erased but in forensic laboratory the number was recovered. Police arrested Samir Kulkarni in their Bhopal raid. According to ATS, Samir Kulkarni had supplied the explosives used in the Malegaon blasts. Samir Kulkarni told ATS that he had been receiving money since last five years continuously from five ministers of Madhyapradesh BJP government. In connection with Malegaon blasts ATS is searching absconded Ramji Kalasangra of Indore. He had fitted explosives in the motorcycle of Sadhvi and carried it to the spot. Sadhvi had a long talk with Ramji on phone. In this phone talks she had resented and asked Ramji that why the number of dead and injured Muslims is so small. She had also asked Ramji that whether police had recovered her motorcycle used in blasts ? Ramji had told Sadhvi that he could not find an appropriate place to park the motorcycle used in blasts. Ramji is absconding. The arrested Shyamlal Bhanwarlal Sahu is mobile set seller in Indore. His servant Kailash Solanki admitted before police that Ramji used to buy sim cards from the shop of Sahu. He had bought most of the SIM cards in the name of different persons. Ramji had opened a permanent account in the shop of Sahu in this regard. ATS team has also arrested one businessman of Pune for supplying money for Malegaon bomb blasts. Along with him two others were also arrested by ATS. Police presented all of them before the magistrate. Their names are Jagdish Mhatre, Rakesh Dhawade, and Ajay Rahirkar. Police claimed that Ajay Rahirkar was treasurer of Abhinav Bharat and he also supplied explosives for Malegaon blasts. Jagdish Mhatre has an arm shop. From his shop explosives were recovered. Police recovered 116 bullet cartridges, one timer, and 6 revolvers from these three accused. Similarly police has questioned Ashok Chavla of Jabalpur. Mayaram Jaswani who is state president of Abhinav Bharat had deposited amount in the bank account of Chavla. Police is collecting information about Chavla. (Samrat, 25, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28, 31 October 2008 and 1, 4 November 2008)
Immediately after Jaipur bomb-blasts one eye witness had told one TV that one women was also involved. {was that women Pradnya Thakur ?} (Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28 October; 1,5 November 2008) If we take the example of Jaipur blast, police had caught a person named Vijay immediately after the blasts. Vijay had told police about his lady corroborator in the blast who was responsible for the blast. {was she Sadhvi Pradnya Thakur ?} But nobody knows what happened to Vijay. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008)
Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur is member of fascist organizations Vishva Hindu Parishad and Durga Vahini. The leader of Vishva Hindu Parishad Swami Avadheshangiri is her religious teacher. Sadvi was also in contact with Shivraj Chauhan (chief minister of Madhya Pradesh) and BJP president Rajnath Singh. In the Diksha ceremony of Pradnya Singh Thakur Shivraj Chauhan was specially present. In a photograph published in daily Samrat Sadhvi Thakur is seen sitting with Shivraj Chauhan and Rajnath Singh. Sadhvi had relations with many BJP leaders. RSS leader who live in old Bhopal city is Pradnya Singh Thakur's local guardian. He is also on suspect list of ATS. C.P. Thakur, the father of Pradnya Singh Thakur is RSS worker from the very beginning. Many evidences recovered by ATS from the residence of Sadhvi at Jabalpur reveal that Sadhvi is related to Sanatan Prabhat and BJP.{Sanatan Prabhat is periodical of Sanatan Sanstha.} Immediately after committing Malegaon bomb blasts, she had talked to several persons for about 400 minutes on phone. The other arrested persons belong to Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad {student outfit of BJP}, Vande Mataram Sangathan and Hindu Jagaran Manch. Mumbai ATS said that they have evidences that Hindu Jagran Manch was involved in Malegaon blasts. (Nav-Bharat and Lokmat Samachar 25 October 2008; Samrat 25, 27 and 28 October 2008) Police claimed the involvement of many Hindu Janjagaran workers in Malegaon bomb blasts. (Samrat, 24 October 2008)
Sadhvi Pradnya Singh Thakur was also a member of Abhinav Bharat organization which was founded by V.D. Savarkar. Pradnya Singh Thakur is also full member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. She is founder of Vande Mataram Jankalyan Samiti. Samir Kulkarni is active member of Abhinav Bharat organization and full member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad. He played an important role in Malegaon bomb-blasts. Mayaram Jaswani is president of Abhinav Bharat. He is colleague of arrested Samir Kulkarni. Police could not find Jaswani in his home at Jabalpur. However ATS has arrested two colleges of Sadhvi Prdnya Singh from Jabalpur. On 19 October state ATS had arrested in Madhya Pradesh Shyam Dayal, Dilip Singh Nahar, and Dharmendra Bairagi. (Samrat, 25, 27 October 2008; Lokmat Samachar, 27, 28, 31 October 2008 and 1, 4 November 2008) Absconded accused Ramnarayan Kalasangra alias Ramji and Samir Dange are being searched by police. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar 7 November 2008)
The ex chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijay Singh has alleged that the various organizations of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh are financially supported by Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat. (Mahanayak, 4 November 2008) Swami Agnivesh accused in a press conference that RSS is responsible for bomb blasts at Modasa of Gujarat and Malegaon of Maharashtra. The religious channel Sudershan is related to RSS. This TV channel gave breaking news of Malegaon bomb blast at the very time of Bomb blast at 9.30 night. In spite of being a religious channel it has left all other news channels behind while giving this breaking news, though it did not have a news network like other news channels have. (Samrat, Lokmat Samachar 7 November 2008) One private channel has claimed that RSS is responsible for bomb blasts in Jalna, Purna, Parbhani and Nanded. Sanjay Chaudhary in his statement admitted that RSS and Bajrang Dal not only planned the whole bomb blast conspiracy but also financed for them. This financial aid was being made from Mumbai and Pune. They also had planned bomb blasts in Aurangabad but because these accused were arrested these intended blasts could not be implemented. Vishva Hindu Parishad leader Balaji Fadke had promised Chaudhary his early release from the jail. (Samrat, 6 November 2008)
From Nepal's Kathmandu to Washi of Maharashtra, Tenkasi of Tamilnadu and in terrorist activities in Indore the involvement of Arya-Brahminist terrorist organizations is revealed. But Manu-media has sealed its lips. In Nepal rule of Hindu king came to an end and in its place democracy was established. To protest democracy in Nepal in Birendra international centre where newly elected members were given oath bomb blasts were made. In these bomb blasts many were injured. Local police declared Arya-Brahmin terrorists responsible for these bomb blasts who want to establish Arya-Brahmin rule in Nepal. After elections in Nepal international organization Vishva Hindu Mahasabha had organized a meeting in Balrampur (India) of their followers residing in Nepal and India. This meeting was presided over by {Brahminist fascist} BJP M.P. Yogi Adityanath. In Indore these fascist organizations displayed arms in their march and fired in air to declare their terrorist intention. Police watched them silently. Nobody dared to register a case. This is not the lone incident of firing publicly. In RSS march the firing of this kind is common. In Bhopal march of RSS had fire arms along with traditional arms. In this march ministers of the state and BJP leaders took part. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 January, 2005)
Chapter V
Mumbai Attacks only Benefit Mossad, CIA and Arya-Brahminists !
1) Two days before the attacks, the Times of India ran a story discussing US defense corporations seeking major contracts in India, including "the single largest one-time military contract in history," India is buying 126 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA). The deal is said to be worth $10 billion, "which would not be concluded in the term of this government but by the next government." Mumbai attacks would compel Indian government to sign the contract.
2) As the wards of Mumbai's hospitals overflow with the casualties of the attacks, executives of Israeli security firms are shaking hands and clinching deals at record speed in surveillance systems, security scanners, coastline patrol weaponry and so on. According to an article in Asia Times, 7th February 2008, Israel now sells more weapons to India than to any other nation. Mossad has been training parts of India's security services.
3) India is refusing to attend talks to complete a deal on a proposed Iran-India-Pakistan gas pipeline. This is what Zionists actually want.
4) The attacks also occurred when the US Congress is considering the approval of the US-India civil nuclear deal and days before Indian Prime Minister visits Washington. Mumbai attacks makes atmosphere favorable to nuclear deal.
5) The terrorists were also given targets which included nationals of the US , UK and Israel as an added incentive. This helped Zionist forces to draw sympathy of whites against Muslims. Also, this incident will serve to cement ties between the Zionist elites of Israel and the Brahminist elites of India. The fact of the matter is that there exists a strong ideological bonding between Zionism & Brahmanism. Both are committed to racial, religious & caste superiority. Both also have a history of collaboration with Imperialism and the exploitation of their own people. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
6) The bombings also occurred when India is resisting pressure from the West to send its troops into Afghanistan to compel India to pour more troops into Afghanistan.
7) The pattern is too familiar. Every time India and Pakistan head towards dialogue and detente, something explosive happens that pushes peace to the backburner and drags them back to the familiar old tense relationship, worsened by war cries from both sides. ( Pleas For Sanity As Sabres Rattle Over Mumbai Mayhem By Beena Sarwar 01 December, 2008 Inter Press Service)
USA wants to break up Pakistan, and it needs an angry India on its side. America wants to create limited India-Pakistan war. Demonizing Indian Muslims by the Hindutva forces had a local impact in India.. They were not part of the bigger war on Muslims perpetrated by the Israel- Neocon promoted George W. Bush regime. Diplomatically also, India kept a safe distance from the US war on terror fearing the backlash of the domestic Muslim population. Obama is intending to spread this war into Pakistan and expand its operation in Afghanistan, India could be a willing strategic partner in the region. These attacks are being dubbed as India’s 911and are being internationalized to draw India into a wider global role in the American-led war on Islam.
Arya Brahmin writers are busy in hate mongering propaganda as given below :- .... if the United States can justify its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of combating terrorism, destroying weapons of mass destruction, and changing regimes, then India is justified in attacking Pakistan. ( Indian 'War on Terrorism' Against Pakistan? By Kanti Bajpai)
Atul Aneja in his article "How West Asia Views Mumbai Attacks" in Hindu writes that many, especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia see the Mumbai attacks as part of the plot hatched by Washington and some of its allies to stroke a major geopolitical realignment in the wider West Asia-South Asia region. Several commentators are of the view that in the wake of the Mumbai attacks India has either been co-opted already as an active partner of the US, Israel and the UK in this war or is being "trapped" to join the unseemly coalition. There is plenty of sympathy in the Arab and Iranian media for Pakistan, which is seen not as instigator of Mumbai attacks but as a victim of this conspiracy. There is a considerably large body of opinion that after the Mumbai attacks, the stage has been set for Pakistan to be targeted militarily during the Obama presidency. The ultimate objective of the chain of events that could follow Mumbai attacks is to draw both Pakistan and Afghanistan along with India firmly into the western orbit of influence. India is already in the western camp and would be an active player in redrawing the geopolitical map of the region. (The Hindu, 17 December 2008)
From the following news it becomes clear how the congress is acting as a lackey of America :- Congress has demanded the government that American president George W. Bush be awarded "Bharat Ratna" the highest award of India. According to Congress party Bush made Nuclear treaty between India and America possible. Congress spokesman Ashok Singhvi said that congress will do everything to see that this award is given to Bush. (Mahanayak, 14 February 2009)
8) If the Pakistan Army is forced to move the bulk of its 100,000 troops from FATA to the eastern border in the event of Indian military build up in the wake of the Bombay incident, this would leave a vacuum for the US to redeploy its troops deep inside the Pakistani territory, and virtually occupying the tribal Pashtun belt. This may be the first step towards splintering Pakistan.
9) The game plan is to blame Pakistan, start a war get people scared, make heavy commission from purchasing armaments from America and help America to stand back on its feet in this world-wide economical crisis.
Pakistani economy is in no condition to bear the cost of hostilities with India. There is nothing in foreign reserves and in case of a war Pakistan will splinter. Mossad-CIA want the same fate of Pakistan. The Hoax Phone call in the name of Pranab Mukherjee arranged most likely by Mossad-CIA was intended to start war with Pakistan.
Pakistan is aware that Iran and India signed a Pakistan specific defense agreement back in 2002-2003. India and Afghanistan are brothers since centuries and Tajikistan is already a host to an Indian air base. Once Pakistan had to take care of only the eastern border with India. Now Pakistan is insecure from every direction in war.
The question is being asked that how did the caller get hold of Pakistan’s newly elected President Asif Ali Zardari’s phone number that is supposed to be classified and reserved for diplomats and other high-ranking officials, internal and overseas ? Pakistan maintains that indeed the call originated from a recognized phone number within the Indian government’s Foreign Ministry, and while some protocols were not followed in terms of verification that it had all the earmarking of being "the real deal". The call was a deliberate attempt to see a war started. The most likely culprit for such an act happens to be Israel. Israel has a history of numerous false flag operations (Just search false flag operations of Israel on internet and you shall get tons of information). India is one of Israel’s biggest buyers of her armaments. A sustained war between Pakistan and India would be a boon for Israel, both in terms of arm sales and arm product testing. Israel has worked tirelessly to create, a situation in which the rest of the goyim (non-Jewish, non Arya-Brahmanists) world wipes each other out, leaving the Jewish state unimpeded in imposing her "chosen people’ agenda upon rest of humanity. Jewish state has invested herself in the telecommunications industry and is capable in tapping into any phone line or internet connection worldwide. Through companies such as Verint and Narus, a redline with Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv now exists for listening every conversation throughout the entire world. Therefore, placing a call to the office of the Pakistani president and manipulating the logarithms of the telecommunication software to have it appear the call originated from within the Indian Ministry of Foreign affairs would be as easy to achieve. Had Zardari not contacted Rice ? The situation between Pakistan and India is by no means over. As former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer once said, "What Israel wants, Israel gets", and indeed if this latest attempt to start a war between the two nations fails, that indicates that another way will be found out, and no doubt operating under the motto of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war.’ ( Call Hoax from India to Pakistan Yet Another Mossad Operation?)
10) Arya-Brahmins riding the government wanted police state in India but could not do so because of fear of backlash from the masses. Earlier, anti-terror laws like the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA) and prevention of Terrorist Activities Act (POTA) had to be scrapped after allegations of misuse. After Mumbai attacks Arya-Brahmins have passed two anti-terror bills in Indian Parliament. First, to set up a National Investigation Agency (NIA) with special powers, and second, to amend the law to provide for more stringent action to deal with terrorism. The Federal Investigating Agency being considered by the Centre will have sweeping powers to probe incidents of terrorism anywhere in the country without obtaining prior consent of the state governments. Government also plans to confer wider discretion to central security and law enforcement agencies to facilitate smooth interception of telephonic conversations of terror suspects by strengthening provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act. The nitty-gritty of equipment, command and monitoring mechanisms and manpower for policing were taken up. One attack and there is a fascist Police state. ( Topic: If you were wondering, yes, Mumbai has turned India in a complete police state)
According to Urmilesh, On 9 June 2002 at 4.30 AM Delhi police along with CRPF and other forces equipped with modern weapons arrested Mr. Iftikar Gilani, Delhi bureau chief of newspaper Kashmir Times. Police alleged that he is arrested for having secret security documents of the country. Iftikhar was released honorably on 13 January 2003 but the torture he experienced during these eight moths is horrible. He wrote about it in his book My days in prison. In his book he insisted that if he did not had the support of media men of country and abroad and support from almost all political leaders of Kashmir and a central minister and many other leaders, it would have been impossible to get released. In the same law (official Secret Act) dozens of persons are rotting in Tihar jail of Delhi since several years without any hope. The arrest and release of Iftikhar has proved how dangerous this act is. Virrappa Moili commission had recommended its abolition. But it is not abolished. Now on the pretext of Mumbai attacks UPA has passed another draconian law which is dangerous than all existing laws. The question is asked that such laws have never curtailed terrorism. Then for whom the law has came into existence ? After observing the results of such laws it becomes obvious that the law is brought into existence to persecute people who raise voice against exploitation and oppression. (Bhaskar, 25 December 2008).
11) A conflict between Pakistan and India would not only have the effect of dismantling Pakistan, but would also greatly deter India’s rapid economic and social development and India and Pakistan would be forced to come under the slavery of Western military might and Zionist International Financial Institutions. This is what they want.
12) The Pakistan government has its hands tied by public opinion in going for an all out attack in the NWF province as well as the FATA areas as America requires. The events in Mumbai will most likely increase the pressure on Pakistan. Pakistan rulers may repeat same old story Musharraf did to justify assisting America’s attack on Afghanistan : that had Pakistan not participated, the American’s and Indian’s were going to simultaneously attack Pakistan because Bush had declared "with us or against us".
13) Massive military presence on the border of China could act as a powerful warning. The same is likely for China exacerbating ethnic differences and social disparities.
14) The issue of Brahmin terrorists consisting Arya-Brahmin Sadhvi, a Shankaracharya, some high ranking Army officers, ‘Bhonsala Military Academy’ run by Arya-Brahmin organizations and their leaders has been completely sidelined and shadowed in the war cries.
The recent revelations in the Malegaon blasts put every ongoing blast investigation under a cloud and a question mark. Clearly, the police suppressed all the trails that led to Sangh outfits and BJP leaders – allowing these terrorists to roam free and contest and campaign in elections – while misleading the nation by framing innocents of a minority community. A startling revelation had came that the International General Secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), had donated money to Abhinav Bharat the organization that master minded the September 29 Malegaon blast. The investigation was reaching such a stage that more top functionaries of Sangh Parivar were likely to be named. ( Who Benefits From Mumbai Terror Attacks? By Binu Mathew 29 November, 2008) As it is evident from the following news : - A stunning report stated that Indresh Kumar a senior RSS operative in Nepal received Rs 3 CR from the ISI, was known to Togadia, Purohit and Vaidya the ex-RSS chief. This till date has not been denied by the RSS. This hints of a collusion between the ISI and the RSS at certain mutually beneficial levels and should come as no surprise and needs further investigation. It was clear to the BJP-RSS that the ATS investigation could destroy them as it went to the core of the leadership and names such as Advani, Modi, Togadia, Rajnath Singh and Vaidya began to appear. They had to organize a major spectacular terrorist attack to thwart the investigation. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
It has been revealed from the case of Ken Haywood that Mossad and CIA has been helping Hidutva-terrorists as the following report tells :- In 2008, US national Ken Haywood, reportedly with the help of the US embassy, fled from India. Ken Haywood's computer was used to send a "terrorist" e-mail minutes before bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, in July. He was being investigated for terrorism. Reportedly, Haywood has links to Abdur Subhan Qureshi, alias Taufique Bilal and Tauqir, reportedly the top terrorist in India. Haywood returned to India in September 2008. (Ahmedabad blasts: Ken Haywood arrives in India 11 Sep 2008, 0215 hrs IST, C Unnikrishnan,TNN) In India, Haywood works for a firm called Campbell White, suspected of being a front for the CIA. Haywood doesn't feature on its list of employees. "Haywood's fleeing immediately after the cracking of the Gujarat blasts and capture of the perpetrators is most suspicious. Haywood was working for a bogus 'missionary' outfit is doubly alarming. "The role of US so-called missionaries/ evangelical groups in India is very controversial, for they are playing a dual role in aggressive conversions as well as being part of the CIA destabilization plan for India. Tehelka a few years ago revealed the fact that over 100 US so-called "Christian" evangelical groups / organizations were in fact bogus and part of Bush's CIA network.
It was also reported that when the death of Karkare was announced, the RSS members rejoiced and celebrated. The basic aim of killing ATS officers Hemant Karkare and others was to totally subvert every attempt by the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) that was undoubtedly uncovering the nefarious terrorist cells within the various branches of the Sangh Pariwar as well as their RSS abettors & sympathizers within the army, IB, RAW and the entire security apparatus. The cousin sister of Hemant Karkare as well as the mother of Salaskar have appeared on TV and have expressed strong doubts about the deaths of their loved ones and have strongly hinted at other possibilities. ( Terror attack planned by RSS and allies? Public Voice, Thursday, 04 December 2008:)
Mufti Mohhommad Saed of people's democratic party alleged that terrorist Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande had stayed as a guest in the Rajbhawan of then governor of Jammu_Kashmir retired general S. K. Sinha. He demanded inquiry in this matter. (Lokmat Samachar, 17 November, 2008) Dayanand Pande had contacts with many important polititians. Ex president of India Abdul Kalam had also visited Jammu-Kashmir Ashram of Dayanand Pande. Samrat daily has published photograph of Kalam's visit to the Ashram. (Samrat, 15 November 2008) It is worth mentioning here that the Hindunized Abdul Kalam was chosen by BJP as its presidential candidate.
The visitors book at the guest house of Mata Chakreshwar Hari Parbat temple in Anangpur village of Faridabad, where Pandey stayed frequently, reveals that his devotees included politicians, mostly from the hardliner Hindutva camp, retired Army-men and even intelligence officials. Sources at the Faridabad temple said Pandey used to shuttle between the establishments in Jammu, Faridabad and Kanpur. (Fri, 14/11/2008 - 8:58am Hindu Terror ‘guru’ had high contacts 14 Nov 2008, 0108 hrs IST,TNN )
Maharashtra ATS has revealed that a meeting was organized on 21 September 2007 in Military school of Nashik to discuss about how to execute bomb blast all over India and to establish Brahmin Rule in India. As per the recorded video available in the laptop of Dayanand Pande, in this meeting Shankaracharya Dayanand Pande, Colonel Prasad Purohit, Ex BJP MP B. L. Sharma who was elected on BJP ticket twice from Delhi, and Bhai Dalvi was present. In this meeting it was said that if the non-Brahmin youths are provided money and women they agree to do anything. They said that to establish Brahmin rule Non-Brahmin Shudras be used. ATS will use this video as evidence. (Mahanayak, 4 February 2009)
Having an order from Nashik Court ATS started for Gorakhpur. Maharashtra ATS has an eye on Yogi Adityanat the MP from Gorakhpur U.P. and his associate Dr. Ramdas Agrawal MLA from Gorakhpur. ATS has collected evidences against them in connection with Malegaon blasts. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 November 2008)
Malegaon Bomb Blast accused Colonel Purohit was present in the Art of Living camp organized by Ravishankar in his Ashram. In this camp many Army officers has come to meet Ravishankar. According to Ravishankar, this camp was organized to inspire youths with the sentiments of patriotism. According to him he is trying to train many terrorist organizations such as Maoists, LTTE, Hijbul Mujahidin etc. to bring them on right path. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 November, 2008) The question is does Arya-Brahmins have been converting members of these militant organizations as agents of Hindutva to accomplish plans of Arya-Brahminist terrorists ?
Day by day Malegaon bomb blast investigations becoming more complex. During investigation the needle of suspicion also turned towards an internationally famous doctor of Delhi. He has his Diabetes private clinic in Delhi and is connected to World Hindu Federation which is affiliated to Abhinav Bharat organization. (Lokmat Samachar, 23 November 2008)
An English Daily, giving reference of CBI mentioned that Togadiya has given money for the formation of Abhinav Bharat organization. Colonel Purohit has given this information to CBI. In year 2007 Togadia had given Purohit Rs. 2 lacks which he gave to Samir Kulkarni of Abhinav Bharat. (Lokmat Samachar, 25 November 2008)
15) The death of Karkare and his comrades has sent out a strong signal to all those who would dare to challenge this diabolical Hindutva nexus within our security apparatus of India and their real masters are Zionist Mossad and CIA who have helped them in these terrorist activities.
16) The BJP which feared debacle in coming 2009 parliamentary elections is relieved to great extent after Mossad-CIA with the help of Pakistani Arya-Brahmin rulers (converted to Islam) are successful in posing that all-terrorists were exclusively from Pakistan. In fact, Indian and foreign national terrorists belonging to Mossad, CIA, Arya-Brahmins and ISI were involved to accomplish Zionist plan.
After observing all the terrorist strikes it becomes clear that Arya-Brahminist organizations have been benefiting from the resulting communal polarization. The bomb-blasts made in Jaipur benefited BJP in Karnataka elections. Therefore it becomes clear that these terrorist attacks were engineered by Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations. ( Join The Dots: Silent Emergence of Hindu Terrorism Posted by: subhash gatade | 29 June 2008 and Skewed Media Approach To Terrorism By Yoginder Sikand 20 June, 2008)
21 Muslim organizations alleged that to benefit in coming parliament elections Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations are committing bomb blasts in the name of Muslim terrorists. They claimed that the so called Muslim terrorist organization Indian Mujahidin is an imaginary name and its activities are benefiting Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations politically. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 September 2008) It is also alleged that to benefit in coming parliamentary elections by communal polarization, the communal riots and massacres of Christians of Orrisa were engineered. For the same objectives churches are being attacked in Karnataka and Kerala.
The timing of the Mumbai terror like earlier attacks is well planned, just before state assembly elections and coming parliament election. Gujarat riots were also planned just before main elections. The game plan is to make people realize that Congress government did not prevent these attacks in spite of receiving prior information of attack so that this will most certainly lead to the downfall of congress and the arrival of the BJP who have openly committed to enter America's war on Islam!
17) Terrorist Sadhvi Pragya is a disciple of Swami Avadheshanand Giri : and her fellow disciples include Congress leaders such as Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh and his son Ajay. Ajay rushed to deny Avadheshanand’s links with Pragya. Congress and UPA Government want the state machinery to ‘leak’ out a tiny part of the truth about the involvement of Sangh outfits in terror, in order to get the upper hand in the elections. But the involvement of higher leaders of Sangh outfits, of so-called god-men and god-women, of the Army personnel, and of the BJP leaders in terrorism will never be sincerely investigated as Congress itself ideologically is part of Sangh-Parivar (RSS-Family).
18) Arya-Brahmins riding government of India are uncertain about coming to power again as i) political parties of indigenous OBC, Dalits, Muslim and Adivasi are growing day by day stronger. ii) economical policies of Arya-Brahmins such as SEZ are destroying the life of millions of indigenous people. Therefore these Arya-Brahmin parties desperately wanted some critical issue that would sidetrack their anti-people satanic class character and anti-people steps taken by them unanimously. Mumbai attacks gave these Arya-Brahminist parties this very opportunity.
19) According to Daily Mahanayak, not only Arya-Brahmin terrorists who committed bomb blasts in Malegaon are exposed but also they are exposed while committing bomb blasts throughout the country. One of the main accused in Malegaon bomb-blast case colonel Purohit has declared that he has no faith in Indian constitution. These Arya-Brahmin terrorists want to establish Brahmin-Rule in India through armed violence till 2024.(Mahanayak, 21 January 2009)
After filing charge sheet against the accused of Malegaon bomb-blasts, K.P. Raghuvanshi told that the accused intended wanted to take the help of Israel to establish Brahmin rule in India till 2024. They also intended to take the help of deposed Nepal king in establishing Brahmin-Rule in India. In addition to that they were also attempting to take the help of Arya-Brahmin Maoists in establishing Brahmin-Rule in India. This proves that the Arya-Brahminist terrorists have been engaged in war with Indian democracy. (Mahanayak, 22 January 2009)
Purohit, according to the charge sheet, promised "all logistic help" with finances from several quarters and support from some of his contacts in Thailand. In this case, the alleged bomb planters — Sameer Dange, Ramji Kalsangra — and Pravin Patil, another on the wanted list, remain at large. Patil also used the cover name of Mutalik and is a close aide of Purohit. ( Purohit planned Israel-based Hindu govt-in-exile, support from Thai contacts: ATS charge sheet today)
L. R. Bali has already alleged in his press conference in Nagpur that RSS collect the amount of Rs. 2 crores daily for spreading religion. This amount is deposited in the banks of Nepal and the amount is used in purchasing modern weapons. (Bahujan Sanghatak, 17 May 1999) There are even reports published revealing the involvement of a Zarkhand BJP member of parliament in the smuggling of weapons. From Bihar illegal weapons are sent to various parts of India as well as abroad. (Lokmat Samachar, 30 September 2002)
The 4,000-page charge sheet, filed by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) before the Special MCOCA court here, stated that Purohit floated right wing group Abhinav Bharat in 2007 with an intention to "propagate a separate Hindu Rashtra with its own Constitution". According to the document, the Army officer collected "huge amounts" to the tune of Rs 21 lac for himself and Abhinav Bharat to promote his "fundamentalist ideology." The amount was disbursed by Ajay Rahirkar, treasurer of the group, to various other accused to procure explosives for committing unlawful activities. At a meeting in Bhopal on April 11, 2008 Purohit took responsibility of providing explosives while the Sadhvi took the task of arranging for the men for exploding the bombs in the Muslim-dominated town in North Maharashtra. Purohit had bought RDX with him when he returned from his Kashmir posting. He assembled the explosives at his residence in Pune with the help of co-accused Sudhakar Chaturvedi and wanted accused Ramji Kalsangra, and the same was used in the September 29 blast at Malegaon that killed six persons. (
While there are above mentioned 19 benefits which provide a strong motivation for Mumbai attacks for Zionists and Arya-Brahmin terrorists, the terrorists themselves could not give any other justification for their attack as evident form the following news :- The aim of Kasab claimed that they wanted to blow up the Taj, as in the attack on the Marriott in Islamabad; yet we are told that only 8 kg of RDX were found at the Taj, and even that was not used; contrast this with 600kg of RDX and TNT used to blow up the Marriott. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 Kasab said that the terrorists planned to use their hostages as a means of escape, yet there was no attempt for any such negotiations.
Chapter VI
Mumbai Attacks Raise Many Questions !
Who Killed Karkare ? |
Fate of Karkare Murder Investigations ? |
Some Terrorists were local and had enough inside Support ? |
Why the Involvement of Dawood Ibrahim Suppressed ? |
Who were Terrorists and Wherefrom They Came ? |
Jewish Nariman House : The Hub of Mumbai terrorists ? |
Mumbai Attacks Also had Involvement of Non-Jew Foreign Terrorists ! |
Why Real Number of Terrorists being Suppressed ? |
What is Truth behind Kasab ? |
Why these Holes in Police Story ? |
Are Security Lapses Deliberate ? |
In spite of misinformation and disinformation campaigns being run by Manu-media controlled by Mossad, CIA and Arya-Brahmanists to safeguard real culprits several contractions are compelling neutral observers to ask answers to several unanswered questions. Few of them are as specified below.
All three ATS officers, Hemant Karkare, DIG Ashok Kale and encounter specialist Vijay Salazar, were eliminated during Mumbai attacks. The unanswered question is why would the terrorists, if they were Muslims, kill Karkare who was about to expose Hindu terrorism ?
The second set of questions is if the terrorist were Muslims why did they target civilians mainly dressed in Muslim outfits ? more than 35 percent of victims are Muslims...! If the Muslim terrorists wanted to avenge Babri Mosque demolition why not a single RSS / BJP leader is killed up till now in dozens of alleged terrorist attacks by the so called Muslim organizations ? Why every time OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adiwasi were made victim ? This clearly establishes that these terrorist attacks were executed by Arya-Brahmin Terrorists pretending to be Muslims. According to the statement of Kasab, he and Ismail (just two gunmen) first attacked VT station and killed 58 people. Over one-third of them were Muslims, and many more might have been killed if the announcer, Mr Zende, had not risked his life to direct passengers to safety. Then they went to Cama, a government hospital for women and children used mainly by the poor. If the terrorist was on the look out for the foreigners, then why did the terrorist started shooting in the train station, hospital, multiplex killing ordinary people ?
Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations were furious over the way ATS investigations were speedily exposing their every network.
Maharashtra ATS has an eye on Yogi Adityanat the MP from Gorakhpur U.P. and his associate Dr. Ramdas Agrawal MLA from Gorakhpur. ATS has collected evidences against them in connection with Malegaon blasts. Having an order from Nashik Court ATS started for Gorakhpur. Adiyanath previously had justified attacks on Christians in Orissa. Yogi Adityanath has challanged government to arrest himandsee the consequences. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 November 2008) As per workers of local Arya-Brahminist organizations the ATS team that went to Gorakhpur to arrest Adityanath is reportedly banned from entering into Gorakhpur. BJP top leadership is trying to prevent arrest of Adityanath. (Mahanayak, 12 November 2008)
In the front page of Shiv Sena organ "Samna" an appeal was made to carry a procession of ATS alleging that to extinguish the fire of patriotism and to help Muslim terrorism ATS is being left uncontrolled by Maharashtra government. Shiv Sena newspaper claimed that they have the name and addresses of ATS officers and paper will release them shortly so that their neighbors should realize that they are living with what kind of persons. They should carry a procession of ATS and socially boycott them. (Bhaskar, 27 November 2008) Bal Thakare had called Mr. Hemant Karkare an agent of ISI and had threatened to publish Karkare's residential address so that "real Hindus" boycott Karkare family or throw stones at Karkare's home. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008) Hindu Mahasabha demanded immediate inquiry of the property and assets of Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers. Hindu mahasabha also demanded narco test of the ATS officers alleging them biased against Saints and Sadhvis. (Bhaskar, 18 November 2008) One high level police officer has confirmed that an unknown person has sent a threat phone call to Pune police that house of Hemant Karkare would be blown in few days. (Lokmat Samachar, 27, November 2008)
According to IANS Nov 16, Special public prosecutor Ajay Misar, appearing for the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) of the Maharashtra police in the Malegaon bomb blast case, had lodged a complaint with the police that he has received threat to his life. Misar in his complaint told city police chief Himanshu Roy that the threat call received from a public phone booth, with number 699132, said: "Hum Tumhara, Hemant Karkare Ka, Aur Mohan Kulkarni Ka game Karenge (We will kill yourself, Hemant Karkare, and Mohan Kulkarni)."
Cenral state-home minister Shriprakash Jaiswal told that Hemant Karkare had been receiving threats since the very begining and his life was threatened. (Bhaskar, 29 November 2008)
Arya-Brahminist Bal Thakare {had} praised terrorists of Sanatan Sanstha and advised them to use sophisticated explosives in place of old styled explosives. He also advised them to form suicide bomb-attack groups. ( Spiritual As Criminal? By Subhash Gatade 03 July, 2008) Bal Thackeray said he would welcome emergence of ‘Hindu terrorists’. "If they (Hindu terrorists) are (behind the September 29 Malegaon blast), I would be glad. Terrorists should be born among Hindus, I have begun to feel," he said in an interview given to his party's mouthpiece 'Samaana'. "Sadhvi Pragya Singh, Lt Col P S Purohit arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast have been victimized...What was their fault ? Something might have been done to take on fanatic Muslims..." he said. ( I welcome emergence of ‘Hindu terrorists’: Thackeray Press Trust of India Posted: Dec 23, 2008 at 1931 hrs IST) Shiv Sena even challenged government of Maharashtra to arrest Bal Thakare. (Lokmat Samachar, 11 November 2008)
Shiv Sena, Abhinav Bharat etc. Arya-Brahmin fascist organizations demonstrated in front of Nashik court and blocked the road in the support of Sadhvi Pradnya Singh and other accused of Malegaon bomb blast. They also appointed a huge team of 20-30 lawyers in support of these accused. (Lokmat Samachar, 4 November 2008) Shilpa Deshmukh, the secretary of students unit of Shivsena has filed a petition in high court accusing ATS investigation as anti-Hindu. (Lokmat Samachar, 21 November, 2008) Shiv Sena even had called "Maharashtra Bandh" (all Maharashtra Strike) in support of Sadhvi Pradya Singh. (Lokmat Samachar, 27, November 2008) Instead of asking for hanging of antinational Malegaon bomb-blast accused, Shiv Sena is intending them to give ticket for parliament election. (Mahanayak, 26 November 2008)
The Arya-Brahminist Terrorist Dayanand Pande wants to contest Parliament election from Jammu. He asked court to grant him permission to contest parliament election. Earlier retired major Ramesh Upadhyay had asked court to grant him permission to contest parliament election. Similarly yet another Malegaon bomb-blast accused Samir Kulkarni want to contest Parliament election from Bhopal. He said that he want to see India as a Hindu Rashtra {read Brahmin Rashtra} (Lokmat Samachar, 1 and 21 March 2009)
It must be remembered that BJP had implemented several measures to saffronize whole bureaucracy, military and security agencies during its rule in various states and centre.
A protest march with the notorious K. P. Gill was organized in Delhi from the Mandi House to Faridkot House by leaders of the Bhartiya Janta Party in collaboration with other organizations against the arrest of Arya-Brahmin terrorist Saadhvi Pragya Singh who had executed Malegaon bomb blasts that claimed the lives of several innocent victims. To the surprise of almost everyone, KP Gill was seen leading the protest march that was organized by the Bhartiya Janta Party. The active involvement of Former Punjab DGP K. P. Gill in the murders of hundreds of Sikh youth and families are still pending investigations by world human rights organizations and his involvement in seeking the release of Saadhvi Pragya (another terrorist) will have to be investigated intensely. Former Punjab DGP K. P. Gill has strong relations with terrorist organizations. The memorandum termed Sadhvi’s arrest as illegal and asked for her immediate release. ( Gill Wants Hindu Terrorist Released Friday 26th of December 2008)
These anti-democratic fascist Arya-Brahminists have been attacking lawyers as well as human right organizations those who dared to plea for innocent Muslims framed falsely as terrorists. One Brahminist supreme-court judge even declined to recognize terrorists as human beings hence no questions of their human rights. Such is their hypocrisy. After all law of Manu gives Brahmins immunity from every crime and punish even innocent Bahujans.
Attitudes within the police force too were polarized. For example, dismissed encounter specialist Sachin Vaze (who with three colleagues was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy, destruction of evidence and concealment of the dead body in the case of Khwaja Yunus shortly before the terrorist attack) was a member of the Shiv Sena who was actively engaged in the campaign against Karkare and in support of the Malegaon blast accused. Vaze and several other encounter specialists who had been dismissed for corruption, extortion and links with the underworld also had a grudge against Salaskar, whom they suspected of informing on them. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008
The way he was accused by Arya-Brahminists of every sector and the way Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations had been using insulting language, Karkare was offended to such an extent that he had offered his resignation from ATS to home minister Mr. R.R. Patil. (Bhaskar, 2 December 2008) Mr. R.R. Patil then home minister of Maharashtra now revealed in a public meeting that Karkare had told him that he and his officers were threatened by BJP leader L.K. Advani on phone. (Mahanayak, 27 March 2009) BJP leader and Ex-Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani had even called for a change in the investigation team.
Nitin Raghtate (R/O Trimurti Nagar Nagpur, Uttam Padole (Panchpaoli Nagpur, Shrikant Tarkunde and other friends of Hemant Karkare wrote to Bahujan Sangharh (fortnightly) that they had a talk with Hemant Karkare when he had come to attend a marriage in Nagpur. He said that in Malegaon bomb-blast case big fishes will be caught. He also said that perhaps they would transfer him or do anything of him. If they transfer me the whole affair may turn against them. Some officers are in his support but many are against him. Let us see to what extent the political people support him. From his above talk it becomes clear that Hemant was killed in a conspiracy hatched and executed by some officers of RAW, police, foreign secret services at the instructions of big leaders of fascist Sangh-Parivar organizations. According to these friends of Karkare, Karkare had revealed that VHP is an international organization supported and financially by rich Arya-Brahminists allover the world. It is capable to make terrorist activities in any country by hiring required elements. The many officers in RAW, Police and other security apparatus of India are members of RSS. Similarly VHP has its connections with foreign secret services. To present new names of terrorist organization is routine task of these higher officers. It has become a part of politics. Karkare was forbidden to reveal whole truth. While investigating Malegaon bomb-blast connections he had gathered evidences of relationship of Arya-Brahminist Terrorists with the Muslim terrorist organizations. Leaders of VHP, RSS and other Arya-Brahminist fascist organizations had realized that the next step of investigation will reach to them. Therefore they had started accusing Karkare and ATS violently. Not only he was accused, threatened to death, Bajarang Dal leader Vinay Katiyar went to the extent of threatening civil war in India. Therefore, only one alternative of killing Karkare was left with the fascists. (Bahujan Sangharsh, 15 March 2009)
Hemant Karkare has worked with Indian secret service RAW therefore he was well aware of all the terrorist organizations and their connections with political leaders and the criminals. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008) Therefore, all such political leaders and criminals were afraid that if the investigation continues under the leadership of Karkare, they soon will be totally exposed. That is why all such antinational exploiters wanted Karkare to be killed.
The Arya-Brahminist terrorist brigade directed by Mossad and CIA wanted to kill Karkare and his team to sabotage investigation of terrorist activities of Arya-Brahmin terrorist network so that terrorist nexus of Mossad, CIA, AryaBrahminist bureaucracy AryaBrahminist military personnel, AryaBrahminist security personnel, and Arya-Brahminist political leaders in the terrorist acts committed up till now is not exposed.
Barely an hour before he was felled by terrorists, Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare had pleaded with state home minister R. R. Patil to move him to some other department. At one point during the meeting, he went to the extent of saying he wanted to quit the service. Karkare gave vent to his emotions. The meeting of the ATS team with Patil ended around 9 pm that fateful night on Wednesday. Karkare told the minister that he was fed up of working in the squad after the political pressure the team faced in the Malegaon blast investigation. "He was not worried about the work pressure, but the political pressure and nasty allegations had upset him. Patil assured him that things would be set right in the next few days," said an official closely related to transfers of officials. The meeting was held at Patil’s official bungalow Chitrakut, and Karkare was on his way back home when he got information about the attack outside CST. ( Karkare’s last wish: Transfer me out of ATS Tuesday, December 02, 2008 Surendra Gangan and Dayanand Kamath)
Sources of Mumbai Police think that Karkare was killed as per the suggestions of Bal Thakare the Hindu terrorist leader so that the inquiry into Malegaon bomb blasts executed by Arya-Brahmin terrorists should be derailed. But Mumbai media blackout the news. Brahmincracy of India will never expose Karkare Murder. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008)
A report in DNA on 28 November said that Anand Raorane, a resident of a building opposite Nariman House, heard sounds of celebration from the terrorists when the news of Karkare getting killed flashed on TV (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 ;
Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation has alleged that Hemant Karkare was murdered in a high level conspiracy. He questioned who and how many really attacked Karkare ? The bullets that hit Karkare are of 9 m.m. and are fired from revolver and not from the AK 47 rifles of the terrorists. It should be investigated through forensic laboratory. Similarly, why the help of infantry just away from one kilometer was not summoned ? Why they waited for the commandos of National Security Guards ? Why Karkare and other officers were sent in the same vehicle ? The whole matter is suspicious hence be thoroughly and fairly investigated. Amrish Mishra alleged that the Hemant Karkare and other ATS officers were killed by Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations. He said for his allegations he is ready to face any inquiry. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
In a statement police commissioner Hasan Gafur said in a press conference that they are searching to arrest 16 terrorists who were involved in Mumbai attacks. Among these 16 terrorists many are Indians. Gafur did not disclose the number of these Indian terrorists. (Bhaskar, 13 February 2009)
It is alleged that Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Rajnath Singh is involved in the conspiracy. The attacks must be part of a larger conspiracy hatched in connivance with the Congress government, L K Advani, Mossad and Chota Rajan to disable the Malegaon investigations. ( Urdu daily claims Mossad, CIA behind Mumbai attacks 22 Dec 2008, 2300 hrs IST, TNN)
A careful scrutiny of all the reports available so far suggests, that the killing of Karkare and his colleagues was a premeditated act, executed by a group that had stationed snipers at various points along the general route between VT and the Metro cinema with a view to maximizing their chances of a successful murderous assault. The liftman, Tikhe told policemen that there were two terrorists on the terrace. A fierce gun-battle ensued for 30 to 45 minutes, in which ACP Sadanand Date was injured. Eventually the gunmen appear to have escaped. It is not clear how. And why would they have taken up positions on the terrace? Was it because they would have a direct view of the lane in which Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte were later supposedly killed ?
The Mossad and the CIA have aided and abetted the BJP-RSS in the planning and execution of this terror attack. What was required in this extended sordid drama was the need for a genuine terrorist group of Pakistani origin, which was provided for by the ISI with a bit of prodding from its masters in the CIA and the Mossad if required. The ISI is a mercenary organization with no scruples and is out there for the highest bidder. Among various factions within the ISI, some of which are basically controlled by the CIA and Mossad. ( CIA ATTACKS BOMBAY? CIA WANTS INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN?)
Vineeta Kamte, the wife of dead Ashok Kamte accused police had misguided them regarding the death of her husband. She said if her husband had received timely police help they would have been alive. She demanded impartial inquiry of the circumstances in which her husband was killed. (Mahanayak, 15 January 2009)
Karkare is not the only officer who knew too much was killed. An assistant commissioner of police, Mohan Chand Sharma, who played a key role in the Parliament attack investigation, had also lost his life. Sharma was one of India’s many ‘encounter specialists,’ known and rewarded for having summarily executed several ‘terrorists.’ {?}
Immam Bukhari alleged that encounter specialist inspector Mohan Chand Sharma was murdered by police shooting him from behind {in the Batla House encounter}. Police in order to destroy evidence took in their possession bullets taken out from the body of Mohan Chand Sharma by the doctors. (Samrat, 28 September 2008)
The innocent Muslim youths were also gunned down by police in this allegedly fake encounter at Batla House. Therefore, there was an outcry against the Special Cell from a spectrum of people, ranging from eyewitnesses in the local community to senior Congress Party leaders, students, journalists, lawyers, academics, and activists, all of whom demanded a judicial inquiry into the incident. In response, the BJP and L. K. Advani launched a concerted campaign in which they targeted those who had dared to question the integrity of the police, saying to do so was ’suicidal’ and calling them ‘anti-national.’ Only days after the Batla House event, another story about ‘terrorists’ surfaced in the news. In a report submitted to a Sessions Court, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said that a team from Delhi’s Special Cell (the same team that led the Batla House encounter, (including Mohan Chand Sharma) had abducted two innocent men, Irshad Ali and Moarif Qamar, in December 2005, planted two kilograms of RDX (explosives) and two pistols on them, and then arrested them as ‘terrorists’ who belonged to Al Badr which operates out of Kashmir. ( Arundhati Roy: The Monster In The Mirror 15 December, 2008 Outlook India) Encounter specialist Mohan Chand Sharma was even accused of blackmailing one businessman. He was transferred considering his relations with wine mafia. Sharma had visited different countries during May-June for 26 days along with his family without obtaining permission from police headquarter. He remained in America for more than a week. Earlier also he use to visit foreign countries which include Dubai, Bangkok etc. and suspicions were raised against his clandestine foreign visits. (Times of India, 20 July 2006)
The conclusion that Karkare and his assistants were killed by Arya-Brahminist terrorists in collaboration with Mossad-CIA are supported by several grave loopholes and lacunas found in the police story. They loopholes and lacunas are cited below :-
Union Minority Affairs Minister Mr. A. R. Antulay had said that there is "more than what meets the eye". Calling for a CBI probe into his death, as Karkare was investigating cases in which "there are non-Muslims also" and "somebody wanted Karkare killed". Any person going to the roots of Terror has always been the target... there must have been some reason why Karkare went to Cama Hospital instead of the Taj and Oberoi hotels’. Someone’ could have told Karkare and other officers with him to go to Cama Hospital, suggesting that the ATS chief had fallen victim to a set-up as he was probing cases which involved Hindu radicals, as in the Malegaon blast. He thus implied that senior police officials were involved in the alleged conspiracy. That "somebody", Antulay claimed, sent the officer to the place where he was killed. Antulay said : "Somebody who knew both the ends sent Karkare in the wrong direction otherwise why should he have gone to Cama hospital ? He went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what was happening in Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House. He should have gone to Taj, Oberoi or Nariman House. He went to the Cama hospital on the basis of a phone call. Who is that person who made the phone call ? This should be probed. CBI should be asked to find out "who was responsible for sending Karkare in the wrong direction... somebody wanted him to be killed... why all three (Karkare, Additional Commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar) went together is beyond my comprehension." Superficially speaking, (Muslim) terrorists had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know I leave it to you. But you remember what all was said against the poor man (Karkare). I know a Bandh call was given against him before he was killed." (
One RPI leader questioned which officer changed the route of Karkare ? In fact being an officer Karkare should have been in his headquarter and other officers junior to him should have gone in different vehicles. But who ordered them to come in same vehicle ? (Mahanayak, 22 December 2008) Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation asked why all three officers went in the same vehicle. Usually in such instances each officer goes with his constables separately. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
In the editorial of Mahanayak it is asked that when it known policy that even in case of emergency no two officers should go in same vehicle but should go in different vehicles in handling such situation then who compelled these three ATS officers to go in same vehicle ? Officers go in different vehicles to encircle enemy and to take proper positions and to obtain additional help if enemy turns to be stronger. Did some higher officer called them to come together ? Where did Kamte etc. met him ? (Mahanayak, 20 December 2008)
In the first account Karkare and his assistants were supposed to be going to check up on their injured colleague Sadanand Date, but in the second were supposed to be looking for a red car in which they had been told the gunmen were traveling. If the report about the red car was a decoy to lure them into an ambush, it is important to know who told them that the terrorists were in a red car ?
According to police constable Arun Jadhav, Karkare, Salaskar, Kamte, a driver and four police constables including himself were driving down the alley from VT to the back entrance of Cama (barely a ten-minute drive) in their Toyota Qualis to check on injured police officer Sadanand Date when two gunmen emerged from behind trees by the left side of the road and sprayed the vehicle with bullets, killing all its inmates except Jadhav. They then dragged out the three officers, hijacked the vehicle, drove to Metro junction and then Mantralaya in South Bombay, abandoned it when a tire burst, and grabbed another car. Then they drove to Girgaum, where Kasab was injured and arrested and his companion killed.
The question is if the gunmen were firing from the left side, as Jadhav claimed, how was Karkare hit three times in the chest while Jadhav himself got two bullets in his right arm? Also, the only vegetation in that part of the lane has wire netting around it, and it would be hard for anyone to hide behind it. How did two terrorists manage to kill six police personnel, including Karkare and Kamte who he said were armed with AK47s and Salaskar, an encounter specialist who had confronted and killed dozens of dangerous criminals, without getting seriously injured themselves? Mumbai’s top three anti terrorist squad officers died before they had a chance to pick up their guns.
According to the police, Kasab claimed he and Ismail had killed Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte. Even if Kasab and Ismail had been shown photographs of Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte before they embarked on their trip, how could they possibly have identified the police officers in a dark alley in the dead of night ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 But reports say that those who killed Karkare spoke fluent Marathi. Why the Killers of Karkare etc who spoke fluent Marathi are not being investigated ? (Mahanayak, 20 December 2008)
The other account is equally dubious. In his first account, Jadhav said Karkare was in the second row of the Qualis, while in the second he was supposed to be in the front row with Kamte. In the second account, Salaskar was initially sitting behind the driver, but then asked the driver to slow down and got behind the wheel himself.
The question is, is it plausible that an experienced encounter specialist would deliberately make himself into a sitting duck like this when they were in hot pursuit of terrorists?
The earliest reports, presumably relayed from the police via the media, said that Karkare had been killed at the Taj, and Salaskar and Kamte at Metro. If this was not true, why were we told this? And why was the story later changed? Was it because it conflicted with eye-witness accounts ?
Indeed, under the heading ‘ATS Chief Hemant Karkare Killed : IBN live showed footage first of Karkare putting on a helmet and bullet-proof vest, and then a shootout at Metro, where an unconscious man who looks like Karkare and wearing the same light blue shirt and dark trousers is being pulled into a car by two youths in saffron shirts. The commentary says that Karkare ‘could well have fallen prey to just indiscriminate, random firing by the cops’, and also reports that there were two vehicles, a Toyota Qualis and Honda City, from which the occupants were firing indiscriminately. Later we were given two accounts of the killings where the venue is shifted to a deserted lane without cameras or eye-witnesses.
2) Fate of Karkare Murder Investigations ?
Kavita Karkare soon after the Mumbai attacks raised questions about accountabilty. She wanted to know who really was responsible for for her husband's death. (The Hindu, ,14 january 2009)
Sangh-Parivar is labeling anybody antinational who is demanding free and fair enquiry. According to Anil Chamdia central minister Antuley raised doubts and demanded free and fair inquiry in the killings of Hemant Karkare and other ATS officers, what was wrong in his demand ? Before Antuley Narayan Rane had accused that Mumbai attacks are the result of deep conspiracy and had also demanded free and fair inquiry. Why the inquiry is demanded in any democratic country ? But why the Sangh-Parivar calling demand of inquiry as an act of crime ? Nawab Sharif agreed that Kasab was citizen of Pakistan. Is therefore Nawab Sharif Indian leader in Pakistan ? But Antuley was presented like a minister of Pakistan. (Lokmat Samachar, 26 December 2008)
Few titles of Manumedia is sufficient to show Arya-Brahminist attitude :- 1) "Desh Ko Mat Banto Antuleji" (Antuleji Do not Divide country) writes Arya-Brahminist Vedprakash Vaidik in his article (Bhaskar, 23 December 2008) 2) "Rashtra-Maharashtra Antule Ke Bayan Se Naraz" (Nation as well as Maharashtra angry over Antule's statement) "Sansad Ke Dono Sadno Me Macha Raha Babaal" (In both the houses of Parliament turmoil persisted) is the new headline with a picture of burning effigy of Antule with a poster Traitor of Nation Antuley go to Pakistan. (Bhaskr, 19 December 2008) 3) How the government can fight terrorism when there are persons like Antule - RSS is another title in Hindi. (Bhaskar, 21 December 2008) 4) "Antuley sent his resignation" (Bhaskar, 20 December 2008) Above headlines indicate the pressure that Arya-Brahminists had created that Antuley had to send resignation from his ministerial post because he had demanded enquiry in a country which proudly calls itself biggest democracy of the world.
The manner in which Sangh-parivar is showing temper-tantrum at the demand of through inquiry it becomes obvious that they are terrorized for possible revelations and therefore are ready the extent to kill or die. (Mahanayak, 20 December 2008) The way BJP, Shivsena etc. organizations of Sangh Parivar have shown anger over the demand of the investigation of the killings of Karkare and his other ATS officers, people have came to conclusion that these organizations are behind the killings of Karkare and his ATS officers, and Arya-Brahminists elements in police and administration have given their full cooperation in this conspiracy. From the fear of being exposed these organizations are showing such tantrum tantrum. (Mahanayak, 19 December, 2008)
Congress remaining silent and passive over the protests of Sangh-Parivar in support of Malegaon accused was meant to help the Sangh-Parivar and their Arya-Brahmin terrorists.
The attitude of Congress regarding the demand of free and fair investigations into the killings of Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers benefited Sangh-Parivar and its terrorist organizations. Congress supported Sangh-Parivar by out-rightly denying any inquiry. Congress, prior to any investigation on its own behalf declared that Hemant Karkare and his ATS officers are killed by terrorists. This proves that Congress is inseparable part of Sangh-Parivar. (Mahanayak, 19 December 2008)
The whole situation of the killings of Karkare and his officers is mysterious. There is persistent demand that to reveal the truth that letter should be published which the Chief of ATS, Mr Karkare had sent to his friend before his death. People want to know the truth. People don't want to escape anybody if they are guilty. But Congress government did not publish this letter.
Similarly earlier also, Congress government did not start any inquiry even after the persistent demand of people to inquire into the death / encounter of encounter specialist Mohan Chand Sharma at Batla house. On the contrary, to close the question of enquiry permanently Congress government awarded Mohan Chand Shama Ashok-Chakra award (given after death.) from the hands of President of India Mrs. Pratibha Patil. Thus without any enquiry Congress itself has declared Mohan Chand Sharma a martyr killed by terrorists and not by police themselves (because Mohan Chand Sharma knew too much like Karkare did).
It is alleged by several human Right organizations that Sangh-Parivar is the origin of all terrorist activities in India but due to Arya-Brahmin political pressure, congress government of state and centre is giving wrong direction to the investigations of Malegaon investigations.
According to Daily Mahanayak, though the court has given Ajay Rahirkar one of the main accused in Malegaon bomb blast police custody but the leaders of Sangh-Parivar and BJP who supplied him money are busy in preparations for coming parliament elections. The capitalists and industrialists who supplied money to Malegaon bomb-blast accused why the curtain is not being removed from them ? Where Sangh-Parivar organizations have hidden Ramji Kalsangra ? Why their is no efforts in finding him. Such many questions are raising in the minds of people. The links of terrorism have reached to army. In spite of that why army has sealed its lips regarding Colonel Purohit. Is not all this happening at the direction of Congress government ? What secret agreement BJP and Congress has reached through Mr. Vasant Sathe ? Such many questions are raising in the minds of political analysts. It is also realized by masses that Shiv Sena in fact is Brahmin-Sena. (Mahanayak, 18 December 2008)
The Malegaon Bomb-blast accused Lieutenant Colonel Shrikant Purohit is given bail in lieu of 15000/- in the case of forging documents for giving Arm license to his friend. (Mahanayak, 1 January 2009)
There is talk among people that real terrorists are BJP and Congress. Therefore, Congress suppressed the investigations of Nanded bomb-blasts. {Because CBI works under the direction of central government.} (Mahanayak, 1 January 2009) Even supreme court of India observing errors in the case filed against Mulayam Singh Yadav's assets has alleged that CBI works according to the direction of central government. {to save or implicate somebody} (Mahanayak, 11 February 209) CBI has given clean chit to Jagdish Titler in its investigation report on killings of Sikhs in Delhi. It was alleged that Congress leader Jagdish Titler was also involved in these killings. While this report was being submitted in court the Sikhs in large number were shouting slogans against Jagdish Titler, Sajjan Kumar, Kamalnath etc. Congress leaders and demanded to hang the killers of Sikhs. They displayed posters saying "Why the Sikhs did not get justice even after 24 years ?" It is alleged that CBI has given clean chit to Titler and others and also demanded court to close the cases against them just before the elections to benefit Congress and Congress has misused CBI. The similar request of CBI was turned down by court in December 2007 and had asked CBI to reinvestigate the matter. (Lokmat Samachar, 29 March 2009; 3 April 2009)
Central home minister P. Chidambaram declared that the investigation of Mecca Mosque bomb-blast case is frozen as both the main accused are dead. In this bomb-blast Muslims were accused. (Bhaskar, 7 March 2009) In fact the recent evidenced point at Arya-Brahminist terrorist behind these blasts. Therefore, there is a need to investigate from this angle.
Along with BJP and Congress, Arya-Brahmin leadership of {fake} Communist parties of India have also come forward to save the terrorists of their Arya-Brahmin caste.
{Arya-Brahmin Fake communist leader} Brinda Karat said that as a Minister, it was "unnecessary" for Antulay to make these statements. ( Allay fears about fate of Malegaon blast probe: CPI(M) Published: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 at 21:54 IST) All of then are also singing in the same tune that terrorism should not be linked to Arya-Brahmin religion. In this way they are trying to save their Brahmin religion {which preaches terrorism by Sam (equal treatment), Dam (money), Dand (punishment) and Bhed (execution)}
An article in Mahanayak says that Pushyamitra Shrung was a terrorist and Brahminist saint Ramdas was also a terrorist in the saffron garb. Congress, BJP and the {fake} Communist parties of India are three monkeys of Gandhi. In spite of having three different heads they have identical brain and thinking. {Contrary to their earlier stand that terrorist are not human being hence lack human rights} they are now demanding narco tests of police investigators alleging that the police officers have tortured Malegaon bomb-blast accused. They want to apply Manu-law that a Brahmin is allowed to kill as many {indigenous} people as he wishes. Venkaiyya Naidu is challenging government to ban RSS {and face worst consequences}. Arya-Brahminist Manu-media is doing everything to save these Arya-Brahmin terrorists. For this every kind of tricks are being employed. (Mahanayak, 23 November 2008)
One section of Manu-media is propagating that Israel's secret service Mossad, Shin bet and American secret Service FBI is ready to help government in their investigation. So their help should be sought. Not only that, After Mumbai attacks a big delegation of industrialists in the leadership of the director of Infosys and Kiram Majumdar Shaw of Biocon visited BJP chief minister of Karnataka to demand Mossad training to state security forces to make state security efficient. (Lokmat Samachar, 10 December 2008)
When evidences of Mossad, CIA involvement in the Mumbai attacks are being presented, this attempt of these industrialists certainly aims to give clean chit to Mossad, Shin bet, CIA and FBI and to pose that they are useful for the country. Such attempt can only be made either by the agents or supporters of these Zionist secret services who have bad reputation for initiating terrorist activities throughout world. The agents and supporters of Mossad work specially in information technology (IT) sector. Large number of Arya-Brahmins are working in IT sector. In the light of that above story becomes very significant.
All Arya-Brahmin forces have raised pressures from all quarters to save Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Malegaon bomb-blasts. Therefore Sadhvi Pradnya Singh was given clean chit in narco test. The arrested principal Shailesh Raikar of Bhonsala military school and clerk Rajan Gaidhane was also released. Army did not allow police to present arrested colonel Purohit before the magistrate against the tradition that any army employee found involved in terrorism is immediately expelled and his court-martial is done. Army also insisted on making every cross examination in the presence of army officers. (Mahanayak, 3 November 2008)
Maharashtra police released Dilip Nahar and Dharmendra Bairagi who are among the three youths arrested from Indore (M.P.) in connection with Malegaon bomb-blasts. (Lokmat Samachar, 5,6 November 2008)
It is learnt that ATS will not object to appeals filed in court by Malegaon accused Dayanand Pande, Col. Upadhyaya and other accussed of Malegaon Bomb-blast to permit them to contest parliament election. Thus there seems to be some secret pact between congress and RSS regarding this. (Mahanayak, 27 March 2009)
Earlier also massacres engineered by Arya-Brahmins riding respective governments are never punished. Following account will make the point clear.
Government of India from year 1984 killed 115000 Sikhs in Punjab, From 1947 killed 150000 Christians in Nagaland, and since 1988 killed 43000 Muslims in Kashmir. According to government department itself during 1992-93 police officers were given various benefits for killing Sikhs. (FROM THE HITAVADA, NOVEMBER 6, 1994; FROM SUKHBIR OSAN)
Arya-Brahminist leadership of fake communist parties of India had came to power in West Bengal with the help of Bengali refugees and had repeatedly promised them their settlement in Sunderban. Sveral resolutions were also passed by them in this regard. But when Dalit came to Calcatta for for their settlement they were driven out. Many Dalits settled at Marichzapi and made Marichzapi heaven with their own efforts without any help from fake communist government of West Bengal; become politically aware, lead other indigenous masses of Marichzapi and were becoming inspiration for Bengali Dalits all over West Bengal. Therefore, Arya-Brahminist led fake communist government of West Bengal conducted massacres of Dalits of Marichjhapi.
They had cordoned the whole island with motor boats having arm forces. Media was blocked at far distance that they could only hear sound of firings and death cries of Dalits. They were hunted down and killed. This massacre was even greater than that of Yahya khan of Pakistan or Hitler of Germany. (For details of this horrible massacre of Dalits see Arya-Brahmin vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits and Chakma Adivasi indigenous refugees by Sheetal Markam)
Another Massacre of Dalits and Muslims was performed by Arya-Brahmin leadership of fake communist government of west Bengal in Nandigram with full support of Congress government and BJP.
In Nandigran, the criminal goons of CPM were assisted by eastern frontier rifles and commando forces. They entered every village and dragged out Dalits and Muslims from their homes. Instead of arresting them the Dalits and Muslims of Nandigram were gunned down. They pierced the bodies of Dalits and Muslims with the bonnet of their rifles. They tore open the stomach of Dalits and Muslims and their bodies were thrown in the stream of river so that the bodies of Dalits and Muslims finally go to sea. Women were severely beaten and abused in filthy language and were tore naked publicly. Police inserted their bamboo-club in the vagina of these unfortunate Dalit-Muslim women. They were forcibly thrown into police vans and carried for unknown destination. They separated young girls and gang-raped them several times in open until these girls took their last breath. The process of killing Dalit -Muslims, looting their houses and raping the women and young girls of Dalits and Muslims continued in villages one after the other. After mass raping Dalit-Muslim women, their bodies were deformed and torn into pieces and thrown into river and canal. The children of Dalit-Muslims were also killed and their bodies were tore apart and thrown into Haldi river and Talpati canal. Abu Taher of Bhumi Uchched Pratirodh Committee told that CPM goons and police together had thrown 5 dead bodies of Dalit-Muslims in septic tank of Janani break furnace. On the 15th evening 8.p.m. 4 launches were brought to Naya Char from Haldia Satkar Samiti in which the dead-bodies of Dalit-Muslims were carried. Some of these dead bodies were burned. Some dead bodies were burned at other bank of the river. To carry dead bodies from Tekhali to Heriya, pick-up vans were used. After that where the dead bodies were carried is not known. CPM goons and criminals and state armed forces ensured that there will not be any eye witness to their satanic brutalities. They knew that Dalit-Muslims are so terrified that no Dalit-Muslim will dare to open his mouth against them. And after all who will believe in the brutalities of such height. {and when the Arya-Brahmin fake communist leadership has been wearing the mask of "Janawad" (people's democracy). Finally CPM goons and criminals hosted CPM flags and banner all over the villages to indicate that their rule over Dalit-Muslims is reestablished in Nandigram. Crocodiles are coming for the mutilated bodies of Dalit-Muslims thrown into river and canal. Therefore fishermen of Haripur have stopped going to river and sea. They are afraid that these crocodiles may be caught in their nets instead of fishes. In this way Haripur will remain out of their earning at least for a week. The Arya-Brahmin leadership of fake communist parties and their government in West Bengal already knew about this. The purpose of this brutal massacres of Dalits and Muslims of Nandigram was also intended to give a lesson to protesting Haripur Dalit-Muslim fishermen. Haripur area is subdivision and near Nandigram which was marked by CPM government for nuclear plant. As a result the fishermen of Haripur who are mainly Dalits and Muslims had also organized their protest. (Anandabazar Patrika, March 10, 2007; Report of Investigation Into Nandigram Mass Killings (Excerpts from the reports given by APDR and PBKMS))
Similar brutalities are being committed by Salva Judum armed criminals organized by Congress and BJP in Chhattisgarh with the sole intention to compel Adiwasi masses to displace them from their land so that this land can be handed over to Tata and foreign multinational companies.
Dalit-Adivasi who refuge to join Salva Judum campaign are labeled as Naxalites, tortured and killed. The Salva Judum mob armed with guns, swords, arrow and bow and other weapons enter in the villages and start looting houses. They burn the crop of villagers. Their animals are looted and houses are set fire. Salva Judum criminals gang-rape women and inflict injuries to the vagina of women by thrusting rods, bonnets and so on so that Adivasi flee and vacate their land for multinational companies. Salva Judum armed mob repeat the same brutalities from one village to another. ( Salwa judum - Mad, Mindless, Brutal, Stupid... posted by Anoop Saha and [Info-Bureau] Fw: International Appeal from India ILPS Info Bureau info at Sat May 20 07:33:59 BST 2006 and Salwa Judum: Civil War in Chhattisgarh, CPJC, New Delhi, 2007, p. 6) To terrorize Adivasi masses, the opponents of multinational companies were beheaded and their heads were hanged in villages. Women are gang-raped, pregnant mothers' wombs were cut open and their fetus were crushed beneath boot by armed forces of government. Youths are tortured and killed. Many are cut into pieces alive. Villages are burned and everything is looted. (Mahanayak, 11, 13 August 2006; State-Sponsored Terrorism in India Musical group reveals atrocities against tribal Indians by Munish Nagar Published 2006-11-27) Salva Judum goons and Naga battalion forces to take vengeance against Naxalite sympathizers of Arlampali village set the villagers' home on fire so that they burn them to death. Not only that Salva Judum armed criminals slaughtered children of 12-14 years and their heads were hanged on their own houses.
The policy of banning alleged terrorist organizations is also not impartial. According to E.A.S. Sarma Congress executed massacres of Sikhs in Delhi and other places, BJP executed massacres of Muslims in Gujarat and elsewhere. In spite of that these organizations were never banned. (E A S Sarma, ‘The Adivasi, the State and the Naxalite: Case of Andhra Pradesh’, EPW 41 (15), April 15, 2006, pp 1434-37)
Arya-Brahminists riding government of India rule the country not by Indian constitution but by law of Manu. A huge statue of Manu is errected in the foreground of Jaipur High-court in Rajastan. Therefore, there is no hope that Arya-Brahmin Terrorist network will be explored and duly punished. Kavita Karkare, wife of Hemant Karkare expressed similar feelings.
Kavita Karkare told the Hindu in an interview. "Even after a month has elapsed How long I dwell on what has happened ? I know I will not get the answers I am raising." "Even the attack on parliament has not been solved. Where will I get justice ? I know no one will give the answers. " (The Hindu, 14 January 2009)
3) Some Terrorists were local and had enough inside Support ?
Terrorists had close knowledge of the geography of Mumbai and the internal geography of those huge hotels. A cabinet minister told PTI that the terrorists had set up control rooms at the Taj and Trident hotels. They almost certainly knew more about the layout, the hiding places, than the security forces, who clearly were taken by surprise. That helped them hold out for a long time. ( Terror expert Paul Wilkinson on motives behind Mumbai attacks – and their effects). Employees of the Taj Hotel said that the way in which the terrorists rioted through the whole building was amazing. One of them even said that They know the place better than us or the Manager himself ! The terrorists even knew which room had the closed-circuit television cameras, which would give them a clear view of the alleys and lobbies of the entire Taj, and reached and captured the room before the commandos did. ``The terrorists hurled grenades the moment commandos neared the CCTV room and it could not be accessed because of the smoke and fire that followed. The Marcos found operating in the dark difficult despite their vast experience but the terrorists quite comfortably ran between the Taj's new and heritage wing, engaging in tackle-and-dodge combat. ( The International Backers of the Mumbai Attacks By Les Blough Nov 26, 2008)
How could terrorists really knew their way around the Oberoi, Taj and the Nariman House. and so familiar with the hotels if they had just arrived on boats into Mumbai. As per reports terrorists had piled arms in the hotel rooms.
Military sources tell that there was no way the terrorists could have carried so much ammunition with them when they assaulted the two hotels with their guns blazing. They believe the ammunition may have been stored earlier in rooms at both the hotels, perhaps on the higher floors. ( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari) How did the room service guys did not find the ammunitions inside the Taj ? It was impossible to stash such arms and ammunition in the Taj Hotel without having checked in for some time.
Mr. Narayan Rane, an Indian-Hindu leader of Indian National Congress (INC) and former Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv-Sena leader, disclosed that Indian-Hindu politicians of India provide logistical and financial support to terrorists. ( Indian-Hindu Terrorists Killed ATS Chief To Stop Probe: Indian Advocate)
Pakistan has asserted that there was local participations in Mumbai attacks. Without local support these attacks were impossible. Pakistan asked Indian government to permit him to investigate these local accomplices of terrorists. (Mahanayak, 11 February 2009)Several sources have quoted Kasav telling the police that the group received help from local Mumbai residents. ( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The terrorists would have received some support from within the hotel. CNN TV states emphatically, This is definitely an international attack using domestic terrorists. The operation could not have succeeded without local support.
4) Why the Involvement of Dawood Ibrahim Suppressed ?
Russia believes that underworld don Dawood Ibrahim was directly involved in the Mumbai terror attacks and his network was used by the terrorists to carry out the multiple attacks. He had further said that the Mumbai attacks were a 'burning example' of how the illegal drug trafficking network was used for carrying out terror activities. ( India: Dawood's drug net financed 26/11: Russian intelligence) Dawood Ibrahim originally comes from Bombay and may be linked to the November 2008 attacks on Bombay (Mumbai). Elements of ISI are said to use alleged gangster Dawood Ibrahim to do some of their dirty work. (
The role of Dawood Ibrahim’s Dope, Inc. apparatus, and his links to another British-sponsored key terrorist figure, Ahmed Omar Sheikh, have been highlighted by Executive Intelligence Review for nearly a decade. On Jan. 11, 2001, the editors of EIR submitted a memorandum to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, requesting that the State Department begin a formal investigation to determine whether Great Britain should be placed on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. ( CIA-Mossad linked to Hindu Terrorism - Forums of Pravda.Ru)
As late as November 18, RAW intercepted a satellite phone call made to a number in Lahore, Pakistan, often used by Yusuf Muzammil, the military commander of LET. The caller informed his Pakistan-based handlers that he was heading for Mumbai with unspecified "cargo", the ship belonging to Ibrahim. Ibrahim is suspected of renting out his vast smuggling network, and resources such as ships, material and corrupt officials, to terrorist groups worldwide. ( India wants its 'Osama' back By Raja Murthy)
Kasab told his interrogators that his team had set out from Karachi, Pakistan, on a ship belonging to Dawood Ibrahim, the MV Alpha. They then hijacked an Indian fishing trawler, the Kuber, to pass through Indian territorial waters to elude the Navy and Coast Guard that were boarding and searching suspect ships. Upon arriving off the coast near the city, they were received by inflatable rubber dinghies that had been arranged by an associate of Ibrahim’s in Mumbai. ( Role of alleged CIA asset in Mumbai attacks being downplayed By Jeremy R. Hammond)
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL According to Tom Heneghan, it can now be reported that on Wednesday, November 26th, a paramilitary team of seventy (70) Pakistani ISI soldiers arrived in Mumbai (Bombay) by sea on the CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha and proceeded on military style speedboats to the Indian shore. ( Blowback on Subcontinent Worldwide Intel War Descends Into Anarchy by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert)
It is now being reported that the team of seventy (70) Pakistani-ISI soldiers were delivered to Mumbai (Bombay) by the "CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha". As more credibility on these reports surfaces, it puts more, severe war crimes evidence against George W. Bush and his cabal. Just why in the hell would a U.S. Taxpayer-funded-CIA affiliated outfit be performing terrorist atrocities against unarmed tourists and guests in India? It must have to do with the new pipeline attempt. ( "CIA-ISI registered MV Alpha" delivered paramilitary terrorists to India. UPDATE Submitted by joemartin on Sat, 2008-11-29 21:33.)
Dawood Ibrahim is...suspected of orchestrating the November 26 Mumbai terrorist strikes through a businessman in Saudi Arabia said to be his front man. The Indian-born drug kingpin has been identified by journalists and investigators as a long-time asset of both the CIA and Pakistan's notorious Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI). Though there is convincing evidence linking the D-Company to the Mumbai attacks, each new "revelation" by Indian and American authorities tend to erase Ibrahim from the picture. This subtle though noticeable reframing of the equation follows a predictable and well-known pattern.
"It would not have been possible to carry out a terror operation on this scale without a collaborative local network and this was provided by the Dawood Gang. As the terrorists had entered via the sea, the needle of suspicion is clearly pointing at Mohammed Ali, the new points-man of Dawood." November 28 Times of India article observed, Ali "is known to indulge in smuggling of diesel, petroleum, naptha, drugs and arms with impunity and it appears that the terrorists had used his networks to enter the city by the sea route…. Despite having a detailed dossier on him, the Indian authorities have not taken any action against him. What is more worrying is that Ali is believed to have also penetrated naval intelligence." ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008) Chief of India's Naval Staff, Adm. Suresh Mehta said that terrorists' entry into Mumbai aboard a trawler appeared to indicate a "systemic failure" by the law enforcement agencies. (Plugging Maritime Security Holes Indian, U.S. Officials Glean Lessons From Mumbai Attacks By DEFENSE NEWS STAFF Published: 8 December 2008) Mr. Mehta said that they had released the ship of terrorists because they had proper documents. (Bhaskar, 3 December 2008) Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters that "There have been lapses. I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses" . ('s official admits lapses in Mumbai attacks) But none of the above officers explained reasons for these deliberate security lapses.
Times of India on December 4 noted that central agencies question why the Maharashtra government has not taken any action against the Dawood company here." On December 11, Times of India reported that "Mumbai police has still not called Ali for questioning", adding "Ali has the backing of two powerful politicians of south Mumbai and that could be the reason why he is still untouched." In addition to links to Ibrahim, both men are also alleged to have ties to political officials in India. There are numerous other indications emerging that the attacks were assisted by elements within India being protected by the political establishment. ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Vijay Salaskar "had closely investigated the entrenched links between a prominent Gutka [a betel-nut and tobacco based product] manufacturer and the Dawood gang," "Salaskar had found out that the manufacturer was Dawood’s partner in the Gutka business, alongside a leading politician who dabbles in real estate development. Despite Salaskar’s best efforts, he was never allowed even to summon the manufacturer for questioning." "The details of Dawood’s vast business transactions and the man fronting it are available with the Central government. But there is inaction." On December 6, Maharashtra’s former revenue minister Narayan Rane alleged in a press conference that the terrorists who had attacked Mumbai the week before received "logistical and financial" support from a number of politicians. According to the Press Trust of India, Rane also alleged that former chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh had links with a person connected with fugitive gangster Dawood Ibrahim." As Foreign Policy Journal previously reported, there are indications that the CIA has interest in preventing Ibrahim from being handed over to India. ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Narayan Rane alleged in Maharashtra state legislative assembly that two Indians supplied money for blasts in Mumbai as well as for blasts in Britain. He also alleged that some politicians have relations with the terrorists. He demanded to hang these peoples first. He asked what Dawood's man was doing in Congress office of Mumbai in the program of Chief Minister ? (Mahanayak, 15 December 2008) Rane said that he is ready to reveal names of politicians having relations with terrorists if the court orders him to do so. He said that police is well aware of these politicians and their relations with the terrorists. (Lokmat Samachar, 14 December 2008) The relations of police with underworld can be understood in the light of following news :- Maharashtra IPS officers in a meeting called by Maharashtra chief minister intending to improve security suggested to buy AK-47 from gray market to save the money. This police officer told that AK-47 in gray market can be bought for just 15000/- (fifteen thousand rupees). This suggestion was obviously turned down. (Bhaskar, 16 December 2008)
Colonel Sudhir Sawant, the National inviter of Bahujan Samaj Federation, on 14th December 2008 in a public meeting held at Azad ground of Yavtamal in Maharashtra called America-Arya-Brahminist conspiracy to ongoing terrorist activities in India and in the rest of the world. The ongoing terrorism is India is the result of understanding and cooperation between the Brahminist political leaders, criminals, industrialists and the terrorists. Because of this Mumbai attacks become possible. No government in India took stern action against these criminals because of its relation with these criminals. Savant demanded government to publish Vora community report regarding the Mumbai riots in which the report reveals names of many political leaders having relations with the criminals in detail. (Mahanayak, 15 December 2008)
Police Commissioner Hassn Gafoor and DGP A.N Roy sat in the control rooms as Mumbai burned. Allegations that the police officers are believed to have called ‘motivated’. ( Where were Gafoor, Roy while Mumbai burnt? Thursday, December 18, 2008) According to Vinita Kamte wife of dead ATS officer said after her own investigation " There was no help and reinforcement were sent". Worst still, there were many calls made to the control room by people near the Cama Hospital who saw the two terrorists. Yet no one told these police officers {Kamte etc.) that they were there. "Outside the Cama hospital my husband understood the gravity of situation along with the other officers, and he spoke to someone saying they needed the Army and extra reinforcements. That did not come and worse, his escort vehicle carrying tear gas shells and ammunition was stopped by a police cordon from going near him and helping out." "That escort car could have saved their lives" she points out. (The Hindu, 11 January 2009) Armed Indian police refused to open fire on the gunmen even though people cowering under cover pleaded with them to do something to stop the massacres. ( The 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn't there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people merrily.
It is revealed that 13 big businessmen of Indore (MP) and Gujarat supplied money for training organized at Sinhgarh. Help of courier agencies was taken to supply money. (Samrat, 15 November 2008) It is revealed to ATS through the correspondence of Abhinav Bharat that arrested Malegaon bomb blast terrorists were financially aided by industrialists. Many of these industrialists belonged to Gujarat. ATS had doubt on some industrialists in Jammu. It is suspected that for bomb blasts Gujarat religious leaders collected money from some industrialists. (Mahanayak, 20 November 2008) Arya-Brahminist terrorists have established their centers all over India for which they were financially helped by industrialists such as Tata Motors and Mahindra Motors groups. (Mahanayak, 30 January 2009)
Abu Azami the Samajwadi party leader who live in Kolaba and Uddhav Thakare son of Mr. Bal Thakare are business partners of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. Dawood Ibrahim has relations with secret services of several countries. Brahmincracy will never expose Thakare-Dawood Ibrahim relations and Karkare Murder conspiracy. (Dalit Voice, 16-31 December 2008) In Maharashtra Legislative Assembly there was a pandemonium when MLA Shashikant Shinde shown a photo in the house. In this photo Bal Thakare is along with Namsu Satam and Ramesh Kisni who was arrested for circulating fake Indian currency of crores of rupees. At the time of arrest of Mr. Ramesh Kisni police had seized fake currency worth 1.60 crores. It is significant that Ramesh Kisni used to give heavy donations to a political party. One can easily imagine which party he used to donate. (Lokmat Samachar, 17 April 2001) Police has received information that in Parliament elections of 2009 some selected candidates of Dawood Ibrahim will contest election and Dawood gang will throw its strength behind them in their election campaign. Dawood gang will make campaign for at least two candidates from Mumbai one of which will reportedly contest on BSP ticket. This candidate has already started his election campaign. (Mahanayak, 21 February 2009)
The Ex BJP leader and president of Janshakti Party, Miss Uma Bharati, in a press conference aimed Atal Bihari Vajpei without pronouncing his name that son and daughter of an Ex deputy prime minister of India and son in law of Ex prime minister of India have relations with the terrorists. She alleged that the main reason of terrorism is political protection to them. BJP has relations with a person known as Tentwala, a person known as Drug wala, and a builder from Bhopal and its Ex general secretary had relations with the underworld Don. She alleged that two major political parties of India have protected the terrorists. Ex Deputy prime minister has protected Dawood Ibrahim. The persons who signed in favour of claim of Tentwala to become a BJP candidate were under investigation for their relations with Dawood Ibrahim. (Lokmat Samachar, 14 July 2006)
Mr. Madanlal Khurana, the ex BJP chief minister of Delhi, in a press conference alleged that BJP leader Sushama Swaraj has relations with Dawood Ibrahim. and demanded prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh to investigate her relations with Dawood Ibrahim. He said that he has enough solid evidences regarding this and he has already wrote a letter to prime minister in this regard. In his letter he mentioned four cases and also mentioned that Sushma Swaraj took the help of Dawood Ibrahim and Congress leader Romesh Sharma to become chief minister of Delhi. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 July 2006)
Madanlal Khurana in his letter to prime minister Manmohan Singh on the basis of evidences has tried to prove that the many BJP top leadership had become threat to the security of India. In support of his allegations Mr. Khurana has enclosed a secret note that reveal close relations of Sushma Swaraj and Romesh Sharma with Dawood Ibrahim. Whenever the question of revealing these relation came the Lalkrishna Adwani and Atal Bihari Vajpei suppressed these relations from being revealed. Romesh Sharma who is behind the bars has his alleged links with Dawood Ibrahim. CBI has evidences for his relations with Dawood Ibrahim. In 1998 when he was arrested and the documents seized in raids at various places revealed that Romesh Sharma and Sushma Swaraj had close relations with Dawood Ibrahim. Not only that, the name of Reliance Industries was also came into picture But then home minister Lalkrishna Adwani and prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpei having close relations with Reliance Industries suppressed the whole matter in the files. In order to suppress the whole matter BJP government went to the extent of transferring then CBI director. Not only CBI director alone but Mr. Vishvabandhu Gupta then deputy commissioner of Income Tax was also victimized. When Gupta had tried to put his hand on Romesh Sharma he sought help of Sushma Swaraj. Sushma Swaraj used her high contacts and removed Gupta overnight from his post because he was investigating against Romesh Sharma. Vajpei government turned down the very strong demand to release a white paper on the whole matter and did everything to suppress the whole affair because after BJP leaders had seen the evidences they had realized that if the white paper is released it will reveal the close relations of Sushma Swaraj and Romesh Sharma with Dawood Ibrahim. Madanlal Khurana, revealed the files and tapes lying in home ministry which undoubtedly prove that to what extent Sushma Swaraj was related to Dawood gang. Khurana also claimed that he has evidences against many BJP leaders of which these leaders have no answer. (Lokmat Samachar, 14 July 2006)
Madanlal Khurana's allegations against BJP top leaders are very serious and Khurana claims to have solid evidences against them but Congress government is not ready to listen to him. Then question of initiating inquiry is far remote thing. If Khurana had made allegation about some other person {a Muslim} instead of Sushma Swaraj then the government would have arrested him under TADA, and all other available black laws. Khurana made a claim in his letter that Adwani had declared to release a white paper on ISI activities in India but when he came to know that many BJP leaders have relations with ISI then he decided not to release any white paper. Khurana has alleged that in 1998 Delhi assembly elections, Sushama had received help from Dawood Ibrahim through Romesh Sharma and Dawood had sent to them Rs. 24 Crores. In this regard Khurana also presented some evidences. Government must at least make inquiry against allegations leveled by Mr. Khurana. (Lokmat Samachar, 12 September 2006)
Pravin Mahajan had directly aimed at prime minister Vajpei and demanded that he should give explanation about whatever happened in that high security zone area in Pramod Mahajan's residence where the drug incidence of Rahul Maharajan happened because the bungalow at 7 Safdarjung Road Delhi was allotted to Pramod Mahajan by prime minister's office. According to Pravin Mashajan, Since last 5-6 years the trade of drugs was being run from the very bungalow Therefore it becomes the moral responsibility of prime minister Atal Bihari Bajpei to give explanation of the situation. (Bhaskar, 15 June 2006) The question arises that did drug racket of Dawood Ibrahim was being run from the very bungalow of Pramod Mahajan ?
Media person Vineet Narayan had alleged that BJP is alone responsible for the growth of terrorism in India. In year 1993 he had submitted evidences before supreme court regarding economical aid coming from Dubai-London for Hijbul Mujahidin and had demanded faithful inquiry into this matter of national treachery. Because many big leaders of BJP were involved in this scam hence BJP and its affiliated organizations had opposed Vineet Narayan continuously and with fraudulent propaganda in India and abroad they played an important role in suppressing the inquiry. BJP law minister Arun Jetli had also opposed him. The officers who had full knowledge of economical resources of Hijbul Mujahidin and in spite of that suppressed the inquiry BJP government instead of framing them under corruption, national treachery and negligence in duty not only gave them premature promotion but also honored them with President's medal. In spite of this BJP is shouting against terrorism which is a cruel joke. (Nav Bharat, 23 December 2002)
Crime branch of Mumbai police exposed a group supplying money to Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations and arrested their six persons {Hindus}. Police recovered 68 Lacs rupee from them. According to joint police commissioner Dr. Satyapal Singh among them the main accused is Mahesh Narasia patel and from him a Kalishkov assault rifle was seized last year. He is being carried to Ahmedabad. Other arrested members of the group are Chandrakant Narsidas Patel, Natwarbhai Jasanbhai Patel, Jyotiramkrishna Dongar, Shankar Vike and Murali Gopichand Pilley. These accused are given conditional bail. Singh denied that these accused received money from any neighboring country. But this is certain that they used to receive money from abroad which they used to supply to these terrorist organizations. (Lokmat Samachar, 31 January 2004) Does not above news makes it clear that these persons belonged to some fascist Arya-Brahminist terrorist organization and Lashkar E Toeba and other such terrorist organizations have tie with Arya-Brahmin terrorist organizations hence instead of being arrested in POTA, TADA etc black laws they even got bail immediately ?
Ex BJP chief minister of Delhi, Mr. Madanlal Khurana alleged that terrorists of Kandhar aircraft hijacking were given 200 million Dollars not to release Indian hostages but to release Robert Jayori, the currency king of Switzerland and his woman friend Kristina Kalabracy in the pretext of releasing Indian hostages. Robert has biggest press in the world to print currency. Khurana asked that when there are already many agencies to deal with such situations why the foreign minister of India {Mr. Jaswant Singh} participated in it. (Nav Bharat, 21 July 2006) Ex chief minister of Jammu-Kashmir Mr. Farooq Abdullah said that decision to release Azhar Masood and other 2 was taken by Lalkrishna Advani and Atal Bihari Vajpeyi and he was forced to release these terrorists from the jail of Jammu-Kashmir. (Nav Bharat, 29 August 2006)
According to Mr. Lokmitra on 26 December 2000 Indian air lines IC 814 was hijacked and it was taken to Kandhar. Terrorists released hostages only when then BJP government carried by plain terrorists Masud Azhar, Ahmed Umar and Mushtaq Ahmed Jargar handed over to them. Jaswant Singh in his book mentioned that hijackers had demanded 200 million dollars (900 crores in Indian rupee), release of 36 terrorists and bones of a dead terrorist. A cabinet meeting was called to discuss on the demands of the terrorists. However Jaswant Singh did not mention what was the decision of cabinet meeting. BJP government in addition to terrorists had carried explosives in the air craft which were handed over to the hijackers. The red colored bag was not only very carefully handed over to Maulana Azhar Masood but was also verified that it is the same bag which was intended for Masood Azhar. Lokmitra asks - If the red bag did not contain explosives then what it actually contained ? (Nav Bharat, 23 July 2006)
5) Who were Terrorists and Wherefrom They Came ?
All Brahminists of Manu-media, bureaucracy, and political parties along with America and its lackeys tried to prove that all the terrorists came from Pakistan. It is unlikely that the terrorists came from Pakistan by sea while the Indian navy was carrying naval exercises at sea and no ships were allowed to go through the Mumbai area. The same question is asked by Pakistan in one of its 30+2 questions that Pakistan government has sent to government of India for their answers. It is true that ‘Mumbai Terrorists’ entered through sea but did they crossed international boarders or just took off from Gujarat or nearby seas within Indian territory ?
Colonel Sawant of Bahujan Samaj Federation said that Mumbai police commissioner Hasan Gafoor is giving false information in press conference. How he is telling that 10 terrorists came from Karachi ? Gafoor has misled people hence he should resign. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
According to sources terrorists who attacked Mumbai on 26 November 2008 had spent their night in Konkan. The terrorists had reached to Uran of Raigarh district and a politician had given them shelter. This politician had provided them food. According to sources of Mumbai police crime branch, the terrorists had remained in Uran for about 7 hours and local people had helped them. The terrorists had went to attack Mumbai from Uran in a boat. From Uran through the sea rout one can reach Mumbai in less than an hour. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
Central Railway Minister Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav made thrilling allegation of involvement of Mr. Bal Thakare and Mr. Narendra Modi in Mlegaon Bomb blasts. (Mahanayak, 7 November 2008) If it is true then is it not most likely that they might have helped in Mumbai attacks also ?
It is also most likely {some of} these boats came from Mr. Modi’s state Gujarat. Clearly, the attackers would not have come from the sea route without some kind of a connivance of Gujarat and Maharashtra Governments with the terrorists, and the connivance of RSS type Hindutva elements. This second report is more shocking--some news channels captured it but then it went off air. Pakistan has asked Indian governments 30+2 questions. In those questions one question says :-
Linkages between diamond merchant form Surat, Gujarat and some Hindus in Pakistan need to be clarified as the diamond merchant was alleged to sponsor Malegoen blasts through Col Purohit. (ANI) If these businessmen had helped in Malegaon blasts then there is every likelihood that they had also helped in Mumbai attacks.
Thousands of Mumbai police and army personnel are active members of Arya-Brahmin terror organizations like BJP, VHP, RSS, Abhinav Bharat etc., Did Narendra Modi came to Taj Hotel to watch his commandos killing of ATS chief. ( India: Pakistan "elements" behind Mumbai attacks)
Sangh Parivar fascist organizations are expert in leveling allegations against opponents in the style of "A thief himself shouts thief ! thief ! in order to save themselves". Arya-Brahminist fascists have bee applying the same policy so that nobody should notice that they themselves are the real perpetrators of accusation. In the light of this one should understand the following news :- Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi in his statement said that the Mumbai attackers had local help. (Bhaskar, 12 February 2009)
This statement of Modi was completely unexpected to Sangh Parivar organizations because Sangh Parivar has been insisting that all the terrorists had come from Pakistan. Modi's statement has put BJP and other Sangh-Parivar organizations in to tight situation which automatically raises a question that who these locals / Indians are who are so powerful to accomplish Mumbai attacks. In spite of that Modi had made this statement and put Sangh-Parivar in embarrassing situation. Therefore, Modi's statement must have a hidden motive. Does not this statement of Modi intend to tell that terrorists did not come from Gujrat so that his own skin is saved ?
Regarding Modi's behaviour in activities involving terror many questions are being asked. Few of them are mentioned below. Why Modi visited Mumbai unlike other CMs of other states? Modi immediately declared the hands of Pakistan in ‘Mumbai Terror’ - how he knows it ? He immediately declares financial aids of 1 crore to every military man killed, to Maharashtra govt, all people killed ?? Why? what is the connection of Gujarat and ‘Mumbai Terror’… Why Mr. Modi declares aid to people before Manmohan or Maharashtra CM declares? and that too much bigger amounts than them ?? was it from his pocket or from public money ? What is the reason of his ‘over smartness’ of taking the media ? Modi's behaviour should be understood from the behaviour of his political teacher Mr. Lal Krisna Advani.
Then home minister Lalkrishna Advani also used use to immediately visit the places of alleged fake encounters such as fake encounter at Palika Bazar of Delhi and other such encounters. It is suspected by many that the sole intention of the presence of then home minister Lalkrishana Advani on the very spot was to assure safety of police officers executing fake encounters.
According to Prafulla Bidwai, the big question is why Mr. Lalkrishna Adwani immediately reach at the spot of every terrorist event {such as alleged fake encounters}? Is there any deep conspiracy behind this ? Because no police officer no matter if he is encounter specialist Rajbirsingh who was involved in 6 encounters occurred in year 2000, why would take risk of any {fake} encounter unless he is assured of support at higher political level. (Lokmat Samachar, 20 November 2002)
Killings of members of ULFA and their relatives is known as secret killings in Assam. Prafulla Mohanta while defending himself revealed that during years 1998-2001 whatever number of ULFA members and their relatives were killed they were killed at the order of then central home minister Lalkrishna Advani. Alok Barua had filed a petition in supreme court alleging that Prafulla Kumar Mahanta had killed around 300 ULFA members and their relatives using surrendered ULFA members. The Assam police and central security forces were involved in these killings. (Lokmat Samachar, 30 March 2006)
A fact finding committee headed by Ex high court Justice Kolse Patil mentioned that so called attack on RSS headquarter at Nagpur was fake. Mr. Narendra Modi also had visited RSS headquarters immediately and had announced heavy reward for the police officers who allegedly had gunned down the so called terrorists. Did Modi's visit to Mumbai had the same intention of assuring his alleged Arya-Brahmin terrorists of Mumbai attacks ? Why Mr. Modi made offer of Rs. one crore to Mrs. Karkare ? Was it to keep her silent ? Why Mrs. Karkare refused Modi's offer ? Does Modi know who hired the terrorists in Mumbai and who actually killed the ATS leaders ?
Dr. Krishna had alleged that so called encounter in Ansal Plaza was fake and police brutally gunned down two unarmed youths before his very eyes. The marks made by firing also confirm the statement of Dr. Krishna as no bullet mark on walls is higher than two feet. Where the body's were lying has no place to hide and take position for encounter. Two security guards presents on the spot reported that the place was vacated by police 20 minutes earlier but some persons like Dr. Krishna were present there. (Lokmat Samachar, 8 November 2002) According to Prafulla Bidvai, Dr. Krishna have stated emphatically that the alleged terrorists did not come in Maruti car as reported by police but police themselves had brought them here. They were unarmed and could walk by efforts. Police gunned them down aiming from near. (Lokmat Samachar, 20 November 2002) The lawyers and colleagues of Prof. Gilani alleged that some police officers were behind the deadly attack on Prof. Gilani. (Lokmat Samachar, Bhaskar, 10 February 2005)
According to Alok Tomar the stories of encounters were questioned but no answers ever received. Whether the are two terrorists of Akshardham or murdering Samir Khan Pathan in the name of encounter never the raised big questions were answered. It is said that police was continuously watching those terrorists but police only gun them down after an incidence has taken place ? The terrorists cross the line of control and come to Delhi 400 km away from LOC, settle down in neighboring cities. Their activities are being monitored but their clue is received only when they were about to commit some terrorist act or has just committed. (Lokmat Samachar, 15 November 2002)
Everybody is uneasy on observing the coincidence that terrorists alleged of conspiring murder of Deputy prime minister Lalkrishna Advani before their arrest or after they are arrested one by one are being gunned down by police before they could give any statement in court. After gunning them down police and government declare them dreaded terrorists. After the encounter at Ansal Plaza government declared that they gunned down two terrorists wanted to kill Lalkrishna Advani. After Ansal Plaza encounter Lalkrishna Advani immediately reached at spot and praised Delhi police for their {allegedly fake} encounter. Earlier, Samir Khan arrested for his alleged intention to kill Lalkrishna Advani was gunned down by police in Ahmedabad. Relatives of Samir Khan said he was innocent and alleged that police in fact murdered him. Three weeks earlier Karnataka and Tamilnadu police in their joint action had gunned down alleged ISI agent Immam Ali and his four colleagues in Bangalore. People had raised questions over this encounter. There was dispute over the identification of terrorists involved in Akshardham temple of Gujarat. Regarding Red fort encounter incidence of Delhi the neighbors of alleged terrorists had raised their suspicion against police. If Dr. Krishna's allegation that there was no encounter and police killed the alleged terrorists whom the police had brought with them police department as well as home ministry come under suspicion. Police and home ministry can not evade their responsibility to remove these suspicions. (Nav Bharat, 7 November 2002)
Government closed the file of Raghunath temple attack before many questions being answered. The first attack on Raghunath temple was made on 30 March 2002 at about 9.00 A.M. and second attack was made on 24 November 2002. In both these attacks 2-2 terrorists were killed. Police had declared that the attacks were committed by Lashkar E Toeba. But the mystery of the role of third attacker whom the eye witnesses have seen but police denied his existence was never solved. In second attack police first declared that they have gunned down the third attacker. The question is not answered whether these terrorists were carried in the temple by some locals ? Because in first attack both the terrorists were dropped by a Tata Sumo in front of the temple. In second attack the terrorists had reached the "Garbhagriha" of the temple. (Lokmat Samachar, 3December 2002)
6) Jewish Nariman House : The Hub of Mumbai terrorists ?
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL. According to Heneghan after reaching Bombay shore terrorists had immediately traveled to the command and control headquarters for the paramilitary operation at the Jewish Center Nariman House. Three days of food awaited the terrorists along with sophisticated military style Blackberries, grenades and other sophisticated explosive devices to be used in the attacks. Aiding and abetting the paramilitary team was a high tech television monitoring device in the Nariman House that allowed the terrorist group to monitor the movement of Indian Police and the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force that had used the Nariman House in the past for anti-terrorist surveillance inside Mumbai. Liaison between the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force and the Israeli Shin Bet, which was used in training of the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force, were two Jewish Rabbis with dual citizenship who previously lived in New York City. ( Blowback on Subcontinent Worldwide Intel War Descends Into Anarchy by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert)
The joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force, headquartered on European soil, now reports that the Nariman House had been used to provide intelligence to the paramilitary group while they were training for this operation off the shores of Somalia. Intelligence provided to the paramilitary group, included casing out the targets for their attacks.
Some reports of the Mumbai attack indicate that the Jewish settlement at ‘Nariman House’ was also loaded with MI5, Mossad and FBI agents. International Jewish terror organization "Chabad Lubavitch", was also based at Nariman House. Why agents of the MI5, Mossad, FBI, CIA and Chabad Lubavitch were resident in India ?
Nariman House is owned by a Jewish sect and housing quarters are rented only to religious Jews passing through Mumbai. Terrorists had created a hub in Nariman House because Holtzbergs rented space to the attack planners over the past few months and thereby helped to make the operation far more effective. The terrorists came to Nariman House posing as Malaysian students and were given lodging. Why Ultra-orthodox Jews would give lodging to these unknown Malaysian Muslim students ? A Gujarati Hindu resident of Mumbai came onto TV on CNN-IBN to say at around 3.30 AM or so, that for two months suspicious activities were going in Nariman House. Lot of foreigners were seen coming in and going out. This matter was reported to the Police. But no one took action. Neighbors noticed presence of some strangers a few days before the attack. A huge mass of food was ordered by the terrorists. Large amounts of mutton and other provisions to last for several days. This food was enough for 30-40 people for several days. Were they expecting the terrorists to eat there? Also why was Nariman House not assaulted till the very last ?
According to the information with the mission, seven of the nine killed in the attack were Israeli nationals, all of them Jews. So the two people killed in Nariman House fit the Sayanim, that is Jews outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to Mossad, profile! Rabbi and his wife were willing supporters of the operation, then were sacrificed in order to have the appropriate bloody shirts to wave before the media. Zionists have always used dead Jews to build sympathy for Zionist goals and as cover for Zionist crimes against humanity. An opportunity to interrogate the Holtzbergs would have helped investigators immensely.
According to Brother Nathanael Kapne, this is not the first time the Israeli Mossad used Rabbis in black ops and other nefarious activities given the role of Rabbi Dr. Zacharie in sending the anthrax post 9/11, a chemical attack which was used to deter proper investigation of the 9/11 black op attack on the United States. The anthrax attack was also used to intimidate U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens from going forward.
"Israeli officials and Lubavitch elders confirmed later that six hostages were found dead inside. They were Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, of Brooklyn, and his Israeli wife, Rivka, 28, the Lubavitch emissaries in Mumbai who ran Nariman House; another rabbi from Brooklyn who was living in Israel, Leibish Teitelbaum; Bentzion Chroman, an Israeli with dual American citizenship; an unidentified Israeli woman; and another unidentified woman, according to Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, a Lubavitch spokesman in Brooklyn, and The Associated Press". Two unidentified "hostages" were women. But here is a strange co-incidence. Number of reports and eyewitnesses claim that at least one of the attackers was a woman.
From India Times a mystery woman had accompanied terrorists at Cama hospital. A man and a burqa clad woman entered from the gate opposite our quarters. The man started firing towards the hospital immediately after entering. The shopkeeper’s friend said, "He told me that when he saw Azam’s picture in Mumbai Mirror on Thursday, he realized it was the same youth who had visited his shop with a woman, who was also young. He mentioned they had been like any other youths." (
The four-person discrepancy noted above makes perfect sense if four of the attackers were recognizable or identifiable as Israelis, and were declared to be dead hostages to conceal their roles in the operation. The terrorists had also captured group of Israelis at Nariman house. What happened to these groups?
Autopsies conducted on the bodies of the dead including the Israelis at Nariman House would give vital clues as to their role as victims or perpetrators. Forensic science is powerful science today. Postmortem would have revealed whether they had consumed drugs enabling them to fight without fear. For example, gunpowder residue on fingers tells a tale. But Israel has requested India not to conduct post-mortems on its nationals killed in the Nariman House siege, citing what it said were privacy and religious reasons. The real reason must be that the Israel wanted to hide role of dead Israelis in the operation.
The paramilitary group also received from their liaison group at the Nariman House, sixty (60) Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force uniforms, which would be used in the terrorist attacks and allowed the Pakistani paramilitary team to disguise themselves as Indian security officials while they were conducting their attacks.
As the standoff progressed, the nanny of the two-year old child of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, Sandra Samuel, came running out with the little boy. "The orphaned two-year-old baby Moshe and his nanny Sandra Samuel, along with his maternal grandparents, left for Israel in a special Israeli military aircraft from Mumbai." Israel is planning to issue an immigration permit to the Indian nanny who saved two-year-old Moshe Holtzberg while his Jewish parents died in the Nariman House attack. Foreign minister Tzipi Livni told the cabinet yesterday that her ministry was working to grant the nanny, Sandra Samuel, a residency permit so she could live there." India should demand her return so that she could help with the investigations.
Witnesses in Cama hospital say the terrorists spoke fluent Marathi. The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. This disclosure casts fresh doubt on the origin of the terrorists. Traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad. This proves local Jewish participation beyond doubt. Or did each terrorist from an enemy nation have an Indian accomplice accompanying him? Early reports said the attackers spoke Hindi, indicating they were from India.
Indian government still holds in custody the identified Israeli Mossad agent, who, himself, was an employee of the Nariman House and was actually captured by Indian Police and held for questioning two days before the attack. The identified Israeli Mossad agent, who is claiming now that he is part of the Israeli diplomatic core, is demanding diplomatic immunity from the Indian government to avoid further interrogation. This is creating a massive crisis between the Indian and Israeli governments. The crisis was further escalated by the attempt of the Israeli government to send commandos to the Nariman House without the authorization of the Indian government. Unconfirmed reports detail an actual firefight between the Indian Anti-Terrorist Task Force and the Israeli commandos. This could clearly account for the claims of the Israeli Ambassador to India that there were up to nine (9) Israeli citizens present in the Nariman House near the end of the siege. The pending arrival of the Israeli commandos was actually communicated to the Indian government by the British Ambassador to India. (The Mossad Strikes in Mumbai By Brother Nathanael Kapne)
At this hour, some of this bogus intelligence is being given to the Indian government, NOT by a captured terrorist but an actual FBI informant, who actually walked out of the Nariman House unharmed. The U.S. FBI, headed by Robert Mueller, is sending an FBI Task Force to India to engage in Obstruction of Justice.
7) Mumbai attacks also had Involvement of Non-Jew Foreign Terrorists !
A BBC report notes, at least some of the Mumbai attackers were not Indian and certainly not Muslim. Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, described "two sprightly young men dressed in black" with AK47s who were "foreign looking, fair skinned. "Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. "They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," Amir told the BBC. ( Mumbai Terror Attack: Further Evidence Of The Anglo-American-Mossad-RSS Nexus By Amaresh Misra 03 December, 2008)
One Police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish Center (Nariman House) said the attackers were white. "I went into the building late last night" he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back".
"The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told Associated Press that two British-born Pakistanis were among the eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities." (Four Mumbai terrorists ‘had links with Britain’) Early on Indian authorities stated that, "Seven of the Mumbai terrorists were British Pakistanis," and that, "two Brits had been arrested and another five suspects were from the UK." ( Blackberry phones found on the suspects contained a lot of content connecting them with the UK. The Chief Minister of Maharashtra had early on reported that the two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages. Indian government sources claimed that seven of the terrorists who brought carnage to Mumbai were British. Two of the five were allegedly identified from passports found on their bodies. Captured gunmen are also said to have told police some of their comrades were from the UK. Britain sent in MI6 / MI5 Agents and other representatives and India immediately changed their story and blamed Pakistan. (7 MUMBAI TERRORISTS 'ARE BRITISH' By Jon Clements And Chris Hughes 29/11/2008)
There is massive evidence that Britain has been funding extremist mosques inside Britain. MI6 uses them as cannon fodder terrorists. There is also massive evidence now that there were British citizens involved in the attacks, armed with British Mp5 and machine guns, and inflatable motor boats. Andrew Marshall is a respected author; he is clearly saying here that terrorists looked like Anglo-American covert operatives. Anglo-American elite has the power to penetrate India, with the help of its own people. The presence of "foreign looking, fair skinned" commandos who calmly gunned down dozens of people after drinking a few beers indicates that the Mumbai attacks were likely the work of the Anglo-American covert intelligence operatives, not indigenous Indian Muslims.
It appears that the Mumbai Attacks involved 'white men' and there were also non-white patsies, who were there to take the blame. Indian Government said they captured seven British terrorists, but the Indian Army chief says all terrorists are dead. "Doctors who conducted the post-mortem said the bodies of the terrorists – especially their faces - were beyond recognition. This might suggest that the 'white mercenaries' killed off the patsies and made sure their faces could not be recognized. ( Asked how, they knew the bodies were indeed those of the terrorists ? doctor said that the security forces that brought the bodies told us that those were terrorists - Rediff (
Blood tests on the terrorists indicate that they consumed cocaine and LSD to sustain their energy and stay awake for 50 hours. Police say that they found syringes on the scenes of the attacks. There were also indications that they had been consuming steroids. ( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Various reports said that two to eight terrorists were captured alive. Now there is only one in police custody: what happened to the other (s) ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 Hours after the attacks began on November 26, it was reported that two terrorists were killed and two others were arrested. Later on, reports surfaced in which Indian police had killed four of the Mumbai terrorists and arrested nine of them. The international media was full of this reported capture of nine terrorists. By November 29, the story had changed. All of a sudden, Mumbai cops had only "nabbed" one terrorist. This person has effectively become the nail-in-the-coffin for laying the blame at Pakistan’s door.
The presence of American intelligence officials at the Taj that night adds another twist. There were also a group of European Union officials present at the Taj for an Indo-European Union summit. A handful of CIA agents were also among those dead at the Taj Hotel and were also present at the Oberoi Palace. According to Asian intelligence sources a large number of Mossad officers used the Trident-Oberoi as a base of operations, along with the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Chabad House. There were European officials who had just arrived in one hotel and after ten minutes they left, just before the attacks!
In a video message Mustafa Abu al Yazid military commander of Al-queda in Afghanistan has threatened to launch more Mumbai-Style terrorist attacks on India if India tried to harm Pakistan. (The Hindu, 11 February 2009) Considering the fact that Al-Qaeda is CIA's creation the above statement is delivered to suggest that the Mumbai attacks were made by Pakistan and Al-Qaeda. Thus the statement clearly accomplishes Mossad-CIA plan to implicate Pakistan in Mumbai attacks. But the statement of Interpol chief has foiled their plan :-
Interpol chief Ronald K. Nobel in his statement mentioned that seven nations had hand in Mumbai attacks. He also said that Pakistan investigating agencies are correctly following the investigations. (Mahanayak, Bhaskar, 9 March 2009)
8) Why Real number of Terrorists being Suppressed ?
Police insist that fifteen terrorists came ashore. Nine are dead and one is in custody. Where are the other five? Where is the woman terrorist?
It is also asked that there was information of 19 terrorists had come then where are the remaining nine terrorists ? (Bhaskar, 30 November 2008)
The events in VT and Cama and the back lane also put a question mark over the reported story. According to witnesses, two gunmen started firing at the mainline terminus in VT at 21.55 on Wednesday night, but at precisely the same time, according to CCTV footage, two gunmen began an assault on the suburban terminus. If the first account is true, there were four gunmen at the station: where did the other two come from, and where did they go? We are shown video footage, claiming to be CCTV but without the timeline of normal CCTV footage, of Kasab and Ismail wandering around the parking lot near the mainline terminus. This surely cannot be before the shootout, since the station is completely deserted; and after the shootout, Kasab and Ismail are supposed to have escaped via the footbridge from Platform 1 of the suburban station on the other side of VT: this, again, suggests there were four gunmen. Several people have pointed out that one of the terrorists in VT was wearing a saffron wrist-band, a Hindu custom. (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 How did the invaders from the sea get one bomb to go off in Dockyard Road and another in Vile Parle, 25 kilometers away, at around 11.30 pm ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008 If the attacks were restricted to South Mumbai for logistical reasons, who was responsible for the explosion on the taxi near the Santa Cruz airport in northwest Mumbai, which is located at least 25 km from Colaba?
DNA report, on 2 December, said that sub-inspector Durgude, who had been posted in front of St Xavier’s College, between Cama Hospital and the exit point of the back lane onto Mahapalika Road, saw two young men whom he took to be students and called out to warn them that there was firing at Cama. When they ignored him, he approached them, upon which one of them turned an AK47 on him and killed him. If Kasab and Ismail were there, who was firing inside Cama ? Eye-witnesses in St Xavier’s saw a man shot and lying on the pavement in front of the college around 12.30 a.m., while about three gunmen stood over him: who was that ? (The Mumbai Terror Attacks: Need For A Thorough Investigation By R.H. 08 December, 2008
The number of weapons and amount of explosive found and used in Taj hotel can not be handled by 4 persons alone. Nor such huge ammunition can be carried from shore to Taj hotel by foot. (Mahanayak, 3 December 2008)
Colonel Sudhir Sawant said that looking at the number of weapons and amount of explosives used in Mumbai attacks at least 50 terrorists must have participated in the attacks. Then what happened to the remaining terrorists ? To protect democracy in India it is mot important to conduct free and fair inquiry of Mumbai attacks. Instead Manumedia is avoiding these vital issues and are busy in developing particular mentality {war frenzy against Pakistan}. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008)
How could 10 terrorists whatever amount of ammunitions, AK-47s and other explosives might be with them could hold massive Hotels like Taj and Oberoi to ransom and shoot at Jewish centre, CST (railway station) and Cama Hospital simultaneously ? At different times different numbers were given, It hardly stands to reason how so few terrorists could kill on such a scale and hold on for 72 hours. It appears to be incredible.
How were so few men able to do so much harm? By no logic can anyone believe that nine separate sites in a city could be held to ransom by just 10 men. We are told to believe that for three days, four men held control of the Taj hotel. Reportedly two gunmen were able to take over the Oberoi. Either the alleged Pakistani trained commandos are at least 100 times superior to the combined force of the Indian forces A to Z or this was merely a drama orchestrated by the intelligence agencies in India to achieve ulterior motives - just like the 9/11 was used by the CIA to attack Afghanistan & Iraq. The attacks must have involved at least 100 operatives with intimate knowledge of Mumbai locals. (
9) What is Truth behind Kasab ?
1) Terrorists are guerilla fighters and don’t fight with the kind of precision that special Forces do. Terrorists of Mumbai attacks were very professional. They split into small groups of twos and threes so while one casually reloaded, there was another still firing to cover him. Such highly trained killers who could execute such a mission with so much precision would not openly confess and reveal his groups sources within minutes of being captured. In fact these people would kill themselves first.
2) Kasab had been instructed to fight to the death. He says he is a laborer from Faridkot near Multan and only studied up to Class IV, but it is reported that he speaks fluent English.
3) It is told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan. (BBC NEWS Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone' / Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men' )
4) It is told that the gunmen who shot Karkare spoke fluent Marathi and then we are told that it was Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend shot Karkare. The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad. There is doubt, therefore, that Ajmal Amir did the shooting that he is supposed to have done. (
5) Reports about Ajmal Amir are contradictory and confusing 1) It is told that he stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment it is told that he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree. ( Terrorists stayed in room 630, had many visitors) 2) There are reports that he had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds. (
Vinita Kamte wife of ATS officer Kamte told The Hindu in an interview " Police should have come out with true facts much earlier, on the next day , instead of waiting for me to uncover the facts". After the incident, she and her sister who is a practicing lawyer, spent several days meeting eye-witnesses and people involved in the Cama hospital incident and they have come up with some shocking facts. "When I heard the news of his death , the first thing I asked was did he hit back ? I was told he shot Kasab and he had injured him in both the hands". She says. (The Hindu, 11 January 2009) P. Chitambaram also had given statement of the activities of the ATS officers reported in The Hindu, dated 24 December 2008. According to this statement " One of the occupants of Qualis vehicle returned fire which caused injuries to the hand of one of the terrorists (later identified as Mohammed Ajmal Amir). Now the basic question is if Kamte had shot and injured both the hands of the "Kasab " then who this Kasab is who is unhurt of bullets ?
6) Pakistan’s The News reported earlier this week that "A Pakistani lawyer C M Farooque claimed that many people, including Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces." Farooque said he was contacted by Kasab’s parents and had filed a petition with the Nepalese Supreme Court with regard to the disappeared individuals last February. "The people arrested in Nepal," the report added, "had gone there on legal visa for business but Indian agencies were in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicated them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan." ( Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks Jeremy R. Hammond Foreign Policy Journal December 21, 2008)
Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so they could be later entrapped in cases of fake currency and subversion' and then be coerced to spy for India." ( Indian Raw + Israeli Mossad Vs. Pakistan And Islam)
7) Why Kasab is wearing a Hindu religious symbol in his right wrist if he is a Muslim ? or Was he converted to Brahmin Religion by saffron security forces of India ?
Many Hindu religious sources including Wikipedia clearly say that such bands are worn by far-right Hindus on their right arms (by males) and left arms (by females). They were also worn by Hindu extremists when they were openly slaughtering Muslims in Gujarat and Christians in Orissa. Some religious sources say that the wearing of these bangles signify the "good-luck charm for the fulfillment of any religious undertaking".
8) According to Wayne Madsen ( 1) The security camera shot of Qasab, the "lone surviving gunman," appears fake because the angle is too narrow for a train station which would have a wider angle and be shot from higher up than the photo being shopped by the Indian police." (
10) Why these Holes in Police Story ?
1) Why is it that they always leave something behind which is traceable to the "source". Remember the Arabic flight manuals and a copy of the Quran IN 9/11. What is the use taking IDs and Credit cards with them, They certainly won't be planning shopping after creating such Disaster.
2) Why did the terrorists not blow up the full building itself? What can be the reason for this ? One will not believe that they do not have the ammunition for that or planning. If they wanted they could have done it.
3) There are thousands of Pakistanis working for Mossad. This all seems to be part of a bigger game by Israel and USA of arms sales and proxy control of India.
4) some of the ammunition was china made!
5) Unlike other terrorists, Terrorists in Mumbai have not demanded anything specific ? They don't demand release of their co-prisoners nor demanded money... why ?? what was their target then?
6) The intelligence agency should recognizes the following pattern of 13, 26, 13, 26 skipping one month May 13, 2008: Jaipur Blasts; July 26, 2008: Ahmedabad Blasts; Sept. 13, 2008 : New Delhi Blasts; Nov. 26, 2008: Mumbai Attacks. One never really quite know what to make of those date patterns. They just creep out. 911 days after 9/11/01 we had the Madrid bombings. 911 days after the murder in the Netherlands of politician Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh was murdered. Both assassinations had an abundance of evidence of being inside jobs. And now this. One has no idea what to make of it, but it always turns up.
Here it must be remembered that the Zionist illuminati who rules the world through its proxies is Satan-worshiper and America itself contain many Satanic symbols. Enough material is available on internet in this regard.
7) Ali and Qamar, who have spent years in jail, are only two examples out of hundreds of Muslims who have been similarly jailed, tortured, and even killed on false charges. ( Arundhati Roy: The Monster In The Mirror 15 December, 2008 Outlook India) Is Kasab one of them ?
11) Are Security Lapses Deliberate ?
India’s intelligence services had delivered at least three precise warnings that a major terrorist attack on Mumbai was imminent, highly-placed government sources have told "The Hindu". (The Hindu November 29th, 2008). The Sunday Express has learnt that on November 19, just about a week before the attack, one of the intelligence agencies had circulated "top secret" information on the basis of an intercept the previous day that an attack had been planned from sea on Mumbai and would be effected very soon. While November 26 was not mentioned as a precise date, sources said, another date before the day of the attack was specified. It also said the terrorists could probably come by an Indian fishing trawler. This input was passed on for further analysis to the National Security Council Secretariat and Joint Intelligence Council. Subsequently, this was shared with the Navy and the Coast Guard. Also, it was sent in the form of an advisory to Maharashtra. However, somewhere through the entire process, the seriousness and authenticity of the input were interpreted differently by different agencies. However, weaknesses in police manpower and training allowed the attacks to proceed, the sources said. The Sunday Express, November 29th, 2008 ( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari)
Australia knew about this attack two weeks before and issued travel warnings accordingly. Why India knew nothing about it ? Indian Maritimes Union knew about "guns and weapons were unloaded". Why Indian Security knew noting about it? (
It is also said that U.S. intelligence agencies warned India of a possible terrorist attack on Mumbai from the sea at least a month CNN said. But it Looks like Indian Police were ordered to allow it. The Delhi-based Times of India questioned : "How did terrorists — at least 20 of them — seem to have come in rubber dinghies and evade the entire security establishment ?" Neither the Indian Coast Guard, nor the Rangers, nor the Maritime Security Agency, nor the police or army could trace, track, follow or stop this band of supermen. What was the Navy doing? Why could the Indian Coast Guard not prevent the arrival of two boats? How did the supermen from the two boats walk around with Klashnikovs on the shore without being detected? ( Mumbai False Flag? Some Inexplicable Questions For India! By Moin Ansari)
Chief of India's Naval Staff, Adm. Suresh Mehta said that terrorists' entry into Mumbai aboard a trawler appeared to indicate a "systemic failure" by the law enforcement agencies, (Plugging Maritime Security Holes Indian, U.S. Officials Glean Lessons From Mumbai Attacks By DEFENSE NEWS STAFF Published: 8 December 2008) Mr. Mehta said that they had released the ship of terrorists because they had proper documents. (Bhaskar, 3 December 2008) Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters that "There have been lapses. I would be less than truthful if I said there had been no lapses" . ('s official admits lapses in Mumbai attacks) But none of the above officers explained reasons for these deliberate security lapses.
Maharashtra State Home Minister did a turnaround on Thursday by admitting that intelligence information was received on the terror attacks in response to insistent questioning by Devendra Phadnavis of the BJP. He said though that the intelligence report was sent to the Naval Intelligence and the Coast Guard. Mr. Patil had to clarify amid slogan-shouting by the Opposition, which was dissatisfied on several counts. The intelligence advisory in question DIB UO No 21/JTF 7 Nodal/2008(23)-4405 dated November 19, 2008 from the Intelligence Bureau signed by Prabhakar Alok gave information on a possible terror attack from the sea and also mentioned the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mr. Phadnavis submitted. Mr. Patil clarified that the government did not receive the said advisory and in any case it was not specific. ("Karkare was killed in brush firing by terrorists" Meena Menon)
Maharashtra government on 17 Dec 2008 announced a high-level probe against director general of police A.N. Roy and commissioner of police Mumbai Hasan Gafoor over their alleged lapses during the Mumbai terror attack. The politicians are alleging that Police Commissioner Hassn Gafoor and DGP A.N Roy sat in the control rooms as Mumbai burned. Allegations that the police officers are believed to have called ‘motivated’. ( Where were Gafoor, Roy while Mumbai burnt? Thursday, December 18, 2008)
It was demanded that the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crimes (MCOCA) be applied on Maharashtra Director-General of Police A.N. Roy, Mumbai Police Commissioner Hasan Gafoor and Additional Chief Secretary (home) Chitkala Zutshi, for being aware of the attack and doing nothing to prevent it. Mr. Kadam said Section 11 (3) of MCOCA had given powers to book these people. ("Karkare was killed in brush firing by terrorists" Meena Menon) Chief minister of Maharashtra declared in assembly that in connection with Mumbai attacks the role of police officer Anami Roy and Hasan Gafoor will be investigated by high level inquiry committee. (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
A court of Jaipur considering media news has asked president of India permission to start cases against central Home minister, defense minister and ship ministers for not doing their duty properly. Court said that because of negligence of these ministers Mumbai terrorist attack become possible. Court also asked permission to start cases against navy chief of Deccan Command and the chief of Costal Guards. In addition to that court also asked permission from Maharashtra governor to start cases against then home minister, chief home secretary and Mumbai Police Commissioner. The judge Mr. Dinesh Chand Gupta in his order issued on 10 January 2009 considered above personals guilty in his first observation. According to him all these persons have neglected their duty resulting in Mumbai attacks. (Lokmat Samachar, 11 January 2009)
Firoz Mithiborwala said that RAW had given in advance the information of impending terrorist attack on Mumbai to the government. Raw had received this information by intercepting talks between terrorists on satellite phone. Raw had submitted its file to National Security Advisor Narayanan but he ignored it. Firoz Mithiborwala alleged that Narayanan is an American agent hence he should be removed from his job. (Mahanayak, 4 December 2008) If Narayanan did not give any instructions after receiving prior information of Mumbai attacks then he should be charged with national treachery. The persons behind Narayanan who stopped him to give instruction to prevent the attacks should also be charged with the national treachery. (Mahanayak, 3 December, 2008)
Home and Jail minister Nitin Raut in a meeting of high level police officers asked them why none of the 185 AK 47 rifles were used against the terrorists who attacked Mumbai. He asked where were these 185 AK 47 rifle at the time of Mumbai attack ? (Lokmat Samachar, 18 December 2008)
The commandos did not arrive at Nariman House until the next day. India's Crisis Management Group (CMG) is supposed to get to work within minutes of an attack. But it was nowhere in evidence.
The NSG commandos based in Mehram Nagar, Palam Airport, Delhi took 10 hours to reach the terrorists. They were ready at 01:00 but had to wait for 3 hours, until 03:15 for an aircraft to arrive from Chandigarh, when the policy is that a plane be at Palam permanently. The NSG commandos landed at Mumbai Airport at 05:15, but had to wait 1 hour for the Bombay Police to arrange a few BEST buses for them. They reached the Taj Mahal hotel and the Oberoi Trident hotel at 07:00, but initially were not given detailed maps of the hotels. Furthermore, the operations in the Taj Mahal hotel and Nariman House were conducted under full glare of the media, which may have assisted the terrorists by taking away the element of surprise. ( 2008 Mumbai attacks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Why was not anything done in terms of jamming the frequencies of the satellite phones? Satellite phones use a different frequency than normal mobile phones so a frequency jammer could have been installed in the hotel vicinity?
Why was there so much delay in getting the NSG unit from Pune ?
According to Vinita Kamte wife of dead ATS officer said after her own investigation " There was no help and reinforcement were sent". Worst still, there were many calls made to the control room by people near the Cama Hospital who saw the two terrorists. Yet no one told these police officers {Kamte etc.) that they were there. "Outside the Cama hospital my husband understood the gravity of situation along with the other officers, and he spoke to someone saying they needed the Army and extra reinforcements. That did not come and worse, his escort vehicle carrying tear gas shells and ammunition was stopped by a police cordon from going near him and helping out." "That escort car could have saved their lives" she points out. (The Hindu, 11 January 2009)
Armed Indian police refused to open fire on the gunmen even though people cowering under cover pleaded with them to do something to stop the massacres. ( Anand Shelgaonkar, a cleaner at the station, saw one of the two terrorists throw a hand grenade. The railway police were ineffective.
What angered Mr D’Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back," reports the Belfast Telegraph. There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything. He said At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons but they just didn’t shoot back.
Sebastian D'Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city's Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. "Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop," he recalled. "The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down." But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D'Souza added: "I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera." ( Re: G7 Sponsored India False Flag Terror Operation EXPOSED! (Target: BRIC unity)
The 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn't there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people merrily. Then Karkare must have been told--and he went there expecting Mumbai police personals to be there--but there were none or only a few! And he was killed !
When Hemant Karkare on walking had reached Chatrapati Shivaji Turminus (CST), the railway police officers and Mumbai police officers meet him. They told Karkare that after indiscriminately firing inside CST two terrorists have ran away towards Anjuman road of Time of India building. Karkare along with his team immediately started in the direction the terrorists had run. The question is asked that why under this emergency the railway and Mumbai police did not accompany Karkare ? Why they had not went themselves behind those terrorists ? If they had done this life of Karkare could have been saved. (Bhaskar, 30 December 2008)
BBC news (By Adam Mynott) reports that guests trapped in a Mumbai hotel seized by gunmen last month have told the BBC they were given instructions by police that led to death of more people. Police told a group hiding in the Taj Mahal Palace hotel that it was safe to leave the building, a survivor said. But members of the group were shot and killed by militant gunmen as they were making their way out. Dr Mangeshikar held back He said I was a little suspicious that the police were actually sending these guys down a different route where the terrorists were supposed to be. I refused to move away and the people who ran ahead of me, about 20 or 30 of them, all of them died. A dress designer from the city says her aunt was shot dead and her cousin seriously wounded because they followed police instructions to try to leave. The designer, Shilpa, described the police conduct as disgraceful. The senior policeman in charge of the operation in the hotel has denied the allegations against his officers. ( ’Staged’ Mumbai Drama, Hotel Guests Testify by Ammar)
Did the people were allowed to be killed because they new something or had photographed on their cell-phones which would have revealed the real conspiracy ? Were there any photographs of the terrorists taken by hostages on cell phone cameras?
Hundreds of people got out of the Taj at 3-4am. Were all of them questioned ? Kunal a blogger heard from a guy who escaped from the Taj on Aaj Tak. He said that he saw a lot of security personnel, but none of them questioned him when he escaped from the rear of the Taj. This means that the terrorists as well could don a normal citizen’s clothes and escape without any questions asked. Some of them after getting rid of their guns and just walking out of the hotel, pretending to be one of the hotel guests?
If the terrorists are killed, why are the photographs not released? This would have helped intelligence agencies across the states and other countries to check their background. How all major western media failed to report what the captured ‘terrorists’ said as reported in stories from Indian and other regional press outlets. This seems to confirm that the captured ‘terrorists’ have been assassinated by the Indian police in order to avoid disclosing the real cover- up to the world. Google search for MUMBAI + CAPTURED + TERRORIST … show, clearly, that many of the killers were captured quite alive.
The Kolkata police have arrested two persons including Mukhtar Ahmed (a Special Police Officer) for obtaining SIM cards for mobile phones using forged documents. SIM card recovered from the mobile of one of the Mumbai gunmen, called Ismail, was among those supplied by Mukhtar Ahmed. One of the two Indian men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks was a counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said. Senior police officers in Indian Kashmir demanded the release of their officer, Mukhtar Ahmed, saying he was one of their own and had been involved in infiltrating Kashmiri militant groups. Ahmed was a Special Police Officer, part of a semiofficial counterinsurgency network whose members are usually drawn from former militants. The force is run on a special funding from the federal Ministry of Home Affairs. "Sometimes we use our men engaged in counterinsurgency ops to provide SIM cards to the (militant) outfits so that we track their plans down," said the officer. If indeed the SIM cards were part of counterinsurgency ops to track militant plans down, then how is that Mr. Ahmed, the undercover police officer, missed such a complex and significant operation by terrorists who had SIM cards provided through him ? ( Indian police arrest 2 men in Mumbai investigation By AIJAZ HUSSAIN, Associated Press Writer; Mumbai Terrorism: Disturbing New Revelations Raises Important Questions and Specter of Inside Job Posted by Amad on December 7th, 2008) Three of at least 37 SIM cards procured from Kolkata and nearby areas and sent to Pakistan were used in Mumbai terror attacks, highly-placed sources said. The SIM cards were not only for use during the Mumbai strikes but part of a bigger design which a STF team has gone to Kashmir to investigate", the source said. ( 3 Kolkata SIM cards used in Mumbai attacks)
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