Annual Administrative Report
Sl.No. Subject Page No.
1. Preface 1
2. Introduction 2-3
(i) Directorate of Commercial Taxes 6
(ii) Directorate of Agricultural Income Tax 15
(iii) Directorate of Electricity Duty 18
(iv) Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue 20
(v) Directorate of State Lottery 33
(vi) Directorate of Entry Taxes / Revenue Intelligence 36
(vii) Policy Planning Unit 38
(viii) WB Commercial Taxes Appellate & Revisional Board 40
(ix) Bureau of Investigation 42
(x) West Bengal Taxation Tribunal 45
(xi) West Bengal Settlement Commission 47
(xii) Office of the Collectorate of Stamps Revenue, Kolkata 47
(i) Project Monitoring Unit 67
(ii) Statistics Cell 68
(iii) RIDF Cell 69
(iv) Data Processing Centre 70
(i) Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts, W.B 75
(ii) Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance, W.B. 79
(iii) Assistance to Political Sufferers (APS) Branch 87
(iv) Directorate of Small Savings 88
(v) Economic Offences Investigation Cell 90
(vi) Secretariat A/Cs 93
(i) West Bengal Financial Corporation 95
(ii) West Bengal Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation 101
(i) Public Service Commission, West Bengal 104
(ii) State Administrative Tribunal, West Bengal 105
9. LAW CELL 114
The Annual Report contains the major activities and performance of the Department as a whole
and of various Branches / Directorates / Units / Cells under this Department, in particular.
Important Rules, Acts and Current Policy / Circulars have also been mentioned in this report. The
statistical tables and graphs included in this publication would indicate the trends of state fiscal
indicators and state finance scenario.
We are thankful to all the Heads of the Directorates / Branches / Units / Cells under this
Department for their active cooperation in the preparation of the Annual Report 2007-08.
Compilation and preparation of this report has been done by the Statistics Cell of the Finance
Suggestions for improvement of the Annual Report will be gratefully appreciated.
Kolkata, December, 2008
Dipankar Mukhopadhyay
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
In terms of Rules of Business framed under Article 166(3) of the Constitution of India the Finance
Department is to perform the following functions of the Government.
(a) It is in charge of the accounts relating to loans granted by the State Government and the
previous provincial Government and shall advise on the financial aspects of all
transactions relating to such loans;
(b) It examines and reports on all proposals for the increase or reduction of taxation;
(c) It examines and reports on all proposals for borrowing on the security of the Consolidated
Fund of the State or for giving guarantees; takes all steps necessary for the purpose of
raising such loans as have been duly authorized; and is in charge of all matters relating to
the service of loans or the discharge of guarantees;
(d) It is responsible for seeing that proper financial rules are framed for the guidance of other
Departments and that suitable accounts are maintained by other Departments and
establishments subordinate to them;
(e) It is responsible during the year for watching the state Government
’s balances;
(f) It prepares a statement of estimated revenue and expenditure to be laid before the
Legislature in each year and any supplementary statements of expenditure; it also prepares
the demands for excess grants, votes on accounts, votes of credit and exceptional grants, if
any, required to be submitted to the Legislature;
(g) For the purpose of such presentation, it obtains from the Departments concerned materials
on which its estimates are based, and it is responsible for the correctness of the estimates
framed on the materials so supplied;
(h) It examines and advises on all schemes of new expenditure for which it is proposed to
make provision in the estimates and declines to provide in the estimates for any scheme
which has not been so examined;
(i) It is responsible for the preparation of Appropriation Bills to be introduced to the
(j) On receipt of a report from an audit officer to the effect that expenditure for which there is
no sufficient sanction is being incurred, it requires steps to be taken to obtain sanction or
that expenditure shall immediately cease;
(k) It causes the report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India relating to the
Appropriation Accounts of the State to be laid before the Public Accounts Committee and
brings to the notice of the Committee such other matters as should be referred to the
(l) It advises Departments responsible for the collection of revenue regarding the progress of
collections and the methods of collection employed.
(m) The view of the Finance Department is to be brought to the permanent record of the
Department to which the case belongs and shall form part of the case;
(n) The Finance Department may give general or special order prescribing cases in which its
assent may be presumed to have been given.
The Minister-in-Charge of the Finance Department works through a Secretariat headed by the
Principal Secretary. The functions of the Finance Department are performed through five
Branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance. Under these
five Branches, there are various directorates/ cells / units dealing with specific subjects. West
Bengal Administrative Tribunal has been set up for adjudicating disputes concerning recruitment
and service matters of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the
affairs of the state. Similarly, West Bengal Taxation Tribunal has been established for
adjudicating disputes relating to levy, assessment, collection and enforcement of any tax under
any specified State Act. The Finance Department acts as Administrative Department for both
these Tribunals. The Finance Department also acts as Administrative Department for the West
Bengal Public Service Commission. West Bengal Financial Corporation and West Bengal
Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation are the two Corporations under this Department.
Subject to the overall control of the Finance Minister, the Department functions under the
administrative direction and guidance of the Principal Secretary. Each Branch of the Department
is headed by a Special Secretary / Joint Secretary.
Revenue Branch
The Revenue Branch of the Finance Department exercises control over the matters relating to
state taxes and also non-tax revenues of the State. The Branch is also entrusted with the
administration and enforcement of regulatory measures provided in the enactments relating to
sales tax, stamp duties and other taxes / duties. Tax policies are formulated in order to mobilize
financial resources for the plan and non-plan expenditure of the state and promote investment by
providing fiscal incentives.
The Revenue Branch administers the following Acts :
(1) The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.
(2) The Central Sales Tax Act,1956.
(3) The West Bengal Primary Education Act,1973 (so far as levy of cess on coal and tea is concerned)
(4) The West Bengal Rural Employment and Production Act, 1976 in so far as levy of cess on coal
and tea is concerned.
(5) The West Bengal Luxury Tax Act, 1994 (Collection under this Act has since been stopped in
terms of judgement of the Supreme Court)
(6) The West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979.
(7) The West Bengal State Tax on consumption or use of Goods Act, 2001.
(8) The West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Fund Act, 2002.
(9) The West Bengal Sales Tax (Settlement of Disputes) Act, 1999
(10) The Bengal Amusements Tax Act, 1922.
(11) The West Bengal Entertainments and Luxuries (Hotels and Restaurants) Tax Act,1972.
(12) The West Bengal Entertainment-cum-Amusement Tax Act, 1982.
(13) The West Bengal Urban land Taxation Act, 1976(since repealed).
(14) The West Bengal Multistoreyed Building Tax Act, 1979.(since repealed).
(15) The Bengal Electricity Duty Act, 1935.
(16) The West Bengal Duty on Inter-State River Valley Authority Electricity Act, 1973.
(17) The Indian Stamp Act, 1899, in its application to West Bengal.
(18) The Registration Act,1908, in its application to West Bengal.
(19) The West Bengal Building Tax Act, 1996.
(20) Lottery (Regulation) Act, 1998.
(21) The West Bengal Taxes on Entry of goods in Local Area Act, 1962.(since repealed)
(22) Taxes on Entry of Goods into Calcutta Metropolitan Area Act, 1972 (since repealed)
(23) The West Bengal Revenue Intelligence (Collection and Monitoring of Information) Act, 1996.
The West Bengal Taxation Tribunal Act, 1987.
The Branch looks after the matters relating to the above mentioned Acts through the following
Directorates / Cells / Offices.
Commercial Taxes Directorate
Directorate of Agricultural Income Tax
Directorate of Electricity Duty
Directorate of Registration and Stamp Revenue
Directorate of State Lottery
Directorate of Entry Taxes / Revenue Intelligence
Policy Planning Unit
WB Commercial Taxes Appellate & Revisional Board
Bureau of Investigation
West Bengal Taxation Tribunal
West Bengal Settlement Commission
Office of the Collectorate of Stamps Revenue, Kolkata,
Staffing pattern and present staff strength:
Presently, the Revenue Branch is supervised by Principal Secretary (Revenue) who is assisted by
the following officials.
SI. No. Name of the Post Present Strength
1. Deputy Secretary 01
2. Assistant Secretary 02
3. Section Officer 05
4. Head Assistant 06
5. Upper Division Assistant 20
6. Lower Division Assistant 10
7. Typist Supervisor 03
8. Typist Grade -I 03
9. Typist Basic Grade 06
10. Muharrir Grade II 03
11. Record Supplier 02
12.. Group
‘D’ Peon 08
With the decision to introduce Value Added Tax (VAT) with effect from April 1, 2005, the
Revenue Branch brought out amendments to the West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003
through the West Bengal Finance Act, 2005 so as to make the VAT law of West Bengal conform
to the consensual decisions of the Empowered Committee of the State Finance Ministers on Tax
In order to mobilize additional resources and to allow tax concessions during the financial year
2007-08 as also for the purpose or simplification of procedures and ensuring better tax
compliance, major amendments were made with effect from the April 1, 2007 in the following
1. Indian Stamp Act, 1899, in its application to West Bengal.
2. The West Bengal Duty on Inter-State River Valley Authority Electricity Act, 1973
3. The Bengal Agricultural Income Tax Act, 1944.
4. The West Bengal Taxation Tribunal Act, 1987.
5. The West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings & Employments Act,1979.
6. The Registration Act, 1908 , in its application to West Bengal.
7. The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.
8. The West Bengal Sales Tax (Settlement of Dispute) Act,1999.
9. The West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Fund Act, 2002
10.The West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003.
Year wise break-up of Number of files received and disposed of :
Financial Year
New cases
Total cases No. of cases
disposed of
% of cases
disposed of
No. of cases
2003-2004 121 185 306 208 67.97 98
2004-2005 98 245 343 205 59.76 138
2005-2006 138 246 384 195 50.91 189
2006-2007 189 216 405 216 53.46 189
2007-2008 189 194 383 146 38.12 237
The Directorate of Commercial Taxes, West Bengal is entrusted with the collection of Sales Tax,
Luxury Tax (since discontinued w.e.f. 1
st April, 2005 in pursuance of the judgement dated 20th
January, 2005 of the Supreme Court of India), Cess on petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) and Profession Tax. The Directorate of Commercial Taxes, West Bengal is headed by the
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes (CCT) who is of the rank of Secretary / Special Secretary to
the Government. The CCT is assisted by some Special Commissioners. Down the hierarchy, there
are Additional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners, Commercial
Tax Officers and Assistant Commercial Tax Officers in charge of specific responsibilities /
specific units of administration under Directorate, namely Circles, Charges, Corporate Division,
Central Section, Check-posts and Range Offices.
: The State of West Bengal is divided into 16 Circles. A Circle is headed by a Deputy
Commissioner of Commercial Taxes. He is assisted by other Deputy Commissioners and
Assistant Commissioners. They exercise administrative, appellate and revisional jurisdiction over
the charges under the circle.
: A Charge is the primary unit under the Directorate. There are 67 charges in West
Bengal. A charge is headed by an Assistant Commissioner of Commercial Taxes. He is assisted
by Commercial Tax Officers and Assistant Commercial Tax Officers. The officers are entrusted
with the examination of books of accounts of the dealers and assessment of taxes payable by
Corporate Division
: Files of big dealers are dealt with by the Officers of this wing. It is headed
by Additional Commissioners who are assisted by a number of Deputy Commissioners and
Assistant Commissioners.
Central Section
: The Officers posted in the Central Section have jurisdiction over the entire
State. Main functions of the Central Section are -
Cross verification of purchase and sale,
Inspection, search & seizure,
It also deals with the matters relating to non-resident dealers, way bills to unregistered
dealers/persons having place of business within the Kolkata Municipal Area.
: Check-posts are set up at the entry points at the border areas within the State.
Commercial Tax Officers, Inspectors and Patrolmen are posted in the Check-posts. The
Commercial Tax Officers and the Assistant Commercial Tax Officers have the power to intercept
and/or search the vehicles coming from places outside West Bengal and also going out of the
Range Offices
: There are several Range Offices at various places within West Bengal. Officials
posted there are engaged in mobile checking of vehicles transporting goods.
Staffing pattern and present staff strength:
Name of Cadre Sanctioned
Cadre Structure of Group
1. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes 1 1
2. Special Commissioner 2 2
3. Additional Commissioner 36 32
4. Deputy Commissioner 89 85
5. Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Taxes (Audit) 4 1
6. Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Taxes (Accounts) 3 3
7. Assistant Commissioner 325 317
8. System Analyst 1 1
9. Commercial Tax Officer 655 608
10. Programmer 1 1
11. PA to Commissioner 2 2
12. PA to Spl. Officer (Bureau of Investigation) 1 1
13. Administrative Officer 4 4
14. Stenographer 17 15
15. Assistant Commercial Tax Officer 1220 1093
Total 2361 2166
Cadre structure of Group
‘B’ & ‘C’
16. Office Superintendent 1 1
17. Accountant 2 2
18. Head Clerk 156 136
19. U.D.C. 741 715
20. Head Cashier 1 1
21. Cashier 8 1
22. Stenographer 1 1
23. Telephone Operator (Gr. I) 7 7
24. Telephone Operator (Sup) 2 2
25. Telephone Operator (Basic) 11 4
26. Typist (Sup) 2 2
27. Typist (Gr. I) 8 8
28. Typist (Basic) 9 7
29. KP/KV Operator (Gr. I) 12 12
30. KP/KV Operator (Sup) 3 3
31. KP/KV Operator (Basic) 16 15
32. Nazir 2 1
33. Cashier-cum-Upper Division Clerk 1 0
34. Care Taker 2 1
35. L.D.C. 736 566
36. Asstt. Care Taker 3 3
37. Asstt. Cashier 33 0
38. L.D. cum Cashier 6 5
39. Banch Clerk-cum-Steno 41 0
40. Steno-Typist-Clerk 346 196
41. Cash Sarkar (Gr. I) 1 0
42. Cash Sarkar (Basic) 18 8
43. Binder (Gr. I) 1 1
44. Binder (Basic) 2 0
45. D.M.O. (Duplicating Machine Operator) 1 1
46. Driver 22 14
Total 2195 1713
Cadre Structure of Group
47. Peon/Orderly 889 785
48. Patrolman 362 335
49. Night guard 78 63
50. Farash 36 27
51. Darwan 20 12
52. Sweeper 47 41
53. Night Guard cum Darwan 1 1
54. Visti 2 1
55. Mali 1 0
56. Cleaner 1 1
Total 1437 1266
Acts administered by the Directorate:
The Directorate of Commercial Taxes, West Bengal, administered the following Acts during
2007-2008 :
(i) The West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003.
(ii)The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.
(iii)The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956.
(iv) The West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979.
(v) The West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973 (for the limited purpose of Education Cess).
(vi)The West Bengal Rural Employment and Production Act, 1976 (for the limited purpose of
Rural Employment Cess).
(vii) The West Bengal Sales Tax (Settlement of Dispute) Act, 1999.
(viii) The West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Act, 2002.
Current Policy / Circular :
With the decision to introduce VAT with effect from April 1, 2005, the Commercial taxes
Directorate devoted lot of time to tax-payers
’ awareness programmes including holding of
seminars, meetings with Trade Bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Advocates, Tax Practitioners and
Dealers, publicity on the basic features of VAT through News papers, hoardings, banners etc.,
organizing help-desk counters at different locations in Kolkata as well as in the districts. Acts,
Rules, Notifications, Schedules were published and made available on the Directorate
’s Website
. Booklets on VAT were also published and distributed to the dealers free
of cost. Various circulars were issued for proper implementation of VAT.
Following important notifications under the West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003 were issued
during 2007-2008:--
1. 423-F.T. dated
West Bengal Finance Act, 2007 (West Bengal Act III of 2007)
– date
of effect of different sections
2. 547-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003
Draft Amendment in Schedule A and Schedule C, in Part I
3. 484-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Rules, 1995 -
- CHAPT.XVII, in PART V, in rule 266A
4. 485-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
- CHAPT. XIV, in PART V, in rule 164A
5. 522-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules,2005
- CHAPT.XVII, in PART IV, in rule 150,
- 152 and 154.
6. 552-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003
-establishment of West Bengal Value Added
Tax Settlement Commission.
7. 553-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Settlement
– appointment of members.
8. 554-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Settlement
– appointment of Chairman
9. 555-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 - establishment of West Bengal
Sales Tax Settlement Commission
10. 556-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Settlement Commission
– appointment of
11. 557-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Settlement Commission
– appointment of
12. 698-F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax (West Bengal) Rule,1958 -Amendment in rules
2,4,6A,6B,7,7A,8, 8A,8B,9 and 11.
13. 673- F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (74 of 1956)
Notification No. 2372-F.T. dated 02.08.2002
14 674- F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax Act,1956
– amendment
In Notification No. 2373-F.T. dt. 02.08.2002
15. 801- F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax (Settlement of Dispute) Rules, 1999
Amendment in Rule 2, clause (a) and clause (bb).
16. 899- F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003
- Amendment in Schdule A & Schedule C
17. 950- F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
Insertion of Rule 16B, Clause (b) in sub- rule(5) of rule 34 and amendment
of rules 30,36,37,41,44,53,54 and Forms 14, 14D,32,35,36 & 37.
18. 973-F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
– amendment of Notification No. 2372-
F.T. dt. 02.08.02.
19 1105-F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
– amendment of Notification No. 2370-
F.T. dt. 02.08.02.
1106- F.T.
dated 3.08.2007
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
– amendment of Notification No. 2371-
F.T., dt. 03.08.02
21. 1107- F.T.
dated 3.08.2007
Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
– amendment of Notification No. 2372-
F.T. dt. 02.08.02
22. 1108 F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax Act., 1956
– amendment of Notification No. 2373-
F.T. dt. 02.08.02
23. 1109-F.T.dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994
– amendment of Notification No.
908-F.T. dated 13.04.2005.
24. 1110-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003-Draft Amendment in
Schedule C, Part III
25. 1145-F.T dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003 - Addition of member of
the West Bengal Value Added Tax Settlement Commission
26. 1146-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 - Addition of member of the West
Bengal Sales Tax Settlement Commission
27. 1163-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rule, 2005 - amendment in rule 26F
28. 1164-F.T. dated
West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 - amendment in rule 35 in
29. 1365-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003 - Amendment in Schedule
C, in Part III
30. 1492-F.T. &
1493-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003 - Appointment of Member
of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Settlement
31. 1494-F.T. &
1495-F.T. dated
The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 - Appointment of Members of
the West Bengal Sales Tax Settlement Commission
32. 82-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules,2005 - Amendments in Rules
34,35,36 and Insertion of Rule 33A, Sub-rule (5) in Rule 43 and
Table in Form 14.
33. 177-F.T. dated
In Notification No. 82-F.T. dated 21.02.08, Figures and letter
is corrected by Figures and letter
34. 316-F.T. dated
Central Sales Tax (West Bengal) Rules, 1958
– amendment in rule 9
and insertion of Form3V and 4V after Form 3A.
35. 317-F.T. dated
Amendment in Notification No. 423-F.T. dated 31.03.2007
36. 318-F.T. dated
West Bengal Value Added Tax Rules, 2005-amendment in FORM 25
37. 319-F.T. dated
Amendment in Notification No. 1732-F.T. dated 18.10.2006.
Status of Computerization of the Directorate of Commercial Taxes Processes computerised :
(a) Creation and maintenance of database in respect of all registered dealers;
(b) Computerisation of Bank / Treasury copy of challans making possible of payment accounting
and verification;
(c) Monitoring of imports in West Bengal through computerisation of Way Bills
– stock,
allotment, issue and utilisation thereof;
(d) Monitoring of issue of Central Declaration Forms (
‘C’, ‘F’, ‘E1’,’E2’ etc.).
(e) Monitoring of Transit Documents on the strength of which vehicles use West Bengal as
corridor for carrying goods from one State to another;
(f) Processing of receipt of returns filed by registered dealers on self-assessment
– thereby
enabling the officers to highlight defaulters.
(g) Development and Maintenance of the Website of the Directorate. Facility for downloading
important forms, notifications etc.;
(h) Computerisation of the process of selection of the dealers for assessment u/s 45A(3) of the
WBST Act, 1994.
(i) Web-enabled service for knowing status regarding Selective Assessment u/s 45A(3) of the
WBST Act, 1994.
(j) Creation and maintenance of Profession Tax payers
’ master;
(k) Processing of Profession Tax payment challans, identification of defaulters, sending of beforetime
notices, return processing etc.;
(l) Web-enabled service for filing application for Profession Tax Enrolment.
(m) Processing of deduction certificates submitted at the STDS Cell;
(n) Creation and maintenance of Employees
’ database.
(o) Pay roll of employees.
(p) Computerized Central Return Receiving Unit (CRRU) was launched on 20
th July’06 at the
Beliaghata Sales Tax Building, Annex-II to receive all Returns under the State Act, VAT Act
and CST Act of the dealers under Corporate Division and the Charges located in the
Beliaghata Building.
(q) Central Registration Cell (CRC) (Computerised) was launched from 2
nd April’2007 with a
view to disposing of all NR (New Registration) applications and those from dealers carrying
on business under the jurisdiction of the charges in the Beliaghata Building on the date of
(r) As per decision of the Empowered Committee on VAT, a nation wide network amongst the
States implementing VAT for exchange of data relating each State ® (TINXSYS) has become
functional. Data relating to West Bengal have already been uploaded to the website of
TINXSYS (www.tinxsys.com) concerning the Dealer Master and issue of Central Forms
under the C.S.T. Act, 1956. Incremental data are being uploaded at regular interval to the
TINXSYS Server. Besides, plans are afoot for providing more facilities to the citizens like
submission of Returns, payment of tax, etc. using the internet with a view to increasing the
Citizen-to-Government interface as part of e-governance.
(s) Arrangement for on line filinng of VAT Returns by selected dealers of West Bengal.
(t) Arrangement for on-line payment of Commercial Taxes presently through the State Bank of
Targets & achievements of Collection of Sales Tax :
( Rs. In Crores )
Collection of Sales Tax 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. Budget Estimate
Net 4982.62 5836.26 6502.89 7622.48 8505.71
B. Revised Estimate
Net 4946.00 5555.17 6508.00 7238.90 8300.16
C. Actual Collection
Net 4830.58 5716.3 6108.78 7079.02 8060
D. Growth Rate
- 15.25 18.34 6.87 15.88 13.86
E. Actual Collection as
percentage of Budget
96.95 97.94 93.94 92.87 94.76
F. Actual Collection as
percentage of Revised
97.67 102.90 93.87 97.79 97.10
(A) Collection Under Different Acts
: 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-08 (RE)
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
The West Bengal Value Added Tax Act , 2003
3675.64 4267.61 7360.20 *
The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 (Net)
1729.53 2041.25
The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
713.97 799.82 937.05
The West Bengal State Tax on Profession, Trades,
Callings and Employments Act, 1979
249.15 264.41 283.58
The West Bengal Primary Education Act, 1973,
and W.B. Rural Employment and Production Act, 1976
665.33 665.11 735.77
The West Bengal Luxury Tax Act, 1994
37.01 27.69 48.99
The West Bengal Transport Infrastructure
Development Fund Act, 2002
181.99 191.99 260.95
The West Bengal State Tax on Consumption
or Use of Goods Act,2001.
0.66 1.31 2.91
7253.28 8229.53 9629.45
(B)Expenditure :
(i) Administrative Expenses
18.87 18.70 21.17
(ii) Collection Charges
63.68 67.00 71.85
82.54 85.70 93.02
(c)Expenditure as percentage of collection
This figure comprises collection of Sales Tax under WBST Act, 1994 & VAT Act, 2003
(A)Sales Tax Act:
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
(a) Number of Registered Dealers :
i) The West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 1,66,472* 1,81,076* 2,09,389
ii)The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 97,019 98,428 1,05,868
(b) New Registration granted :
37,282 29,618 34,496
(c) Files Cancelled
2,592 20,392 15,391
* This figure includes number of Registered Dealers under Vat Act, 2003 also.
(B) Profession Tax Act:
Number of registered employers and enrolled persons under the Profession Tax Act, 1979 :
i) Number of Registered Employers 75,676 77,006 81,682
ii) Number of Enrolled persons 14,39,903 14,86,735 15,50,348
(A) Sales Tax Acts : 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
i) Opening Balance 1,84,198 1,69,076 1,15,099
ii) Cases initiated during the year 1,30,038 80,077 39,271*
iii) Total assessment cases 3,14,236 2,49,153 1,54,370
iv) Cases disposed of during the year 1,45,160 1,34,054 1,21,325
v) % of Cases disposed of during the year 46.19 53.80 78.59
vi) Cases pending at the end of the year 1,69,076 1,15,099 33,045
vii) % of Cases pending at the end of the year 53.81 46.20 21.41
(B) Profession Tax Act : 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
i) Opening Balance 1,60,962 1,32,113 1,35,135
ii) Cases initiated during the year 61,765 54,536 88,068
iii) Total assessment cases 2,22,727 1,86,649 2,23,203
iv) Cases disposed of during the year 90614 51,514 71951
v) % of Cases disposed of during the year 40.68 27.60 32.24
vi) Cases pending at the end of the year 1,32,113 1,35,135 1,51,252
vii) % of Cases pending at the end of the year 59.32 72.40 67.76
Under VAT Act assessment is in the nature of an exception and is made only where the statute
requires. After March 2008 (when procedural bottlenecks were cleared) the figures of initiation
picked up.
Audit :
The audit for the period from 01.01.1999 to 31.03.2001 was carried out in
April,2001(from 02.04.2001 to 24.04.2001)
The audit for the period from 01.04.2001 to 30.09.2003 was carried out in October,2003
(from 14.10.2003 to 31.10.2003)
The audit for the period from 01.10.2003 to 31.03.2005 was carried out from 21.10.2005
to 10.03.2006.
During the VAT regime on and from 1.4.05 Account is audited in cases of dealers selected
for audit on a year to year basis.
Appeal Cases (Sales Tax Acts):
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Opening Balance 18,988 17,303 16,287
Cases filed during the year 14,771 14,622 6,628
Total appeal cases 33,759 31925 22,915
Cases disposed of during the year 16,456 15,638 11,504
% of Cases disposed of during the year 48.75 48.98 50.20
Cases pending at the end of the year 17,303 16,287 11,411
% of Cases pending at the end of the year 51.25 51.02 49.80
Revision & Review Cases (Sales Tax Acts):
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Opening Balance 3,763 3,497 3,341
Cases filed during the year 776 843 2913
Total Revision & Review cases 4539 4340 6,254
Cases disposed of during the year 1,042 999 3396
% of Cases disposed of during the year 22.96 23.02 54.30
Cases pending at the end of the year 3,497 3,341 2,858
% of Cases pending at the end of the year 77.04 76.98 45.70
Publications :
The Directorate of Commercial Taxes brings out the following publications :-
1. Trade Circulars
2. Booklets on STDS
3. Booklets on Tax Invoice etc
4. Annual Administrative Report
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