Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 196
Palash Biswas
Robot Theorizes, Proves Own Scientific Discoveries - 3 Apr 2009
By KC Jones Scientists at the United Kingdom's Cambridge and Aberystwyth universities have created a "robot scientist" that they believe is the first ...InformationWeek - 170 related articles »
One step for a robot, a giant leap for tin-mankind - Times Online - 91 related articles »
Thoughts control Japanese robot - The Press Association - 343 related articles »
Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robotics is the science and technology of robots, and their design, manufacture, and application. [1] Robotics has connections to electronics, mechanics, ... - 159k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In practice, it is usually an electro-mechanical system which, by its appearance or movements, ... - 176k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robotics India - Your online robotics community
Robotics community site for India. Site include discussion forums, news, and links. - 48k - Cached - Similar pages -
Video results for Robotics
The Tech Museum: Robotics: Sensing, Thinking, Acting
The history and workings of robotics. From the Tech Museum of Innovation. - 9k - Cached - Similar pages -
Center for Mechatronics
The Center for Robotics initiated a number of activities in the frontier area of Mechatronics, and has become truly interdisciplinary. In view of this, ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robotics in Japan
Robotics in Japan (Institutes, Researchers, and Projects) - 46k - Cached - Similar pages -
Evolutionary Robotics
Robotics Swarm Robots Evolutionary Robotics Autonomous Robots Multirobots. - 1k - Cached - Similar pages -
Precision Automation & Robotics India Limited (PARI):Global ...
PARI-Precision Automation Robotics India Limited. Global Automation Solution provider using world class Robotic products & technologies. - 16k - Cached - Similar pages -
Arrick Robotics - Stepper motor, Positioning, Automation, Mobile ...
Manufactures and sells mobile robots, stepper motor systems, XY positioning tables and automation accessories. General technical information on robots. - 11k - Cached - Similar pages -
Searches related to: Robotics
history of robotics
artificial intelligence
how to make a robot
lego robotics
basic robotics
robotics information
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Youths excel at science and receive praise at KC fair
Kansas City Star - 11 hours ago
“I’m very interested in robotics and particularly cooperative robotics and to efficientize autonomous robotic systems,” he said. His interest in robots ...
MAHATech industrial exhibition from April 9
Indian Express - Apr 3, 2009
... Dr Ranjeet Date-president and joint managing director, Precision Automation and Robotics India Ltd will inaugurate the exhibition at 11 am on April 9. ...
HP Software University launched in India - Mar 21, 2009
IIHT is India’s oldest company in computer hardware, networking, telecommunication and robotics training organization. IIHT introduced the concept of ...
Now, CyberKnife technology to treat cancer in India
Hindu - Mar 14, 2009
It offers large dosages of targeted radiation controlled with image guided technology and computer robotics. “The advanced technology behind CyberKnife uses ...
New instrument offers ‘most painless cancer treatment’ Delhi Newsline, A Venture of IIT Bombay Alumnus, Launches ROBOCAMP in ...
Business Wire India (press release) - Mar 31, 2009
... said “ has developed a product, a low cost robotics platform and associated training class, that has filled a big need in India”, ...
Cimple thinking: IITB makes robot programming child’s play
Indian Express - Mar 28, 2009, a part of ThinkLABS — a company founded by IITB alumni — aims at introducing robotics to the very roots of education system. ...
St. Mary’s University names new dean - Apr 2, 2009
... robotics, and manufacturing automation and processes. Erevelles also has experience working with teaching institutions in China, India and Nepal. ...
New Dean of School of Science, Engineering and Technology Named St. Mary's University
Merciless robots will fight future wars: researcher
Calgary Herald - Mar 25, 2009
"What does it mean to go to war with US soldiers whose hardware is made in China and whose software is made in India?" Singer predicts that US military ...
Carmel teen named Eagle Scout of the Year
Indianapolis Star - Mar 31, 2009
The young Scout has also organized and led a robotics competition team for the past three years. He recruited members from various communities, ...
Buy Commercial Aerospace
Forbes - Apr 2, 2009
It also led to an unparalleled expansion in global trade and commerce, with previously autarkic China and India firmly entrenched. ...
Information technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages -
Satyam may get new owner on April 13
Business Standard - 20 hours ago
... informally in Mumbai yesterday to take stock of the ongoing process and assess the technical competence of suitors for the information technology firm. ...
Satyam winner may be named on April 13 Hindu Business Line
Satyam board to announce new owner on April 13 Economic Times
Satyam board extends bid deadline Calcutta Telegraph
Business Standard
Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009 ranks India at 54th ...
TopNews - Apr 1, 2009
The Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009 released recently by the World Economic Forum (WEF) reveals the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) that ...
Tajikistan listed 104th in rankings of the Global Information ... Times of Central Asia (subscription)
Philippines ranked 85th among world’s most networked economies Manila Bulletin
So, the COMPUTERS have to be DUMPED!
Super Power Waiting Japan, the third party of the World war fame AXIS is all set to COLONISE the MOON with HUMANOIDS!
Indian Periphery ECONOMIC POLITY Enslaved has DISCARDED the Agriculture to promote Information Technology based on OUTSOURCING with Net, Computer, Soft Ware, Speaking English, SPECTRUM MG3 and so on.
mind you, The ongoing global slowdown will force companies worldwide to reduce their IT expenditure to USD 3.2 trillion this year against $ 3.4 trn in

2008, according to an IT research company.
The unprecendented decline of the global economy is impacting the IT industry with worldwide IT spending forecast to total $ 3.4 trn in 2009, a 3.8 per cent decline from 2008 revenue of nearly $ 3.4 trn," IT research and advisory company Gartner said in a report.
Gartner said that all four of the key market sectors of the IT industry-- hardware, software, IT services and telecommunications have been revised downward, with only software spending growth remaining positive.
"Spending in computing hardware will see a decline of 14.9 per cent with total spending to be around USD 324.3 billion as against $ 3.4 trn in 2008," Gartner said.
The spending in IT services and telecommunications sectors will also fall by 1.7 per cent at USD 796.1 billion and 2.9 per cent at USD 1,891.2 billion, respectively, the report said.
COMPUTER centred VOCATIONAL Option has created thousands of Pseudo channels to lead the GENERATION Next into a BLACK HOLE Uncertain and INFINITE.
It is RAVS party 7x24 round the clock.
It is DRUG Addiction! It is brand. it is Fashion.
It is reality show fully focused on VIRTUAL REALITY.
It is RAMP in the DEEP!
No Higher Education! No Research work!
In seventies or even in eighties we knew nothing about Computers!
We have habituated in COMPUTING and Browsing late in Nineties and computers and IT have created UNPRECEDENTED JOB Loss, Retrenchment and DISINVESTMENT!
IT was adopted as the ESCAPE ROUTE and entire GENERATION Next is invested into IT.
My son and Children from acquaintances have lost the TEXT for ever. They have IMMERSED themselves in VIRTUAL Reality!
We the guardians who adopted Computing at home or workplaces, hoped for FUTURE and tolerated the Change.
Meanwhile,we witnessed UNPRECEDENTED Streamlining in every sphere of life specially after the COMMUNICATION was taken over Mobile PHONES, lap TOPs and IPODS and we transformed ourselves as NETIZEN overlapping our civil and human rights, family and social obligation, crossing the Political and Economic Borders, overcoming the CULTURAL Shock and language Inefficiency!
We have also discarded our HEART and Mind. for us as for Generation Next, REALITIES do happen not Historical, Cultural or Scientific, it is VIRTUAL Realities all the way!
We have virtually become the Humanoids in our daily life and I am afraid as we adopted COMPUTERS and Mobile phone changing the Strategic market Global as well as strategic social and personal life, we have no serious OBJECTION at all against the HUMANOIDS.
But the problem is the COLONISATION has not to end in the COLONISATION of the MOON or the Mars. The world, specially the Anti COMINTERN capitalist WEST appeased JAPANESE AMBITIONS in the FAR EAST as it was so engaged with HITLER.
Japanese attacked RUSSIA, Captured CHINA and Korea and made SEX SLAVES in thousands. League of nations failed and withered away in the same way as it happened in the GREAT OIL War in the Middle East and as it happening in SOUTH ASIA on the name of WAR against TERROR, Indo US Nuclear Deal and STRATEGIC Realliance in US and Israel lead!
The world encountered the ULTIMATE TRUTH in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
Hence, the ULTIMATE TRUTH is all about the TAKE OVER by ROBOTICS and Humanoids in near future which will deprive us of all lifelines including job and livelihood.
BUT We are not awakened as we had been never! We Browse the TV channels and ENJOY Hard Core XXXXX BLUE Films and live CONJUGAL Life followed by sound sleep and ANATOMY Disorder with absent or washed , controlled BRAIN and DISLODGED Heart!
The world's biggest IT company IBM will withdraw its patent application for offshore outsourcing, second time in past few years, after
the US Patent & Trademark Office published the company’s latest filing seeking rights to a new ‘Method and system for strategic global resource sourcing’ last week.
The patent was aimed at helping companies make their offshore outsourcing decisions with the help of a new mathematical model developed by five IBM engineers including two Indians--Mayank Sharma and Karthik Sourirajan. Other inventors included Ching-Hua Chen-Ritzo, Daniel Patrick Connors and Markus Ettl.
Meanwhile, this is not the first time IBM had to withdraw a patent seeking rights to an offshoring mechanism. Around two years ago, the company filed a patent for 'a software-driven approach for identifying at least a portion of a human resource within an organization for outsourcing.'
IBM’s latest application for ‘Method and system for strategic global resource sourcing’, described a methodology for offshoring projects based on the quality and quantity of global talent available in cheaper offshore locations such as India and China.
Meanwhile, Top Indian tech firms TCS, Infosys and Wipro along with multinational rivals IBM, Accenture and HP-EDS, are currently chasing an outsourcing contract worth $100 million from Australia’s biggest retailer Woolworths, as the retailer plans to deploy a SAP-based solution for trasforming its merchandising and supply-chain platforms.
At a time when new business is increasingly becoming tough to come by, Australia has emerged as a great opportunity for the outsourcing vendors. Other recent outsourcing contracts awarded by Australian companies, include the $100-million deal from Telstra and the $50-million contract from mining firm Rio Tinto. Both were won by India’s second-biggest software company Infosys.
When contacted by ET on Tuesday, a Woolworths spokesperson confirmed that the retailer is, indeed, evaluating vendors for its SAP project. “Woolworths is currently working with SAP on a project where, over time, we will replace our core merchandising systems. These systems are a very important piece of IT for a retailer,” said Luke Schepen, a Woolworths spokesperson. “Woolworths will lead this project internally, but we are currently going through the process of determining other technology vendors who will assist (Woolworths) with this project,” he added.
With over $18-billion in revenues during the half-year ended December 2008, Woolworths runs several supermarket chains, apart from consumer electronics and hotel businesses, across Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
According to research firm Forrester, Australian companies will buy around $39 billion software products and services this year, accounting for almost 4.6% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Robot Theorizes, Proves Own Scientific Discoveries - 3 Apr 2009 By KC Jones Scientists at the United Kingdom's Cambridge and Aberystwyth universities have created a "robot scientist" that they believe is the first ... InformationWeek - 170 related articles »One step for a robot, a giant leap for tin-mankind - Times Online - 91 related articles » Thoughts control Japanese robot - The Press Association - 343 related articles » |
Robotics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 159k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 176k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robotics India - Your online robotics community - 48k - Cached - Similar pages -
Video results for Robotics
The Tech Museum: Robotics: Sensing, Thinking, Acting - 9k - Cached - Similar pages -
Center for Mechatronics - 8k - Cached - Similar pages -
Robotics in Japan - 46k - Cached - Similar pages -
Evolutionary Robotics - 1k - Cached - Similar pages -
Precision Automation & Robotics India Limited (PARI):Global ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages -
Arrick Robotics - Stepper motor, Positioning, Automation, Mobile ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages -
Searches related to: Robotics
history of robotics | artificial intelligence | how to make a robot | lego robotics |
basic robotics | automation | robotics information | robotics kits |
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Youths excel at science and receive praise at KC fairKansas City Star - 11 hours ago “I’m very interested in robotics and particularly cooperative robotics and to efficientize autonomous robotic systems,” he said. His interest in robots ... MAHATech industrial exhibition from April 9Indian Express - Apr 3, 2009 ... Dr Ranjeet Date-president and joint managing director, Precision Automation and Robotics India Ltd will inaugurate the exhibition at 11 am on April 9. ... HP Software University launched in - Mar 21, 2009 IIHT is India’s oldest company in computer hardware, networking, telecommunication and robotics training organization. IIHT introduced the concept of ... Now, CyberKnife technology to treat cancer in IndiaHindu - Mar 14, 2009 It offers large dosages of targeted radiation controlled with image guided technology and computer robotics. “The advanced technology behind CyberKnife uses ... New instrument offers ‘most painless cancer treatment’ Delhi Newsline, A Venture of IIT Bombay Alumnus, Launches ROBOCAMP in ...Business Wire India (press release) - Mar 31, 2009 ... said “ has developed a product, a low cost robotics platform and associated training class, that has filled a big need in India”, ... Cimple thinking: IITB makes robot programming child’s playIndian Express - Mar 28, 2009, a part of ThinkLABS — a company founded by IITB alumni — aims at introducing robotics to the very roots of education system. ... St. Mary’s University names new - Apr 2, 2009 ... robotics, and manufacturing automation and processes. Erevelles also has experience working with teaching institutions in China, India and Nepal. ... New Dean of School of Science, Engineering and Technology Named St. Mary's University Merciless robots will fight future wars: researcherCalgary Herald - Mar 25, 2009 "What does it mean to go to war with US soldiers whose hardware is made in China and whose software is made in India?" Singer predicts that US military ... Carmel teen named Eagle Scout of the YearIndianapolis Star - Mar 31, 2009 The young Scout has also organized and led a robotics competition team for the past three years. He recruited members from various communities, ... Buy Commercial AerospaceForbes - Apr 2, 2009 It also led to an unparalleled expansion in global trade and commerce, with previously autarkic China and India firmly entrenched. ... | - 60k - Cached - Similar pages -
Satyam may get new owner on April 13
Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009 ranks India at 54th ...
So, the COMPUTERS have to be DUMPED!
Super Power Waiting Japan, the third party of the World war fame AXIS is all set to COLONISE the MOON with HUMANOIDS!
Indian Periphery ECONOMIC POLITY Enslaved has DISCARDED the Agriculture to promote Information Technology based on OUTSOURCING with Net, Computer, Soft Ware, Speaking English, SPECTRUM MG3 and so on.
mind you, The ongoing global slowdown will force companies worldwide to reduce their IT expenditure to USD 3.2 trillion this year against $ 3.4 trn in
2008, according to an IT research company.
The unprecendented decline of the global economy is impacting the IT industry with worldwide IT spending forecast to total $ 3.4 trn in 2009, a 3.8 per cent decline from 2008 revenue of nearly $ 3.4 trn," IT research and advisory company Gartner said in a report.
Gartner said that all four of the key market sectors of the IT industry-- hardware, software, IT services and telecommunications have been revised downward, with only software spending growth remaining positive.
"Spending in computing hardware will see a decline of 14.9 per cent with total spending to be around USD 324.3 billion as against $ 3.4 trn in 2008," Gartner said.
The spending in IT services and telecommunications sectors will also fall by 1.7 per cent at USD 796.1 billion and 2.9 per cent at USD 1,891.2 billion, respectively, the report said.
COMPUTER centred VOCATIONAL Option has created thousands of Pseudo channels to lead the GENERATION Next into a BLACK HOLE Uncertain and INFINITE.
It is RAVS party 7x24 round the clock.
It is DRUG Addiction! It is brand. it is Fashion.
It is reality show fully focused on VIRTUAL REALITY.
It is RAMP in the DEEP!
No Higher Education! No Research work!
In seventies or even in eighties we knew nothing about Computers!
We have habituated in COMPUTING and Browsing late in Nineties and computers and IT have created UNPRECEDENTED JOB Loss, Retrenchment and DISINVESTMENT!
IT was adopted as the ESCAPE ROUTE and entire GENERATION Next is invested into IT.
My son and Children from acquaintances have lost the TEXT for ever. They have IMMERSED themselves in VIRTUAL Reality!
We the guardians who adopted Computing at home or workplaces, hoped for FUTURE and tolerated the Change.
Meanwhile,we witnessed UNPRECEDENTED Streamlining in every sphere of life specially after the COMMUNICATION was taken over Mobile PHONES, lap TOPs and IPODS and we transformed ourselves as NETIZEN overlapping our civil and human rights, family and social obligation, crossing the Political and Economic Borders, overcoming the CULTURAL Shock and language Inefficiency!
We have also discarded our HEART and Mind. for us as for Generation Next, REALITIES do happen not Historical, Cultural or Scientific, it is VIRTUAL Realities all the way!
We have virtually become the Humanoids in our daily life and I am afraid as we adopted COMPUTERS and Mobile phone changing the Strategic market Global as well as strategic social and personal life, we have no serious OBJECTION at all against the HUMANOIDS.
But the problem is the COLONISATION has not to end in the COLONISATION of the MOON or the Mars. The world, specially the Anti COMINTERN capitalist WEST appeased JAPANESE AMBITIONS in the FAR EAST as it was so engaged with HITLER.
Japanese attacked RUSSIA, Captured CHINA and Korea and made SEX SLAVES in thousands. League of nations failed and withered away in the same way as it happened in the GREAT OIL War in the Middle East and as it happening in SOUTH ASIA on the name of WAR against TERROR, Indo US Nuclear Deal and STRATEGIC Realliance in US and Israel lead!
The world encountered the ULTIMATE TRUTH in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
Hence, the ULTIMATE TRUTH is all about the TAKE OVER by ROBOTICS and Humanoids in near future which will deprive us of all lifelines including job and livelihood.
BUT We are not awakened as we had been never! We Browse the TV channels and ENJOY Hard Core XXXXX BLUE Films and live CONJUGAL Life followed by sound sleep and ANATOMY Disorder with absent or washed , controlled BRAIN and DISLODGED Heart!
The world's biggest IT company IBM will withdraw its patent application for offshore outsourcing, second time in past few years, after
The patent was aimed at helping companies make their offshore outsourcing decisions with the help of a new mathematical model developed by five IBM engineers including two Indians--Mayank Sharma and Karthik Sourirajan. Other inventors included Ching-Hua Chen-Ritzo, Daniel Patrick Connors and Markus Ettl.
Meanwhile, this is not the first time IBM had to withdraw a patent seeking rights to an offshoring mechanism. Around two years ago, the company filed a patent for 'a software-driven approach for identifying at least a portion of a human resource within an organization for outsourcing.'
IBM’s latest application for ‘Method and system for strategic global resource sourcing’, described a methodology for offshoring projects based on the quality and quantity of global talent available in cheaper offshore locations such as India and China.
Meanwhile, Top Indian tech firms TCS, Infosys and Wipro along with multinational rivals IBM, Accenture and HP-EDS, are currently chasing an outsourcing contract worth $100 million from Australia’s biggest retailer Woolworths, as the retailer plans to deploy a SAP-based solution for trasforming its merchandising and supply-chain platforms.
At a time when new business is increasingly becoming tough to come by, Australia has emerged as a great opportunity for the outsourcing vendors. Other recent outsourcing contracts awarded by Australian companies, include the $100-million deal from Telstra and the $50-million contract from mining firm Rio Tinto. Both were won by India’s second-biggest software company Infosys.
When contacted by ET on Tuesday, a Woolworths spokesperson confirmed that the retailer is, indeed, evaluating vendors for its SAP project. “Woolworths is currently working with SAP on a project where, over time, we will replace our core merchandising systems. These systems are a very important piece of IT for a retailer,” said Luke Schepen, a Woolworths spokesperson. “Woolworths will lead this project internally, but we are currently going through the process of determining other technology vendors who will assist (Woolworths) with this project,” he added.
With over $18-billion in revenues during the half-year ended December 2008, Woolworths runs several supermarket chains, apart from consumer electronics and hotel businesses, across Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
According to research firm Forrester, Australian companies will buy around $39 billion software products and services this year, accounting for almost 4.6% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
There is a new weapon in the arsenal of political parties for Election 2009. Even as the scramble for a wider vote-bank gains momentum, they
As part of its online campaign, the Congress party is setting up around 600 internet kiosks countrywide to showcase its achievements. A dedicated IT team set up by the Congress is putting up these kiosks, which will feature customised interactive software, sources told TOI.
The kiosks will be used to register youth members on the party's website and will also beam excerpts from the speeches of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Rahul Gandhi, among others.
Not to be outdone, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is also going the whole-hog and has formed an IT cell.
An official pointed out that not only is the party keen to automate its offices throughout the country, it has appointed over 15 state IT conveners to oversee regional operations.
The Congress manifesto specifically mentions that should it come to power, it would connect all villages to a broadband network in the next three years. As part of its pre-election plan, around 50 internet kiosks are to be set up in Gujarat alone, where the party is making concerted efforts to topple the BJP's Narendra Modi government.
According to the party's manifesto, "The Indian National Congress pledges to bring the fruits of the IT revolution to more cities and towns. It also pledges to connect every village to a broadband network within three years. This will help locate new, non-agricultural jobs in villages and open new opportunities for our rural youth. Already, IT is being used in areas like computerisation of land records but we now promise a bolder, time-bound initiative.''
On its part, the BJP is intent on connecting all state headquarters and districts through WAN (wide area networks) and has plans to opt for "cent per cent open source technologies''. While the party is keen to explore the benefits of IT-driven solutions in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, it is eager to dissimilate technology through a localised approach.
The BJP has spelt out its vision in its IT and telecom vision document, which pinpoints how the party plans to use IT as an important tool for change, if voted to power. This is a first of its kind sectoral poll manifesto.
IIM-L to hike fee by Rs 1.5 lakh/annum
New Delhi After IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore, the IIM Lucknow has decided to increase the fee of its Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM) by Rs 1.5 lakh per annum from the coming academic session.
"We will increase the fee from Rs 2.5 lakh per annum at present to Rs four lakh per year from 2009-10 academic session. The fee will be Rs four lakh each year during the two-year programme," IIM Lucknow Director Prof Devi Singh said.
Singh said that the hike is need-based and would help the institute strengthen its financial health to meet the expenditure which has gone up significantly in the recent years.
"The hike is cost-based. But while increasing the fee, we will also take care of the poor and meritorious students by giving them financial support," he said.
The institute has been giving financial aid to about 100 students every year, he said.
"The facility will continue this year also. We will ensure that no poor and meritorious student fails to get education at IIM Lucknow just because he or she is poor," Singh said.
The number of seats at IIM Lucknow in the PGPM programme will be increased to about 350 this year from around 300 as it is implementing the OBC reservation in a phased manner.
The IIM Lucknow decision to hike its fee comes just after IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore made similar decisions to increase their fees.
The IIM-Bangalore yesterday increased fees of its two-year post-graduate programmes. For 2009-10, the fee has been hiked from Rs five lakh to Rs 5.25 lakh, and for 2010-11, to Rs 5.75 lakh. The Board of Governors of IIM-B took the decision on Thursday.
The IIM-A has increased fees for its Post Graduate Programme in Management by Rs 50,000. The batch of 2009-11 of the PGPM at IIM-A will pay about Rs 12.5 lakh for the course.
We need H1B professionals: US Govt
Washington In the first-ever indication of its stand on H-1B visas popular among Indian professionals, the Obama Administration has informed a court that the US needs this scheme to avoid "competitive disadvantage" the American companies could face otherwise.
A submission in this regard was recently filed by Michael F Hertz, Acting Assistant Attorney General, in response to a lawsuit filed by a group of three US bodies, nine individuals and two students challenging government's decision to extend from one year to 29 months the duration of foreign nationals with engineering, science and other technical degrees who can work in the US on student visas.
This was a policy decision by previous Bush government, which was challenged in a lower court in New Jersey last year and was summarily dismissed. The same petitioners approached the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia last month.
The Obama Administration's view point was expressed in its submission before the Philadelphia court on March 23, according to a copy of petition and response obtained by PTI.
"The inability of US employers, particularly in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, to obtain H-1B status for highly skilled foreign students and foreign non-immigrant workers has adversely affected the ability of US employers to recruit and retain skilled workers and creates a competitive disadvantage for US companies," the US government argued.
Defending the policy of the Bush Administration on extension of work permit to foreign students with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by 17 months, the new government argued that this is necessary to retain these foreign students in America.
Otherwise, it said, they would have no other option but to return or go to other countries for employment. With there being great rush for H-1B visas, extension of work permit to those holding F-1 (student visa) is a justifiable way to retain this talent, it argued.
The extension of time simply allows these students to avoid the hardship of leaving the country to change their status and gives the employers ample time to file H-1B petitions on their behalf in due course.
The Acting Assistant Attorney General noted that had the government not extended the work permit of foreign students in STEM category, some 10,000 students holding H-1B visas for the fiscal 2009 would have had to leave the country within 60 days as required by law or extend their F-1 status by enrolling in another course of study.
"As indicated in the IFR (Interim Final Rule) there is an important economic interest for the United States in keeping STEM graduates from going to other countries that are providing increased opportunities to these students," the US government said in its petition.
"The IFR would help attract STEM students to the United States. Otherwise, United States will lose skilled technical workers in great need by high-tech industries."
Computerisation will help easy access to info: CIC
BHUBANESWAR: Chief Information Commissioner, India, Wazahat Habibullah has underscored the need to accelerate computerisation of departments and digitisation of records so that access to information can be universalised in the country.
While it is the right of every citizen to be able to access information, it is the duty of the Government to pro-actively make available key information to all barring those exempted.
The e-Governance initiatives should include RTI as a key component. Computerisation of departments and making available of all records and documents through a network of universal connectivity can make access to information easy and instant. But India’s core competence (expertise in IT) is surprisingly not capitalised upon.
Let not the citizen make rounds of offices seeking information. Let him just walk into a cyber cafe to access all information that he wants.
In the US, one has to just pick up a phone to get information. Why cannot accessing information be made easier here? the CIC asked.
Delivering the Foundation Day lecture of Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), Habibullah said the dawn of a new Swaraj has come only now with the Right To Information (RTI).
It materialises the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi of enabling an informed citizenry, which in turn would counter corruption, enhance transparency and ensure accountability in the government.
The freedom to access any information would enable monitoring of governance, to know about what is being done to address issues concerning them.
The CIC took note of the developments in Orissa, particularly a recent instruction by Chief Secretary AK Tripathy to all departments to list out all categories of documents held by them in 21 days.
The list once uploaded on the Internet would make access easy for all and others should follow, he stated.
Elaborating on the RTI, he said the Act includes right to inspect works and even take samples of materials to determine the quality of work.
Citing cases in Delhi, samples of material has been widely used by slum-dwellers of the National capital, with illiterate women taking the lead, to bring about positive change in developmental works.
The NGOs and rights organisations can play a vital role in generating awareness on the RTI programmes.
Chief Secretary AK Tripathy, State Information Commissioner Jagadananda, CYSD chairman PK Sahoo and Prof AK Dash of Utkal University spoke.
CPM enters cyber space for LS campaign
Govt websites should be accessible to the blind'
New law to scan secret bank accounts if voted to power: Advani
Parties use web to lure young
RTI Act fails to revitalise admin
Role of IT sector in development of rural India
India’s First Humanoid Robot - ACYUT 3
This is a guest post from one of our regular readers Rishabh Kaul who also blogs at “Whatever Things“.
Samay Kohli and Arpit Mohan were probably 2 of the busiest people on BITS Pilani campus during March 2008. Apart from organizing one of India’s biggest B-plan competitions, Conquest, they were also toiling it away in the workshop, working on ‘something’.
‘Something’ turned out to be India’s first indigenous humanoid robot, named ACYUT. Along with Harsh, Prayag, Stueti and Prateik, ACYUT is all ready to take over Robogames in California, this week. ACYUT also happens to be India’s only entry. Robogames is the largest open robot challenge in the world.
All though they received immense support from the BITS Pilani Alumni Association (BITSAA), making ACYUT had been one pain in the tush. But the end result made it all worth it. See it for yourself.
Going through their blog, one can check their journey of tackling various problems, be it regarding the center of gravity of the robot or some software related error. It managed through three transformations and the big boy making its way to USA is actually ACYUT 3. The humanoid was first unveiled at BITS Pilani tech fest APOGEE 2008, with K K Birla admiring the gutsy humanoid.
Any sour memories? Not particularly, though I’d say, the comment below, from Samay should act as a reminder for those to whom it is addressed.
“We are yet to receive any kind of help from the government unlike in the US where the government pushes research for technology. We did approach the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) but they are interested more in technology that will help defense.”
But this hasn’t let their spirits down. With sponsors ready to fund their travel and the parts of the robots, the team, along with ACYUT is probably flying right now as I write this article.
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India 54th in networked readiness index
T. Ramachandran
The country has come up with a “very mixed performance,” says report |
KOCHI: India has been ranked 54th among 134 countries in the latest edition of a global report that evaluated the capability of nations to leverage Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for their overall benefit and economic progress.
The country has slipped down four positions compared to last year in the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) 2008-09, which primarily evaluates the ICT environment, readiness and usage in different nations, taking different variables into consideration.
The eighth edition of The Global Information Technology Report (GITR), released a few days ago, was prepared by the World Economic Forum in partnership with INSEAD, a leading business school.
Denmark occupies the first position in the index and Chad comes last. As for India’s neighbours, Pakistan occupies the 98th position and Nepal the 127th.
The report finds out the extent to which nations have an ICT-conducive environment, by looking at the broad business environment, regulatory aspects, the soft and hard infrastructure in place, the degree of preparation needed for its use by various stakeholders (individuals, business and government segments) and the actual degree of ICT use by them.
While China has fared better than India over the past year in terms of improving its position in the rankings, both nations have registered “impressive upward movements across decile ranks.” In the decile rankings, in which nations are positioned based on divisions of tenths, China and India have gained five and three places respectively since 2001, the report said.
However, compared to the previous year’s ranking, China has gained 11 positions to occupy the 46th spot, overtaking India in the process. India has been ranked 60th in the environment component sub-index, 40th in the readiness component sub-index, and 59th in the usage component sub-index. The report described India as having come up with a “very mixed performance,” citing the ranking of the country in terms of key indicators.
“On the one hand, India’s business readiness [27th] remains impressive, thanks to high-quality management schools [12th], significant corporate spending on R&D [29th], and a broad base of suppliers. This results in high ICT usage by businesses [30th], with a fairly strong capacity not only to adopt new technologies [26th] but also to innovate [35th]. On the other hand, like China, India ranks a low 114th in the individual usage category because of a very spotty ICT penetration. Notably, and despite a two-fold increase, there are fewer than three PCs and only seven Internet users for every 100 inhabitants, corresponding to 94th and 99th place, respectively. The quality of the infrastructure environment is poorly rated (76th), despite India’s ranking 3rd worldwide for the availability of scientists and engineers and 27th for the quality of its research institutions.”
While mobile telephony had emerged as “one of the most important and widespread forms of ICT in recent decades,” the study found that high mobile telephony penetration was not inevitably synonymous with high networked readiness.
Regulatory policies
“To unlock all of the benefits the mobile industry can generate in emerging markets, governments and regulators need to establish a coherent set of regulatory policies that actively increase coverage levels while reducing the minimum cost of ownership.” These policies should ensure sufficient but not excessive competition, help avoid direct price controls, attach strict rollout and coverage requirements to mobile licences, effectively manage spectrum allocation and pricing and help avoid high levels of taxation.
India vs. Philippines
The report referred to the contrasting experiences of India and the Philippines in this context. “Both India and the Philippines are geographically diverse and have largely the same income levels. However, the Philippines, with three operators having an average EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) margin of about 66 percent, enjoys universal network coverage (roughly 99 percent) and mobile penetration of 60 per cent. India, on the other hand, with 37 per cent network coverage and 28 per cent mobile penetration, is a market where even the best operators rarely exceed EBITDA margins of 40 per cent,” it noted.
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Bharti Airtel, the country’s largest cellular services provider, was the first leading operator to outsource its IT operations in 2004 in what was then a $750-million deal spread over five years. The deal later crossed $1 billion in value. Following suit, Idea Cellular and Vodafone signed IT outsourcing deals with the American technology major.
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Sam Dinkin writes quite interestingly in his article`Colonize the Moon before Mars’ published in `SPACE REVIEW’:
There are a number of reasons that the Moon is the best place to start space colonization, but the basis of most of them are its proximity to the Earth. Most of these stem from the lower cost of access to the Moon. There are also important engineering, economic and political advantages to starting colonization with the Moon. Before discussing the advantages of the Moon, let’s analyze what a full-court press for Mars colonization looks like.
Robert Zubrin constantly beats the drum for exploring Mars first. It is disingenuous to say that the goal of space exploration is the colonization of Mars. Even colonization advocates would be happy with colonization of the Moon, the asteroids, and many other destinations. The discovery of life on Mars would not matter much one way or the other. Suppose there is Earth-like life on Mars. That might point to a common origin or a similar bootstrap method. What is that worth commercially? If you knew the answer, how much could you sell it for? Ten billion? What follow on activities would that news generate? None. Life may be an exciting discovery perhaps the most exciting in all history, but it does not amount to a large inducement to go to Mars.
Mars would be an excellent idea to get started if this were the only space colonization option. There is a much better option, however, teasing us as it hangs in the sky.
Mars is an excellent colonization spot and should be colonized because it is a great place to live. If we are going places as a species, we have to start somewhere. Right now, the level of space commitment by all actors on Earth is about $50 billion a year. This level of commitment would pay for about twenty Mars Direct-style missions every two years. This is a feasible budget for the colonization of Mars. Many technologies can be optimized if the focus of Earth space efforts was colonization. Cyclers could be placed in permanent Earth-Mars transfer orbit. In situ resource utilization could eliminate the need for hydrogen shipment from Earth. Better crew selection could eliminate the need for humans to take a return trip. If the goal of human presence on Mars is to colonize it, $50 billion a year can do it well.
It will probably take decades of subsidy before a Mars colony could sustain itself. A twenty-year program of $50-billion-a-year subsidies would hit a trillion dollars. This is an affordable sum for a rich planet. It would be an excellent idea to get started if this were the only space colonization option. There is a much better option, however, teasing us as it hangs in the sky.
The Moon
The Moon has many relative advantages. The first is capital utilization. A Lunar cycler can make hundreds of round trips in the time that a Mars cycler can make. Second, there is much less fuel required to get from the Earth to the Moon than to Mars. Existing technology can be used to get to the Moon (see “Soyuz to the Moon?”, The Space Review, August 2, 2004). A lunar landing mission might cost $120 million for an Ariane 5 booster. If each mission cost another $120 million for the Soyuz, service module and everything else, then that would be $240 million per flight instead of $5 billion per flight. That means that a $50-billion level of commitment from Earth can afford over 400 flights every two years. Of course, that level of commitment could be optimally spent in much better ways. By creating a lunar cycler, a station at L-1, an orbital fuel depot, in situ utilization of lunar oxygen and possibly lunar water, there could be a vibrant community on the Moon.
While a single Ariane 5 could not heft as much as a Mars Direct flight, it may still transfer a comparable amount of resources and people as a Mars Direct flight would to Mars. Since life support and consumables are much less onerous for a short trip than a long trip, there is a lower mass requirement for crew transfer flights to the Moon and much less depreciation of capital in transit. Having new heavy lift that would enable Mars Direct would also enable more sensible lunar colonization missions.
There are many supporting reasons to go to the Moon. Consider three categories of justification: engineering, economics, and politics.
First, on a mission to the Moon, Earth rescue is a decent possibility for certain kinds of failures. On a trip to Mars, this would be out of the question. As NASA is finding out with its shuttle return to flight efforts, having a standby rescue ship and a space station to go to makes failure recovery for many failures feasible without too much increased capability from our existing hardware.
Second, the proximity to Earth allows for just-in-time planning. With Earth only a few days away, a regular resupply mission can have last minute changes to its manifest. That means that fewer spares need to be kept on hand to assure the same level of safety as in a Mars mission.
Third, the short distance between the Earth and the Moon allow Earth based teleoperation to be a viable alternative to robotics and local human operation. This vastly leverages the capability of capital equipment on the Moon.
If we are colonizing both Mars and the Moon, colonizing the Moon first would help inform the colonization plan of Mars. The reverse would not be as true because Mars colonization would take longer.
Fourth, there is valuable information that can be learned in setting up a space colony that will raise the likelihood of success of all future colonization efforts. So if we are colonizing both Mars and the Moon, colonizing the Moon first would help inform the colonization plan of Mars. The reverse would not be as true because Mars colonization would take longer.
Finally, resource and energy options are opened up to guard against our energy appetite increasing (as our nuclear appetite isn’t) or carbon appetite decreasing. In addition to lunar resource utilization, creating an option to colonize near Earth asteroids is very interesting and makes many resource extraction strategies feasible even if it would take technology breakthroughs or huge changes in the economy to make them financially viable.
The Moon offers a near-term self-sufficiency without any technological breakthroughs. The tourism industry can potentially provide a high-end alternative to orbital tourism (see “Space elevator dry run: next stop, the Moon”, The Space Review, this issue). Patrick Collins makes a good case that cheap orbital access can enable a vibrant lunar tourism industry. With a heavy subsidy, the Moon may become a cheaper destination for a long stay than even an orbital hotel. That is, lunar in situ resource utilization can potentially make oxygen, water, and structural materials less expensive on the Moon than in orbit.
Since the Moon is a more exotic and varied destination than orbit, it will likely rate a higher level of demand than orbit. Thus a vibrant tourism industry could result in a strong lunar economy that does not need to be subsidized as early as 2030. There could be a faster development to Antarctic level of commerce (13,000 tourists a year) or Alaska level of commerce (population 600,000). There would still need to be imports from Earth, but every nation on Earth has imports, so becoming self-sufficient in all commodities is not a necessary condition for the success of a colony.
In addition to tourism, the Moon could export video entertainment to the Earth. Lunar sports might make great television. Lunar trampoline, diving, and gymnastics should be very interesting to watch and would likely bring in ratings higher than similar events on Earth. Lunar dance rates to be extraordinary. A lunar movie studio may also make some great exports to the Earth.
The Moon also offers a great spot for astronomical observation. This allows the reclaiming of terrestrial radio frequencies currently used for that purpose. There are also new Earth observation possibilities.
Space skills will be valuable and firms and people with experience on the Moon will be well able to help develop cislunar and martian systems. Radiation management experience, artificial gravity creation technology, operation and maintenance, flywheel, maglev, and mass driver technologies are all likely to be developed on the Moon and useful in future efforts.
There could be a huge wave of private investment that is coincident with government colonization efforts.
Labor-saving technologies are likely to give a boost to the terrestrial economy. The fine details of how this will affect us is hard to predict, but if the cost of labor on the Moon is high because of the high cost of transportation, new and varied uses of teleoperation and robotics will become cost effective. Some of those technologies will have immediate application on Earth. The less scripted and higher intensity nature of lunar development will allow these to emerge more quickly from lunar than martian colonization.
To sum up, the lunar economy can pay for all its imports through the tourism industry, intellectual property exports, science, entertainment, space skills, low-g skills and labor saving technology.
There could be a huge wave of private investment that is coincident with government colonization efforts. That could result in a co-development of many industries such as terrestrial point-to-point rocket service, orbital tourism, teleoperation, and robotics.
Economic opportunities of a more long shot nature are also worth adding to the calculus. Turning the Moon into a TV (see “Buy the light of the Moon”, The Space Review, August 30, 2004) is exciting. A testbed for space elevator deployment would be nice, too.
The Moon may become a very exciting destination with a substantial GDP. Being there first means that the high ground is already occupied for any future militarization of the Moon.
It’s possible that colonizing the Moon will help muster the political will to colonize Mars. Earthers will be able to see the colony directly with their own eyes. A convincing existence proof will be there for everyone to see that colonization is feasible and profitable.
A lunar colony is a politically feasible off-Earth gene bank increasing the chances that the species will be immortal. The act of leaving the cradle may be the other addition to our chances for immortality.
It will be harder to monopolize communication between the Earth and Moon than Earth and Mars. This will create a free flow of ideas that will benefit both societies. There will be a greater spirit of freedom sooner with lunar colonization due to speedier development, and the faster mixing of ideas.
Colonizing the Moon will also be a faster spur to legal development. The development of space law, especially property rights, mineral rights, and to a lesser extent labor law and human rights will create additional liquidity for other space colonization activities.
The Moon may make a Mars colony feasible or desirable, thus enabling three branches of humanity.
Having independent space nations will enrich the solar system polity and make the solar system and the species more secure from natural disaster. We can speed interstellar exploration and colonization. Ultimately we may create two new worlds that are every bit as rich, varied and interesting as our own.
The Moon is a very interesting destination in its own right. Being closer to the Earth creates engineering, economic, and political opportunities. The Moon may make a Mars colony feasible or desirable, thus enabling three branches of humanity. A lunar colony can use much more mass imported from Earth and more flexible and capable engineering. Tourism may independently justify lunar colonization, but science, technology, skills and entertainment make the case stronger. Having a new place to live with new laws, customs, and ideas may ultimately be the most valuable contribution of all.
Sam Dinkin of Austin, Texas is a regular columnist at the Space Review. He can be reached at (888) 434-6546 and
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A humanoid is a hybrid term formed from Latin humanus "human" and the Greek -oeides expressing likeness. The term was coined in 1918 to refer to fossils considered close to human but not strictly human, including species now classified as Homo such as the Neanderthals.
The term more generally refers to any being whose body structure resembles that of a human, including upright stance and bipedalism. This includes anthropomorphic creatures in mythology as well as humanoid robots, especially in the context of science fiction and fantasy fiction. An android or gynoid is a humanoid robot designed to look like a male or female human, respectively, although the words are frequently perceived to be synonymous.
Most of the aliens in television and movies are presented as humanoid. Occasionally a rationale for the similarity of disparate alien races all sharing humanoid body structure is presented. For example, the episode "The Chase" of Star Trek: The Next Generation explained the humanoid denizens of the Star Trek universe by advancing the story of a primordial humanoid civilization, the Ancient humanoids, that seeded the galaxy with genetically-engineered cells that guide evolution toward humanoid life (see panspermia). In Stargate SG-1, many if not all of the aliens encountered are human, and this is explained by them having traveled from Earth in the distant past (See Children of the Gods). In most cases, like the classic Doctor Who serials, the reason for the similarity is not explained (although The Big Finish Productions audio play Zagreus offers a more sinister explanation: that the time lords may have seeded the universe with biogenic molecules so that only intelligent species that approximated the Gallifreyan humanoid norm would develop), and it is regarded simply as a dramatic convention or artistic license, requiring suspension of disbelief.
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BGSU Generation Next Leadership Award Fundraiser - So We Know You ...Toledo On The Move - 10 hours ago BGSU Generation Next Leadership Award Committee is hosting a Dance Contest & Party to raise funds for BGSU Freshmen Scholarships. The BGSU genext Leadership ... CENTRAL GENERATION NEXTบางกอกโพส - 16 hours ago A third-generation member of the Chirathivat family in Thailand, which owns and manages the Central Group, Isareit Chirathivat, or Gae, never lacked ... Invest in the next generationTimes Online - 1 hour ago Lucy Dexter cannot believe her luck. Although they are only in their early twenties, she and her sister, Lizzie, have just made an offer on a two-bedroom ... O2 getting ready for next generation - 4 hours ago The next version of the iphone is due to be revealed 8 June at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. The next generation of devices is ... Producers look to next generation of biofuelsSan Francisco Chronicle - 9 hours ago Groundbreaking chemistry: Bay Area research firms are pioneering the next generation of environmentally friendly fuels. A21. The next generation takes to the field of dreamsMonterey County Herald - 6 hours ago An out is like a gift from Abner Doubleday himself. after all, the post-myspace generation, where attention spans are shorter than the stirrup line painted ... Generation NextEvening Bulletin - Apr 3, 2009 For the next 10 years, the youngster was side by side with dad as he climbed the ranks and managed many future major league players. ... ''Dance Flick" Testing Talents Of Next Wayans Generation/Jewel ...The Star-Ledger - - Apr 4, 2009 Damien's recently announced Second Generation Entertainment, led by himself and cousins Craig and Damon Jr.: "We want to make comedy geared to a young adult ... Microsoft Announces Industry Support for Next Generation of ...TMCnet - Apr 3, 2009 By Calvin Azuri, TMCnet Contributing Editor Microsoft Corporation has announced strong industry support for Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Marketplace for ... Bach: Lots of support for Windows Mobile 6.5 TechRadar UK Are we ready for Generation Next?Independent - Mar 29, 2009 "It isn't unusual for intellectual merit to be passed from one generation to the next," says journalist and author Toby Young, whose father Michael wrote ... |
Indian ADRs gain nearly $8 billion in one weekEconomic Times - 8 hours ago Crisis-ridden Satyam Computer Services and outsourcing company Genpact also managed to add $168 million and $127 million, to their respective valuations. ... NIC, media trend in India:Developmental - 2 hours ago Since 1992-93 Indian economy has moved to a more open market economy. With the fast growth of communication technology and electronic media, there has been ... Forget Hybrids: Carmakers working on smart & affordable techEconomic Times - 19 hours ago Says Michael Boneham, MD of Ford India: “Hybrids — they are just too expensive for markets such as India. The strategy for automakers right now is to work ... Help wanted —- on phoneAtlanta Journal Constitution - 9 hours ago They smooth nerves ruffled by computer inanities. They even quote Scripture for the financially distressed. And, more times than not, they don’t call you; ... Will Digital Security Agency in India be a reality?Blogger News Network - Apr 3, 2009 What India may critically need for this purpose is investment in production of an indigenous “Secure Computer System” where the PCB is designed entirely ... Rush for Platinum jewellery, Platinum ETFsCommodity Online - 4 hours ago By Geena Paul MUMBAI: Platinum jewellery is slowly luring the women folk in India. A new trend is now showing that India’s GenNext women are mostly going ... Indian ADRs gain nearly $10 bn in MarchEconomic Times - Mar 29, 2009 In addition, BPO company Genpact and scam-ridden Satyam Computer Services' valuations went up by $120 million and $118 million, respectively. ... Bahrain Air launches Second Indian destinationZawya - 4 hours ago Bahrain Air is the first privately owned National carrier of Bahrain with Premium and Economy services offering affordable fares throughut its network. ... Davie computer teacher loses his hair for a good - Apr 3, 2009 But recently, Indian Ridge Middle School computer teacher Sam Torres switched gears and taught them something about giving. ... Shyam Ponappa: A 'Minimum Programme' for all parties?Business Standard - Apr 1, 2009 ‘Rice politics’ is a convenient tag for these strategies, although their reach extends to food grains, saris, housing, TV sets, mobile phones, computers, ... |
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The Indian Economy Blog » OLPC — Rest in Peace
The Indian Economy Blog says the Indian HRD Ministry explained that according to some American psychologist “any sustained use of computers may lead to a ... - 68k - Cached - Similar pages -Rs 30000 cr booster dose for Indian Economy - Latest IT News ...
25 Feb 2009 ... Rs 30000 cr booster dose for Indian Economy. ... This databse of computer vendors in India has been compiled through intense efforts of ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages -India's computer market wakes up to upbeat economy
BANGALORE: Computer sales in India should exceed 20 per cent annual growth by early next year thanks to the country's upbeat economy, a trade body said on ... - 54k - Cached - Similar pages -Dell Delivers First Computer Made in India - Economy - Javno
31 Jul 2007 ... A desktop computer made in Dell's new plant in India has been delivered to one of the company's biggest clients. - 78k - Cached - Similar pages -Computer Hardware: Indian Economy Crisis
This blog is dedicated to the Computer Hardware. You can find the full fledged Information regarding Hardware used in a Computer. ... - 94k - Cached - Similar pages -India: Industry and Economy
Recognition for the Indian computer software industry has been global. Indian software enterprises have completed projects for reputed international ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages -Google Directory - Regional > Asia > India > Business and Economy ...
Regional > Asia > Business and Economy > Computers and Internet (74) .... Internet and fax services across India. Now also an Internet service provider with ... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages -Satyam Computers: Rs.7000 crore fraud shakes India Inc.,Indian ...
Indian Economy, Satyam Computers: Rs.7000 crore fraud shakes India Inc., ... Satyam Computer Services, following the Rs 7000-crore financial fraud. ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages -indian economy threads on TechArena Computer Hardware Forum
indian economy threads tagged on Computer Hardware Forums of India. Community to get help and support. - 9k - Cached - Similar pages -India Economy
ECONOMY. India's population is estimated at more than 1.1 billion and is growing at 1.3% a year. ... Personal computer penetration is 14 per 1000 persons. ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Sci/Tech |
As much as i'd like to see it, robots will never replace humans in day to day tasks; because they don't pay taxes...
george, cranbourne , australia
i modestely said who is`nt so immature the progress of the
robotic science in the field of extraterrestrial mission
asimo is more intelligent and heartbreking than a cashier
of a bank when refusing 300 pence as sharif onmoon
fernando, london, england
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