Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 201
Chaitra Sangkranti Mela is a folk fair taking place on the last day of the Bangla month of Chaitra. The last day of any Bangla month is called sangkranti, but the last day of Chaitra is considered auspicious. Traditionally, the occasion is marked by ritual baths, gifts, fasts, etc. The main ceremony is known as chadak or gajan. This is an apparently Saivite ritual. Saivite ascetics live on alms throughout the month and, on the last day, they perform several physical feats, such as piercing the body with shula (spikes), vana (arrows), or hooks, being whirled around on a wheel atop pole, walking on burning coals, etc. At present these feats are not as popular as they used to be. On this occasion fairs are organised where toys, fruits, and sweets as well as goods made of bamboo, cane, plastic, clay, are sold. Bioscope shows, puppet shows, acrobatic feats, kite flying etc form part of the entertainment. Chaitra Sangkranti Mela has now been largely replaced by baishakhi mela. [Anjalika Mukhopadhyay] |
Mumbai Attacks Expose
Mossad - CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India and Pakistan !
(Copyright-free E-Book)
Edited and Synthesized by
Sheetal Markam, Commander -in -Chief, Gondwana Mukti Sena, India
Suhail Ansari, Advocate Harshvardhan Jogendra Meshram (B.A., B.Lib, Inf.Sc.; L.L.B.), Nagpur; Urmila Marco (C.G.), Niranjan Masram, Yavtamal
Communication Address : Sheetal Markam Gondwana Vikas Mandal, 233 Sant Tukdoji Nagar, Manewara Road, Nagpur -440 024 (India)
Explanation of Terms Used in This E-Book |
Chapter I : Zionist Plan to Enslave the World |
Chapter II : Zionist Mossad-CIA Created Terrorist Muslim Organizations |
Chapter III : Mossad-CIA is Disrupting and Balkanizing Pakistan ! |
Chapter IV : Mossad-CIA Disrupting India Through their Arya Brahminist Agents / Supporters ! |
Chapter V : Mumbai Attacks only Benefit Mossad, CIA and Arya Brahminists ! |
Chapter VI : Mumbai Attacks Raise Many Questions ! |
Chapter VII : Impending More Sinister Mossad-CIA False flag Operations ? |
Chapter VIII : Mossad-CIA Plan to disrupt, Balkanize and Enslave India Through Arya-Brahminists ! |
Chapter IX : Process of Balkanizing India Through Arya-Brahminists |
Chapter X : Intended Mossad-CIA Controlled Splinters of India ! |
Chapter XI :
What Masses Must Do ? |
This copyright-free E-Book is a synthesis of material that we downloaded from internet and information collected from various periodicals and books. The E-Book aims to present a complete meaningful picture that reveal real enemies hiding behind curtain in the garb of friends so that the exploited and oppressed indigenous masses of the world can decide an appropriate measure to defeat these satanic perpetrators.
We request every capable person / organization to translate and print this E-Book in their native language either in full or in parts (booklets) and sell it at the price of their own choice as this E-book like our every published literature is Copyright-free and is declared as the property of indigenous masses of the world.
We also request websites to post this E-Book as one of their web page. Aware persons and their organizations are requested to copy the E-book on CDs and circulate them widely. They are also requested to post this E-Book as a blog and send it to their friends through E-Mail. --- Sheetal Markam
Explanation of Terms Used in This E-Book
Important :- Whle citing the information taken from various sources, to make information truly meaningful we have used words such as Brahminists, Manuists, Arya-Brahminists, exploiters, Arya-Brahminists riding the government, Manu-media, Brahmincracy, Arya-Brahminist Demoncracy and so on and some information in bold letters. We have also put our own comments within { } to make the information more meaningful.
1) Adivasi : indigenous people that use to live in forests and also many settled in cities.
2) Arya-Brahmins : Persons who call themselves supreme race and above the law and even god. According to them the remaining masses are brought into existence to be ruled by Arya-Brahmins in the manner Arya-Brahmin like. Arya-Brahmins also represent any person, group or community that consider itself higher than the rest of mankind in above mentioned manner.
3) Arya-Brahminist : Any person belonging to any religion, caste or community who believes that the Arya-Brahmins are supreme race meant to rule the rest of the mankind and strives for imposition of Arya-Brahmin rule or strive for strengthening it by heart is an Arya-Brahminist.
4) Agent of Arya-Brahminist : Any person who work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins to get some kind of favor is an agent of Arya-Brahmins.
5) Slave of Arya-Brahmins : Any person who is compelled to work for establishing the supremacy of Arya-Brahmins or to serve Arya-Brahmins against his wish is a slave of Arya-Brahmins.
6) Bahujans : The exploited and oppressed masses of the world who almost form 85% of total population are considered as Bahujans. In India OBC, Dalits, Muslims and Adivasi together constitute the population of Bahujans.
7) Bahujanism : Is ideology that ultimately aims to end exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins (no matter what they are called) and aims to establish exploitation free society in which the various sections of Bahujans get their representation in every field according to their population proportion and Bahujan masses directly control the representatives they choose to run the government.
8) Bahujanist : Is a person who fights against the exploitation and oppression of Arya-Brahmins and their exploitation system; believes in equality, fraternity and brotherhood is Bahujanist.
Bahujanists include various Bahujan saints Such as Chakradhar, Namdev, Ravidas, Kabir, Tukaram, Harichand Thakur etc.; Social revolutionaries such as Pitamah Jyotirav Fule, Shahu Maharaj, Periyar E.V. Ramasami, Dr. Ambedkar, Guruchand Thakur etc; and communists such as Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. All of them fought against exploitation and oppression of their time in the ways available to them during prevailing conditions.
9) Brahminism : The ideology that preaches supremacy of Arya-Brahmins over rest of the mankind and give Arya-Brahmins absolute power is Brahminism.
10) Manuism : Is Brahminism explained by Mr. Manu.
11) Dalits : Are castes compelled to do menial work and declared as untouchables.
12) Manumedia : Media of exploiter Arya-Brahminists.
13) Manusmriti : Book of the code of Mr. Manu.
14) OBC : Other backward classes.
Chapter I
Zionist Plan to Enslave the World
Chapter VII
Impending More Sinister Mossad-CIA False flag Operations ?
False-Flag Operations of Israel |
Gladio-Attacks on the Masses of Different Countries |
Few of the False-Flag and Gladio Operations in India ! |
It is also a common practice for States which perpetrate and sponsor acts of terrorism to organize false flag operations against their own people and allies in order to blame the ‘enemies’ and rally support for their ‘cause’. Often, they are caught but they are above the law.
False-Flag Operations of Israel
In 1954 Israel attempted to bomb American interests in Egypt for the purpose of destroying any growing rapprochement between the two countries in what became known as the Lavon Affair.
Members of the Irgun Jewish terrorist movement dressed up as Palestinian army officers attacked the British HQ at King David Hotel in 1946 Palestine to blame Arabs.
During the six-day war in 1967, the Israelis attacked USS Liberty and murdered many US non-combatants in an attempt to blame it on Egypt and suck the Americans into a war with Soviet Union. (Ref. Phil Tourney, survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty).
During the Reagan administration, a Mossad team broadcast messages from a remote location in Libya (termed as Operation Trojan Horse) implicating the Arab country in a series of yet-unsolved terror attacks that resulted in the United States bombing the home of Muhammar Kaddafi, Libya’s president.
In 1983, Israel learned of and refused to warn the US about a plot to bomb the American embassy in Beirut and its accompanying Marine Barracks that resulted in the deaths of close to 250 Americans.
In 1995, immediately following the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Israeli spies and provocateurs working in American media tried pinning the attack on Iraq.
It has been demonstrated that the 9/11 terror attacks against the World Trade Centre (WTC) and the Pentagon in 2001 were an inside job with Israeli involvement. The 9/11attack to take place on American soil that was used as the pretext for invading and destroying Afghanistan.
In January 2000, Indian intelligence detained 11 ‘Muslim preachers’ on the ground of hijacking conspiracy, but they turned out to be Israeli nationals sent with false passports to infiltrate Muslim organizations in India and were released.
British actor arrested after escaping real life Mumbai false flag ...
India’s Internal Security Police are now holding ... provocation and embrace the hand of friendship extended by President Zardari. ... and last week Mr Advani even criticised the police over the way they questioned ... Mossad plot to topple the Turkish government - Pakistan briefs Turkey over Pakistan-India ties ...’s-internal-security-police-are-now-h... - 81k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad Behind Mumbai attacks? - total_truth_sciences | Google Groups
India's Internal Security Police are now holding and questioning an ... ivars.html> article ("CIA, MOSSAD HAND BEHIND SANGH PARIVAR'S EXTREMISTS") ... This has Al Qeda written all over it. According to the Television report I ... - 46k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad Agent Held by Indian Security Services - Pakistan Defence Forum
Alex James of Toronto forwarded a news item claiming, “India’s Internal Security Police ... and embrace the hand of friendship extended by President Zardari. ... which in a previous thread I had suggested had been taken over by MOSSAD. ... - 141k - Cached - Similar pages -s o s: Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan
28 Nov 2008 ... Yes we can treat peaceful protesters with a heavy hand ... Yes we can impose the will of the few over the many ... For several years, Mossad and Israel's internal intelligence agency, Shinbhet, have utilised ... Mr. Advani explained at length India's security problems in which the danger from ... - 116k - Cached - Similar pages -Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - India's silent warriors
For 12 years, Mossad officers were posted in New Delhi under the cover of South ... it did hand over to R&AW some Sikh deserters of the Indian Army. ... Witchhunts by politicians, nepotism, discriminatory internal security checks, ... - 47k - Cached - Similar pages -Weasel Zippers: Shocker! Muslims Already Blaming Israel's Mossad ...
Muslims Already Blaming Israel's Mossad for Mumbai Attacks. ... "India's Internal Security Police are now holding and ... for the savagery let loose on India, but some hidden hand that is part ... If at all there was an intelligence agency whose finger prints can be spotted all over the crime scene, ... - 44k - Cached - Similar pages -Report of Mossad agent being held and questioned by Indian ...
29 Nov 2008 ... Internal Security Police are now holding and questioning an identified. Israeli Mossad agent ... that there’s a “little bit of India in every Pakistani and a little bit ... and embrace the hand of friendship extended by President Zardari. ... Gaza, Guardian quotes over 100000 for London Protest ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages -Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle | NowPublic News Coverage
27 Nov 2008 ... More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. ... “CIA, MOSSAD HAND BEHIND SANGH PARIVAR’S EXTREMISTS,” Rashtriya ... [Alex Neill, head of the Royal United Services Institute's Asia security programme, ... Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan," ... - 65k - Cached - Similar pages -MOSSAD-RSS Joint Venture? |
(and why Zardari might want him to be handed over? etc.) .... Indian security services cook up a drama to make india and its own security services look bad? WTF? ..... Lets turn this into internal conflict…nice try, stool pigeon…hmmm ... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages -Why Pakistan won’t give up lashkar
7 Dec 2008 ... to its internal security, especially along its western border. .... No one will be handed over to India because if it is done so, they will sing and spill thebeans. ... India should take a leaf from Israel's Mossad. ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Television movies for the week of March 29
Pakistan ponders the price for peaceAsia Times Online - Apr 8, 2009 After all, Israel's Mossad talks to [Lebanon's] Hezbollah and [Palestine's] Hamas despite them being bitter enemies." In 2001, the US compelled Islamabad to ... For safer CWG, organisers look to Israelis, major global playersIndian Express - Apr 9, 2009 Set up by former operatives of the Mossad and Israel Defense Forces, the ISDS has been involved in securing the Olympics in Barcelona, Sydney, ... :. CIA’s New Strategy of Maligning ISIKashmir Watch - Apr 1, 2009 At the same time CIA should stop backing RAW, RAAM and Mossad those are actively busy in spreading anarchy in Pakistan. So far entire war on terror is the ... :. Terrorism in Lahore: Focus on Indian Involvement-XI Kashmir Watch More settler pogroms in and around the land deeded to the Jews by ...Mondoweiss - Apr 6, 2009 "I know as surely as I know anything that Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was somehow involved in the attack," Dean wrote, describing how he had ... :. Terrorism in Lahore: Focus on Indian Involvement-IXKashmir Watch - Mar 25, 2009 That is India. The immediate objective of CIA-Mossad-RAW is to weaken the Pakistani army and to the first step for this to wreck ISA because this ... :. Enduring Power Struggle in Pakistan: New Phase-VKashmir Watch - Apr 5, 2009 ... subservient foreign policies to appease India, USA, UK and their puppet regimes around the world, may let ultimately RAW, Mossad, CIA, SIS, ... Community under siegeHardNews Magazine - Apr 1, 2009 It is a global conspiracy hatched by Israel and their spook agency Mossad." His theory finds numerous takers among Muslims in all strata, pan-India. ... Concocted plan of attack on White House finalizedAsian Tribune - Apr 5, 2009 It is most unfortunate that in this gory plan, some of the political parties friendly to India, western sponsored NGOs, intellectuals and writers have also ... US must admit it is losing war on terror Storm Brews in South Asia: India-Pakistan conflict and the US ...Japan Focus - Mar 20, 2009 Again, Israeli intelligence Mossad is watching from the shade. The apparently Pakistani fidayeen (guerillas) who attacked Mumbai made it a point to target ... 'Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence Inside MI5 ...Los Angeles Times - Mar 24, 2009 (He also has a desk console that links him instantly to the prime minister, the heads of the Central Intelligence Agency and Israel's Mossad. ... |
Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan
1 Apr 2001 ... Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan ... 2001 that "The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad increases its control of India « Pak Alert Press
28 Nov 2008 ... And Israel seems to have lots of Mossad spies in India, some of them pretending to ... Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan ... - 63k - Cached - Similar pages -MOSSAD TERRORIST OPERATIONS IN INDIA
Keep in mind that Indian intelligence has an extremely close working relationship with Israel's Mossad because both governments hate the Muslim nation of ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages -aangirfan: Mossad increases its control of India
21 Jan 2008 ... And Israel seems to have lots of Mossad spies in India, ... How might Mossad have managed to increase racial tensions in India? ... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages -RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link
8 Sep 2003 ... RAW-Mossad relations were a secret till Morarji Desai became prime ... The new defence relationship between India and Israel -- where the ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad has a history in India
The pressure exerted on India by Israel for the release of the men, and the hurry with which they were flown back suggested an aborted operation'. Mossad ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages -Mumbai And The Mossad Angle
A photograph publushed in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages -Deccan Herald - Mossad packs off India's Ghosal
Mossad packs off India's Ghosal. Kolkata, IANS: Third-seed Egyptian Omar Mossad snuffed out Indian hopes, beating Sourav Ghosal in four games in the ... - 58k - Cached - Similar pages -Asia Times Online Community and News Discussion - India and ...
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 29 Sep 2008India and Israeli Mossad against Pakistan? ... spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages -Pakistan Intelligence Blames India, Mossad for Pakistan Violence ...
Pakistan Intelligence Blames India, Mossad for Pakistan Violence. 28 July, 2008 - כ"ה תמוז ה' תשס"ח. Debka - Pakistan’s intelligence agency Sunday, July 27, ... - 40k - Cached - Similar pages -
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CIA - The World Factbook -- India
Features a map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people. - 133k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA - The World Factbook -- India
The subcontinent was divided into the secular state of India and the smaller Muslim state of Pakistan. A third war between the two countries in 1971 ... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA chief visited India for intel co-op
4 Apr 2009 ... The decision by the new Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Leon Panetta who chose India for his first overseas trip--unprecedented ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages -What the CIA chief's visit to India, Pak means
23 Mar 2009 ... One could assess without fear of contradiction that the New Delhi visit of Panetta, who is still to find his feet as an intelligence chief, ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages -
More results from »India's CIA spy scandal - Jane's Security News
India's CIA spy scandal. India's external intelligence service, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has launched a major internal investigation for ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA chief in India to talk Pakistan, Afghanistan - Economy and ...
CIA chief in India to talk Pakistan, Afghanistan, New CIA chief Leon Panetta, who arrived in New Delhi late Wednesday, held ?exhaustive discussions? with ... - 89k - Cached - Similar pages | CIA Chief in India: Pakistan on Agenda
The CIA Chief will also hold talks with the country's top intelligence officials on security cooperation. Panetta, who chose India as his first overseas ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA promises to share info on India from Pak, Afghanistan sources ...
20 Mar 2009 ... NEW DELHI: US intelligence agency CIA on Thursday assured India that it will share with this country all India-centric intelligence — coming ... - 45k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA helped India, Pak share 26/11 intelligence: Report
16 Feb 2009 ... A media report in US claims that CIA helped India, Pak share secret intelligence reports of the Mumbai attack. ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -CIA helped India, Pak share 26/11 intelligence: Report - Express India
Washington America's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has played a crucial role in India and Pakistan sharing secret intelligence information on Mumbai ... - 65k - Cached - Similar pages -
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OPINION: Treating Pakistan’s ‘cancer’ —Saleem H AliDaily Times - 16 hours ago There may indeed be some nefarious activities within the ISI just as much as there have been manipulative activities by the CIA in the past. ... Propaganda against an ally — a faulty engagement The News International What the CIA chief's visit to India, Pak meansRediff - Mar 23, 2009 It is interesting that the CIA, India's Research & Analysis Wing and the Intelligence Bureau all have new heads, who took over in the last 11 weeks. ... India is 'fast becoming like Pak': CPI(M) Press Trust of India Indian Communist Party Concerned over Visit of US CIA Chief American embraceFrontline - Mar 24, 2009 The chiefs of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have already visited India to liaise with their ... Matt Lauer Lies: Somalia's Pirates Aren't Just 'Criminals With Guns'Salem-News.Com - 8 hours ago But the CIA says they have "ties to al Queda" but don't they always say that? In fact, it may be eco-terrorists who caused the pirate problem in this broken ... Top of the Agenda: CIA Secret PrisonsCouncil on Foreign Relations - Apr 10, 2009 INDIA: The Wall Street Journal reports economic growth in rural India is making up for lags in more developed sectors of the country's economy. ... US spooks in India to discuss 'dangerous' PakTimes of India - Mar 19, 2009 India evidently lost much of its suspicion and distaste for the CIA in the early 1990s with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of Soviet Union. ... Terror threat brings US closer to India Express Buzz India TV withdraws from regulatory - Apr 10, 2009 Ali asked India TV why had it telecast her views and protested against her description as a CIA spy. She asserted that she actually worked for the agency in ... The virulent Wahabi virusHindustan Times - 19 hours ago They were greatly encouraged when the USSR occupied Afghanistan in 1979 and the CIA collaborated with Pakistan to fund and train the Taliban to fight them. ... Truth about Rahul’s MPhilExpress Buzz - Apr 6, 2009 Now Sonia Maino is ruling like an empress due to wicked conpsiracy by Vatican and CIA, frst trapping Rajeev Gandhi using her charm and then like in a ... Sonia owns house in Italy, no car in India Express Buzz Truth about Rahul’s MPhil Express Buzz 26/11 can happen againDaily News & Analysis - Apr 7, 2009 ... of proxy war against India in the 1980s by taking a page out of the CIA-sponsored covert war against the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, ... |
Combative PM takes on Advani, keeps door open for Left - 17 hours ago ... that the stalled composite dialogue will not resume unless Islamabad shows "sincere evidence" to prosecute all the pepetrators of the Mumbai carnage. ... Modi calls PM weak, Pranab says PMs not wrestlers Economic Times FBI team in India to probe Mumbai carnageAFP - Mar 25, 2009 NEW DELHI (AFP) — An FBI team held talks on Wednesday with Indian officials over November's Mumbai attacks which killed 165 people, officials said. ... Mumbai attack: FBI team here, to finalise its own chargesheet Press Trust of India FBI team to help in 26/11 trial Deccan Herald It’s savagery in Sri LankaExpress Buzz - 9 hours ago CHENNAI: The beautiful island of Sri Lanka had become a criminal field of carnage, butchery and savagery, former Supreme Court Judge VR Krishna Iyer said, ... Kashmir’s ‘Kasab’ story casts light on NWFP threatHindu - 16 hours ago ... has some similarities with that of Mohammad Ajmal Amir — the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist arrested in the course of the November 2008 carnage in Mumbai. ... Better late than never, says ManmohanHindu - 16 hours ago What was the role of Narendra Modi in the Godhra carnage? Yet Mr. Advani says he is a good Chief Minister.” Recalling the terrorist attacks on the Red Fort, ... :. Punish the Guilty of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Carnage Kashmir Watch Taliban website used US host: Washington PostTimes of India - Apr 9, 2009 ... when investigations into the 26/11 Mumbai carnage, which involved Pakistanis, revealed that the attackers had communicated using Internet phone calls ... No bang in Mumbai Police’s new gunsHindu - Apr 7, 2009 MUMBAI: In the wake of November 2008 carnage, the Mumbai Police promised the people that it would soon arm itself with the equipment it needed to evolve ... Resume dialogue process, Pakistan urges India (Lead) - Apr 2, 2009 Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday nixed the suggestion, which Pakistan has often made since the Mumbai carnage, saying Islamabad must show ... Washington wakes up to the disaster that was Musharraf National Post American general spills the K-word Calcutta Telegraph 26/11 attackers got "significant" support from India: ZardariPress Trust of India - Apr 8, 2009 London, Apr 8 (PTI) Claiming that the Mumbai carnage had "significant support from within India itself," Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari feels New Delhi ... Mumbai's Jews celebrate PassoverAFP - Apr 7, 2009 ... Moshe, escaped the carnage with his Indian nanny. An article posted on the Chabad-Lubavitch website said "there will be seders in Mumbai this Passover" ... |
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Mumbai carnage sent direct to Flickr | Top stories ...
27 Nov 2008 ... AN eyewitness to the aftermath of the deadly gun and bomb attacks in Mumbai has been posting pictures of the chaos on the city's streets ...,23599,24714775-2,00.html?from=public_rss - Similar pages -AFP: Fears of sectarian violence after Mumbai carnage
Fears of sectarian violence after Mumbai carnage. Nov 30, 2008. MUMBAI (AFP) — The Islamist militant attacks on Mumbai have led to fears that India could ... - Similar pages -Carnage in Mumbai: How the terrorist attacks unfolded, Bombay ...
27 Nov 2008 ... The Islamic terrorists who brought carnage to Mumbai arrived unnoticed in a fleet of small boats before fanning out across the city and ... - Similar pages -Mumbai carnage still haunts India
8 Dec 2008 ... In Mumbai, State Home Minister and Deputy Chief Minister R.R. Patil faced the axe after his insensitive comments on the carnage lent a ... - 40k - Cached - Similar pages -Indian media react to Mumbai carnage -
Three days after gangs of gunmen launched a murderous rampage in Mumbai, India, killing at least 183 people, the emphasis in the Indian media has quickly ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages -FBI team in India to probe Mumbai carnage
An FBI team held talks on Wednesday with Indian officials over November's Mumbai attacks which killed 165 people, officials said. - 79k - Cached - Similar pages -Epoch Times - After Mumbai Carnage, Questions Amidst Tales of Heroism
30 Nov 2008 ... Amidst stories of heroism during the terror and carnage of Mumbai's 11/26, questions begin to be asked. - 34k - Cached - Similar pages -US, Britain share evidence on Mumbai carnage with Pakistan
Islamabad, Dec 28 (ANI): Pakistans intelligence agencies have insisted that the evidence provided by Britain and the United States of ... - 54k - Cached - Similar pages -Just ten trained terrorists caused carnage - Asia, World - The ...
30 Nov 2008 ... Just ten trained terrorists caused carnage. Mumbai's ordeal ends after three days with 200 dead – and the Indian authorities piecing ... - 71k - Cached - Similar pages -120 Die In Mumbai Carnage | My Sinchew
120 Die In Mumbai Carnage. Foreign · Headline · Mumbai Under Attack. 2008-11-28 14:53. Terrorists barely out of their teens struck at 10 spots in Mumbai, ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Harlan Coben's 'Long Lost' finds action, suspenseLincoln Journal Star - 5 hours ago Before it’s over, they end up entangled with the Mossad, secret CIA prisons, frozen embryos, Homeland Security, torture, Arab terrorists, a 10-year-old ... Israel chose destruction over calm and peaceDanbury News Times - Apr 9, 2009 Ephraim Halevy, former head of Mossad, wrote recently that the Israeli government could have stopped the rocket attacks long ago by lifting the siege on ... A battle between two long arms Indian Express Yemen sentences 'Mossad spy' to deathPRESS TV - Mar 23, 2009 ... contacts with outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert via email and offering to collaborate with the Israeli Mossad, Reuters reported on Monday. ... Death penalty in Israel spy case Yemeni 'Mossad spy' sentenced to death Jerusalem Post Yemeni court issues death sentence in Israel spying case - Summary Earthtimes (press release) Bibi aide admits he’s cited in Franklin caseJewish Telegraphic Agency - Mar 19, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) -- A top adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that he is the former Mossad agent named in a Pentagon leaks case. ... Netanyahu aide says US barring him over spy probe Seattle Post Intelligencer Are we in denial about terrorism?The News International - Apr 9, 2009 If the 9/11 attacks are rubbished as a CIA/Mossad operation, then it follows that the London train attacks or the Spanish bombing in which hundreds died ... Mossad tipped off about Gaza-bound Iranian arms convoyAl-Arabiya - Mar 31, 2009 Israeli officials were tight-lipped about the alleged raid with Israeli Defense Forces spokewoman, Major Avital Leibovitz, saying the sources were unknown ... The good, the bad and the floggedThe News International - Apr 8, 2009 It is a US-UK-Indian-Israeli conspiracy plotted by the CIA-MI6-Raw-Mossad jointly; 9. It is all because of the drones; 10. The ngos are enemies of Pakistan. ... Tracking the mastermind of the Final SolutionJewish Advocate - Apr 8, 2009 Finally, the Israelis learned of his whereabouts and Ben Gurion ordered the Mossad to capture Eichmann and bring him to Israel to stand trial. ... 9-11 and the Mormon-Mossad-CIA ConnectionOpEdNews - Apr 2, 2009 All evidence indicates that 9-11 was a planned operation of Mossad utilizing all the intelligence it had in causing the pre-planting of explosives within ... Israel plans to strengthen ties with Sudan rebelsWorld Tribune - Apr 7, 2009 Al Nour was also said to have met senior officials of Israel's Mossad espionage agency, including director Meir Dagan. The Mossad had been assigned to track ... Time: Israeli F-16s hit Sudan convoy Jewish Community Voice |
Mossad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mossad (HaMossad leModi'in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim) (Hebrew: המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים - Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations) is the ... - 117k - Cached - Similar pages
The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, otherwise known as the Mossad, has been appointed by the State of Israel to collect information, ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
- [ Translate this page ]אודות הארגון. דבר ראש המוסד. ייעוד וערכים. היסטוריה. ראשי המוסד. מילון מונחים. הגשת מועמדות. משרות לפי תחומים. חיפוש משרות. משרות מסומנות ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -
More results from »Video results for Mossad
Israeli Intelligence Agencies
Mossad [Hebrew for “institute”] has responsibility for human intelligence collection, covert action, and counterterrorism. Its focus is on Arab nations and ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad
From 1989 until 1996, the heads of Mossad were a state secret. ... Mossad is the most important, and famous of the five intelligence and espionage ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages -How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11 *PIC*
2 Apr 2005 ... Mossad, Israel's military intelligence agency, infiltrated the most ... The Mossad handler at Ptech was, in my opinon, an American named ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911
U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of evidence pointing to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, being involved in ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages - Mossad And The JFK Assassination
Considering that the Mossad is quite possibly the most ruthless and efficient intelligence agency in the world, it is peculiar that they have never been ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages -Israel and Mossad
The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. ... - 50k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan
1 Apr 2001 ... What is clear right now is that Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are .... India is apparently willing to grant access to Israeli agents to the ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages -Groups Discussing mossad agents | Yahoo! Groups
India and Pakistan are both drawing up plans for final war after a massacre in Kashmir. .... Mossad This group is for Mossad agents to discuss old cases, ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages -Mossad: Mossad Agents
India’s largest Newsweekly reports that it appears a recent Mossad attempt to infiltrate al-Qaeda failed when undercover agents were stopped on their way to ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages -mossad agents News
mossad agents. ... Bangkok woman runs Rs.50 mn e-ticketing fraud in India, four held ... Ravi Shukla is the winner of Amul Star Voice of India 2 ... - 43k - Cached - Similar pages -Mideast Dispatch Archive: Latest conspiracy theory: “Mossad agents ...
... carried out a nuclear test in collaboration with India in order to cause a ... The imprisonment of Israelis, mostly all believed to be Mossad agents, ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages -India Flight with Intel Agents, ZAKA, Chabad Officials Held Up ...
30 Nov 2008 ... India Flight with Intel Agents, ZAKA, Chabad Officials Held Up ... says they are ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) and Mossad agents. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages -Bharat Rakshak • View topic - RAW, Mossad developing strong ...
20 posts - 17 authors - Last post: 19 Sep 1999<I>Israel has two strategic goals: free access for Mossad agents to India and permission for the Israeli air force to use an Indian air ... - 62k - Cached - Similar pages -Eric Margolis — FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT
Such assets were lacking in Pakistan, though Mossad has a good capability in India. It’s hard to think how Mossad agents could have sabotaged Zia’s aircraft ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages -Mumbai Attack : Mossad/CIA Trying to Take Over India ...
27 Nov 2008 ... uncovered connections with the Israeli MOSSAD whose Indian home-grown agents have infiltrated many Hindu organisations in India, ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -portland imc - 2004.05.05 - *** MOSSAD AGENTS INVOLVED IN IRAQ ...
Mossad agents are behind the Iraq prison scandale ... the truth is that John Israel, Steven Stephanowicz and Adel L. Nakhla works for the Mossad, ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages -
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News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government
08 Apr 2009
All items are here:
Breaking: Warship heads for scene of Indian Ocean standoff --Somali pirates overpowered by US crew but captain still held prisoner 08 Apr 2009 Somali pirates skimmed across the Indian Ocean and muscled their way aboard a US food aid ship today... The crew had held a pirate prisoner for 12 hours and released him in return for the captain, but the pirates had not kept their side of the bargain. A US warship, the USS destroyer Bainbridge, was on its way to the area this evening. "We are trying to hold them off until the US ship arrives," said Ken Quinn, second mate on the ship. [Dollars to doughnuts, Xe and Triple Canopy are on their way, as well.]
Officials: Warship, others headed to pirate scene 08 Apr 2009 U.S. officials say an American warship and a half dozen others are headed to the scene where pirates captured a vessel with a U.S. crew off Somalia's coast. One official says the destroyer USS Bainbridge is headed there. Another official says there are six or seven ships on the way. A person aboard the Maersk Alabama, reached by The Associated Press by satellite phone, says crew members had retaken control of the ship. But pirates were holding the captain as a hostage in a lifeboat in waters nearby.
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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.
Action Alert: U.S. Weapons Delivered to Israel as Tax Day Nears
April 8th, 2009
Last week, our friends at Amnesty International revealed that on March 22 the United States delivered more than 300 containers of munitions to Israel. To read the full story, click here.
This weapons delivery occurred despite the fact that Amnesty International reports that the United States is reviewing Israel's misuse of U.S. weapons during "Operation Cast Lead" in violation of the Arms Export Control Act. To download our fact-sheet about Israel's misuse of U.S. weapons in Gaza, click here.
During its December-January war on the occupied Gaza Strip, Israel killed 1,417 Palestinians, of whom 926 were civilians and 255 were non-combatant police officers, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights. For additional details about Palestinian casualties, click here.
Human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the National Lawyers Guild have all published reports documenting Israel's misuse of U.S. weapons during its recent war on Gaza.
Yet, on top of the outrageous news that the United States delivered more weapons to Israel last month, President Obama is expected to request later this month $2.775 billion more in weapons for Israel in his detailed FY2010 budget request.
As Tax Day approaches, consider the fact that this amounts to $17.75 for each of the approximately 156 million individuals who filed a tax return with the IRS last year.
Is this how you want to see your tax dollars spent? If not, then take action below.
1. Contact President Obama to protest U.S. munitions deliveries to Israel and urge him to hold Israel accountable for its violations of the Arms Export Control Act. Send your personalized message to the President today by clicking here.
2. Offset your tax-dollars to Israeli military occupation by making a tax-deductible contribution to us. Whether you like it or not, if you pay taxes then you're supporting Israeli military occupation. Offset your tax contribution to Israeli military occupation of $17.75 and those of others by making a tax-deductible contribution to help us continue our important educational and organizing work to challenge U.S. military to Israel. To learn more and offset your tax-dollars to Israeli military occupation, click here.
For a limited time, we'll send you our new "Yes We Can…End Military Aid to Israel" stickers with each offset donation. Plus, offset the contribution of five people or more ($88.75) and we'll send you a copy of the award-winning documentary Occupation 101. To learn more and donate, click here.
3. Organize to challenge military aid to Israel in your community on Tax Day. Join us our growing network of more than 1,150 volunteer organizers in 48 states (c'mon Nevada and North Dakota, we're still hoping you'll join us!). Check out our amazing Google map of local organizers, get ideas for what you can do to organize on Tax Day, and sign up to receive your organizing packet by clicking here.
Sign up by 9AM Eastern on Thursday, April 9 to receive your organizing packet in time for Tax Day. You can still request an organizing packet after the deadline; we just won't be able to guarantee you'll get it prior to April 15. To get your organizing packet, click here.
4. Learn more about U.S. military aid to Israel and its deadly impact on Palestinians. We've posted links to reports from other organizations, which you can access by clicking here.
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg counter Obamania?
From: on behalf of Newsletter Anti-imperialist Camp (
Sent: 10 April 2009 16:24PM
Obama’s recent visit to Europe was marked by a mediatic hype nearly depicting him as a peace dove. Actually there are indeed widespread hopes in a change of US foreign policy towards less aggression and war drive which render people reluctant to take to the streets. Nevertheless, the very fact that some 30.000 marched (or tried to marched given the de facto ban) in Strasbourg against the NATO summit, falsifies the claim of the press that Europe would hail Obama. The massive anti-NATO mobilisation is a reminder that the imperialist role of the US und NATO did not change. As Anti-imperialist Camp we will carry on the campaign against NATO knowing that the deepening economic crisis will increase the imperialist war drive – regardless of Obama’s promises. His plans are actually to reunify the West behind the US inside NATO which should be enhanced to be used as a more collective pre-emptive tool against the global opposition. entire pictures:,com_expose/Itemid,247/ ************************************Anti-imperialist************************************
I watched the clip of Obama speaking to the adoring crowd in Iraq the other day, and something he said just amazed me. He told the soldiers that it is time to "make the Iraqis start taking responsibility for their own government." He made it sound like they had begged us to come over there, overthrow their government, and brutally occupy them for several years.
Evidently, it must have struck Debra Sweet, head of The World Can't Wait, the same way.
Here's what she had to say:
"Barack Obama said yesterday that it's time for the Iraqis to take over. Just think about that. The Bush regime lied about the reason for the 2003 invasion; destroyed the infrastructure of the country; created a situation where over one million people were killed, 4.5 million civilians were displaced from their homes; unleashed unprecedented sectarian violence in what had been a secular country; then paid off people to stop it; set up a puppet government that ceded control of the energy industry largely to the U.S.
Obama now leads a country that wrecked Iraq without any justification, against international law...and he goes there to tell U.S. troops that the Iraqis should now step up to occupy themselves? But it's OK because Obama was the "peace candidate?"
You can't make this stuff up. But you do have to follow it, expose it, and oppose it. Write me about what you think." Debra Sweet
Debra's is a great group, one of the few anti-war groups who is still actually against the war, unlike United for Peace and Justice and many others who have become war cheerleaders since the election.
“The battle...has to begin here. In America. The only institution more powerful than the U.S. government is American civil society. The rest of us are subjects of slave nations. We are by no means powerless, but you have the power of proximity. You have access to the Imperial Palace and the Emperor’s chambers. Empire’s conquests are being carried out in your name.”
Arundhati Roy
Dear friends,
Khaleda Zia has raised a number of vital points on Army killings at BDR HQ in the National Parliament on the 7th April, 2009 and apparently proved that Hasina, Shahara and Moueen couldn’t avoid the failure of the army killings and escape of the killers from BDR compound. She also claimed resignation of defense minister and home minister. Army has raised the points in the PM and Army meeting and most of the people of Bangladesh is already begun to believe those points.
It is very clear that the government had been trying to divert the Army Killing issue. Apparently Hasina and Moeen had succeeded as most of the people including political party and media of Bangladesh are now busy with the house of Khaleda.
Thank you,
Shahid Sadik
Human Rights Activist
Dear Members,
You must have read in my opinion article entitled “THINK BEFORE ADVOCATING POLITICAL PARTY”. Therefore, we need to understand problems of India. I have observed dire poverty not in the backward areas only but even in the villages of well developed state of Gujarat. We can’t assess development on the basis of big cities, looking large malls or seeing only higher middle class or higher income class or income of city dwellers. Therefore I want to draw attention of our Indian voters on the two major problems of India facing which are mass poverty and mass unemployment. They are interconnected. People are poor because they do not have income. That is because they are unemployed. There are also cases where people are employed and poor. For centuries, the problem of poverty is there in India. Reducing poverty is one of the major goals of planning in India. Politicians must have knowledge about the poor and their precise social and economic circumstances. Only then the political party can adopt effective policies for removing poverty.
At present as per Government of India, poverty line for the urban areas is Rs. 296 per month and for rural areas Rs. 276 per month. That is people who earn less than Rs. 10 per day is considered to be below the poverty line. As per GOI, this amount will buy food equivalent to 2200 calories per day, medically enough, to prevent death. At this level of earning in India, survival on Rs. 10 per day is a nightmare. The greater developmental tragedy in India is that about 260 million people are still living without even Rs. 10 per day.
In addition to the income based or economic view of poverty, there are other dimensions of poverty. For example, one can think of being housing poor, healthcare poor, education poor, and poor in the possession of desirable physical or mental attributes. Therefore we need to examine the manifestoes of all the political parties looking multi- dimensionally.
Generally, households with lowest income per person tend to be large, with many children or economically dependent members. Over a typical year, the poor spend nearly all their income on consumption of one sort or another and half of this consumption is likely to be in the form of food. Naturally the relative prices of food staples (food grains, pulses, oil, vegetables) are crucial to their welfare. Poor households generally invest in education for boys than for girls. The poor play little part in politics. In one sense they are disenfranchised. Of course, there are some exceptional cases. Crime, ill-health and lack of access to the poor are considered other correlates of poverty.
In India poverty is correlated with caste and race also. The extent of poverty in a country depends mainly on two factors: (1) the average level of national income and (2) the degree of inequality in its distribution.
Before assessing the programmes of political parties, it is needed to know about types of poverty in India and what steps the political party suggested in their manifestoes.
(1)Absolute poverty and Relative poverty
When people do not have adequate food, clothing and shelter, we say they are in absolute poverty.
Relative poverty refers to differences in income among different classes of people or people within the same group or among people of different countries. If we divide the population of a country into different class intervals based on income and if we compare say, the top 20 percent of population with the bottom 20 percent of population, then we can say we are studying about relative poverty.
(2) Temporary or chronic poverty
In countries like India, when there is poor rainfall, the crops fail and the farmers temporarily enter into a poverty sample. But when they are poor for long, then we call it chronic or structural poverty. For example, when agriculturists in many poor countries are dependent upon rain and when agriculture is marked by low productivity, we say farmers are in chronic poverty.
(3) Primary Poverty and Secondary Poverty
Rowntree (1901) made a distinction between primary poverty and secondary poverty. Primary poverty refers to “families whose total earnings are insufficient to obtain the minimum necessities for the maintenance of merely physical efficiency”. “Secondary poverty refers to a condition in which earnings would be sufficient for the maintenance for merely physical efficiency were it not that some portion of it is absorbed by other expenditure, either useful or wasteful such as drink, gambling and inefficient housekeeping.” Rowntree said that secondary poverty prevented many more people from meeting what he called “human needs standard” than did primary poverty (that is, inadequate incomes).
(4) Rural Poverty and Urban Poverty
A majority of the people in rural areas are poor because they do not own assets like land and they work as agricultural labourers; their wages are low and they get work only for a few months in a year. The urban poor, on the other hand, work for long hours but they get low incomes. They are employed mostly in the unorganized or informal sector. They are “sub-employed”.
Sub-employed are those 1) who work part- time but want full - time work; 2) family heads working full time who do not earn enough to bring their families over the poverty line and 3) discouraged workers who no longer seek work.
Warren Royal
Originally posted at indymedia. org/news/ 2003/07/74953_ comment.php? theme=1
The Austin American-Statesman, November 25, 2001, pg. A-11
We spoke earlier about the five celebrating Israeli "movers", (Mossad agents), who were arrested and placed in solitary confinement for weeks after they were spotted in a white van suspected of attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge. We also reviewed how the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems - Dominick Suter - then suddenly abandoned his "moving company" and fled for Israel on 9-14. But there were still more Israeli "movers" and other Israelis whose actions raise serious suspicions. Even more suspicious is how they are always quietly released and deported.
In October of 2001, three more Israeli "movers" were stopped in Plymouth, PA because of their suspicious behavior. These "movers" were seen dumping furniture near a restaurant dumpster! When the restaurant manager approached the driver, a "Middle Eastern" man later identified as Moshe Elmakias fled the scene. The manager made note of the truck's sign which read "Moving Systems Incorporated" and called the police. When the police spotted the truck, two other Israelis - Ayelet Reisler and Ron Katar began acting suspiciously. The Plymouth police searched the truck and found a video. The Israelis were taken into custody and the video tape was played at the police station. The video revealed footage of Chicago with zoomed in shots of the Sears Tower. The police quickly alerted the FBI and it was also discovered that the Israelis had falsified travel logs and phony paperwork on them. (1) They were also unable to provide a name and telephone number for the customer that they claimed to have been working for. These Israelis were up to some sort of dirty business, and you can be sure it had nothing to do with moving furniture. These Israeli spies may have had a dark sense of humor. The name of their "moving company" actually contained the word MOSSAD embedded inside. Moving Systems Incorporated. MOving SyStems IncorporAteD...MOSSAD
On October 10, 2001, CNN made a brief mention of a foiled terrorist bomb plot in the Mexican Parliament building. They promised to bring any further developments of this story to their viewers, but the incident was never heard of again in America. But the story appeared in bold headlines on the front page of the major Mexican newspapers (2) and was also posted on the official website of the Mexican Justice Department. (3) Two terror suspects were apprehended in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. Caught red-handed, they had in their possession a high powered gun, nine hand grenades, and C-4 plastic explosives (great stuff for demolishing buildings!) Within days, this blockbuster story not only disappeared from the Mexican press, but the Israelis were quietly released and deported! The two terrorists were Salvador Gerson Sunke and Sar ben Zui. Can you guess what their ethnicity was? Sunke was a Mexican jew and Zui was a colonel with the Israeli special forces (MOSSAD). (4)
The story in El Diario de Mexico went on to reveal that the Zionist terrorists had fake Pakistani passports on them. Can you say "false flag operation?" The probable motive of this particular botched terrorist operation was to involve oil rich Mexico in the "War on Terrorism". (The War on Israel's enemies would be a more accurate description) . Mexico is no military power, but the psychological trauma of an "Arab" attack on Mexico would surely have induced Mexico to provide unlimited cheap oil to her American "protector". With cheap oil flowing to America at low prices from Mexico, the US could better afford to break off relations with the oil rich Arab states in general and Saudi Arabia in particular. That's why the planners chose 15 Saudi identities to steal for the 9-11 operation.
Many Mexicans expressed shock at the release of the two Israelis. But when you learn that Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Relations is a Zionist named Jorge Gutman, it's not surprising! The Zionist tentacles reach even into Mexico! La Voz de Aztlan (Mexican-American news service), in it's excellent investigative report revealed:
"La Voz de Aztlan has learned that the Israeli Embassy used heavy handed measures to have the two Israelis released. Very high level emergency meetings took place between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose. Elías Luf of the Israeli Embassy worked night and day and their official spokeswoman Hila Engelhart went into high gear after many hours of complete silence. What went on during those high level meetings no one knows, but many in Mexico are in disbelief at their release." (5)
In November of 2001, 6 more suspicious Israelis were detained in an unspecified mid-eastern state. They had in their possession box cutters, oil pipeline plans, and nuclear power plant plans. (6) The local police called in the Feds and Immigration officials took over the scene and released the men without calling the FBI. The Jerusalem Post, the Miami Herald, (7) and the Times of London (8) all carried this amazing story and all revealed how furious FBI officials were that these terror suspects with nuclear power plant plans were allowed to go free. Of course, the corruption riddled FBI would only have caved into Zionist pressure from the Justice Department's Criminal Division boss, Michael Chertoff, and also from the ADL's "partner", FBI boss Robert Mueller - who would no doubt have found a way to eventually release those Israeli terror suspects too.
In December, 2001, the Los Angeles Times published the story of how two jewish terrorists were arrested by the FBI for plotting to blow up the office of US Congressman of Arab descent - Darrell Issa (R-CA), and a California mosque. (9) Irv Rubin and Earl Kruger of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) were charged with conspiracy to destroy a building by means of explosives. This story got brief national coverage but quickly disappeared too. These Zionists sure love blowing up buildings and killing innocent people don't they?
In May of 2002, yet another moving van was pulled over in Oak Harbor, Washington near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. Fox News reported that the van was pulled over for speeding shortly after midnight. The passengers told the police they were delivering furniture, but because it was so late at night, the police weren't buying the story. A bomb sniffing dog was brought in and the dog detected the presence of TNT and RDX plastic explosives in the truck (great stuff for demolishing buildings!) Both Fox News (10) and the Ha'aretz newspaper of Israel (11) reported that the two "movers" were Israelis.
In December, 2002, Ariel Sharon made the amazing claim that Al-Qaeda agents were operating inside of Israel. But when Palestinian authorities apprehended the suspects, they turned out to be Palestinian traitors impersonating Al-qaeda agents for the MOSSAD! From the Sydney Morning Herald of Austrailia:
"Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, a senior official said yesterday. ..The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon.
It was considered a surprise because the Gaza Strip is virtually sealed off by Israeli troops. The hardline Israeli leader also charged other members of the terror group were cooperating with Lebanon's Shi'ite militia Hizbollah" (12)
You know, if Sharon wasn't so dangerous, I'd almost be amused by his bullshit!
According to FOX news, throughout late 2000 and 2001, a total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. (13) It was the largest spy ring to ever be uncovered in the history of the United States. The Washington Post also reported that some of these Israelis were arrested in connection with the 9-11 investigation. (14) US. Carl Cameron of FOX News Channel did a excellent four part, nationally televised, series of investigations into this blockbuster scandal. But FOX pulled the investigative series after Zionist groups complained to FOX executives. FOX even went so far as to remove the written transcripts of the series from its website! In it's place was posted a chilling, Orwellian message which reads: "This story no longer exists." (15) Fortunately for the sake of history, the FOX transcripts were copied onto to many other websites and all four parts are available for your review. (see footnotes.)
The FOX series and other mainstream news media sources revealed that many of these Israelis were army veterans with electronics and explosives expertise. Many of them failed lie detector tests. FBI agents told FOX that some of their past investigations were compromised because suspects had been tipped off by Israeli wiretapping specialists. It was discovered that Israeli companies such as Comverse and Amdocs have the capability to tap American telephones (great for blackmailing all those wife-cheating politicians! ) FBI agents also told FOX they believed the Israelis had advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks. (which certainly would explain why no Israelis died in the WTC) Still another US official informed FOX that some of the detained Israelis actually had links to 9-11, but he refused to describe the nature of those links. The FBI official told FOX's Carl Cameron:
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about the evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information. " (16) (emphasis added)
Then there was that small army of Israeli "art students" who were arrested for trying to sneak into secured US Federal buildings and staking out 36 Department of Defense sites. Some of these suspicious "art students" even showed up at the homes of Federal employees. (17) Ron Hatchett, a Department of Defense analyst, told Channel 11, KHOU news in Houston that he believed that the "art students" were gathering intelligence for future attacks. Here's an excerpt from the October 1, 2001 KHOU investigative report by Anna Werner:
"Could federal buildings in Houston and other cities be under surveillance by foreign groups? That's what some experts are asking after federal law enforcement and security officials - nationally and in Houston - described for the 11 News Defenders a curious pattern of behavior by a group of people claiming to be Israeli art students."
"Hatchett says they could be doing what he would be doing if he were a terrorist, sizing up the situation: "We need to know what are the entrances to this particular building. We need to know what are the surveillance cameras that are operating. We need to know how many guards are at this operation, when do they take breaks?" Says Hatchett: This is not a bunch of kids selling artwork."
"A former Defense Department analyst, Hatchett believes groups may be gathering intelligence for possible future attacks. "Some organization, thinking in terms of a potential retaliation against the U.S. government could be scouting out potential targets and . looking for targets that would be vulnerable."
And a source tells the Defenders of another federal memo, stating that besides Houston and Dallas, the same thing has happened at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, and even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites. "One defense site you can explain," says Hatchett, "well that was just a serendipitous, .... Thirty-six? That's a pattern." (18)
A Federal memo stated that these "art students" may have had ties to an "Islamic terror group". More likely, they were the "Islamic terror group"! Remember the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, and how the "Arab terrorists" were actually Irgun terrorists? Remember the Zionist terrorists caught in Mexico with Arab passports? Remember the official motto of the Mossad - By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War. Are you getting the picture? Can you say "false flag operations"?
In a follow up report a few days later, KHOU Channel 11 revealed that Dallas was also targetted:
"11 News reported how people claiming to be "Israeli art students" might be trying to sneak into federal buildings and defense sites, and even doing surveillance. And at least one expert said he thought it could all be preparation for an attack. Well, now federal sources say they are not ruling out that all of this could be connected with the hijackings on September 11, because of events in another Texas city.
In Dallas, the so-called students hit early this year at the city's FBI building, the Drug Enforcement Administration and at the Earle Cabell Federal building, where guards found one student wandering the halls with a floor plan of the building.
So the Dallas INS went on the alert, finding and arresting 15 people in March. Thirteen claimed to be Israelis and two are professed Colombians. But according to sources, once again their passports were phony. And another federal source says some of those arrested also appeared to have lists of federal employees and their home addresses.
All 15 "students" have now been deported. Now, since our first story ran Sunday night, some viewers called who said that they've been visited by people who claim to be Israeli students selling art." (19)
Absolutely mind boggling! Why were Israeli explosives experts, posing as "art students" roaming the halls of US Federal buildings? Why were Israeli army vets, armed with explosives and detonators, roaming the halls of the Mexican Congress? Why were Israeli "movers" caught in vans with explosives residue ? Might some of these shady characters have once also "roamed the halls" of the World Trade Center prior to 9-11? Why aren't "60 minutes", "Nightline", "20/20", and the rest of the Zionist media aggressively pursuing the story behind the Israeli "art students" and "movers" with 1/1,000th the zeal that they pursued Martha Stewart over allegations of insider trading (who cares?), or 1/10,000th the zeal that they pursued the Catholic Church over an occasional pedophile priest? (funny how we never hear about the documented cases of pedophile rabbis!) or 1/100,000th the zeal that they pursue the Muslim bogeyman on a daily basis? Something smells rotten here!
One would think that these intriguing mysteries would have great TV audience appeal, especially in light of the fact that the Oklahoma Federal building was blown up in 1995 by the since executed Timothy McVeigh (dead men tell no tales), and a "John Doe # 2" of "Middle-Eastern appearance", who was never tracked down or pursued despite numerous eye-witness accounts and despite an FBI All Points Bulletin which clearly described him as such.
Of America's major networks, only FOX News made a meager attempt to investigate these mysteries, but FOX was quickly silenced by Zionist pressure. This alone is evidence of criminal activity! Before his excellent work was silenced, FOX's Carl Cameron reported this amazing bit of information:
"Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told FOX News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying is considered career suicide." (20) (emphasis added)
Did you catch that? If a Federal investigator dares to "even suggest" Israeli spying, he has committed "career suicide"! And if a journalist like FOX's Cameron dares to bring this scandal to light, he is told to shut his mouth. If they persist, they may even be called "anti-Semitic" - a label which has served as the kiss of death for many a career. This means that Zionist Mafia can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and however it wants - including orchestrating, financing, executing, and covering up the true story of events in the Middle East, the 9-11 massacre, and the ensuing "War on Terrorism" (war on Israel's enemies).
Now do you remember the Mossad's "warning" about the 200 "Al-Qaeda terrorists" said to have been preparing major attacks in the US? (21) At the time of this writing, we are one year into the largest investigation in American history, and not one of these 200 "terrorists" has yet to be uncovered. (22) But 200 Israeli spies were uncovered, among them many military members, electronics experts, wiretapping and phone tapping specialists, and explosives experts with the skill to bring down tall buildings. (23) Logic and common sense leads to the conclusion that the "200 Al Qaeda terrorists" were in reality, 200 Zionist terrorists sent to frame the Arabs for terrorist attacks and drag America into a war.
On December 11, 2002, Senator Bob Graham (D-FL), a leading member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, appeared as a guest on the PBS Newshour with Gwen Ifill. Graham surprised Ifill by expressing his belief that a foreign government or governments had to have funded and supported the hijackers. Here's part of the exchange:
IFILL: "Are you suggesting that you are convinced that there was a state sponsor behind 9/11?"
GRAHAM: "I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing - although that was part of it - by a sovereign foreign government and that we have been derelict in our duty to track that down, make the further case, or find the evidence that would indicate that that is not true and we can look for other reasons why the terrorists were able to function so effectively in the United States."
IFILL: "Do you think that will ever become public, which countries you're talking about?"
Now listen to Graham's bombshell... ......:
GRAHAM: "It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now. And, we need to have this information now because it's relevant to the threat that the people of the United States are facing today." (24) (emphasis added)
Senator Graham is suggesting that US intelligence knows which foreign government helped the terrorists, but the government isn't going to tell us for another 30 years! Given the current state of anti-Muslim war hysteria being promoted by the media and government, common sense dictates that if an Arab government was ever discovered to have sponsored 9-11, we'd be seeing the evidence night and day on the controlled media, and hearing about it non-stop from all the President's warmongers as well as the Israeli-occupied US Congress and Senate. This alone is evidence that no Arab government was involved in 9-11.
It can't be an Arab government. Why would any Arab government sponsor "Al-qaeda", an organization dedicated to overthrowing what it sees as corrupt, US-backed Arab governments? What Arab government would have incentive to attack America- its best oil purchasing customer? What Arab government would have the ability to shield itself from US media exposure? What Arab government would be so suicidal, so hell-bent on its own destruction, as to attack a mighty nuclear superpower like the United States? So who, if not an Arab government could be the chief sponsor of 9-11? Again, let's go back to FOX News quoting an FBI official. Pay close attention to the specific language used:
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about the evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information. " (25) (empasis added)
In order for evidence "linking these Israelis to 9-11" to become classified, the evidence has to have existed in the first place! Furthermore, but it must have been very, very serious stuff indeed. Only the really ugly stuff merits the distinction of being "classified! "
It may be possible that the good Senator doesn't know himself which country or countries are involved. Graham may still be under the delusion that it's an Arab government. Or, perhaps he's a disgusted patriot just trying to throw a subtle shot at Israel in his own little way, without actually having to commit "career suicide" as so many other anti-Zionist politicians have in the past. History will reveal the truth one day, just as it did for Pearl Harbor. The trouble is, by that time, no one will care about 9-11 and this phony war "War on Terrorism" anymore. The American attention span does not reach "20-30 years". It's closer to 20-30 minutes, about the length of an average Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, or Tom Brokaw infomercial. If even that!
History always repeats itself. But who will teach this history to the American people when the Zionists control the information industry? The Zionist Mafia and their ass-kissing careerist henchmen in media, government, academia, and business have all of the bases covered.
Ex-CIA operative tied to Cuba bombings: jury
By Tom Brown
Thu Apr 9, 2009
Miami - A federal grand jury has accused anti-Castro Cuban exile and former
CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles of lying to U.S. authorities about his
role in bomb attacks against tourist sites in Cuba in 1997.
In an indictment filed against Posada by the grand jury in El Paso, Texas,
on Wednesday, he is accused of seeking to "obstruct and impede" the work of
the U.S. government by lying during an immigration interview about his role
in the attacks.
An Italian man was killed in the 1997 bomb blasts in Cuba in a case the
indictment highlights as an "offense involving international terrorism."
The arraignment of Posada, who has a long history of violent opposition to
former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, has been set for April 17 and jury
selection for a trial is expected to begin on August 10.
Posada is wanted in both Cuba and Venezuela, where he is accused of
masterminding the 1976 suitcase bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73
people. That bombing occurred while Posada, a naturalized Venezuelan, lived
in the oil-rich South American nation.
The latest indictment marks the first time since Posada arrived in the
United States seeking asylum in March 2005 that he has been linked in a
court proceeding to the Cuba bombings which killed Italian national Fabio di
Posada's Miami-based attorney Arturo Hernandez could not be reached for
immediate comment.
But a front-page story in Thursday's edition of Cuba's Communist Party
newspaper Granma called the indictment "a surprising change of strategy" by
U.S. prosecutors.
It came after "repeated requests for (Posada's) extradition by the
government of Venezuela," the newspaper said, adding that it also preceded a
regional Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago next week "where the
topic will inevitably be mentioned."
Though it branded Posada "the most famous terrorist of the hemisphere,"
Granma noted that the U.S. charges against him had been limited to perjury
and obstruction.
U.S. President Barack Obama will attend the Trinidad summit and calls for a
normalization of U.S.-Cuba ties are expected to figure prominently there.
Cuba had repeatedly accused Obama's predecessor, former President George W.
Bush, of coddling Posada because of his CIA past and his support in the
hard-line U.S. Cuban exile community where many regard him as a hero.
Wednesday's indictment does not charge Posada, 81, with planting the Cuba
bombs but with lying to an immigration court about his alleged
behind-the-scenes role in the attacks at hotels, bars and restaurants in the
Havana area.
The Cuban government has claimed that one of two Salvadoran nationals
convicted in Havana of the bombings, Raul Ernesto Cruz Leon, placed the bomb
that killed the Italian and charged that Cruz Leon was a Posada accomplice.
The Texas grand jury said Posada lied to an immigration judge when asked if
he had arranged for Cruz Leon to carry explosives into Cuba. "(The)
defendant had been involved in soliciting other individuals to carry out
said bombings in Cuba," the indictment read.
After entering the United States illegally in 2005, Posada was subsequently
indicted on seven immigration fraud charges accusing of him of lying to
immigration authorities, but a U.S. judge threw out those charges in May
Earlier, Posada was jailed in Panama for plotting to kill Castro during an
Ibero-American summit in 2000, but was pardoned by outgoing President Mireya
Moscoso in 2004.
He has lived in the Miami area with his wife since he was released from jail
April 2007 on bail totaling $350,000.
(Additional reporting by Jeff Franks in Havana; Editing by Pascal Fletcher)
A shameful tradition continues
Debt slavery in Florida's tomato fields remains an issue
By Cal Colgan
Flagler College Gargolye
April 8, 2009
Every week, students from schools all over the country hungrily rush to
their cafeterias and bistros, munching on subs and sandwiches and chomping
on cheeseburgers containing slabs of juicy, red tomatoes. Parents buy the
rose-colored fruits to force-feed their stubborn children. Health nuts
purchase organic tomatoes for homemade dishes of pasta or couscous.
And every day, barrels of tomatoes are shipped all over the country from
Florida's tomato fields to be taken for granted by the insatiable mouths of
middle class Americans.
Few people realize that the majority of those ripe ruby fruits they purchase
were picked after hours of back-breaking labor amidst threats and occasional
beatings: the typical symptoms of a shameful social disease that was
supposed to have been eradicated over 140 years ago.
Slavery exists in Florida's tomato fields.
The town of Immokalee is the heart of the tomato-growing industry. In his
March 2009 article for Gourmet Magazine, Barry Estabrook writes that
although Immokalee is only an hour northeast of Naples, the
second-wealthiest metropolitan area in the nation, the town stands in stark
contrast to its southern counterpart.
With a population that is 70 percent Latino, a large portion of the town's
workers are migrant tomato-pickers.
"Per capita income [for Immokalee] is only $8,500 a year," Estabrook said.
"One-third of the families in this city of nearly 25,000 live below the
poverty line. Over one-third of the children drop out before graduating from
high school."
It was in the midst of this squalor that the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
was born. The C.I.W. Web site states that the coalition is a
"community-based worker organization."
Since 1993, the C.I.W. has campaigned for higher wages and better working
conditions for the residents of the Southwest Florida town, the Sunshine
State's largest farm worker community. Ironically, perhaps, the most recent
documented case of modern-day slavery in the tomato-picking industry
occurred in Immokalee.
"For two and a half years, beginning in April 2005, Mariano Lucas Domingo,
along with several other men, was held as a slave [at a house on South
Seventh Street]," Eastabrook said. Domingo is a Guatemalan immigrant in his
thirties who crossed the border illegally so he could find work to send
money home for a sick parent. Expecting to earn about $200 a week in the
tomato fields, he was hired by then 23-year-old Cesar Navarrete, an illegal
Mexican immigrant who agreed to give Lucas room and board at his family's
South Seventh Street home. Navarrete also told Lucas that he would extend
credit to cover the periods of the year tomatoes could not grow.
The reality of the situation turned out to be far different.
Lucas soon discovered that his "room" was the back of a box truck that he
shared with two or three other workers. Because there was no plumbing, Lucas
and the other occupants of the truck had to urinate and defecate in a
corner, prompting Navarete to lower Lucas's pay by $20 a week. Eastabrook
said Navarrete "also charged Lucas for two meager meals a day . . . Cold
showers from a garden hose in the backyard were $5 each. Everything had a
As a result of Navarrete's conniving company-boss system, it wasn't long
before Lucas was $300 in debt. But when Lucas suggested to Navarrete after a
month of ten-hour workdays that he should have already paid off his debt,
Navarrete threatened him, telling Lucas he would beat him if he ever tried
to leave the farm.
And instead of calculating what Lucas had supposedly paid off and what he
actually earned, Eastabrook said, "Navarrete took Lucas's paychecks, cashed
them, and randomly doled out pocket money . . . Over the years, Navarrete
and members of his family deprived Lucas of $55,000."
During those two and a half years, Lucas was not allowed to take a single
day off. "If Lucas became ill or was too exhausted to work," Eastabrook
said, "he was kicked in the head, beaten and locked in the back of the
truck. Other members of Navarrete's dozen-man crew were slashed with knives,
tied to posts, and shackled in chains."
Lucas finally escaped on Nov. 18, 2007, and Navarrete and his brother were
each sentenced to 12 years in prison. But the depravity of the Navarrete
family is not an isolated case. It is the seventh documented case of slavery
rings in Florida's tomato fields. From 1997 to 2007, these seven cases have
involved more than 1,000 men and women being held in some form of
involuntary servitude.
The Palatka 2007 slavery case hits even closer to St. Augustine. According
to the C.I.W. Web site, Ron Evans was sentenced to 30 years in federal
prison for operating a slavery ring, and his wife and son were sentenced to
20 years and 10 years, respectively.
"Operating in Florida and North Carolina," the Web site says, "Ron Evans
recruited homeless U.S. citizens from shelters across the Southeast,
including New Orleans, Tampa and Miami, with promises of good jobs and
As some of the homeless workers had alcohol and drug addictions, Evans also
sinisterly lured them to his Palatka and Newton Grove, NC labor camps with
promises of alcohol and crack cocaine, which he would then deduct from their
pay, along with food and rent. The homeless individuals, says the C.I.W. Web
site, were soon in a state of perpetual debt.
"In Florida, Ron Evans worked for grower Frank Johns," the C.I.W. Web site
says. "Johns was 2004 Chairman of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable
Association, the powerful lobbying arm of the Florida agricultural
Such despicable acts on the part of field bosses often go ignored by growers
such as Johns. As late as April of last year, Reginald L. Brown, vice
president of the Florida Tomato Growers exchange, told a U.S. Senate
committee that "Florida's tomato growers abhor and condemn slavery," and
maintained that any instances of involuntary servitude are isolated cases by
private growers and not the commercial tomato industry.
But Lariza Garzón begs to differ.
A member of the National Farm Worker Ministry and the Youth and Young Adult
Network, Garzón, 26, has been involved in raising awareness about the plight
of farm workers since 2004. She has worked with local groups such as the
C.I.W., state groups such as the Farm Worker Association of Florida, and
national groups such as the Farm Labor Organizing Committee to fight for
humane working conditions for our nation's farm workers.
Garzón maintains that modern-day slavery in Florida's tomato fields is
She said a tomato company will typically hire "a crew leader so that [the
company] can wash [its] hands of the rest of what happens to the workers.
The crew leader is the immediate supervisor of the worker."
Garzón said crew leaders are responsible for the physical abuse of workers
and other symptoms of slavery, but that sometimes the tomato growers
themselves are the culprits.
"Because of the crew leader system, farm workers are more vulnerable [to
exploitation and slavery] than workers in other areas," she said.
Those farm workers that aren't slaves still labor for miniscule wages. The
C.I.W. won industry-wide raises in farm workers' pay from 13 to 25 percent
in 1998, bringing the tomato-picking piece rate back up to the level it was
in 1980. In 2001, the group began a boycott of Taco Bell, followed by other
companies in the food industry like McDonald's and Burger King. The C.I.W.
demanded that the companies pay their workers a penny more per pound of each
tomato they pick.
But although the C.I.W. won promises of a commitment to better working
conditions on the part of these companies, conditions in Florida's tomato
fields still remain deplorable. The Ft. Myers News-Press said in a March 12
article that although the companies agreed to the pay increase, the Florida
Tomato Grower's Exchange has refused to pay tomato pickers directly, instead
paying extra wages into an account that never reaches the workers. And the
C.I.W. claims the average farm worker in Immokalee is still well below the
poverty line.
"If it's not called slavery, it's called exploitation," Garzón said.
Conditions in Florida fields may seem hopeless, but awareness and help on
behalf of migrant farm workers is growing. Organizations like Harvest of
Hope have joined the fight.
Phil Kellerman, 53, founded the organization in 1997 out of an inheritance
he received from his social worker grandmother. Since its founding, H.O.H.
has given over $714,000 to migrant farm workers and their families.
According to the organization's Web site, the money is for "repairs to
vehicles, housing, utilities, medical services and bills, food, clothing,
funeral expenses and tuition for migrants students attending college."
Kellerman said he and his brother, Ed, 56, senior lecturer for the Dial
Center for Written and Oral Communication at the University of Florida, have
helped at least 3,500 individual cases involving almost 20,000 farm workers.
Recently, H.O.H. organized a benefit concert for migrant farm workers here
in St. Augustine. The three-day music festival, lasting from March 6 to 8,
involved 141 bands and had at least 17,000 people coming through the gates.
Over 80 percent of the proceeds will be used for services for migrant farm
workers, and 10 percent of that 80 percent went directly to educational
services for migrant students in Florida.
The fight against modern-day slavery in Florida has continued as well. On
March 25th, Gov. Charlie Crist met with representatives of the C.I.W. Crist
agreed to meet with the representatives after members of the C.I.W. traveled
to Tallahassee and protested the governor's two years of refusal to meet
with the group by reenacting the instances of the Navarrete case.
Crist said that he would publicly address the issues raised by the
representatives, which included calling on growers to improve working
conditions for tomato pickers and cracking down on modern-day slavery in the
tomato fields.
Finally, it appears that the state government is shining light on the
shadowy specters of slavery and exploitation. But more needs to be done if
we are to overcome the dark and dastardly characteristics of the
agricultural industry.
Garzón believes there needs to be an easier path to citizenship for working
immigrants who have been in the U.S. for several years. In this way, many
migrant workers would not be lured into low-wage jobs from questionable
growers and crew leaders. She also said there needs to be reform in labor
laws that apply to farm workers, as well as higher wages and better benefits
for them.
Above all, she said, we must reform the food industry.
"Agriculture companies need to take more responsibility for what happens to
the workers. The crew-leader system needs to stop."
Modern-day slavery and economic exploitation will not end in Florida's
fields by government action alone. Individual citizens need to take action
against the industries that are condoning and perpetuating these ruthless,
inhuman acts. It is time we realized that every purchase we make has
political implications; and it is up to us to decide whether the price of
tomatoes is worth the shackles.
In reply to a question, Mr Holbrooke alleged the bulk of Taliban leadership was in Pakistan, and not in Afghanistan. `Any day they may be in Karachi, Miramshah or some other city.' He said both Pakistan and the US had a common enemy, threat and challenge.
We at Ideal World Concept Organization (IWCO) send our warm greetings to our entire
members worldwide. And with great enthusiasm, we wish to invite groups, youths, women
and youth focused organizations to be part of our forthcoming combined international
conference on child labour, abuse and neglect taking place in the United States and the
United Kingdom respectively. The combined conferences are of two segments.
The first segment shall commence in Andalusia, Alabama USA on 16th till 19th June, 2009.The venue is BLUE LAKE AUDITORIUM, 8569 Oakwood lane, Andalusia , Alabama 36241 , USA .
The second segment shall take place in London from 22nd till 25th June, 2009 at FLOSSIES CONFERENCE CENTRE Station Road, East Tisted, Near Alton, Hampshire , GU34 3QP , London, United Kingdom.
1. To discuss the root causes of child labour, abuse and neglect in order to help in
eradicating these social ills.
2. To re-educate and enlighten the youths and adults about these social vices and
also promote community organizing as a tool to re-connect people to each other with
a common goal of building safe, supportive and good communities.
3. To create spaces for the youths of the world to acquire the power of collective action,
critical dialogue and community organizing to undermine child labour, abuse and neglect.
4. To equip the youth and adult participants with vital tools and know-how.
This will aid them in conducting such workshops amongst youths and women in their various
We have noticed that this is an incredible means of interacting with different organizations
of the world on a particular issue as it affects youths, women and adults. Moreover, funding may
be provided for individuals from qualifying organizations. Provisions have been made for
all delegates to this event, all round tickets, feeding and accommodation in USA by our sponsors.
Please note that all delegates will take care of their feeding and accommodation in the UK as the resources of (IWCO) do not cover that.
Only groups with member delegates between the numbers of five (5) minimum and ten (10) maximum selected would be allowed to participate from each of the selected countries. Also individuals who do not belong to any of the organizations but are sincerely interested to participate should form a group of at least five and then apply as group. Please note that all participants MUST be part of the two segments ( U.S.A. and U.K. ) or their registration forms will not be processed by the IWCO secretariat.
Interested organizations should forward the following information about their organization.
1. Aims and objectives of their organization.
2. Organization profile.
3. Achievements so far.
N.B. Intending participants are expected to direct their responses to the coordinator Philip Brawn at for more details. The deadline for application is as set by the Organizing Committee of (IWCO). Also note that (IWCO) will only respond and attend to the applications forward to the above contact email address.
Yours Faithfully,
by Arun Shrivastava
We will soon be eating genetically modified rice invented by seeds multinational corporations
Someone said, "Monsanto invented the pig.' Very soon we will learn, right here in India and Asia, that US and European seeds multinational corporations "invented" rice. And soon we shall be paying up front royalty to these companies for eating rice. Hold your breath; that situation is upon us.
I pose this question to you before you read further: What would you do to a company that claims it "invented rice" and wants its pound of flesh because you, Sirs and Madams, eat rice?
India is a rice country. Rice has been our staple for thousands of years. A French scientist had once said India has 200,000 varieties of rice. Other environmentalists say 100,000. Does it matter? In the traditional rice producing regions I found that the taste and shape of rice often differed from village to village. Not any more. Post green revolution, the varieties available in the market for commercial sowing has dropped to about fifty what must surely be called the greatest destruction of genetic diversity in any food crop anywhere in the world.
Forty years ago when my mother cooked basmati rice, a gentle aroma would pervade the entire home. Not any more. Under Green revolution rice slowly hybridized into a commodity and now produced in large mechanized farms with heavy doses of fertilizers and pesticides. Bayer CropScience, a German company, genetically modified rice seeds. This gene revolution genie is now out of the bottle and no one knows how many rice varieties are contaminated. No one really knows how much of this engineered poison has already entered our food chain. And that has happened without proper biosafety studies.
Rice belongs to the Oryza specie. Lay persons like me were told that rice is self pollinating with little or no chance of pollen drift and contamination of neighbour's rice field. However, RiceTech, a US-based hybrid seeds company, has documented that "wind assisted rice pollens can move over 600 feet." [APHIS Workshop, September 13-15, 2004; Abstract] If genetically engineered rice is planted amidst non-genetically modified rice, there is every chance that non-genetically modified rice will be contaminated and this is what happened in the United States of America.
US Rice Gets Contaminated
Bayer CropScience (the German multinational seeds company) conducted field trials of LL601 (better known as Liberty Link 601) from 1999 to 2001 in Louisiana. It then dropped the project and did not seek US Government permission to market it. In 2006, widespread contamination of US long-grain rice with LL601 trait was reported.
Covering the event, Rick Weiss, the Washington Post staff writer, reported, "The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investigating how the variety escaped from test plots into farmers' fields, where it was quietly amplified for years until its discovery. The seeds and plants of LL601 look virtually identical to those of the popular conventional variety with which they had become mixed, said Steve Linscombe, director of Louisiana State University's rice research station in Crowley.. The day the contamination was announced in August, Bayer asked the government to approve the variety."
On 5th October 2007, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) concluded its genetically engineered rice investigation. Investigators had hoped to identify how each GE rice line entered the commercial rice supply, but the exact mechanism for introduction could not be determined in either instance. (Source: USDA, Press Release, However, it could not pinpoint how engineered rice seeds could contaminate over such a large area. Speculation was rife: some said mislabeling, others said human error, yet others said containers got mixed up.
Approval By Contamination
On 24th November, 2006 the USDA granted marketing approval of genetically-engineered Liberty Link 601 of Bayer CropScience. (GE) rice variety following its illegal contamination of the food supply and rice exports, first announced three months ago. The controversial decision was taken despite the insistence of Bayer CropScience that it had dropped plans to commercialize the variety five years ago. "With this decision, USDA is telling agricultural biotechnology companies that it doesn't matter if you're negligent, if you break the rules, if you contaminate the food supply with untested genetically engineered crops, we'll bail you out," said Joseph Mendelson, Legal Director of the Center for Food Safety. "In effect, USDA is sanctioning an 'approval-by-contamination' policy that can only increase the likelihood of untested genetically engineered crops entering the food supply in the future, and further erode trust in the wholesomeness of U.S. food overseas," he added.
Naturally, Bayer CropScience welcomed the decision of USDA. "The deregulation confirms the preliminary decision of USDA, published on September 8, 2006, that LLRICE601 does not pose any environmental concerns and should no longer be regulated."
Oh yes, it does, Mr. Bayer. That is why US rice consignments were returned or destroyed at Rotterdam port.and another, and another.and another.
Is India Vulnerable?
You bet it is. In January I received a set of documents from an Agriculture University in West Bengal that illegal genetically modified Bhindi (Okra) has been planted. In March I was told in Jhansi that poor farmers were offered lucrative deals to plant "special seed" of all sorts of vegetables including green chilly.
Who knows at how many places illegal genetically engineered rice have been planted?Only when contamination will be discovered at the port of landing of Indian rice exporters that India will wake up to the destruction of its 10,000 years of heritage: THE RICE.
Following on from the US example, it is not too far fetched to say that our favourite staple rice will be owned by one of the five or six seeds multinationals.because they "invented" it! Who will be the first to contaminate our rice is at best a guess.
Any questions?
Neither the Congress Party, nor BJP, nor CPM nor CPI, nor RSP, nor SP, nor Shiv Senanone has the guts or the political will to oppose the fraud of these multinational corporations. They have all been silenced.
"Who cares if GMO seeds don't provide any of the benefits that were promised? Certainly not the seed companies. Perhaps benefits to the people of the world were never the point. Perhaps the point was to get those first GMO crops in the ground -- promise them the moon! -- and then allow nature to take its course and contaminate the rest of the planet with patented pollen. The intellectual property lawsuits will come along in good time."
Sunita Paul April 09, 2009
Commerce Minister Lt. Col. (Retired) recently said the BDR massacre was not simply a "mutiny", but a deep-rooted conspiracy to destabilize the present government in Bangladesh.
9. Female members were physically abused during the dark hours of February 25, 2009 when the soldiers came to know that all of their acts will be pardoned through the General Amnesty declared by the Prime Minister.
10. On March 1, 2009, the police forces of Bangladesh suddenly started receiving 100% ration, which was one of the 22 demands of the BDR. Was there any credible intelligence regarding a similar threat at the Police force? If so, from whom? Or, this was a ´reward´ for their ´cooperation´ in letting the mutineers flee from the BDR headquarters under directives from the powerful quarters in the government?
Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) statement for the Anti-Imperialist Conference in Thessaloniki, 21-22/3/2009
A significant step towards the joint anti-imperialist struggle in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean Region!
During the open debate that took place in the Polytechnic Campus of Thessaloniki, on Saturday 21/3/2009 besides the participant delegations, conveyed their messages of solidarity the delegations of: Committee Against Foreign Bases and Dependence from Chania-Crete, the Anti-War, Anti-imperialist Committee of Karditsa, the Militant Movements of Students, Greece. The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), the Revolutionary-Communist Youth League from Austria, ATIK and New Democratic Youthfrom Turkey also conveyed their messages of solidarity to the conference. The main contribution in the open debate on behalf of CPG (m-l) was made by the General Secretarycom.Vasilis Samaras.
In the multilateral and bilateral meetings of the delegations that took place during the two days of the meeting there was an exchange of views on the international situation, the imperialists’ policies across the world and more particularly in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean Region and they examined ways and political aspects to consolidate the coordination and the joint anti-imperialist struggle and solidarity. More particularly they discussed and exchanged their views on the situation in the occupied Palestine and the heroic resistance of the Palestinian People in Gaza Strip and the West Bank and they stressed the need to consolidate the international solidarity to resistance..
The situation in Cyprus was also discussed particularly and there was a thorough exchange of experience and views for the situation in the Balkan countries and the level of the anti-war and anti-imperialist struggle. All delegates noted the important absence of delegates from the countries of former Yugoslavia and stressed the need to increase the effort to expand contacts and meetings towards a more multilateral cooperation and coordination.
There were also suggestions on multilateral initiatives of joint talks and activities, in a period of increased danger for peace in the region due to the imperialist aggression. This aggression is expressed by the rapid increase of the military presence of NATO/US military forces and bases in the Balkans. The significance of such and similar joint meetings was also stressed as well as the need to continue in the future. The delegates saluted the mass anti-NATO initiatives and demonstrations that take place these days in Europe for the summit of this criminal, warlike alliance. They also denounced the plans of the NATO Eastern expansion. There was also a proposal for a joint resolution that will be published after the necessary elaboration soon. All contributions have been published in
Athens 31/3/2009
Communist Party of Greece
International Bureau
Chris Mais
Yemen Times - Sana'a,Yemen
Patrick Mac Manus
Midgaardsgade 13, 3. th.
2200 København / Copenhagen N
+45 22 45 41 78
On Tuesday, April 7th President Barack Obama made an unannounced four-hour trip to Baghdad to promote the continuing war there, while pretending to end it. (This is reminiscent of the surprise trips taken there by his predecessor, George W. Bush.) Obama’s Iraq trip was actually confined to Camp Victory, the largest U.S. military base in Iraq. It was more of a photo-op than a trip that involved any real substance.
During his short stay, Obama met with top U.S. Iraq commander, General Ray Odierno; and a few Iraqi puppet leaders, such as Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Al-Maliki told reporters, "We assured the president that all the progress that has been made in the security area will continue."
Of course security was not good enough to allow Obama to travel through Baghdad streets or beyond the confines of the military base. An AFP report indicated that Obama’s touch down in Baghdad occurred when “a spate of recent attacks have killed dozens and wounded hundreds more.” The report continued that “A string of car bombings in mainly Shiite districts of Baghdad on Monday killed at least 34 people in what the US military said appeared to be coordinated attacks by Al-Qaeda. A further eight died in another attack in the capital before Obama's arrival on Tuesday.”
Obama made a short propaganda speech to the assembled U.S. troops and stated, "It is time for us to transition to the Iraqis. They need to take responsibility for their country." Obama told the troops, “You have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country. That is an extraordinary achievement.” I wonder if Obama sensed the irony of declaring a country “democractic” in making this announcement at just one of the many U.S. bases used to occupy it. But in a deeper sense, the invasion and continuing military occupation of Iraq concentrate exactly what the U.S. delivers when it claims to bring democracy to any country.
The so-called democratic government there was installed after a massive U.S. invasion that has resulted in the deaths of a million Iraqis. Millions more are external or internal refugees. Hundreds of thousands of medical personnel and other educated Iraqis have fled the country. The U.S. still occupies the country with more than 100,000 U.S. troops and tens of thousands of U.S. contractors. The U.S. is currently training tens of thousands of Iraqi puppet troops to help the U.S. to control the country, even after the so-called withdrawal of “combat troops.”
The U.S. has the largest U.S. embassy in the world located not too far from where Obama made his speech and that embassy will be the real hub of control in Iraq for years to come if the Obama administration is able to carry out its goals in Iraq. This is the reality of “democracy” that the U.S. has brought to Iraq.
During his speech about making Iraqis responsible for their country, Obama did not mention that his “withdrawal plan” would leave a U.S. force of 50,000 in Iraq to provide “counterterrorism duties.” I guess these 50,000 troops, the tens of thousands of U.S. contractors, and the huge embassy to be left behind will just be assisting the Iraqis in taking responsibility to follow U.S. dictates.
Obama’s quick stop had nothing to do with promoting an independent Iraq and everything to do with fooling the American people. His stopover led network newscasts and generated overwhelmingly positive U.S.
mainstream media coverage. Obama was framed in front of cheering U.S. troops. His remarks were not critically examined by the media and millions of Americans actually think Obama is “withdrawing” from Iraq and handling over responsibility of their country to the Iraqis.
Marcy Newman, Body on the line
April 8, 2009
Avigdor Lieberman stated that israel hasn’t committed itself to Annapolis or anything else. i couldnt agree with him more!) so, this means that members of fatah and hamas (i shall hereby refer to them as FATAMAS, b/c lets face it, we deserve better) should agree now right? i mean, why should fatamas force itself to abide to previous agreements when israel never has? when israel continues to build settlements? when israel does not (and indeed never has) stuck to the road map- or any other agreement, un resolution, etc? so fatamas, take a hint from lieberman and get over yourselves. (hold up. did i mention that israeli police held lieberman for 7 hours on corruption charges? scandalous! im lovin it!) but lets be real. lieberman isn’t the super racist stud you think he is. as nimer sultany says, lieberman is no abnormality. fact is we got the rest of bibi’s cabinet to deal with.
but for now energy seems to be directed against the main enemy: the zionist colonist terrorists. here is footage from al quds and the fighting between palestinians, who are throwing stones, and israeli terrorists who are shooting rubber-coated steel bullets:
my dear friend nora filmed israeli terrorists in beit ommar today targeting, among other villagers, a 4 year old child. she wrote this about it and she filmed it too (see below):
Today, the Israeli military once again invaded and attacked Palestinian residents of Beit Ommar village. For a few hours, the military had stationed themselves on the border of the village near Safa — where settlers had shot at Palestinians hours earlier. One woman trying to get home in Safa from Beit Ommar told us her brother had been shot by a settler and she was attempting to get home to be with her children who were shaken up. But the road was now full of soldiers and she couldn’t get to her home or her kids.
I captured a video of the soldiers upon their retreat from Beit Ommar — when an Israeli soldier deliberately chucked a heavy sound grenade at the feet of a 4 year old boy.
and my dear friend josie wrote this about her family’s village in safa, which is also besieged by israeli terrorists:
This morning we woke up to more alarming news from the village of Safa where my sister-in-law lives with her family. Following the murder of an Israeli settler in a nearby illegal settlement last week, the families in Safa have endured one form of collective punishment after another.
The men in the village were rounded up by Israeli soldiers and kept in the schoolyard. It’s been reported that 28 men were detained for even longer periods of time. Three homes in the village were taken over by Israeli soldiers and turned into military posts. The whole village was under curfew for more than 24 hours as Israeli soldiers searched (and damaged) homes and the following days all roads leading in and out of the village were blocked.
And now Israelis living in the nearby illegal settlement and Israeli soldiers have attacked the village injuring 38 people.
while the attacks on palestinians is beyond reprehensible, what is beautiful to see everyone resisting, and resisting together. i hope this gains momentum. we need to see more of resistance like this. one of my friends who was beaten up by the israeli terrorists in al quds saturday night defending the jaber home from the israeli colonists, who eventually stole the house and kicked out the family (2 of whom were sent to jail), came to have lunch with me today. he said the resistance he is seeing in the old city feels like an intifada is brewing. a new intifada. a third intifada. an intifada to liberate the land. 100% of it. let’s hope.
Thanks to reader Jim Harb for alerting us to this interesting imaginary map. It is one way of showing the fragmentation of the West under Israeli occupation - an archipelago of disconnected islands. It's from the website Strange Maps, which also has some background from Julien Bousac, the artist who created the map:
“Maybe posting the full map would help to take it for what it is, i.e. an illustration of the West Bank’s ongoing fragmentation based on the (originally temporary) A/B/C zoning which came out of the Oslo process, still valid until now. To make things clear, areas ‘under water’ strictly reflect C zones, plus the East Jerusalem area, i.e. areas that have officially remained under full Israeli control and occupation following the Agreements. These include all Israeli settlements and outposts as well as Palestinian populated areas.”
Mr Boussac took advantage of the resulting archipelago effect “to use typical tourist maps codes (mainly icons) to sharpen the contrast between the fantasies raised by seemingly paradise-like islands and the Palestinian Territories grim reality.” The map does have a strong vacationy vibe to it – but whether that is because of the archipelago-shaped subject matter, or due to the cheerful colour scheme is a matter for debate.
Those colours, incidentally, denote urban areas (orange), nature reserves (shaded), zones of partial autonomy (dark green) and of total autonomy (light green). Totally fanciful are of course the dotted lines symbolising shipping links, the palm trees signifying protected beachland, and the purple symbols representing various aspects of seaside pleasure. The blue icon, labelled Zone sous surveillance (‘Zone under surveillance’) has some bearing on reality, as the locations of the warships match those of permanent Israeli checkpoints.
Some of the paradisiacally named islands include Ile au Miel (Honey Island), Ile aux Oliviers (Isle of the Olive Trees), Ile Sainte (Holy Island) and Ile aux Moutons (Sheep Island), although the naming of Ile sous le Mur (Island beneath the Wall) constitutes a relapse into the grimness of the area’s reality.
For more on the fragmentation of the West Bank, check out this resource page from the American Friends Service Committee. As you'll see in a video on the AFSC page, the map above is what some consider a "viable" Palestinian state in a two-state solution.
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Iraqi babies for sale: people trafficking crisis grows as gangs exploit poor families and corrupt system
Afif Sarhan, Guardian
April 6, 2009
government in Sadr city, Baghdad. Photograph: Petros Giannakouris/AP
• Some bartered youngsters become sex abuse victims
growing child trafficking crisis in Iraq, according to officials and aid agencies, with scores of children abducted each year and sold internally or abroad.
the bureaucratic muddle that makes it relatively easy to move them
overseas. Accurate figures are difficult to obtain because there is no
centralised counting procedure, but aid agencies and police say they
believe numbers have increased by a third since 2005 to at least 150
children a year.
every month, some overseas, some internally, some for adoption, some for sexual abuse. Officials believe at least 12 gangs are operating in Iraq, offering between £200 and £4,000 per child, depending on its
background and health. The main countries in which they are sold are
Jordan, Turkey, Syria and some European countries including Switzerland, Ireland, the UK, Portugal and Sweden.
department of the Iraqi police, gangs use intermediaries who pretend to be working for non-governmental organisations. During negotiations with the families, members of the trafficking gangs prepare the paperwork: birth certificates, change of names and the addition of the child to the passport of the intermediary or any other person who is paid to take the child outside, usually to Syria and Jordan and from there, to Europe or other Middle East countries.
complicated [because] when those children come to the airport or the
border, everything looks correct and it is hard for us to keep them
inside the country without significant evidence that the child is being trafficked," Abdallah said.
leaving by car from the Iraqi border to Jordan. One of our police
officers found the age difference between the couple strange and asked
our office to check. After arresting them we found out that the girl was sold by her parents and was going to be taken to Amman, then after that, to Ireland where a family had already paid for the baby."
One dealer, who asked to be called Abu Hamizi, said child trafficking
from Iraq was cheaper and easier than elsewhere, given the readiness of underpaid government employees to help with the falsification of
conditions, their debts, the goods they own, and when we feel that the
relatives are suffering with unemployment and cannot feed their
children, we make our approach that in most of the time is welcomed as
we are seen as aid workers," he said.
four years old but they are rare cases."
child was doing well. But Abu Hamizi said he once heard from a colleague that one of babies sold last year was used for organ transplants in the Middle East.
2007 report by the NGO Heartland Alliance found that traffickers
employed the threat or use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud,
deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, or giving payments or
benefits to a person in control of the victim.
already sold children aged four and two in the past year. She had no
regrets despite receiving less money than promised by the dealer.
live in a displacement camp, without a job, support or husband, they
might change their idea," she said. "I did anything possible to keep
them with me but I lost my husband while I was pregnant with my fifth
child and life became too hard. I love all my children. I know that the families who adopted them will give a good life, food and education that I would never give."
"Reports of trafficking are increasing because people are much more
aware now and they feel confident enough to talk about this child rights violation," said Fatuma Ibrahim, chief child protection officer of Unicef from the Iraq Support Centre in Amman.
workers or sold to paedophiles. "We tried to approach many of these
families to alert them about what can happen with their kids but we have been threatened and two aid workers were killed after they tried to prevent a child negotiation," said one aid worker, Ahmed Sami.
08 Apr 2009
All links are here:
Obama Administration Embraces Bush Position on Warrantless Wiretapping and Secrecy --Says Court Must Dismiss Jewel v. NSA to Protect 'State Secrets' 06 Apr 2009 The Obama administration formally adopted the Bush administration's position that the courts cannot judge the legality of the National Security Agency's (NSA's) warrantless wiretapping program, filing a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA late Friday... The Obama Justice Department claims in its motion that litigation over the wiretapping program would require the government to disclose privileged "state secrets." These are essentially the same arguments made by the Bush administration three years ago in Hepting v. AT&T, EFF's lawsuit against one of the telecom giants complicit in the NSA spying.
Obama's DoJ defends Bush-era wiretaps --Telecom spy program a 'state secret' 06 Apr 2009 The US Justice Department under President Obama is invoking Bush Administration tactics to dismiss a lawsuit alleging federal agents engaged in illegal phone and email surveillance of ordinary US citizens. A motion submitted to US District Judge Walker on Friday claims disclosing information on the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping program would "cause exceptionally grave harm to national security." The 36-page brief invokes "state secrets" privileges to keep mum on the case, and claims the 2001 Patriot Act grants government agencies an umbrella "sovereign immunity" for domestic spy programs.
CLG: Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment: Universities Possible Terror Portals --2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of State Police, Virginia Fusion Center State - Federal - Local - Private, March 2009 --Posted by Lori Price 08 Apr 2009 The Lowlights: Virginia's network of colleges and universities also represent a potential avenue of entry for terrorist operatives and a possible forum for recruitment of sympathizers... In addition to reviewing information directly reported to the VFC, surveys were sent to all Virginia local law enforcement agencies to determine the extent of terrorism activities throughout the state. Information of interest included not only event-specific data, but also suspicious traffic stops or activities consistent with pre-operational attack planning. Assessments of the overall threat posed by specific terror and extremist groups or movements were completed utilizing the Project SLEIPNIR: Revised Long Matrix for Criminal Extremism utilized by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
New evidence of police attacks on G20 victim --Eyewitness claims riot police assaulted newspaper seller three times before he died near protest 09 Apr 2009 The Metropolitan Police faced fresh allegations of brutality last night after it emerged that a man who died at the G20 protests may have been attacked by riot police three times. Ian Tomlinson was walking home from work when he was hit and pushed over by an officer in an apparently unprovoked attack. Minutes later the 47-year-old lay dying on a London street.
The police: Unaccountable, secretive and out of control --This assault shows why the police are in urgent need of reform (The Independent) 09 April 2009 ...[W]hat is so damning about the video footage that has emerged from last week's G20 protests in London is that there is nothing in the slightest bit reasonable about the force that was used against Ian Tomlinson. Mr Tomlinson was plainly walking away from riot officers when he was struck. It is impossible to say for certain that this assault by a baton-wielding riot officer brought on Mr Tomlinson's heart attack only a few minutes later. But most people will find it impossible to disconnect the two events.
Do U.S. drones kill Pakistani extremists or recruit them? 07 Apr 2009 Even as the Obama administration launches new drone attacks into Pakistan's remote tribal areas, concerns are growing among U.S. intelligence and military officials that the strikes are bolstering the Islamic insurgency by prompting Islamist radicals to disperse into the country's heartland. Al Qaida [al-CIAduh], Taliban and other militants who've been relocating to Pakistan's overcrowded and impoverished cities may be harder to find and stop from staging terrorist attacks, the officials said.
Roadside bomb injures 6 civilians in S Afghanistan 08 Apr 2009 Six civilians were injured as a roadside bomb struck two vehicles in Kandahar province south of Afghanistan on Wednesday, spokesman of provincial administration Zalmai Ayubi said. "The blast took place when two civilian automobiles were passing a bridge close to Kandahar airport, wounding six persons and three of them in critical condition," Ayubi told Xinhua.
NATO soldier killed in Afghanistan 08 Apr 2009 A NATO soldier was killed in southern Afghanistan, where six civilians were also wounded Wednesday in a bomb blast while traveling on a road close to the military alliance's main base in southern Afghanistan. The soldier was killed in a "hostile incident" Wednesday, a NATO statement said, without providing the exact location of the incident or the nationality of the victim.
Obama team readying for confrontation with Netanyahu 08 Apr 2009 The Obama administration is readying for a possible confrontation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by briefing Democratic congressmen on the peace process and the positions of the new government in Israel regarding a two-state solution. The Obama administration is expecting a clash with Netanyahu over his refusal to support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.
In shift, Obama administration will join Iran nuclear talks 08 Apr 2009 The Obama administration significantly stepped up its diplomatic engagement with Iran on Wednesday, saying it would break with former president George W. Bush's policy and permanently join international talks with Iran over its suspected nuclear weapons program. The talks also include Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, and the switch in U.S. policy was announced in a statement by the six nations after consultations in London.
Treasury lists Chinese, Iranians for WMD 08 Apr 2009 The U.S. Treasury Department listed a Chinese national and six Iranian businesses Tuesday as agents engaged in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The designation falls under Executive Order 13382, a 2005 measure that freezes the assets of alleged distributors of weapons of mass destruction.
Bomb near Iraq Shi'ite shrine kills 7 08 Apr 2009 A roadside bomb in the Shi'ite Kadhimiya district in northwest Baghdad killed seven people and wounded 23 on Wednesday, police said, a day after a bomb in the same area killed nine. Kadhimiya is home to one of Shi'ite Islam's holiest shrines.
Assassin suspect released in Turkey 08 Apr 2009 A man in Turkey, who was last week detained on suspicion of plotting to kill visiting US President Barack Obama, has been released. Turkish officials have said the man was deemed to be mentally disturbed and was released on the weekend. It is believed the man, of Syrian origin, threatened to stab the US president.
Warship heads for scene of Indian Ocean standoff --Somali pirates overpowered by US crew but captain still held prisoner 08 Apr 2009 Somali pirates skimmed across the Indian Ocean and muscled their way aboard a US food aid ship today... The crew had held a pirate prisoner for 12 hours and released him in return for the captain, but the pirates had not kept their side of the bargain. A US warship, the USS destroyer Bainbridge, was on its way to the area this evening. "We are trying to hold them off until the US ship arrives," said Ken Quinn, second mate on the ship. [Dollars to doughnuts, Xe and Triple Canopy are on their way, as well.]
Officials: Warship, others headed to pirate scene 08 Apr 2009 U.S. officials say an American warship and a half dozen others are headed to the scene where pirates captured a vessel with a U.S. crew off Somalia's coast. One official says the destroyer USS Bainbridge is headed there. Another official says there are six or seven ships on the way. A person aboard the Maersk Alabama, reached by The Associated Press by satellite phone, says crew members had retaken control of the ship. But pirates were holding the captain as a hostage in a lifeboat in waters nearby.
"I am under a lot of pressure to not diagnose PTSD" By Michael de Yoanna and Mark Benjamin --A secret recording reveals the Army may be pushing its medical staff not to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder. The Army and Senate have ignored the implications. 08 Apr 2009 Last June, during a medical appointment, a patient named "Sgt. X" recorded an Army psychologist at Fort Carson, Colo., saying that he was under pressure not to diagnose combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
'US army bans PTSD diagnosis over costs' 08 Apr 2009 The US Army has reportedly pressured its medical staff not to diagnose combat veterans, who had fought in Iraq, with post-traumatic stress disorder. The shocking news was revealed after an Iraq veteran recorded an Army psychologist at Fort Carson, Colorado, during a medical appointment.
Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say 06 Apr 2009 Tiny red and gray chips found in the dust from the collapse of the World Trade Center contain highly explosive materials -- proof, according to a former BYU professor, that 9/11 is still a sinister mystery. Physicist Steven E. Jones, who retired from Brigham Young University in 2006, is one of nine authors on a paper published last week in the online, peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal. For several years, Jones has theorized that pre-positioned explosives, not fires from jet fuel, caused the rapid, symmetrical collapse of the two World Trade Center buildings, plus the collapse of a third building, WTC-7.
Police: Jet thief wanted to be shot down 08 Apr 2009 Suicide by fighter jet was the goal of a flight student who stole a plane in Canada, entered U.S. airspace and flew an erratic path over the Midwest with the military on his tail before landing the craft safely on a rural Missouri road, federal authorities said Tuesday. On Tuesday, Adam Dylan Leon was charged with transportation of stolen property and illegal entry.
U.S. regulator approves rapid test for bird flu 07 Apr 2009 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday it had approved a fast test for H5N1 bird flu that can show in less than an hour if people are infected. The test, made by Sunnyvale, California-based Arbor Vita Corporation, should greatly speed up diagnosis and treatment [DoD military missions, incarcerations in KBR detention centers] of people infected with avian influenza, the FDA said.
Pentagon spends $100 million to 'fix' cyber attacks 07 Apr 2009 The Pentagon spent more than $100 million in the last six months responding to and repairing damage from cyber attacks and other computer network problems, military leaders said Tuesday.
The Pentagon trolling for more millions to 'fix' a problem they created: Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies 08 Apr 2009 Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials. The spies came from China, Russia and other countries US corpora-terrorists, these officials said, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls.
Cyberspies Penetrate U.S. Power Grid, Leave Software That Could Disrupt System --The intrusions were not just limited to the electrical power grid, but affected systems like water and sewage. 08 Apr 2009 The U.S. has uncovered evidence that cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. power grid and left behind software that could be activated to disrupt American infrastructure, FOX News confirmed Wednesday. The "intrusions," first reported by The Wall Street Journal, have occurred over a period of time, one U.S. official said -- not all at once. [US corpora-terrorists are desperate to privatize US electrical systems, water and sewage. See: Drought 'Oddities'.]
US financial bailout watchdog eyes AIG payments 08 Apr 2009 The in-house watchdog for the U.S. Treasury Department's massive financial rescue program is examining billions of dollars in counterparty payments made by bailed-out insurer AIG to major banks, such as Goldman Sachs, according to a letter obtained on Tuesday. American International Group, which has received $180 million in taxpayer aid since last fall to save it from collapse, disclosed on March 15 that it had paid more than $90 billion to Goldman and to European banks including Germany's Deutsche Bank, France's Societe Generale, and Britain's Barclays.
Fed sees economy sliding further 08 Apr 2009 Federal Reserve policy-makers, faced with bleaker forecasts for a rapidly worsening recession, decided to buy a "substantial" amount of U.S. Treasury and mortgage debt to halt the slide, minutes of their most recent meeting showed on Wednesday.
Oil Giants Loath to Follow Obama's Green Lead 08 Apr 2009 The oil companies have frequently run advertisements expressing their interest in new forms of energy, but their actual investments have belied the marketing claims. The great bulk of their investments goes to traditional petroleum resources, including carbon-intensive energy sources like tar sands and natural gas from shale, while alternative investments account for a tiny fraction of their spending. So far, that has changed little under the Obama administration.
Ginger, Turmeric, Neem Declared "Hazardous" in Thailand After Chemical Companies Try to Protect Pesticide Profits By David Gutierrez 07 Apr 2009 The government of Thailand has classified 13 plants - traditionally used as herbal medicines and natural pesticides - as "hazardous substances," causing outrage among farmers and advocates of traditional medicine. The plants - including ginger, turmeric, neem and chili - have been classified by the Industry Ministry as "hazardous substances type 1," requiring all manufacturers, growers, importers or exporters of any products made from the plants to follow strict safety and quality control rules or face up to six months in jail and a 50,000 baht ($1,400) fine.
Ballot Review Gives Franken Solid Advantage 07 Apr 2009 Democrat Al Franken’s lead in Minnesota’s long-disputed Senate race increased to 312 votes Tuesday, making it mathematically impossible for Norm Coleman to win his state trial challenging the election outcome. A three-judge panel appointed by the state Supreme Court is expected to rule this week that Franken won the race. Franken’s slim advantage expanded after election officials, acting under court order, opened and counted 351 previously rejected [?!?] absentee ballots.
Silvio Berlusconi tells earthquake survivors to head for the beach 09 Apr 2009 Silvio Berlusconi has told survivors of the Italian earthquake to lift their spirits by heading for the beach. He added that people forced from their wrecked homes should look on their tented accommodation as a spot of camping. The Italian Prime Minister’s comments have enraged some of those living in tent villages, after a second fitful night that was rocked by aftershocks from the 6.3-magnitude earthquake, Italy’s worst for 30 years. The death toll rose to 250 yesterday.
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Previous lead stories: CIA medics joined in Guantánamo torture sessions, report says --Leaked ICRC report claims medical staff monitored terror suspects during waterboarding, recommended continuation of torture 07 Apr 2009 Medical personnel committed a "gross breach of medical ethics" by taking part in torture in Guantánamo, a leaked International Committee of the Red Cross document has revealed. The 40-page confidential report, written in 2007, describes how medical staff working for the CIA monitored prisoners' vital signs to make sure they did not drown while being subjected to waterboarding. Medical personnel were also said to be present when prisoners were shackled in a "stress standing position". The detainees were "monitored by health personnel who in some instances recommended stopping the method of ill-treatment, or recommended its continuation, but with adjustments", according to the report. The Red Cross concluded: "The alleged participation of health personnel in the interrogation process and, either directly or indirectly, in the infliction of ill-treatment constituted a gross breach of medical ethics and, in some cases, amounted to participation in torture and/or cruel inhuman or degrading treatment."
In a little-noticed ruling last week, Judge Emmet Sullivan found that the witness's testimony in other cases could be challenged as unreliable. Judge: U.S. used mentally ill witness in Guantanamo cases 06 Apr 2009 The Justice Department improperly withheld important psychiatric records of a government witness who was used in a "significant" number of Guantanamo cases, a federal judge has concluded. The government censored parts of the records, but enough has been made public that it's clear that the witness, a fellow prisoner, was being treated weekly for a serious psychological problem and was questioned about whether he had any suicidal thoughts.
IDF planning largest-ever drill to prepare Israel for war 07 Apr 2009 The Home Front Command is preparing to hold the largest exercise ever in Israeli history, scheduled to take place in about two months, in hopes of priming the populace and raising awareness of the possibility of war breaking out. Should there be a war, Israel would have insufficient emergency and rescue response units, according to a senior Home Front Command officer.
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by Steven Salaita
Barack Obama's election victory has inspired a windfall of comment, most of it euphoric, with some grumbling from the political Right and the small quarters of the Left that remain unimpressed, so I am hesitant to contribute to the chatter. There is one element of Obama's victory, however, that has received less attention than it deserves, and that is his profound commitment to an extreme form of Zionism. I do not wish to spend this essay condemning Obama for that commitment; I have done so elsewhere, and others have offered eloquent condemnation already, though such a perspective hasn't yet managed to penetrate the liberal-Left.
Rather than condemning Obama's Zionism, I would like to instead focus on the justifications and rationalizations for his decision, especially those that dismiss its moral consequences and instead emphasize what its purveyors claim to be its strategic inevitability.
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