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Memories of Another day
While my Parents Pulin babu and Basanti Devi were living

Monday, March 2, 2009

Israeli Militarism and the Necessity of a One-State Solution

The Lebanon War, a Post-Mortem
Israeli Militarism and the Necessity of a One-State Solution

I'm going to suggest to you that what we might now be witnessing is the long beginning of the end of the Zionist state of Israel. In the next 10 minutes or so I will talk my way to an explanation of why I think so; and then I'll address the question of what the most likely consequences would be. I can see two--One State of Palestine for All and real, lasting peace, or Catastrophe for All... and by "All" I don't just mean Israeli Jews and the Arabs of the region, I mean all of us, everywhere. I thought I would be the first to give voice in public to the idea that Israel might be planting in Lebanon the final seeds of its own destruction, but while I was working on my text for this evening, I came across an interview given by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was PresidentCarter's National Security Adviser. He said: "Eventually, if neo-con policies continue to be pursued, the United States will be expelled from the region and that will be the beginning of the end for Israel as well."As Israel's bombardment of Lebanon unfolded, a great deal of nonsense was written and spoken by pundits and policymakers throughout the mainly Gentile Judeo-Christian world about why it was happening. The main thrust of the nonsense was that Hizbullah started the war and that Israel was merely defending itself. I think the truth about Hizbullah's role in triggering the war can be summarised as follows--bearing in mind that the border incident of 12 July was one of many since Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000, and which more often than not, according to UN monitors, were provoked by Israeli actions and/or Israeli violations of agreements. By engaging an IDF border patrol, killing three Israeli soldiers and taking two hostages, and firing a few rockets to create a diversion for that operation, Hizbullah gave Israel's generals and those politicians who rubber-stamp their demands the pretext they wanted and needed to go to war--a war they had planned for months.

I was reminded of what was said to me on the second of the six days of the 1967 war when I was a very young ITN correspondent reporting from Israel. One of my sources was Major General Chaim Herzog. He was one of the founding fathers of Israel's Directorate of Military Intelligence. On the second day of that war he said to me in private conversation: "IfNasser had not been stupid enough to give us a pretext for war now, we would have created one in the coming year to 18 months." Hizbullah's purpose in taking Israeli prisoners/hostages was to have them as bargaining chips - to secure the return of Lebanese prisoners Israel had refused to release in a previous prisoner exchange. As former President Carter implied in an article for The Washington Post on I August, it was not unreasonable for Hizbullah to assume that an exchange would be possible because "the assumption was based on a number of such trades in the past." But on 12 July 2006 the government of Israel was not interested in trades. It did not give a single moment to diplomacy or negotiations of any kind. It did not even consider a local retaliation to make a point. Israel rushed to war. As Defence Minister Amir Peretz put it: "We're skipping the stage of threats and going straight to the action."

On the subject of Hizbullah's rockets, (which are hit-and-miss low tech weapons when compared with Israel's state of the art firepower), it is right to ask-Why, really, were they there? What, really, explains Hizbullah's stock-piling and its bunkering down? The honest answer, which has its context in the whole history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Zionism's demonstrated designs on Southern Lebanon in particular, is this: Hizbullah was strengthening itself militarily for the same reason as Eygpt did when President Nasser, with great reluctance after America had refused to supply him, accepted weapons from the Soviet Union. Nasser did not upgrade Eygpt's military capabilities to make war on Israel. He wanted to be able to demonstrate to Israel that attacking Eygpt to impose Zionism's will on it was not a cost-free option. In other words, Hizbullah had been improving its military capability to deter Israeli incursions and attacks, which was something the Lebanese army was incapable of doing. Am I suggesting that Hizbullah would not have let loose its rockets if Israel had not gone for the war option? YES! The notion that, on 12 July 2006, Hizbullah was joined in conspiracy with Iran and Syria to wipe Israel off the face of the earth is nothing but Zionist and neo-con propaganda nonsense--to justify Israel's latest war of aggression and also, perhaps, to justify, in advance of it happening, war on Iran.

It's true that the rhetoric of Iran's President gave and gives a degree of apparent credibility to Zionist and neo-con spin--but only to those who are unaware of, or don't want to know, the difference between the facts and documented truth of the real history of the Arab-Israeli conflict (as in my book) and Zionism's version of it. To those who really want to understand why the Zionist state of Israel behaves in the way it does, and is (as described in a recent article courageously carried by The Independent) "a terrorist state like no other", I say not only read my book, but give special attention to page 485 of Volume One. On it I quote what was said behind closed doors in May 1955 by Moshe Dayan, Israel's one-eyed warlord and master of deception. He was in conversation with Israel's ambassadors to Washington, London and Paris. At the time the Eisenhower administration was pressing Israel to abandon its policy of reprisal attacks.

Eisenhower was aware that Nasser did not want war with Israel, and that he would, when he could, make an accommodation with it. Eisenhower also knew that Israel's reprisal attacks were making it impossible for Nasser to prepare the ground on his side for peace with Israel.

In conversation with Israel's three most important ambassadors to the West, Dayan explained why he was totally opposed - whatever the pressure from the West - to the idea that Israel should abandon its policy of reprisal attacks. They were, he said, "a life drug." What he meant, he also explained, was that reprisal attacks enabled the Israeli government "to maintain a high degree of tension in the country and the army."

What, really, did that mean? Israel's standing or full-time army was (as it still is and must be) relatively small, not more than about 23,000 souls in all. The other quarter of a million fighting men and women who could be mobilised in 48 hours were reservists from every walk of Israel's civil society. The real point? Without Israeli reprisal attacks and all that they implied--that the Zionist state was in constant danger of being annihilated - there was a possibility that some and perhaps many reservists would not be motivated enough to respond to Zionism's calls to arms.

Put another way, what Dayan really feared was the truth. He knew, as all of Israel's leaders knew, that Israel's existence was not in danger from any combination of Arab forces. And that was the truth which had to be kept from the Jews of Israel. Dayan's fear was that if they became aware of it, they might insist on peace on terms the Arab regimes could accept but which were not acceptable to Zionism. Among those present when Dayan explained the need for Israeli reprisal attacks as a "life drug" was the Foreign Ministry's Gideon Rafael. He reported what Dayan told the ambassadors to Prime Minister Moshe Sharret-in my view, and with the arguable exception of Yitzhak Rabin, the only completely rational prime minister Israel has ever had. And we know from Sharret's diaries what Rafael then said to him: "This is how fascism began in Italy and Germany!"

Ladies and gentlemen, I think future historians may say that was how fascism began in the Zionist state of Israel.

The idea of Israel as a fully functioning democracy is a seriously flawed one. It's true that Israeli Jews are free to speak their minds (in a way that most Jews of the world are frightened to do), and to that extent it can be said that Israel has the appearance of a vibrant democracy... But in reality, and especially since the countdown to the 1967 war, it's Israel's generals who call most of the policy shots, even when one of them is not prime minister.

In June 1967 Israel's prime minister of the time, the much maligned Levi Eshkol, did not want to take his country to war. The war, was imposed upon him by the generals, led by Dayan. As I explain in Volume Two of my book, what really happened in Israel in the final countdown to that war was something very close to a military coup in all but name.

And that's where we are today--the generals effectively calling the shots in Israel, to the applause of the neo-cons. Why, really, did Israel's generals want to make war on Lebanon? There was obviously much more to it than the collective punishment of a whole people as part and parcel of a stated objective - the destruction of Hizbullah as a Moslem David which could hit and hurt the Zionist Goliath. I think there were two main reasons. The first was that Israel's generals believed they should and could restore the "deterrent power" of the IDF (Israel's war machine). They believed, correctly, that it had been seriously damaged by Hizbullah's success in not only confronting the IDF following Sharon's invasion of Lebanon in 1982, but eventually forcing it to withdraw, effectively defeated and humiliated... I think it is more than reasonable to presume that for most if not all of the past six years, Israel's generals were itching to make war on Lebanon to repair that damage--to restore the IDF's deterrent power. Put another way, it was time, Israel's generals believed, to give the Arabs (all Arabs, not just Hizbullah) another lesson in who the master was.

The second main reason for the insistence of Israel's generals on 12 July this year that war was the only option...? I think it's also more than reasonable to presume that they saw the opportunity to ethnically cleanse Lebanon up to the Litani River, with a view, eventually, to occupying and then annexing the ethnically cleansed territory. For Zionism this would be the fulfilment of the vision of modern Israel's founding father, David Ben-Gurion - a Zionist state within "natural" borders, those borders being the Jordan River in the East and the Litani River of Lebanon in the north. Israel gained control of theJordan River border in its 1967 war of expansion, but prior to its rush to war on 12 July, all of its attempts to establish the Litani border had failed. Since 1982 because of Hizbullah's ability to cause the occupying IDF forces more casualties than Israeli public opinion was prepared to tolerate. According to those currently calling the policy shots - Israel's generals and politicians, the neo-cons in and around the Bush administration and their associate in Downing Street - the name of the game is creating a "new Middle East". It is happening. A new Middle East is being created.

But what kind of new Middle East will it actually be? In my analysis it will be one in which the Zionist state of Israel, having rejected a number of opportunities to make peace with the Palestinians and all the Arab states, will become increasingly vulnerable and, at a point, actually for the first time ever in its shortish history, could face the possibility of defeat. In my view the seeds of that possible defeat have just been sewn in Lebanon. The fact is that Israel's latest military adventure has been totally counter-productive in that it has caused Hizbullah to be admired by the angry and humiliated masses of the Arab and wider Moslem world. That being so, would it really be surprising if, in growing numbers, Arabs and Moslems everywhere begin to entertain- if they are not already entertaining-something like the following thought: "If 3,000 Hizbullah guerrillas can stand up to mighty Israel for weeks and give it a seriously bloody nose, what would happen if we all joined the fight?" (Do I hear the sound of pro-Western Arab regimes being toppled? Yes, I think so). I imagine that even the thought of Israel being defeated one day will bring joy to very many Arabs and other Moslems. But there ought to be no place for joy because there's no mystery about what would happen in the event of Israel actually being on the brink of defeat. I want to quote to you now from one of my Panorama interviews with Golda Meir. (It can be found, this quote, on the second page Volume One of my book, in the Prologue which is titled Waiting for the Apocalypse).

At a point I interrupted her to say: "Prime Minister I want to be sure I understand what you're saying... You are saying that if ever Israel was in danger of being defeated on the battlefield, it would be prepared to take the region and the whole world down with it?" Without the shortest of pauses for reflection, Golda replied: "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." In those days Panorama went on-air at 8 o'clock on Monday evenings. Shortly after the transmission of that interview The Times had a new lead editorial. It quoted what Golda had said to me and added its view that "We had better believe her." How, actually, would the Zionist state of Israel take at least the region down with it? It would arm its nuclear missiles, target Arab capitals, then fire the missiles. Such an End-Game to the Arab-Israeli conflict, if it happened, and which I would describe as a self-fulfilled Zionist prophesy of doom, would probably take many years to play out. But the countdown to such a catastrophe would be speeded up if, as Brzezinski put it, "neo-con policies continue to be pursued." If they are, and if Iran is attacked, I think that a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, would become unstoppable.

Is there no way to stop the madness and create a "new Middle East" worth having? Yes, of course, there is, but it requires the agenda of the neo-cons and their associates to be thrown into the dustbin of history, in order for there to be a resolution of the Palestine problem, which I describe as the cancer at the heart of international affairs. Unfortunately, and because of the facts Zionism has been allowed to create on the ground in Israel/Palestine, it's already much too late for a genuine two-state solution, one which would see Israel back behind more or less its pre-1967 borders with Jerusalem an open city and the capital of two states. The conclusion which I think is invited is this:

If the countdown to catastrophe for all is to be stopped, the only possible solution to the Palestine problem is One State for All. That would, of course, be the end of Zionism's colonial enterprise and of Zionism itself. But in my view that's what has to happen if there's to be a "new Middle East" in which there can be security and peace for all, Arabs and Jews. Ladies and gentlemen: I'm not a politician or, any more, a working journalist and broadcaster who must write and speak in way that doesn't offend very powerful vested interests. I am a reasonably well informed human being who cares and who is free to say what he really thinks. (Which probably makes me a member of a very small club!)

And in summary of all that I've said this evening, what I really think comes down to this: The equation is a very simple one: No justice for the Palestinians = no peace for any of us.

Alan Hart is a well-known Middle East scholar.

Narmada Bachao Andolan
2, Sai Nagar, Mata Chowk, Khandwa, M.P.
Jail Road, Mandleshwar, Khargone, M.P.
Tel : 0733-2228418/2911018,9425928007
Press Note : 28.02.2009
Oustees demand stoppage of Maheshwar dam in front of Environment Monitoring Committee
The oustees of Maheshwar Dam demanded immediate stoppage of Maheshwar dam in village after village during the visit of the Monitoring Committee constituted by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. The oustees told the Committee that the project authorities have completely failed to rehabilitate the oustees but the construction work is going on full pace. Therefore, as per the conditions of the clearance the dam work should be stopped.
The Monitoring Committee:
It may be stated that on 1st May 2001, the Ministry of Environment and Forest transferred the statutory clearance regarding Maheshwar Project to the Shree Maheshwar Hydel Power Corporation Limited (SMHPCL), the company building the dam. As per this clearance a Monitoring Committee was constituted to ensure that the rehabilitation work should be carried out at the same pace of concreting. The Committee headed by Mrs. Nirmala Buch visited the area on 23rd  and 24th of February,2009.
23rd February 2009:
The committee visited the Bakawa rehabilitation site and found that the R&R site does not have most of the amenities. The oustees of Villages Mardana, Nagawa and Bhatyan villages have gathered there in large numbers. They told the Committee that though the R&R Policy is one of allotment of agricultural land for land, none of the oustees has been given any agricultural land so far. Even resettlement site for the majority of the oustees is yet to be prepared. The project authorities have completely failed in preparing any comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan. As per the environmental clearance, the R&R Plan should be ready by December 2001. The oustees demanded that the construction of the dam should be stopped immediately and a comprehensive land based rehabilitation plan should be prepared and implemented.
24th February, 2009:
On 24th of February a large delegation of villagers along with senior Narmada Bachao Andolan activist Shri Alok Agarwal met the Committee. The delegation told the committee that the agricultural lands of the oustees are being illegally purchased by the SMHPCL. No one is being allotted agricultural land. As far as resettlement is concerned, the project authorities have themselves admitted that only 3% oustees have been allotted plots and rest 97% remain to be resettled. The Andolan demanded that since the conditions of the clearance have been violated, the dam work should be stopped and the authorities should be directed to prepare a comprehensive Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan.
When the committee visited the village Lepa, they were told that there is no site for half of the village and for the rest, the R&R site is incomplete. The oustees asked that first they should be given land for land and only after that any resettlement site can be built near these lands, as per the conditions of the environmental clearance. In villages Amlatha and Teliyaon oustees asked for stoppage of dam construction. The project authorities were completely embarrassed in village Teliyaon when the Monitoring Committee found the claim of the authorities that all the villagers of this village had moved out was completely baseless.
Hundreds of oustees of villages Pathrad, Sulgaon, Gogawa, Behgaon, Pitamali, Sitoka, Malgaon, Naharkhedi, Jalud, Khedi etc. also met the Monitoring Committee and demanded the immediate stoppage of construction on the dam. It may be noted that on the 18th February 2009, the M.P. High Court has already given a stay on any further dam construction which would block the river, and on the purchase of the agricultural lands of the oustees by the Company until the next date of hearing.
Bhagwan Mukati, Ramkuwar, Sanjay Nigam, Kadvijiji, Chittaroopa Palit

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MOSSAD TERROR: Confessions of a Secret Agent by "Israel Shamir"

Confessions of a Secret Agent by "Israel Shamir"

PARADISE NOW Or Confessions of a Secret Agent
(A tribute to < com/title/ tt0445620/>Hany Abu-Assad and his
By Israel Shamir
[This protocol of interrogation of General Dan Ayalon by the Reconciliation
Committee (Chairman: Mustafa Nashashibi, Deputy Chairman: Yossi Atzmon,
Secretary: Svetlana Kuznetsova), bears the date June 12, 2015, a few years
after Israel and Palestine were united in one state, the Kingdom of Canaan.
However, this confession of the last chief of the Jewish state?s security
apparatus was considered so sensitive, that its publication was delayed
until our own year 2035.]

Chairman: Tell us about suicide bombings of 1990s and 2000s. Why couldn?t
you prevent these actions?
Ayalon: I want to remind you that nothing I say can be used against me,
according to the Reconciliation Law. I intend to leave this building a free
Secretary: Yes, we all know that. Speak freely.
Ayalon: The suicide attacks did not occur due to our neglect or impotence.
To the contrary, they were our greatest achievement.
Deputy Chairman: What do you mean by achievement? Hundreds of innocent
Israelis died!
Ayalon. Remember the beginning of the 1990s? After Rabin?s electoral
victory, the West Bank and Gaza were cut off from Israel; check-posts were
set up, and the Palestinian workers were forbidden to come and work in
Israeli cities. Their places were taken by tens of thousands of guest
workers we brought in from Thailand and China. Palestinian workers could
not find an employment back home, either: their lands had been taken by
settlers and by the military. Being pushed off their lands, locked up in
their own villages and towns, the Palestinians were bound to resist. We
could not stop the Palestinian resistance completely. This was our first
presumption. We had to give in somewhere, had to channel their resistance
into some palatable form. This was presumption number two. The third was
our desire to preserve our main advantage, their relative lack of military
It takes time to train a soldier; at least half a year just for beginners.
A fighter who has survived a few battles is worth ten fresh ones. With
experience, a fighter becomes more daring and cautious. We were afraid
that, in the course of resistance, a well-trained guerrilla army would form
and challenge our hold on Palestine.
Chairman: What rot! In 1993, Arafat came back to Ramallah and Gaza with
thousands of seasoned fighters, who fought in Lebanon and Jordan.
Ayalon. Arafat?s fighters had received their salaries, and did not want to
fight. They wanted to rule whatever they were allowed to rule. They had yet
to learn their ropes around Palestine, for the country had changed a lot
since 1967, and they had had little touch with the country since then. So
Arafat?s army was of no concern to us. The people we were worried about
were the youth of First Intifada. They were daring, brave, knew their way
around the country and they were not afraid of us. We could break their
arms, as Rabin ordered, but we could not break their spirit.
Once, during a brainstorm session in my office ? it was in 1993 ? Motti,
the head of the Psy-Op section said:
- We can?t stop their attacks, but we can kill every attacker.
- How can we achieve this?
- We can create a virus of self-destruction and infect the youth
with it.
- What do you mean ? a virus?
- A system virus, like the one that assaults computers. We have the
greatest power in the world, our control over media. Through it, we shall
glorify those who die, not those who keep fighting. What I mean is: let us
promote their suicide attacks, said he.
This proposal did not make sense to me, and I said so. The ?suicide
attacks? we knew of in those days were usually carried out with
explosives-loaded cars in Lebanon. Often as not, the driver did not know
what he was driving; otherwise, he usually had a fair chance to escape. Our
<http://www.zmag. org/content/ showarticle. cfm?ItemID= 10079>two heroes of
1948 drove a lorry loaded with explosives up to Jaffa town hall; they were
prepared to die with the enemies, but the clock delay mechanism worked fine
? 30 Arabs were killed, while the heroes got away. A proper suicide attack
was usually aimed against a very serious object, something worth dying for,
like the US Marines army base in 1983. In that case, the suicide driver
died, but took with him some 250 Marines, and caused the withdrawal of
American troops from Lebanon.
- No, said Motti. ? I do not mean cars. With cars, the terrorist
may escape. We shall encourage them to tie explosives on their body.
I was not convinced at all. Where would you find such silly suicides? An
Arab can?t get close to any worthy target in Israel. He has no chance to
enter a military base, a ministry, a house of an important man. So it has
to be a low-quality target, and a high-quality fighter will die for it.
Hardly a bargain, for the resistance! But Motti had a plan:
- In order to lure them into the trap, we should allow them some success,
some good score. Afterwards, when they will get hooked, their successes
will dwindle, but we shall achieve our goal: the best and the most noble
and brave Palestinians will die.
He took out his diary, and began to draw the scheme. His idea was as
follows: through our agents within the resistance, the fighters should be
sent to blow up buses. We would know of their plans and would help them to
get through check posts. At the same time, our liaison with the media would
exaggerate our inability to deal with this threat. It would be described as
?the secret weapon of Arabs?. A good fashion designer from Tel Aviv will
create a sexy shaheed?s belt. All papers and TV stations would write about
the martyrs. They would get lots of coverage and attract young followers,
while exploits that were really dangerous for us would be covered up and
Chairman. Why did you decide to use this technique just then, in 1993, and
not before?
Ayalon. There were two reasons, but only one was discussed openly. At that
time, an Islamic underground movement took its first steps in mounting
armed resistance; the movement lacked experienced cadres but was eager to
show its hand. They were ready to try harder, and the idea of achieving
results without long training appealed to them. They also attracted more
spiritually oriented young men and women who were ready to sacrifice their
Deputy Chairman. And what was the second, hidden reason?
Ayalon. Well, none of us was fond of Yitzhak Rabin, of the left-wing Labour
party, or of the Oslo accords. We felt that if, at the same time, our plan
would derail Israeli left, and bring Likud to power, it wouldn?t be a bad
thing. And so it did!
Secretary. Had you no heart? How could you allow your enemies to kill
innocent bus passengers?
Ayalon. Gentlemen, we could not channel Palestinians? anger into sand.
Somebody had to be killed, but we had the luxury of deciding what sort of
killing would get the green light. If we did not allow them to bomb the
low-quality rabble that rides buses they would hit specific and painful
targets. Think of <http://fromoccupied palestine. org/node. php?id=495>Rehavam
Zeevi, the minister. He was shot at a hotel in Jerusalem, and his assassin
escaped. This was painful: today they kill Gandhi [Zeevi?s nickname],
tomorrow they kill the Prime Minister!
Deputy Chairman. Or even you.
Ayalon. Indeed, even me! They could go after specific targets and make our
life difficult. These targets could appear justifiable to a foreign
audience, and even to Israelis. We uncovered a plan to assassinate the
contractors who built the Wall. The names of the contractors were well
known, and we could not protect them all. Two or three successful hits and
we would have no contractor ready to build the Wall. They could target
people well-known for their cruelty. For instance, an Israeli newspaper
published an interview with
<http://arabnews. com/?page= 4&section= 0&article= 38715&d=28& m=1&y=2004>?
George?, a Shabak officer who raped the captive Lebanese, Dirani. The
newspaper gave enough hints to find the man, and there was a Palestinian
group trying to locate ?the Beast?, as the newspaper called him. Another
group planned an attack on the settler
<http://israelreport 09/22/interview- avri-ran- king-of-the- hilltops/>Avri
Ran who terrorised the peasants of Yanoun. They could take a page from our
book, and kill prominent supporters of Israel: editors, journalists,
politicians in the US and Europe. This would cool off our support base
rapidly, as our assassination of Lord Moyne in 1944, for adam karov etzel
atzmo, says the Talmud: a man cares about his own skin first of all. This
is why we gave a green light to bus bombers. Only when the pattern was
established, when every Palestinian child dreamt of suicide bomber?s glory,
did we block off the buses. After that, the suicide bombers had very little
success: markets, places frequented by dropouts, junk food stalls. Your
average suicide bomber killed 1.4 Israelis, but even this 1.4 usually were
poor, retired or other people of no importance.
Deputy Chairman. How could you say such things about your fellow-Jews!
Ayalon. In my youth, I met with Yitzhak Sade, the Haganah commander, the
hero of 1948. I asked him about the M/S Patria, a refugee ship he and his
men sank in Haifa harbour killing 250 Jews. Had he no pangs of conscience?
He told me: sometimes, you have to sacrifice Jews, so the Jewish People
will live forever. But we tried to spare Jews. For instance, one of our
well-planned operations was aimed against the Russians. It was very
successful: the victims were mainly non-Jewish Russian immigrants who went
to desecrate Sabbath in a seashore disco; but this explosion helped to
bring the Russian community closer to us. Before this event, they felt
little solidarity with Israel. Moreover, we organised the German Foreign
Minister, Yoshka Fischer?s stay in an hotel and a room overlooking the
disco. This was not easy: no high officials ever stayed in this hotel ?
rather too far from Central Tel Aviv. But our people convinced him that it
was newer and more comfortable. He stayed, practically witnessed the blast
himself, and became devoted to the Jewish cause.
Chairman. How could you direct the bomber to this specific place?
Ayalon. In this case, the bomber was on our payroll, and he had no idea
that his suitcase contained explosives. He was taken to the place by one of
our agents, and was told to deliver the case to the manager of the disco.
In other cases, our agents within the resistance directed the bombers. In
any case, the bombers did not understand Israeli society: thus, a young
promising student from Nablus killed himself in the Carmel Market of Tel
Aviv. He thought that in Tel Aviv, like in Nablus, everybody goes to the
market stalls. As a matter of fact, he killed two retired men and a Chinese
guest worker, while wasting himself. Thus, it was not a 100% fool-proof
operation ? some bombers exploded where we did not want them to, but even
they were not about to strike again. They would always die ? and that was
the best part of the plan.
Just think what they could do otherwise! Do you remember the lone sniper of
<http://www.israelsh English/Battle. htm>Wadi Haramiyeh, who shot
and killed 10 of our soldiers? His main advantage was that he acted alone,
so none of our agents could inform us beforehand. He did not try to die ?
he tried to kill. If there were more such fighters, our rule would collapse.
Secretary. But the suicides were not only in Palestine, but in Iraq and
elsewhere! Would you claim this was also your achievement?

Ayalon. No, and that was the best part of it. After we established the
pattern, people would copycat it. Actually, people always copycat every
well-advertised deed. As in those years we had strong influence on the
world media (owned a big part of it, as well), we could make PR for
whatever we want. If we had given full coverage to the sniper of Wadi
Haramyeh, the next day there would be hundreds of youths trying to repeat
his deed. That is why we blotted his name. But suicide operations would
always get full coverage. Amusingly, this invention of ours became a Muslim
trademark, though prior to 1993 no Muslim had ever participated in one. In
order to hide this fact, our people in the media and our experts in the
Academy muddled the issue by referring to heretic Assassins and to Lebanese
car-bombers, though these terrorists had a chance to escape and survive.
They also attacked big and important targets. We invented the only
sure-fire method to kill the best Palestinian and Muslim youth for a small
price ? by inflicting them with our media-borne virus of self-destruction.
Chairman: the commission will retire for discussion. Please wait here. (a
few minutes later). We thank you, General, for your frankness. You
appreciate that so many fine young men and women, the best youth of
Palestine, died in this horrible and quite useless way. The discovery that
it was your trick would ruin lives of their proud parents. Moreover, you
presented no proof for your version of events: it could be a play of your
imagination. It is better for everybody to let the dead heroes sleep
undisturbed. In accordance with article 12b of Reconciliation Law I declare
this subject closed and sealed from public eyes for 50 years. com/title/ tt0445620/
[Paradise Now, a film by Hany Abu Assad about suicide bombers]

Selling nuclear power to the Royals
“Radioactive Royals” Welcome Nuclear Greenwash Brigade to the Palace
Anti-nuclear power campaigners dressed as “Radioactive Royals and nuclear guards” protested in front of Buckingham Palace on Thursday, 5 February as nuclear industry bigwigs were wined and dined by the Duke of York, Prince Andrew.
What a great picture, seeing this huge banner at the gates of Buckinham

Hundreds of tourists, visiting the Palace for the Changing of the Guard, were amused to see “nuclear guards” taking their place at the gates. They held up a large banner reading “Nuclear Power is Not the Answer to Climate Chaos!” and a placard reading “Royal Nuclear Family? No Thanks!”, drawing attention to the fact that Prince Andrew, the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, was hosting a gala lunch at the Palace for the nuclear industry, presumably to plot how best to promote their toxic greenwash agenda at home and abroad.
In other news:
After having publish the report from Europe , “Increased cancer around nuclear power plants” More and more findings emerge
In Closing Indian Point a public-health issue.. Please
Thyroid cancer increase  according to the CDC
• February 19, 2009
Thyroid cancer rates in Orange , Putnam, Rockland , and Westchester counties are among the highest in the U.S. , according to the CDC.
Cancer questions grow around Fermi nuclear plant
State health report shows 31 percent increase in cancer rate among young people in Monroe County since 1996
 By Eartha Jane Melzer 2/17/09 7:44 AM

Fermi nuclear power plant, Monroe Mich. (Photo: mandj98 via
The cancer rate among people under the age of 25 in Monroe County rose at more than three times the rate of the rest of the state between 1996 and 2005, according to a report generated by the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). Between 1996 and 2000, the average rate of cancer cases for this group was 18.5 cases per 100,000 people; between 2001 and 2005, the rate grew to 24.3 per 100,000. Between 1996 and 2000 the statewide rate of cancer for this group was 20.2 per 100,000; between 2001 and 2005, the rate was 21.9.
Doctor to speak on dangers of nuclear power
By BOB AUDETTE, Reformer Staff


Thursday, February 19
BRATTLEBORO -- A German pediatrician who has traveled the world informing the public of what he sees are the dangers of nuclear power will be in Brattleboro on Feb. 25 and in Bellows Falls on Feb. 26 as part of a statewide lecture tour.
Dr. Winfrid Eisenberg will discuss recent reports on the increased incidence of cancer in children living near nuclear installations and the health consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
Eisenberg -- who speaks on the hazards of nuclear energy for children, nuclear disarmament and implications for human rights -- has participated in many public forums raising the awareness of the risks associated with the use of nuclear energy.
His talk, "Is Nuclear Power Dangerous to Health?"
Read the whole story
And on and on it goes !!!  So much for the industry calling Dr.Mangano’s book  “Radioactive Baby teeth , the Cancer link “  Junk Science. They have no shame.
What a hoot !! if all else fails, make it a Beauty Contest.
Russia's Nuclear Bombshells
Female employees from Russia 's nuclear energy industry are competing for the Miss Atom 2009 title this month. The event's sponsors hope the beauty pageant will help dispel the industry's negative image. Imagine, if you will, a bikini clad beauty queen strutting out of lake, with giant cooling towers belonging to a nuclear power facility dominating the background. Odd perhaps? Not, apparently, in Russia . There, women working in the country's nuclear industry compete for the annual title of Miss Atom.,1518,608703,00.htm

Recession clouds the Great Indian Dream of US degree
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Saritha Rai
Posted: Mar 02, 2009 at 0940 hrs IST

Bangalore “Go skiing in the morning and scuba diving in the evening... Be sure to pack your fancy clothes for the parties!”
If you thought this was marketing spiel for a luxe vacation spot, you couldn’t be farther from the truth. On a sunny February afternoon recently, this was Sudha Kumar, a recruitment coordinator in India for the University of Southern California (USC), hardselling the charms of the top-ranking school in downtown Los Angeles to a conference room packed with engineering students at Bangalore’s leading PES Institute of Technology.

Although more Indian students go to USC than any other college in the US, in these days of a global economic slump, the affable, helpful Kumar has her job cut out.

The US has been the study destination of choice for Indian students with close to 100,000 of them headed there last year. For long, an American degree followed by a job in the US has been the focal point of many a middle-class Indian dream, a dream that has been alternately termed ‘brain gain’ in the US and ‘brain drain’ here.

But, as the deadline for this year’s fall admissions approach, things look uncertain for thousands of bright Indian students coveting a US engineering degree or an MBA.

A brutal US job market, rising cost of education because of the declining rupee, and the drying up of student loans by banks and financial aid by US universities is making many Indian graduates, including those from PESIT, skip the visa lines at the American embassy this year.

That particular afternoon, though, the students hung on to every word as Kumar attempted to get them acquainted with American university culture. “Just because your professor insists you call him Bob, that does not mean will he cut you slack on your homework submission,” warned Kumar.

“Bring lots of underwear,” she advised, “the schedule is so demanding you may not have time to do laundry.” Then she added a lighter note, “You may feel at home because LA, like Bangalore, has its share of traffic problems.”

Despite the interest levels in Kumar’s hour-long talk spiced with handy tips, the questions at the end of the session were revealing.

Does USC offer scholarships, a student wanted to know. None for the master’s programs, was Kumar’s answer. Are the fees affordable, another asked. USC is an expensive school, she admitted. How will the recession affect the job market, queried a third. The market for USC graduates is still looking good, she said.

The session did nothing to ease the anxieties of 21-year old Mayank Goyal. He worried about getting a bank loan to study in the US, and about not landing a job immediately after getting the masters degree.

“I cannot get my father to finance me in this uncertainty,” said Goyal, who has another year to go before he finishes his telecommunications engineering degree. His father runs a dry fruits business.

The anxiety is pervasive. Siddhanth Dhodhi, 21, also from the same college, has applied for admission to the USC and 11 other North American colleges. His father, a senior manager with Toyota Motor in Dubai, has promised him full financial backing.

Dhodhi has just received an admission letter from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The Masters in engineering there will take over a year and cost $53,000. This is where Dhodhi finds himself faltering. “What is the guarantee that the recession will be over by the time I finish? Is it worth the risk?” he asks.

His batchmate Kiran Sajjanshetty, 21, a university topper with a GRE score of 1,400 (that would get her admission into the best US schools), has applied to five top-tier American universities.

Her dream college, Carnegie Mellon at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has offered her a seat but no funding. She has two more months to cough up the requisite $60,000 to cover her tuition and expenses. Her parents cannot afford it, Sajjanshetty said. And unless she shows the entire sum in her bank account, she will not get a US visa.

Many of Sajjanshetty’s friends have stopped applying for overseas admissions altogether. Those who have completed their overseas degrees — like a senior who has just finished her Masters at the University of Manchester — are returning home because they have not landed jobs.

Stories like these have unnerved this year’s aspirants. “Everybody is rattled,” said Sajjanshetty. “They are modifying their plans”.

Those who have jobs on hand are hesitating to leap into the uncertain world of studying overseas, said Sandesh Jayant, a computer science professor at PESIT’s sister college.

Sajjanshetty is confident that the economic downturn will not affect her future: she wants to get into research in robotics and artificial intelligence in the US and feels that this will not be impacted by the vagaries of the recessionary job market.

But she is preparing for the worst. She has written to Carnegie Mellon asking them to defer her admission until next year. If none of the other colleges grant her financial assistance, she plans to do research for a year at her college before trying her luck again.

USC coordinator Kumar, meanwhile, has an update on applications for USC’s fall admissions. The numbers are substantially up compared with last year. That’s not surprising, because US college enrolment is known to spike during recessionary years.

However, she suspects that many students like Dhodhi and Sajjanshetty will keep their options open till the very last day. “What will finally count is the conversion from application to admission,” says Kumar.



Over 550 posts vacant in IPS, Govt blames NDA 'neglect'
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Raghvendra Rao
Posted: Mar 02, 2009 at 1215 hrs IST

New Delhi The Indian Police Service (IPS) is 557 officers short of its sanctioned strength, the government has revealed. Fifty-six per cent of these vacancies — 314 officers — are in the direct recruitment quota, show figures updated till January 1, 2009.
“How did this situation come about? It is a story of neglect between 1998 and 2004, but I shall share the story with you on another occasion,” Home Minister P. Chidambaram said, making the revelation two days ago.

Chidambaram also announced the appointment of retired IPS officer Kamal Kumar, a former director of the National Police Academy, to draw up, by May 31, a recruitment plan based on an assessment of India’s policing needs between 2009 and 2020.

Though the home minister gave no details, it now emerges that the NDA government approved the recruitment of only 36 IPS officers per year for four years starting 1998, going against an earlier projection of 85 appointments every year. This alone created a shortfall of 196 officers over four years.

Home ministry officials said the reason given for changing the earlier decision was that an increase in the number of ‘promotion’ posts had resulted in a reduction in the number of direct recruitment posts ¿ and that the gap in the direct recruitment quota had disappeared.

According to these officials, 98, 100, 96 and 84 IPS officers were recruited in the four years between 1994 and 1997. It was decided then that 85 vacancies would be filled every year for the next five years.

However, the government of day arrived at 36 as the number of annual recruitments by a formula described as ‘1.5 per cent of authorised direct recruitment quota’.

The UPA government now believes that the calculation of vacancies created by reasons like retirement was sketchy and, prima facie, erroneous. Also, no attempt was made to factor in expansion of police forces including the central paramilitary forces and central police organisations.

In 2002, the number of annual IPS recruitments was revised to 80. However, an objection by the UPSC ensured that only 56 new posts were approved.

In January 2003, the IPS was 190 officers short of the sanctioned strength of 2,477 in the direct recruitment quota. Sixty officers were estimated to retire in 2003. Sources said that applying the 1.5 per cent formula, the number to be recruited was 97. Still, for some reason, the number for 2003 and 2004 was fixed at 88, said sources.

By 2005, the recruitment gap in the IPS had risen to 619, 357 of which were direct recruitment posts. It was at this point that it was belatedly realised that only 36 officers had been recruited “following a court order” between 1998 and 2001. Another factor identified for the shortfall, home ministry officials said, was the increase in cadre strength following cadre reviews during 2002-04, when 268 posts were added.

Following this, the number was revised to 103 for 2006 and 2007 by the then Home Minister Shivraj Patil. However, the deficit in the direct recruitment quota still stood at 325 officers, so the number was upped further to 130 for 2008, 2009 and 2010.

As of January 1, 2009, India has 3,332 IPS officers against a sanctioned strength of 3,889 through both direct recruitment and promotion. Vacancies at the SP level and above in the Intelligence Bureau, which are to be filled by IPS officers, have risen to 88. Twenty-seven such posts are vacant in CBI. Vacancies in IB, given the thrust on improving the overall intelligence network following the Mumbai terror attacks, are now under sharp scrutiny.

Significantly, most vacancies in IB and CBI are at the levels of SP and SSP, regarded as the cutting edge of Indian police. The IB has 58 vacancies at SP and SSP levels out of a sanctioned strength of 82; in the CBI, 13 out of a sanctioned 49 posts are vacant at the same levels.

The appointment of Kamal Kumar to assess the requirement of officers over the next 10 years is a direct result of the alarm bells that have now begun to ring in North Block.

Indian auto industry defies global slowdown

2 Mar 2009, 1946 hrs IST, ET Bureau

KOLKATA: Passenger car sales numbers for February 2009 appear to have bucked all slowdown trends. Data released by Maruti Suzuki (MSIL), Hyundai 
Motors India (HMIL) and Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) depict a quantum leap on both exports and domestic sales fronts during February 2009.

While MSIL achieved its highest-ever domestic sales and exports in any single month, Hyundai recorded a 45.3% growth in domestic sales. M&M saw its growth numbers touch 21.6%.

In February 2009, MSIL sold 70,625 vehicles in the domestic market, which was up 19.1% over the earlier corresponding period. The previous highest monthly domestic sales were 67,005 units, recorded during January 2009.

“Led by A-star in February 2009, MSIL exported 8,565 units. This is higher than the previous highest export sales of 8,282 units recorded in March 2004. This month, the company also outstripped the cumulative export sales recorded during fiscal 2008-09,” said an MSIL official.

In all, the company sold 79,190 vehicles in February 2009. This was up 24.1% over the corresponding month last fiscal. The previous highest total sales was registered in January 2009 at 71,779 units.

“Growth has been fuelled by factors including an increase in liquidity after the stimulus packages, cut in interest rates and excise as well a softening of fuel prices.

Additionally, MSIL's strategies including a thrust on rural India and focus on government employees have helped sales figure. We registered a positive growth figure during January, hence it can be assumed that there is a growth that may stay,” said Mr Mayank, Pareekh, executive officer – marketing and sales.

In February 2009, HMIL registered a 45.3% growth in domestic sales. While cumulative sales increased by 31.9% over February, 2008 and exports by 18.3%. HMIL’s total sales for February, 2009 stood at 38,254 units against 29,001 units of February, 2008.

Domestic market for HMIL accounted for 21,215 units (14,600 units) while exports totaled 17,039 units in February, 2009, against 14,401 units of February, 2008.

But Mr Arvind Saxena, senior vice president (marketing & sales), HMIL, has a different take. “While January 2009 sales growth for both industry and HMIL was negative, February 2009 sales saw a slight upturn with double-digit growth for the industry.

But the overall market situation continues to be challenging and not much should be read into the February growth since last year during February the budget was to be announced and a substantial amount of sales were deferred till March. We expect a fairly flat sales growth curve for the industry for the quarter ending March, 2009”.

“Our sales figures this month have been bolstered by impressive numbers for all M&M products, which registered a 21.6% growth. The XYLO, which launched in January 2009, is doing especially well with sales of 2287 units in February 2009,” said Mr Rajesh Jejurikar, chief of operations (automotive sector) at M&M.

M&M's total volumes in the auto sector (including joint ventures) for February 2009 stood at 19594 units (18379 units). The company sold a total of 19894 vehicles during the month against 19674 vehicles in the previous corresponding period. M&M exported 300 units in February 2009, as against 1295 units exported in February 2008

AIG enters record books with $61.7 billion loss

2 Mar 2009, 1900 hrs IST, REUTERS
NEW YORK: American International Group Inc posted a $61.7 billion fourth-quarter loss -- the biggest quarterly loss in corporate history -- after Financial crisis
Competitive economies
Ghosts of 1929
US mortgage crisis
reaching a revised rescue deal with the US government that wards off for now the prospect of crippling credit rating downgrades.

The massive quarterly loss, equal to $22.95 a share, was AIG's fifth in a row, bringing the total loss over that period to more than $100 billion.

The US Treasury and Federal Reserve said AIG had posed a systemic risk requiring government action to prevent its problems from damaging the entire financial system.

AIG, the recipient of $150 billion in taxpayer aid last year, will get access to an additional $30 billion under the government's revised plan announced on Monday.

It also got more lenient terms on existing financing and will be able to significantly pay down an outstanding credit facility in a swap that will give the government a preferred-share stake in two life insurance businesses.

AIG also announced plans to spin off part of its property-casualty business, to be renamed AIU Holdings.

Holding Zionism To Account by Alan Hart
Posted on November 6, 2007 by dandelionsalad


According to a widely quoted Reuters report, you are “so anxious not to repeat mistakes of past Middle East peace-making” that you sought the advice of, among others, former President Jimmy Carter. (The others included, apparently, former President Bill Clinton and three of your predecessors – Henry Kissinger, James Baker and Madeleine Albright).

Your spokesman, Sean McCormack, was quoted as saying: “She’s trying to draw on the historical record and the experience of others to see what she can glean and how far that may be applicable to the current day… She is a student of history and has a keen appreciation for how we can apply the lessons of history, what we can learn from those who have gone before us.”

Apparently you’ve also been “scouring historical records for pointers”.

And, most impressive of all, you’ve made it clear that you will devote all of your energy in the Bush administration’s final 14 months “to get what others have failed to attain in the past – a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side with a secure Israel.”

Secretary of State, in principle it really IS do-able, it’s the practise that’s the problem, and I’ll come to that in a moment.

I am presuming to offer you some advice because, although I say it myself, I know the Middle East at least as well and perhaps even better than any of those (the named ones) you have consulted on your side of the water. In my television reporting and early book-writing days, for example, I enjoyed, uniquely, initimate access to, and on the human level friendship with, the two greatest opposite in all of human history, Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. One way and another I have been engaged with the conflict in and over Palestine, and why a resolution of it has remained beyond the reach of politics and diplomacy, for slightly more than four decades. (The Gentile me first went to Israel as a 23 year-old ITN reporter in 1965).

The problem with the “historical record” - I mean the first and still existing draft of Judeo-Christian history - is that it’s mostly nonsense. Propaganda nonsense. Zionist propaganda nonsense. At its core are two myths.

One is that the Zionist state of Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, the “driving into the sea” of its Jews. The truth of history is that Israel’s existence has never, ever, been in danger. Not in 19448/49. Not in 1956. Not in 1967. And not even in 1973. Zionism’s assertion to the contrary was the cover which allowed Israel to get away where it mattered most, America and Western Europe, with presenting its aggression as self-defence and itself as the victim when it was, and is, the oppressor.

The other is that Israel has not had a Palestinian partner for peace. The truth of history on this account is that the ground for peace on the Palestinian side was prepared by Yasser Arafat as far back as 1979 – more than a quarter of a century ago. In that year, 1979, Arafat persuaded the Palestine National Council, the highest decision-making body on the Palestinian side, to back his policy of politics and (until then) unthinkable compromise with Israel.

As I recorded in my book Arafat (the title of the American edition, the original title was Arafat, Terrorist or Peacemaker?), it took him six long years to persuade first his Fatah leadership colleagues and then other PNC members to accept the reality of Israel’s existence. When the vote was eventually taken, in 1979, it was 296 for his policy of politics and compromise and four against. Arafat, who had risked his life as well as his credibility to turn his people around, was then at the height of his powers; and from that moment on, and as President Carter knew, there could have been successful negotiations for a real and lasting peace based on a genuine two-state solution - Israel back behind its pre-1967 borders with Jerusalem, preferably as an open city, the capital of two states.

The problem was that Arafat did not have a partner for peace on the Israeli side - because Zionism was not, and is not, interested in peace on any terms the vast majority of Palestinians and other Arabs and most Muslims everywhere could accept. It’s true that in 1993, and thanks in part to President Clinton’s stage management and pulling power, Arafat did have a “perhaps” Israeli partner for peace in the shape of Yitzhak Rabin, but he was assassinated by a gut-Zionist. And Rabin was succeeded by Israeli leaders whose prime objective was to re-demonise and destroy the Palestinian leader. Arafat the terrorist they could handle. Arafat the peacemaker they could not. (Didn’t Barak offer Arafat “95 percent” of everything he had said he wanted? No, he did not! That, too, is a propaganda lie).

One of the few Westerners - they could be counted on the fingers of two hands - who understood that by the end of 1979 Arafat had prepared the ground on his side for peace on terms which any rational government and people in Israel would have accepted with relief, was Brian (now Sir Brian and long-retired) Urquhart. In my view he was in his working life one of the the greatest Englishmen of his time. In 1979 he was Under-Secretary-General of the UN, and in that capacity he was, effectively, the world’s number one trouble-shooter and hands-on crisis manager. He knew the Middle East better than anybody else and he was respected by leaders in the East as well as the West, and by Israelis as well Arabs.

Urquhart told me of the message Arafat had asked him to give to Israel’s leaders when Sharon, then Prime Minister Begin’s defence minister, was preparing to invade Lebanon to exterminate Arafat and all of his PLO leadership colleagues. Arafat said to Urquhart: “Please tell these stupid people in Jerusalem that they will be sorry when I am go. I am the only one who can deliver the compromise to make peace.” To me, and as quoted in my book on Arafat, Urquhart said: “It’s tragic. Arafat was speaking nothng less than the truth. From the beginning he has been the only Palestinian leader who could talk about dealing with Israel and not be killed the next day for saying so.” Subsequently Urquhart said to me that he feared it would only be when Arafat was dead that Israelis would realise how much they had needed him for peace.

Secretary of State, if you really want the best advice, you should talk to Urquhart.

And if you really want to come to grips with the truth of history in order to formulate a real policy for peace, I suggest you read my latest book, Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. It’s epic in length (two volumes) as well as sweep and substance because I’ve re-written the whole history of the making and sustaining of what used to be called the Arab-Israeli conflict, replacing Zionist mythology with the documented facts and truth of history. Though it’s available from Amazon, it’s not yet published in America because all American publishers are too terrified of totally offending Zionism to take it on. I should stress that it’s the opposite of anti-Semitic. It’s my Gentile call for the Jews to become the light unto nations by demonstrating that right can triumph over might, and that there is a place for morality in politics.. The key to understanding is knowledge of the difference between Judaism and Zionism - why they are total opposites: and thus why it is (a) perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist (opposed to Zionism’s colonial enterprise) without being in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic; and (b) why it is wrong to blame all Jews for the crimes of the hardcore Zionist few.

Now to the principle of real peace-making. Often on public speaking platforms I put it this way:

If the President of America had a magic wand, and if he could wave it overnight to get Israel back behind its borders as they were on the eve of the 1967 war, with Jerusalem and open city and the capital of two states, he would have (with one wave of the wand) the thanks, respect, friendship and support of not less than 95%, and probably 99%, of all Arabs and Muslims everywhere.

In other words, with one wave of the magic wand to end Israel’s occupation of Arab land grabbed in 1967, the President and you as his Secretary of State would go down in history as the greatest of all peacemakers; and you would undo all the damage that’s been done to America’s standing in the world by neo-con driven policies including support for Israel right or wrong. And, the bonus, you would make winning “the war against global terrorism” by political means a mission possible.

The question is: What can the President do without a magic wand?

Short answer: He could use the leverage he has to require Israel to end its occupation in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 242 and international law. (I am aware that President Bush promised Prime Minister Sharon that Israel could keep the main settlements it has established on the occupied West Bank, but it was a promise the President should not have made and was, is, without legal authority of any kind. On this the President would have to come clean and say, “I made a mistake and I am now correcting it.”)

The truth of the matter, or so it seems to me, is that in his last 14 months in the White House, President Bush is well placed to be the first American President to call and hold Zionism to account – because he can’t run for office again and so doesn’t need Zionist lobby support in the form of campaign funds and votes. Simply stated, he now has 14 months of freedom to do what is right and best for America’s real interests. (And also those of the Jews of the world).

Secretary of State, I am aware that right now the Mother and Father of all political battles is going on behind closed doors in Washington DC – to determine whether or not Vice-President Cheney and his neo-con-and-Zionist associates will continue to call the policy shots. If he and they do, I think it’s highly likely that two things will happen. Iran will be bombed by America or Israel (probably in February, March or April) triggering catstrophe, possibly even a nuclear one, for all; and Israel, after it has failed to impose its will on the Palestinians (they won’t accept crumbs from Zionism’s table in the shape of two or three bantustans) will be given the greenlight to go for a final round of ethnic cleansing. (The full horror of the first round is now fully documented by Professor Ilan Pappe, Israel’s leading “revisionist” historian, in his latest book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine).

It’s my understanding that Defence Secretary Gates is quietly leading the campaign to stop the madness Cheney and his associates represent. Once upon a time you, Secretary Rice, had great influence on President Bush. You were subsequently sidelined to a very large extent by Cheney and Zionism’s watchers in the White House and your own department. But what of today? I have the impression that your seven visits to Israel/Palestine have led you to the conclusion (of course you can’t say so in public) that the Zionist state of Israel is the obstacle to peace.

If my impression is correct (and, of course, I could be wrong), it’s my hope that you’ll now use your influence to tip the balance of power in Washington DC in favour of those on the side of justice and peace and sanity.

Yours sincerely,

Alan Hart

Alan Hart, author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews

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    New Tamil Muslim party

    Madras: Manithaneya Makkal Katchi (Humanitarian People’s Party), a powerful new political party of the Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam, was launched on Feb.7, 2009. Most of the office-bearers are drawn from the TMMK headed by Dr. M.H. Jawahirullah, a member of the DV family and a professor attached to a college in Vaniambadi. Inaugural meeting was attended by over 20,000 men.

    “Caste identity” & Mahar movement


    Bangalore: It may come as a surprise to many that the historic Dalit revolution led by Babasaheb Ambedkar began as a Mahar movement.

    This is revealed in the American scholar, Ms. Eleanor Zelliot’s book, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & the Untouchable Movement (2004, pp.300, Rs. 250, Blumoon Books, S-201, Essel Mansion, 2286-87, Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110 005). It was her 1969 PhD thesis but published only in 2004.

    In the preface ( to the book the distinguished American professor says:

    “My focus on caste from which Dr. Ambedkar emerged was strictly an effort to discover the rots of his movement.”

    The roots lie in Babasaheb’s jati, Mahar, the single largest Untouchable caste group of Maharashtra.

    Mahars supported all subcastes: The point, however, to be noted is though Babasaheb, a born Mahar, loved his jati, he did not hate other Untouchable castes. Rather his Mahar movement later enveloped all the Untouchables and subsequently transformed into an all-India Dalit movement. In other words Babasaheb started the Mahar movement to strengthen the identity of his Mahar jati and consolidate them as a caste of which he was proud and also intensely loved.

    Though we read the book in November 2004 itself, we were hesitating to write on this. We may be wrong but perhaps Sister Eleanor also did not publish her thesis for 35 long years for the same reason that the Mahars may get offended when told what Babasaheb initially led was a movement of his own caste.

    We too would have kept silent on this had not Dr. Anand Teltumbde, a relative of Babasaheb (grandson) and whom we hold as an honest intellectual, was critical of our “caste identity” thesis.

    Greatness of Mahars: In her book, which was her PhD thesis, she pays high tributes to the greatness of the Mahar movement and says no other Dalit caste can surpass it. Babasaheb was the central figure of this Mahar movement in the 1920s. “Mahar caste produced Babasaheb Ambedkar and followed him most closely” (p.7).

    Born fighters: The Mahar caste form 9% of the population and gained a lot by the coming of British. They are found in every district of Maharashtra, second in size only to the ruling Marathas.

    The Mahar recruitment to British army was the single biggest cause for the uplift of the Mahars and the inspiration for the Mahar movement. A military movement at Koregaon, near Pune, depicts the legend of Mahar heroism.

    Mahars are born fighters against Brahmins and the Koregaon pillar commemorates the Mahar, she says.

    Dr. Ambedkar came on the public scene in the 1920s and became a public spokesman for the Untouchables and ultimately emerged as the unquestioned leader of Untouchables — attending and organising Mahar conferences.

    “Although he is known as a Mahar leader, he attempted to include all untouchable castes in his movement”, she says (Ibid p.70).

    DV April 1, 2008 p.20: “Madigas support caste identity”.

    DV Edit March 1, 2004 : “Maratha-vaidik blood feud sparks attack on BORI: Shiva Dharma stress on caste identity”

    DV Dec.16, 2004 p.7: “Caste identity & Kanchi swami”,.

    DV Sept.16, 2004 p.5: “Chamars became slaves when they lost their caste identity”.

    DV Jan.16, 2002 p.23: “Caste identity comes to Karnataka”.


    40% child marriages

    New Delhi: Forty per cent of the world’s child marriages take place in India, resulting in a vicious cycle of gender discrimination, illiteracy and high infant and maternal mortality rates. According to the UNICEF’s latest “State of the world’s children-2009” report, discrimination on the basis of gender has a direct impact on maternal health. It can deny girls and women access to education, prevent them from receiving or seeking adequate health care and bar them from making critical decisions that can affect their health and that of the new-born.

    —(Hindu, Jan.18, 2009)


    Indian cities dying

    India’s urban population is expected to double over the next two decades, to 575 m, yet its cities are already chocking. Bombay, South Asia’s biggest city, has 17m inhabitants, half of whom live in slums. The city’s rail network is overloaded and its roads are clogged up. According to the world Bank, 9% of potential industrial output in India is lost to power cuts. Some 600m Indians have no mains electricity at all. India’s 3.3 km road network is the world’s second-biggest, but most of it is pitiful. Its prize national highways — a vaunted infrastructure success of the previous government — account for only 2% of the total, and only 12% of them or 8,000 km, are dual carriageways. But the end of 2007 China had some 53,600 km of highways with four lanes or more. India’s urban roads are chocked.

    —(Economist, Dec.13, 2008)


    Shame on Indian scientists

    Bangalore: Defence Minister A.K. Antony on Feb.9 regretted that the country is still dependent on foreign vendors for 70% of its defence requirements, despite claiming to have the world’s fourth largest scientific community. At the inaugural address of the Aero India 2009 International Seminar here, he said, “though India is among the few nations that possess the capacity to develop, test, manufacture and operate aircraft, it is far behind in realising the dream.

    —(Deccan Herald, Feb.10, 2009)


    Behind Pakistan in missiles

    New Delhi: With active help from China and North Korea, Pakistan has surged well ahead of India in the missile arena. The only nuclear-capable ballistic missile in India’s arsenal which can be said to be 100% operational as of now is the short-range Prithvi missile. Though the 700-km Agni-I and 2,000-kmplus Agni-II ballistic missiles are being “inducted” into the armed forces, it will take “some time” for them to become fully operational in the numbers required.”

    —(Times of India, Feb.2, 2009)


    TITLE................................................................. author............................................ Price in Rs.

    1. VTR : Friend, Philosopher & Guide....... Iqbal Ahmed Shariff............................. 100

    2. Caste — A Nation Within the Nation......V.T. Rajshekar.................................. 140

    3. Jati — Rashtradolagondu Rashtra (Kannada)......V.T. Rajshekar.................................. 140

    4. Jati — Rashtrake Andar Ek Rashtra (Hindi).....V.T. Rajshekar.................................. 140

    5. Dalit — The Black Untouchables of India (US publication).....V.T. Rajshekar............... 150

    6. know the Hindu Mind.............. V.T. Rajshekar.................................. 100

    7. Tereya Teredaga (Kannada)......... Rajendra........................................... 100

    8. Gandhi — You Do not Know (Collection of articles)................. 75

    9. Ready Reference to Revolutionaries...... V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 75

    10. Development Redefined............ V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 75

    11. Brahminism: Weapons to Fight Counter Revolution...... V.T. Rajshekar............... 75

    12. Shape of the Things to Come......... V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 50

    13. Aggression on Indian Culture.................. V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 50

    14. India’s Intellectual Desert............ V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 50

    15. Grave Diggers of History................. V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 40

    16. Merit, My Foot....................... V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 30

    17. Dalits & Muslims as Blood Brothers......... S.K. Biswas....................................... 30

    18. Hindu Mind vs. Muslim Mind........ V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 25

    19. Introducing V.T. Rajshekar & Dalit Voice......... Interview......................................... 25

    20. Hindu Serpent vs. Muslim Mongoose................. V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 25

    21. Brahminism in India & Zionism in West............... V.T. Rajshekar.................................... 25

    22. Judicial Terrorism............... V.T. Rajshekar &Iqbal Ahmed Sharif................. 25

    23. Sergeant-Major M.K. Gandhi..................... Velu Annamalai................................... 20

    24. Muslims Can Destroy Brahminism................. Sufi Nazir Ahmed Kashmiri......................... 10

    25. Caste Identity & Social Justice......................... Dr.V.D. Chandanshive.............................. 10

    26. Curse of Allah (Articles on the Spirit of Islam).............. 10

    27. Riddle of Rama & Krishna..................... Dr.B.R. Ambedkar................ 10

    28. Brahminism Killing India: Zionism Killing West......... V.T. Rajshekar.............. 5

    29. What is Wrong with Muslims?................. V.T. Rajshekar..................... 5

    30. Jews of India Getting Closer to Jews............. V.T. Rajshekar................. 5

    31. Crisis in Dalit Movement.................................. V.T. Rajshekar................. 5

    32. How America Got Defeated in War on Terror................ V.T. Rajshekar......................... 5

    33. Liberation from Brahminism............................... Joseph D’Souza.......................... 5

    34. In Defence of Brahmins.......................... V.T. Rajshekar.................. 5

    35. West Losing War on Muslims......................... V.T. Rajshekar...................... 5



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      "Testimonials of Illuminati and Zionist influence in Present Day America" Last edited on Fri, Dec 26, 2008. Norman Dodd, Paul Findley and Alan Hart present ... - 50k - Cached - Similar pages -

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      Cutback on outsourcing will only hit US: India Inc

      Times of India - ‎Feb 25, 2009‎

      BANGALORE: India Inc has expressed concern over US President Barack Obama's plans to clamp down on the outsourcing industry. Such a legislation will clearly ...

      India Inc press for rate cuts as growth slows - ‎Feb 27, 2009‎

      Indian economy grew at the slowest pace this fiscal, by 5.3 per cent in the third quarter, pulled down by contraction in manufacturing and farm production. ...

      Easing interest rates may stimulate demand and curtail cost

      Economic Times - ‎15 hours ago‎

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      India Inc's M&A value dips 53% in 4 yrs - ‎Feb 23, 2009‎

      PTI The blood bath in the stock market has pulled down the current market valuation of corporate India's mergers and acquisitions by a whopping $24.04 ...

      India Inc's investment in group cos rises 60.3%

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      India dusts off free-trade banner

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      Obama may not rock BPO sector, feels India Inc.

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      India Inc agrees to cut prices

      Business Standard - ‎Feb 24, 2009‎

      A senior executive from India's largest CV maker Tata Motors said, "We welcome this move of a 2 per cent cut on excise duty on commercial vehicles. ...

      India Inc welcomes duty cuts, says it will boost demand

      Economic Times - ‎Feb 24, 2009‎

      24 Feb 2009, 1940 hrs IST, PTI NEW DELHI: India Inc Tuesday welcomed the government's decision to reduce excise and service tax by 2 percent besides ...

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