Test Tube Brinjal,Corporate Accountability and Workplace, ILO
Our people do not read all the RUBBISH ELECTION Manifestos IRRELEVANT.
The SOCIALIST Pattern and Slogans misleading, Issues diverted and demographic equations would rather confuse their natural vision and wisdom!
GM seeds and chemical package have overtaken Indian Agriculture struck by CONSUMERISM, Deculturisation, Degeneration, SEX and DRUG Market and retail chain!
Gestapos, Mafia, Builders and Promoters protected by ruling Hegemonies do rule RURAL world!
Displacement and Mass Destruction, Exodus and Ethnic Cleansing are the popular Themes of Indian districts and villages!
Neither the society nor the Politics care to address the issues challenging the Majority Indigenous people despite Nationwide so called Pre Poll Democrat Mobilisation.
The persecuted and depressed productive forces as well as degenerated social forces including the GENERATION Next have not been included in any EQUATION of the Power brokers including the Intelligentsia, Psephologists and the Toilet Media!
Generation Next has no role to play in decision making but the INVALID Retired Inactive Perverted Polluted Corrupt Micro Minority holds the Key of Power.
Thus, JOB Loss is the trend.
ILO, the INTERNATIONAL labour Organisation has become as IRRELEVANT as the Indian TRADE UNIONS are! It has failed as the LEAGUE of NATIONS and UNITED Nations both failed.
Corporate accountability and workplace conditions are never considered while PUMPING Money, Resources and Relief into the Greedy KILLER MONEY machine!
Hire and Fire is in VOGUE!
No recovery!
It is only BAIL OUT bypassing the Parliament and killing the Constitutions.
The Great Indian Democracy has been transformed into a TEST TUBE BRINJAL TOXIC enough to kill the BHARATVARSH and its nationalities and identities!
Desi ILLUMINITI in shaping has taken over the POLITY as well as the ECONOMY!
Society and every unit and institution of the society is degenerated as the JANAPAD, RURAL WORLD has been destroyed along with Indigenous Production system, Livelihood and PRODUCTIVE forces consisting of Aboriginal, Indigenous, Minority communities - the BLACK UNTOUCHABLES to sustain the MANUSMRITI apartheid RULE in this divided Bleeding subcontinent!
We are COLONISED and won`t be FREE in near FUTURE even if the MOON and the MARS are colonised!
The Corporate IMPERIALISM would never free the periphery economies as they tend to CAPTURE all Natural Resources with MONOPOLISTIC AGGRESSION!
The HYPOCRITE most Communists, Marxists and Maoists have been leading the PEASANT and TRADE UNION movements. But they failed to mobilise whatsoever RESISTANCE to protect the interests of the Peasants, WORKERS and the Productive forces. Rather they bank on the false mobilisation of Social Forces.
Thus, the PROGRESSIVE ELEMENTS of Indian nation, in fact, cooperated with the FASCIST and Imperialist forces to implement the agenda of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. They are the part and parcel of the RULING Hegemony and use Marx, Lenin and STALIN and MAO very well to pursue the PROGRAMME of genocide culture.
All the ELECTION Manifestos , hence are as BOGUS and FRAUD as the REVOLUTIONARY Ideologies and IDEOLOGUES!
Disinvestment always has been a CONSENSUS affair as has been every event of the legislation of Anti People laws including the labour laws.
Indian Politics never dares to Challenge India Incs, FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM, SEBI, RBI, corporates and MNCS. In reality, the ZIONIST Brahaminical elements do lead the POLITICAL ECONOMY. The WORLD BANK Slaves, IMMORAL IMPOSTORS and gangsters lead the Government.
No body dares to ask for CORPORATE Accountability!
No body dares to stand with the workers and the peasants and even with the UNEMPLOYED Generation Next!
Headline : Test tube brinjal
Savvy Soumya Misra And
Kirtiman Awasthi
India is on the verge of clearing its first genetically modified food crop, Bt brinjal, with several others in the pipeline. Does India need GM crops? Are they safe? How much does the consumer know?
On January 14, a meeting happened in room 23 on the sixth floor of the Union environment ministry building in Delhi. On the ministry’s regulatory body’s agenda was a historic item: permission for the commercial cultivation of India’s first genetically modified food crop. Everybody expected the body, the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (geac, the clearing house for all gm crops in India), to clear Bt brinjal on the basis of test results submitted by seed company Mahyco, which has developed the crop.
geac was forced to delay a decision on the approval till April 2009. This, because of two reports that found their way to the meeting.For India’s small but highly active and well-networked anti-GM lobby had managed to get their hands on Mahyco’s test results through a Right to Information petition. They sent the results to several independent scientists for review. Two scientists got back. Their analyses showed inconsistencies in Mahyco’s interpretation of the test results. They also showed the tests were inadequate.
The analyses reached the geac because of two important changes in how India regulates GM crops. One, the Delhi High Court ruled, in March 2008, that geac is bound to provide information on GM crop trials under the Right to Information Act. geac had refused previous requests for making public test results, arguing the seed companies were entitled to protect their intellectual property. Two, the Supreme Court appointed its representative, Pushpa Bhargava, former director of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, as an observor to the geac. This the court did in response to a petition that questioned India’s handling of gm crops. Anti- gm groups have alleged that geac works under the influence of the gm seed industry, and hence its decisions are not independent. In 2006, it permitted Mahyco to carry out field trials of Bt brinjal, ignoring protests by non-profits (see timeline: Bt brinjal in India).
With Bhargava in the committee, and two scientific analyses questioning the company’s claims, the geac could not clear Bt brinjal for commercial cultivation. When geac meets in April, its sub-committee may examine the two analyses and Mahyco’s response. If it gives the green signal to the seed company, geac will give Bt brinjal the nod.
This is the sub-committee—with the same members—which had cleared the 2006 field trials. Bhargava has said repeatedly that such a committee is pointless unless it comprises experts independent of the body. Rakesh Tuli, geacmember, claimed the sub-committee would not take any decision against the country’s interests. Bhargava assured Bt brinjal would not be commercialized till all the safety assessments were completed. But his influence in geac is limited since he has no voting rights. He can advise the committee and if the committee does not act accordingly he has the choice to take the case to the apex court.
G V Ramanjaneyulu of the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, a non-profit in Hyderabad, said geac’s regulatory will is questionable.He gave the example that geac did not keep tabs on the seed stock of Bt brinjal from the initial trials. Thegm seed industry defends geac. “There is nothing wrong with Bt brinjal seeds, otherwise the regulatory body wouldn’t have granted approval,” said Sanjiv Anand, director of the All India Crop Biotechnology Association.
So, Bt brinjal could be in India’s farms in a matter of months. And Indian consumers would not know if what they are buying is genetically modified brinjal or not—the aubergines would carry no labels, and would not be segregated from natural genetically unmodified aubergines. Because Indian regulators do not believe consumers ought to have a choice about eating GM food, and that GM crops are safe for humans and the environment. Are they to be believed?
Score card
The international debate on GM crops is highly polarized. Its proponents, mostly industry and governments, and think-tanks that lean towards the two, argue GM crops are safe because they are not too different from non-GM crops. This is called the principle of substantial equivalence, which is not very clear in itself, but holds that if a novel or GM food can be shown to be equivalent in composition to an existing food, it can be considered safe.
Anti-GM groups, mostly non-governmental and consumer rights outfits, say the precautionary principle should be used to regulate GM. This requires that proponents of any new technology that may pose a threat to people’s health or environment must prove it is harmlessness before it is accepted.
Bt brinjal could be the world’s first GM food crop. Crops like GM corn and GM soy are cleared only for animal feed in the US. But in their processed forms, they are used for human consumption
Given this polarization, and the fact that GM relies intensively on technology, scientific evidence becomes essential. The question is: what did the two studies say thatgeac had to withhold Bt brinjal’s clearance?
The first report, by Gilles-Eric Seralini, a biochemist with the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering, found that Mahyco had left out statistically significant differences between GM and control groups in its report to the geac (see box: Seralini report).
In the other analysis, the researcher reviewed Mahyco’s food safety evaluation of Bt brinjal. Judy Carmen, director of the Institute of Health and Environmental Research, a non-profit working on genetically modified organisms (gmos), found errors in Mahyco’s research methodology, which, she said, needs correction (see box: Carmen report). She said Mahyco had not assessed the likelihood of a change in the genetic expression of the plant after the insertion of a gene and that no tests were conducted to determine whether the modified genes could degrade upon cooking or was digestible.
Mahyco claimed it did not find any significant difference between Bt brinjal and non-Bt brinjal in the biosafety tests. The company said it carried out toxicity and allergenicity studies on rats and its impact on soil microbes. It also assessed the impact on beneficial insects and the environment. Based on these, the geac cleared them for large-scale field trials. But the data is generated and analyzed by the company itself, said Suman Sahai, geneticist and convenor of the non-profit Gene Campaign. “There have been instances when companies have fudged data for obvious reasons.”
Brinjal factfile Bt brinjal in India
India produces about 7.6 million tonnes of brinjal from 472,000 hectares with an average productivity of 16.3 tonnes per hectare
Major brinjal producing states are Orissa, Bihar, Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh
India ranks second to China in the global production of brinjal with a share of 26 per cent
Its roots and stems are used in traditional preparations. This is used largely in treatment for rheumatism, asthma and heart disease
Brinjal is also considered a common home remedy for Type 2 diabetes2000 Breeding for integration of Bt gene-Cry1Ac-into brinjal hybrids
2001-02 Preliminary evaluation to study growth, development and efficacy of Bt brinjal
2002-04 Field trials begin
2004-05 Data on the effects of Bt brinjal on soil microflora efficacy against fruit-shoot borer, pollen flow and chemical composition submitted to the Review Committee on Genetic Modification (RCGM)
2004 RCGM approves conducting multi-location research trials of eight Bt brinjal hybrids
2004-07 Multi-location research trials conducted by Mahyco and All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
2006-07 Data submitted to Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC)
2007-08 GEAC approved eight Bt brinjal hybrids for large-scale field trials. Trials conducted
2008-09 GEAC approved the experimental seed production of seven Bt Brinjal hybrids on 0.1 acre per hybrid
2009 Under consideration for commercial release
How India regulates GM crops
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Is Bt brinjal needed?
Bt brinjal draws its name from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, also used in insecticidal sprays. In the 1980s, biotechnology companies identified the Bt gene that has insecticidal properties. They synthesized this gene, and inserted it in crops to give them in-built pesticides. When an insect feeds on a crop with this Bt gene, the Bt toxin disrupts its digestive system and kills it.
Its proponents argue it could save crops and benefit farmers. “The brinjal crop suffers 50-70 per cent damage due to the fruit and shoot borer (pest). This loss translates to Rs 1,000 crore per annum,” said M K Sharma, general manager, Mahyco, which is developing Bt brinjal under a licence from the US agri-biotech giant Monsanto. “Studies have shown that Bt brinjal farmers would use 70 per cent less insecticide to control the disease and 42 per cent less to control other insects.” Increased yields would mean higher profits and farmers are likely to earn at least Rs 16,000-19,000 per hectare, he claimed. But would there be a concomitant increase in the price of seed? Sharma refused comment.
Brinjal farmers agreed pests are a problem but they are also worried about the cost of transgenic seeds. Hidayat Ali, a farmer from Budaun in Uttar Pradesh, brings a truckload of vegetables, mostly brinjals, three times in 15 days to the Azadpur mandi in Delhi. The mandi is Asia’s largest vegetable market. He spends Rs 2,500 on pesticides and fertilizers on about an acre on which he grows brinjals. “I lose half my produce to the fruit and shoot borer. I have no knowledge of Bt brinjal,” he said. “Pest attacks depend on the weather. They are the worst in summers and monsoons. How can any seed variety fight weather conditions? Besides, buying Bt brinjal seeds would add to my costs,” he added, worried.
Fertilizers are also increasingly used in areas under transgenic crops. In 2008, the Andhra Pradesh state agriculture university recommended a 15 per cent increased fertilizer use to improve yields in Bt cotton. Monsanto spokesperson in India clarified that fertilizer requirement for GM crops is the same as that of non-GM crops. But then contamination of non-GM crops is also a problem. To avoid contamination, the land on which the GM crop is sown should not have grown a crop the previous year. GM crops follow a rigid crop rotation cycle and imposing it on small farmers is not practical, said farmers’ rights activists. To keep cross-pollination at bay, GM and non-GM crops need to maintain an isolation distance.
A 2008 study by the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture did not find any Bt cotton production plot adhering to the prescribed isolation distance in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. Self-pollinating crops like wheat and rice need smaller isolation distances and cross pollinating crops, like mustard, require isolation distances of three to four km. “This seems impossible to implement,” said Sahai. “Crops in adjoining fields are planted up to the boundaries so that they touch each other.”
Studies have also recorded that pests can resist the genetic technology. In 2006, a Cornell University, US, study had found that Bt cotton farmers in the US cut pesticide use significantly in the first three years of cultivation but had to spray as much as conventional farmers thereafter, and ended up with a net average income of 8 per cent less than conventional cotton farmers.
238 varieties of 56 GM plants are in various stages of trial. This includes 169 varieties of 41 food crops
Bt cauliflower, Bt cabbage...
… Bt rice, chickpea, groundnut, maize, mustard, okra, pigeon pea, potato, tomato, watermelon, papaya and sorghum have also got approval for field trials from the geac. There are 238 varieties of 56 GM plants at different stages of trials in India. This includes 41 food crops (see map). GM soy and GM corn were approved in the US as animal feed, though their processed forms like soy oil, degummed soy and corn chips have been cleared for human consumption.
“A food crop is consumed as a whole. GM India Inc
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In its processed form, the traces of genes are reduced below a level,” said said Bhaskar Goswami of the Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security. “The US considers this level safe for human consumption but human field trials haven’t been conducted.”
GM rice is the next in line for clearance. According to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications, insect resistant GM rice and golden rice would lead the new GM crops for commercial use. But the golden rice project has run into trouble and a group of scientists have said golden rice was inadequately characterized in the literature, unauthorized and untested on animals.
People working on the golden rice project acknowledged there were at least four human feeding trials in China and the US, which involved about 50 people including children and that no animal feeding trials were carried out before that. In the information posted on the US Clinical Trials website, it is not mentioned that golden rice is a GM crop.
GM rice could also mean losses in trade. “Various varieties are being modified, including basmati. The European Union has strict traceability norms and does not allow GM rice. That is a major market we might lose,” said Goswami.
Who needs GM crops?
In India, agri-biotech industry officials promote genetic modification as a means for food security. “We don’t need Bt brinjal or any GM food crop. gmos have nothing to do with food security,” said Rajeshwari Raina, senior fellow at the Centre for Policy Research. She asked how could the companies claim that gmos are safe for consumption when there is not enough research. With the right agriculture practices, India can produce a lot more, she said.
The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, which worked to develop a new approach to world food production for five years, has also said that GM is not a solution for cheap food. Its director Robert Watson said more research is required to establish the benefits of GM crops—both to humans and the environment.
“Bt brinjal might be important for companies but not for the current food security status,” said Sachin Chaturvedi, international trade policy analyst with Research and Information System for Developing Countries. “Over the past 14 years, there has been a continuous stagnation in the green revolution crops so there is a need to wisely use genetic modification to improve productivity.” A part from Bt, there could be other technological interventions which could be explored, he said. Of the GM research in India over 40 per cent are based on just Bt. “We need to see what is viable for the country and whether we have the mechanisms for it in place.”
In 2005, the Indian government had accepted in Parliament that the country did not have analytical methods to detect GM ingredients in food or laboratory techniques for biosafety analysis. The statement was in response to a question on adequate infrastructure to detect gmos in food imports.
“There should be a government laboratory specifically for gmos,” said Bhargava. “I put up this point at the geac, the members asked for a blueprint of the lab which I prepared and submitted but nobody acted.” Sanjiv Anand of the All India Crop Biotechnology Association denied that India did not have analytical capabilities. “The data submitted by companies are analyzed by government or government-approved laboratories. For the foods for which we do not have the facilities, biotech companies get it done from abroad,” he said.
After a 2006 debate in Parliament, the country set up committees to look into the issue of safety of gmos and the regulations governing these. For example, in March 2006, the Planning Commission set up a task force, headed by Suman Sahai, to review the existing laws, policies related to gmos.
The report called for a vastly improved regulatory system and that until the step was taken, commercial cultivation of GM crops should not be allowed. The report also recommended that all alternatives to GM technology should be examined and the GM option used only when other options are not available.
Other options do exist, said Ramanjaneyulu. “What about non-pesticidal management? Under such practices, damages to a crop can be reduced by 10-15 per cent without using chemical pesticides so that the cost of plant protection is low,” he said.
In India, it is more about finding a market for GM crops rather than meeting the demands of the country after a well-researched analysis, said P V Satheesh, director of Deccan Development Society, a grassroots organization working on food sovereignty in Andhra Pradesh.
“We must remember it is becoming imperative for agri-biotech companies to push GM in India as more and more European farmers are moving away from GM crops.” In Europe, farmers are aware and can make an informed decision about implications of cultivating and using GM crops, he said. “The biotech industry is thus focusing on Asia and Africa where farmers are less suspecting and less critical of the GM technology.” Developing country governments tend to be more pliable.
That leaves little choice to a consumer who can’t tell the regular brinjal from the Bt brinjal just by looking at it. The government, it seems, is not ready to give people that choice.
---------- BOX:Seralini report
What Mahyco didn’t report
In goats fed Bt brinjal, blood took longer to coagulate and the bilirubin count increased indicating liver damage
Changes in goats’ feed consumption pattern, weight growth
In rabbits, salt levels were modified as were the glucose, platelet count and the red blood cell percentage in the blood, used as an indicator of anaemia
In cows, milk production and composition was changed by about 14 per cent. There was more milk, which indicated that the animals were given a hormone
In broiler chickens, feed intake and glucose levels were modified
Rats fed on GM brinjal had diarrhoea and liver weight decrease
The longest toxicity test was for 90 days. It did not assess long-term effects such tumours or cancers
Bt brinjal produces a protein which can induce resistance to kanamycin, an antibiotic
Carmen report
Questions on Mahyco’s research
Feeding studies included animals that were not mammals—fish and chicken, for example. No description of the diets fed to the animals, either
Only seven blood biochemistry measurements. It is normal to take 18-20 in such studies
Sample size of three Bt brinjal and non Bt brinjal, an inadequate number, to determine the difference in the composition of the crops.
No data to show compositional difference in varying climatic conditions
Nothing on reproductive studies on animals. Some studies have found adverse effects on reproduction
Acute toxicity tests were not done using the GM protein as expressed in the GM plant that people would eat. Instead, Mahyco used proteins that were produced by GM bacteria engineered to produce the GM protein
Mahyco omitted from its report key statistical results
---------- BOX:Biosafety v global trade ----------
US pitched against EU
The US government has backed biotech companies, while European countries have reservations about transgenic crops—largely due to the presence of Green parties and strong consumer rights groups. Member states France, Greece, Hungary and Austria have banned cultivation of two GM maize varieties on grounds of safety, leading to a confrontation.
This despite the EU allowing cultivation of these crops in 1998, after it found that these posed no biosafety risks. The EU has been requesting these countries to lift the ban. On March 2, 2009, the European Commission (EC) met with the countries’ environment ministers but could not persuade them to lift the ban. The European Food Safety Authority, in December 2008, said the Austrian evidence did not constitute new scientific proof invalidating its previous risk assessments, clearing the varieties. A ban also violates WTO trade rules.
Countries supporting GM crops, led by the US, had challenged EU member states’ ban on import of GM food from 1999-2003. The WTO ruled the ban illegal in 2006. The EC is contractually obliged to enforce WTO’s decision or face high punitive tariffs. EU is also under pressure over their authorization procedure, which, GMO producing countries say, is not scientifically backed and takes long. The EC says it has approved more than 30 GMOs for marketing in the EU and any delays were because companies had not given the data to ascertain their biosafety.
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Tribute to Ron Paul Revolution
Moyers Journal: Maddoff Was A Piker -- America's Big Banks Are a Far Larger Fraudulent Ponzi Scheme
By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal. Posted April 6, 2009.
One of America's top bank fraud experts explains the financial industry's "liar's loans" and wholesale greed that got us in this mess.
Bill Moyers: For months now, revelations of the wholesale greed and blatant transgressions of Wall Street have reminded us that "The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One." In fact, the man you're about to meet wrote a book with just that title. It was based upon his experience as a tough regulator during one of the darkest chapters in our financial history: the savings and loan scandal in the late 1980s.
Bill Black was in New York for a conference at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice where scholars and journalists gathered to ask the question, "How do they get away with it?" Well, no one has asked that question more often than Bill Black. The former Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention now teaches Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. During the savings and loan crisis, it was Black who accused then-house speaker Jim Wright and five US Senators, including John Glenn and John McCain, of doing favors for the S&L's in exchange for contributions and other perks. The senators got off with a slap on the wrist, but so enraged was one of those bankers, Charles Keating -- after whom the senate's so-called "Keating Five" were named -- he sent a memo that read, in part, "get Black -- kill him dead." Metaphorically, of course. Of course. Now Black is focused on an even greater scandal, and he spares no one -- not even the President he worked hard to elect, Barack Obama. But his main targets are the Wall Street barons, heirs of an earlier generation whose scandalous rip-offs of wealth back in the 1930s earned them comparison to Al Capone and the mob, and the nickname "banksters." Bill Black, welcome to the Journal.
William K. Black: Thank you.
Bill Moyers: I was taken with your candor at the conference here in New York to hear you say that this crisis we're going through, this economic and financial meltdown is driven by fraud. What's your definition of fraud?
Black: Fraud is deceit. And the essence of fraud is, "I create trust in you, and then I betray that trust, and get you to give me something of value." And as a result, there's no more effective acid against trust than fraud, especially fraud by top elites, and that's what we have.
Moyers: In your book, you make it clear that calculated dishonesty by people in charge is at the heart of most large corporate failures and scandals, including, of course, the S&L, but is that true? Is that what you're saying here, that it was in the boardrooms and the CEO offices where this fraud began?
Black: Absolutely.
Moyers: How did they do it? What do you mean?
Black: Well, the way that you do it is to make really bad loans, because they pay better. Then you grow extremely rapidly, in other words, you're a Ponzi-like scheme. And the third thing you do is we call it leverage. That just means borrowing a lot of money, and the combination creates a situation where you have guaranteed record profits in the early years. That makes you rich, through the bonuses that modern executive compensation has produced. It also makes it inevitable that there's going to be a disaster down the road.
Moyers: So you're suggesting, saying that CEOs of some of these banks and mortgage firms in order to increase their own personal income, deliberately set out to make bad loans?
Black: Yes.
Moyers: How do they get away with it? I mean, what about their own checks and balances in the company? What about their accounting divisions?
Black: All of those checks and balances report to the CEO, so if the CEO goes bad, all of the checks and balances are easily overcome. And the art form is not simply to defeat those internal controls, but to suborn them, to turn them into your greatest allies. And the bonus programs are exactly how you do that.
Moyers: If I wanted to go looking for the parties to this, with a good bird dog, where would you send me?
Black: Well, that's exactly what hasn't happened. We haven't looked, all right? The Bush Administration essentially got rid of regulation, so if nobody was looking, you were able to do this with impunity and that's exactly what happened. Where would you look? You'd look at the specialty lenders. The lenders that did almost all of their work in the sub-prime and what's called Alt-A, liars' loans.
Moyers: Yeah. Liars' loans--
Black: Liars' loans.
Moyers: Why did they call them liars' loans?
Black: Because they were liars' loans.
Moyers: And they knew it?
Black: They knew it. They knew that they were frauds.
Black: Liars' loans mean that we don't check. You tell us what your income is. You tell us what your job is. You tell us what your assets are, and we agree to believe you. We won't check on any of those things. And by the way, you get a better deal if you inflate your income and your job history and your assets.
Stunning Government Billion-Dollar Giveaway to Paper Companies in the Works
By Christopher Hayes, The Nation. Posted April 4, 2009.
A tax loophole could let the ten largest paper companies rake in a whopping $8 billion. Where's the outrage?
Two years in Washington have started to make me feel jaded. I've come to expect that even nobly conceived laws will be manipulated and distorted for private ends. But once in a while I hear a story that gives me the queasy feeling that I'm nowhere near cynical enough. Such is the case with the tale of the paper industry and the alternative-fuel tax credit.
Thanks to an obscure tax provision, the United States government stands to pay out as much as $8 billion this year to the ten largest paper companies. And get this: even though the money comes from a transportation bill whose manifest intent was to reduce dependence on fossil fuel, paper mills are adding diesel fuel to a process that requires none in order to qualify for the tax credit. In other words, we are paying the industry--handsomely--to use more fossil fuel. "Which is," as a Goldman Sachs report archly noted, the "opposite of what lawmakers likely had in mind when the tax credit was established."
The massive tax subsidy has barely been reported in the press, but it's caused a stir in the paper industry, which is struggling to stay profitable in the teeth of the recession. "Everybody's talking about it," paper industry analyst Brian McClay told me. "In the US and elsewhere in the world--in Canada and Brazil and Chile and Europe."
On March 24 International Paper (IP) announced it had received its first check from the IRS for a one-month period this past fall. The total? A whopping $71.6 million. "It's probably close to a billion a year of cash," McClay said. "If you look at the economics of this business, to make that kind of money today you'd have to be on another planet." IP's stock rose 12 per-?cent on the news.
The origins of the credit are innocent enough. In 2005 Congress passed, and George W. Bush signed, the $244 billion transportation bill. It included a variety of tax credits for alternative fuels such as ethanol and biomass. But it also included a fifty-cent-a-gallon credit for the use of fuel mixtures that combined "alternative fuel" with a "taxable fuel" such as diesel or gasoline.
Enter the paper industry. Since the 1930s the overwhelming majority of paper mills have employed what's called the kraft process to produce paper. Here's how it works. Wood chips are cooked in a chemical solution to separate the cellulose fibers, which are used to make paper, from the other organic material in wood. The remaining liquid, a sludge containing lignin (the structural glue that binds plant cells together), is called black liquor. Because it's so rich in carbon, black liquor is a good fuel; the kraft process uses the black liquor to produce the heat and energy necessary to transform pulp into paper. It's a neat, efficient process that's cost-effective without any government subsidy.
"Seventy-three percent of the energy we use in our mill system we produce," says Ann Wrobleski, IP's vice president for global government relations. "We feel like we're the original green industry, if you will." (In developed nations, paper is the third-largest industrial greenhouse gas emitter, behind the steel and chemical industries.)
By adding diesel fuel to the black liquor, paper companies produce a mixture that qualifies for the mixed-fuel tax credit, allowing them to burn "black liquor into gold," as a JPMorgan report put it. It's unclear who first came up with the idea--Wrobleski told me it was "outside consultants"--but at some point last fall IP and Verso, another paper company, formerly a part of IP, began adding diesel to its black liquor and applied to the IRS for the credit. (Verso nabbed $29.7 million at just one of its mills in the final quarter of 2008 for its use of mixed fuel.)
See more stories tagged with: taxes, federal government, paper, paper industry
Christopher Hayes is The Nation's Washington, DC Editor. His essays, articles and reviews have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Nation,The American Prospect, The New Republic, The Washington Monthly, The Guardian and The Chicago Reader. From 2005 to 2006, Hayes was a Schumann Center Writing Fellow at In These Times. He is currently a fellow at the New America Foundation. His wife works in the White House Counsel's office
Axing CEOS Is Entertaining, But It Doesn't Solve Our Economic Crisis
By Frank Rich, The New York Times. Posted April 6, 2009.
Obama fired GM CEO Rick Wagoner as symbolic concession to public rage. Let's see some major economic reforms.
Even among pitchfork-bearing populists, there was scant satisfaction when the White House sent the C.E.O. of General Motors to the guillotine.
Sure, Rick Wagoner deserved his fate. He did too little too late to save an iconic American institution from devolving into a government charity case. He embraced the Hummer. G.M.’s share price fell from above $70 to under $3 on his watch. Yet few disputed the judgment of the Michigan governor, Jennifer Granholm, that Wagoner was a “sacrificial lamb,” a symbolic concession to public rage ordered by a president who had to look tough after being blindsided by the A.I.G. bonuses. Detroit’s chief executive had to be beheaded so that the masters of the universe at the top of Wall Street’s bailed-out behemoths might survive.
On this point even the left and the right could agree. The union leader Andy Stern publicly wondered why the administration didn’t also dethrone Ken Lewis of Bank of America. Thaddeus McCotter, a conservative Republican congressman from suburban Detroit, asked, “When will the Wall Street C.E.O.’s receiving TARP funds summon the honor to resign? Will this White House ever bother to raise the issue?”
When reporters did raise the issue of a double standard to the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, they got double talk: “I don’t have anything specific on Bank of America.”
But even as that unanswered question hangs in the air, a more revealing inquiry might be this: Why is there any sympathy whatsoever for a Detroit C.E.O. who helped wreck his company, ruined investors and cost thousands of hard-working underlings their jobs, when there is no mercy for those who did the same on Wall Street? Might we, too, have a double standard? Could we still be in denial of the reality that greed and irresponsibility were not an exclusive Wall Street franchise during our national bender?
Perhaps we’re tempted to give Detroit a pass because it still summons nostalgic memories of “American Graffiti,” “Little Deuce Coupe” and certain things we used to do in the back seat of a Chevy. Wall Street and bankers are the un-aphrodisiac: “Bonfire of the Vanities,” Old Man Potter of “It’s a Wonderful Life” and, of course, Gordon Gekko of Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street.”
Though Gekko’s most famous line is “Greed is good,” even more emblematic is his defiant summation of his brand of capitalism: “I create nothing. I own.” At least Wagoner, unlike the sultans of finance, created cars, clunkers though they often were. The politically conservative Nashville star John Rich draws this moral distinction in his powerful new hit single “Shuttin’ Detroit Down.” Motor City is “the real world,” he sings, unlike those big shots “living it up on Wall Street in that New York City town.”
But this romantic view of the auto industry is a sentimental illusion. Some of Wall Street’s exact failings also capsized G.M.: the hard sell of alluring but junky products, crony capitalism, reckless gambling, unregulated accounting sleights of hand. Only if we accept the full extent to which the bubble virus spread beyond that New York City town can we grasp the radical treatment President Obama must administer to restore the nation to health.
The parallels between G.M. and the likes of Citigroup are uncanny. Much as bloated financial institutions gorged on mortgage-backed derivatives even when the underlying fundamentals made no rational sense, so G.M. doubled down on sure-to-be obsolete S.U.V.’s and trucks to serve a market transitorily enthralled by them. Much as the housing boom’s collapse left the get-rich-quick holders of AAA-rated mortgage derivatives with worthless paper, so the oil price spike left consumers trapped with self-indulgent, wealth-depleting gas guzzlers. In both instances, the customers were not entirely innocent.
This is a tribute to Ron Paul and the movement that he inspired.
It was really great to see so many people motivated by the message of liberty.
I encourage everyone to stay active and join the campaign for liberty.
Ron Paul's complete speech from the Liberty Rally:
Larry Grathwol, FBI informant from the 80's, heard the plot to kill capitalists
In a 1980s documentary about terrorism, former Weather Underground member Larry Grathwol recounted hearing a conversation about the prospect of murdering 25 million “die-hard capitalists” were America to be overthrown.
I brought up the subject of what's going to happen after we take over the government. We become responsible then for administrating 250 million people … and there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics. How are you going to clothe and feed these people? The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans, and the North Vietnamese and the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States. They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter-revolution. They felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education centers in the Southwest, where we would take all of the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be. I asked, well what is going to happen to those people that we can't re-educate that are die-hard capitalists? The reply was that they would have to be eliminated. When I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers. When I say eliminate, I mean kill … 25 million people.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious.
The full video:
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EUROPA - Plant Health - GM Plants & Seed - Introduction
The seed legislation requires that GM seed varieties have to be authorised in accordance with Directive 90/220/EEC - now repealed by directive 2001/18/EC ...
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23 Sep 2006 ... This temporary ban on further permission to field trials of GM seeds was granted by a Bench comprising Chief Justice Y K Sabharwal and ...
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15 Jun 2007 ... Hyderabad June 14 The Andhra Pradesh Government is likely to bring out a `GM Seeds Act' in the next few days to keep tab on sales, ...
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Agri varsity to stop trials of GM seeds - 3 Apr 2009 PUNE: The Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri, has decided not to conduct trials of genetically modified (GM) seeds at any of the agriculture ...Times of India - 8 related articles »Index of /
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UN Committee censures Indian Government's support for GM seeds ... urged the Indian Government to provide subsidized generic seeds which farmers can save. ...
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International Labour Organization - Home
The UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights.
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The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of ...
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The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that deals with labour issues. Its headquarters are in Geneva, ...
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Joblessness may rise : ILO - 3 Apr 2009 NEW DELHI: The International Labour Organisation (ILO) fears that around the globe the number of unemployed people would increase by more than five crore in ...Hindu - 7 related articles »Global unemployment could surge if checks not in place: ILO - Economic Times - 10 related articles »ILO meeting ends on positive note - Jamaica Observer - 3 related articles »iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) for HP ProLiant servers - product overview
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At present the ILO has 175 Members. A unique feature of the ILO is its tripartite character. The membership of the ILO ensures the growth of tripartite ...
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2 Apr 2009 ... New Delhi The ILO has forecast that global unemployment could increase by more than five crore this year unless policies are implemented ...
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With the G-20 summit scheduled to be held next week, ILO on Wednesday drew the attention of policy makers to a survey report which showed that the "stimulus ...
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Joblessness may rise : ILOHindu - Apr 3, 2009 NEW DELHI: The International Labour Organisation (ILO) fears that around the globe the number of unemployed people would increase by more than five crore in ... ILO calls for action on jobs crisis Cayman Net News ILO meeting ends on positive noteJamaica Observer - 14 hours ago KINGSTON, Jamaica - The two-day International Labour Organisation's (ILO) Tripartite Caribbean Conference ended Thursday with the presentation of a document ... Global unemployment could surge if checks not in place: ILOEconomic Times - Apr 2, 2009 2 Apr 2009, 1524 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: The ILO has forecast that global unemployment could increase by more than five crore this year unless policies are ... Global unemployment may increase: ILO Myiris.com Job crisis to be prolonged & severe than expected: ILOEconomic Times - Mar 29, 2009 This follows recent projections by ILO study that projected that nearly 90 million net new jobs would be needed over 2009-10 to absorb new entrants in the ... ILO Director-General calls London G20 Summit "an important step ...ISRIA (subscription) - 3 hours ago The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Juan Somavia welcomed the outcome of the London G20 Summit, saying that “The leaders of ... Ghobash calls for sober tackling of World Financial Crisis effectsZawya - 1 hour ago He warned about the job losses as it would aggravate unemployment, citing the International Labour Organisation (ILO) report issued early this year on the ... ILO calls for global job pact to tackle unemploymentTimes of India - Mar 25, 2009 With the G-20 summit scheduled to be held next week, ILO on Wednesday drew the attention of policy makers to a survey report which showed that the "stimulus ... ILO for global pact to arrest job loss Business Standard ILO calls for global pact to address jobs crisis ABS CBN News OFWs holding on to cash, says labor groupInquirer.net - Apr 5, 2009 Citing the global financial turmoil, the Switzerland-based International Labor Organization (ILO) said that in a worst-case scenario, up to 51 million ... ILO urges Africa to unveil its own stimulus packagesBusiness Daily Africa - Apr 1, 2009 Export driven agriculture has started feeling the heat of the crisis, which has slowed down demand from rich countries. April 2, 2009: Africa’s job markets ... Tourism: An Engine for Employment Creation and Economic StimulusASIATravelTips.com - 10 hours ago ... the framework of advancing the Decent Work Agenda promoted by the International Labour Organization (ILO, a key partner of UNWTO within the UN family). ... |
Govt. of India Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Labour Government of India. ... Search Labour Laws · Acts of Labour Ministry ... http://india.gov.in, the National Portal of India.
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IR- Trade Union movement in India
10 posts - 6 authorsHi all, I am attaching a ppt on trade union movements in India. Hope you find it useful. Regards Smita.
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10 Jan 2009 ... In India the Trade Union movement is generally divided on political lines. According to provisional statistics from the Ministry of Labour, ...
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by K Saxena - 1993 - Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 3 versionsBANGLAPEDIA: Trade Union Movement
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History Politics and Society question: Explain the evolution of trade union movement in india? I think you are doing MBA with Madras University DDE, ...
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Trade Union in India is the primary instrument for promoting the union of trade union movement and championing the cause of working class in India.
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For the first time in India the Bombay Mill Hands Association was formed on 24 April 1890. This gave impetus to the trade union movement in British India. ...
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VIEW: Chastened capitalism —Pranab Bardhan
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Labour Movement in India
Labour Movement in India as Reflected in the Indian Labour Year Book 1997. C.N. Subramanian. The official labour statistics despite their many limitations ...
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2) under the title ‘Labour Movement in India as Reflected in the Indian Labour Year Book 1997’. It was authored not by Vijay Singh but by C.N. Subramaniam. ...
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Oral History of Labour Movement in India Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Textile Labour in Ahmedabad Oral History Documetnation of Industrial Closure in Delhi ...
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Labour Movement in India - Vols. V edited by A. R. Desai. Labour Movement in India - Vols. XII edited by A. R. Desai. Labour Movement in India - Vols. ...
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The direction of this potential revolutionary labour movement in India is in the hands of people who can be classed into four groups (1) The Nationalists; ...
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ICHR realizing the importance of providing scattered documents for scholars, set about to publish 25 volumes in the series Labour Movement in India ...
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Services can catalyse rural economyEconomic Times - 14 hours ago However, capital intensive manufacturing, largely a response to cheap capital and inflexible labour laws, would not be as equitable as labour intensive ... Eye on city middle-class, BJP sees light in India DimmingIndian Express - Apr 3, 2009 The BJP doesn’t say anything on this but offers a bit of labour reform (secret ballot for trade union elections). The BJP ignores the rural jobs scheme that ... Dammam: Fraternity Forum holds workshopMangalorean.com - Apr 5, 2009 "As Housemaids and House Drivers are not coming under the Labor Law at present, they can approach the Ameer Office to present their grievances". ... CITU Flays Central Labour Ministry’s Criminal InactionPeople's Democracy - 9 hours ago While supporting the views and the apprehensions expressed by MK Pandhe, they reiterated the demands for strict implementation of labour laws, ... India against China: tech, outsourcing, entrepreneurship, law ...Cleveland Indy Media - Apr 4, 2009 There is a perception that labor in China is cheapest, but leading strategist George Zhibin Gu (in his new book: China and the new world order) is on the ... questioning Chinese multinationals, stock market, hightech ... Cleveland Indy Media China politics, economy speaker: history, finance, competition ... Cleveland Indy Media Cong’s hardsell: NREG for all, food guarantee law, easy study loansIndian Express - Mar 24, 2009 Real wage of Rs 100 a day could, however, pose a problem for the agriculture sector across the country as it could raise labour costs beyond the farmer’s ... Indian Congress Manifesto 2009 Little About DMK releases election manifestoAll India Radio - Apr 2, 2009 Referring to the Women's rights, the party has said it will insist that a law be enacted to give equal property rights for women. ... |
VIEW: Chastened capitalism —Pranab BardhanDaily Times - 15 hours ago After the current panicky withdrawals of international capital subside, the basic asymmetry in international flows of capital and labour will persist — with ... Gulf crisis forces Indian construction workers home from Dubaiguardian.co.uk - 15 hours ago The return of labourers from Dubai to India is just one manifestation of a mass movement of people who have lost work because of the global recession and ... Suspension of AS 11Business Standard - 20 hours ago In an environment in which exchange rate fluctuates, it is difficult to estimate the future movement of exchange rate. Therefore, it is difficult to ... Global labor mobility still key to business growth plans, finds ...Al-Bawaba - Apr 4, 2009 “In the medium to long term our survey indicates that multinationals will still depend on a free movement of people from country to country. ... Complete text of BJP Manifesto for Lok Sabha elections 2009DeshGujarat - Apr 3, 2009 He led the Ayodhya movement, the biggest mass movement in India since Independence, and initiated a powerful debate on cultural nationalism and the true ... WORLD COAL MINERS TO FIGHT PRIVATISATIONPeople's Democracy - 9 hours ago His topic was on changing labour contracts and privatisation, contractorisation and casualisation of labour in coal mines in India. ... The State And Its Step ChildrenMorungExpress - Apr 5, 2009 The alternative way of industrialising would involve the poor and illiterate, who constitute the skilled and semi-skilled labour force, in their traditional ... Health as a human rightMerinews - Apr 5, 2009 Finally, a woman’s health affects the household economic well being, as a woman in poor health will be less productive in the labour force. ... Movement towards a knowledge society the need of the hourDaily News & Analysis - Apr 1, 2009 Organisations which are successful in applying the LC concept can substantially reduce labour and other factors of production needed per unit of output as ... The Binghamton Shooting: Could It Happen in Boston?Open Media Boston - Apr 3, 2009 Third, support the labor movement wherever you can. Help rebuild a nation that respects and defends labor rights as human rights in the US and around the ... |
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